Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World

by Greg Critser

Paper Book, 2003



Call number



Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2003), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 240 pages


Fat land highlights the groundbreaking research that implicates cheap fats and sugars as the alarming new metabolic factor making our calories stick and shows how and why children are too often the chief metabolic victims of such foods. No one else writing on fat America takes as hard a line as Critser on the institutionalized lies we've been telling ourselves about how much we can eat and how little we can exercise. His expose of the Los Angeles schools' opening of the nutritional floodgates in the lunchroom and his examination of the political and cultural forces that have set the bar on American fitness low and then lower, are both discerning reporting and impassioned wake-up calls. Disarmingly funny, Fat land leaves no diet book - including Dr. Atkins's - unturned. Fashions, both leisure and street, and American-style religion are subject to Critser's gimlet eye as well. Memorably, Fat land takes on baby-boomer parenting shibboleths - that young children won't eat past the point of being full and that the dinner table isn't the place to talk about food rules - and gives advice many families will use to lose. Critser's futuristic portrait of a Fat America just around the corner and his all too contemporary foray into the diabetes ward of a major children's hospital make Fat land a chilling but brilliantly rendered portrait of the cost in human lives - many of them very young lives - of America's obesity epidemic.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Deesirings
I found this book informative but unduly harsh. Of course, my bias is as an obese person, one who has been aware of carrying extra weight since age 6, and one who is from the middle-class (and, ergo, not one of the empoverished to whom Critser seems to cut a bit of slack about being over weight).
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The first chapters of the book are fascinating and revolve around changes in agriculture and trade in the USA in the late 1970s. These are centred on the introduction of high fructose corn syrup and palm oil in foods sold in the USA. Then comes the combos from the fast food restaurants and the general increase in eating out in the population.
Next, Crister describes what he perceives as too much fat acceptance, which includes, notably, the lack of social censure for the overweight, as religious leaders fail to discuss the sin of gluttony and big portions are offered and condoned more generally. (Crister identifies himself in the introduction as someone who has recently lost an extra 40 pounds he had put on as an adult -- his experience of fat acceptance is not entirely first hand.)
The author then explores the health consequences of overweight. Notably, he sides with the studies that have pointed out the failings of other studies indicating that some extra weight (i.e. 15 lbs or so) does not increase mortality rates and/or that being "fit and fat" is a healthy choice. On a more macro-social level, he decries public health messages that have led the population to think that they need less exercise than what has traditionally been promulgated as an adequate amount. And, as alluded to above, he generally decries messages of fat acceptance.
He then goes into rather graphic detail about the health effects of obesity, with a particular emphasis on the effects of diabetes on the human body. He is quite bleak.
Ultimately, Critser argues that obesity is disproportionately a problem of the poor. And because the poor are disproportionately racial minorities in the USA, that it is a problem of racial minorities. He says there are relatively few fat middle-class and rich people, and that such people are socially shunned and have the tools and means to lose the weight. So his focus is on the changes that can be made in American society to reduce and prevent childhood obesity among the poor. Much of the effort would be school-centred, and focus both on the foods offered at school and education about healthy eating, and on physical activity and stepping away from the sedentary lifestyle of TV and video games.
As far as parents and teachers taking a greater role in preventing child hood obesity, I could not agree more. I concur that there is a social imperative to make these changes happen and that this represents a completely worthwhile investment in the future. Unlike Crister, I would not only advocate it for the physical health benefits but also for the mental health benefits and increases in individual happiness. He may think that we are too fat accepting as a society, but I beg to differ. It sucks to be a fat kid (and a fat adult, for that matter). Where I part ways with him is on the benefits of refusing to accept people who are fat as full members of society. This idea that social censure is desirable alarms me.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
This has me a bit conflicted. On one hand yes indeed people are getting fatter, and yes indeed I myself need to loose some of the excess I'm carrying around but also I do know that the "ideal" weight for my height would make me dangerously underweight (according to the doctors I've consulted).

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is somewhat of a wakeup call to people to think strenously about their eating and exercise habits and to see about getting themselves both fitter and leaner. It also looks at the fact that there are vested interests at play here and no-one has a good grasp on the reality because it keeps getting fuzzed.

Well worth reading but add the pinch of salt to the read.
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LibraryThing member rfewell
This book was revolutionary to me in my ideas about food. It talks about the relationship between diabetes and government subsidies for corn (high-fructose corn syrup). Wow!
LibraryThing member carterchristian1
Hey, we needed this. To have a nice short book that makes the case of what is really driving up health care costs in addition to seriously affecting Americans' self esteem is good. Not a "how to do it" diet book which probably says the same thing in an introduction or another scientific article, or
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even Michelle's pussyfooting around the subject, but a short monograph written to a nonprofessional population.
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LibraryThing member SqueakyChu
As an overweight (a bit, not too much) person myself, I found much to fear in this book about the growing trend toward obesity within the population of the United States. Daily, I see more and more people around me (good friends and relatives as well) who are truly obese, and I do worry about them.
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Critser's book talks about the forces which have driven Americans to be the most overweight people in the world, the way the products Americans eat (or maybe should not eat) change our bodies, and techniques for dealing with the now startling rate of growth of obesity among children. I found there to be some dry reading in the parts of Critser's book where he cites various studies. However, the best part of the book is the end where he discusses how we can and should help our children deal with weight issues now.

This book is a good introduction to the serious issue of obesity as a health problem. I think what was missing from this book was more of a focus on how this problem should be addressed currently with adults.
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LibraryThing member Sovranty
This book is a short history to date (2003) of the rising statistics of obesity in America. It details the impact on the day-to-day individual, as well as the on the educational and national health care systems. Reading this book will help you understand how obesity has become a pandemic in America
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and will inspire a change of habit.

Summed up, as America progresses into a more sedentary culture/civilization with food (read: calories) becoming increasingly easy to gather and even easier to consume, individuals will consequently balloon in weight. Greg Critser argues that while obesity is an individual responsibility, it may be a social and environmental (access to food, sedentary workforce, etc) consequence.

Although Critser threatens a bleak future, both for individuals and society, if obesity rates continue to increase, he offers a simple solution to combating, and more importantly, beating obesity: eat fewer calories and exercise more...or at the very least, eat fewer calories.
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LibraryThing member Cecilturtle
Critser is on a mission to convince the reader of the horrible impacts of poor eating habits stemming from fast foods and of limited exercise on the current obesity crisis.
He does a good job of describing the economic, societal and cultural elements which have all contributed to this state: from
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cheap eats made from unhealthy ingredients to cuts in physical education programs, there is a convergence of issues which have led to huge weight gains throughout the US.
There are some weaknesses: a vague attempt at the genetics and biology of weight gain (which did nothing to convince me), a gross exaggeration of 'future man combating excessive weight' and the esthetics whereby men and women prefer their lean counterparts (while ignoring cultural canons), but generally the message is clear: the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be fat.
Like all one-sided presentations, this book fails to turn to other, more successful, cultures like European ones (especially France which has tremendous success with its five fruits and vegetables campaign) but I found the conclusions and next steps solid with some innovative and optimistic conclusions. Ultimately only education and access to healthy foods will help reshape mentalities, a process that will be slow.
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LibraryThing member mstrust
Published in 2003, this is a study of all the reasons American waistlines have expanded over the previous decades. Starting with agricultural deals to save the farmers and cut food costs that turned into the development of high fructose and the push for palm oil, how fast food chains were the first
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to make larger portions to norm, the difference ethnicity plays in weight, and the study of the health risks of obesity on the body.
What a great time of the year for me to pick this one up! Btw, the author admits in the book that America isn't the fattest nation, as there are several small nations that are fatter.
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Physical description

240 p.


0618164723 / 9780618164721
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