This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection

by Carol Burnett

Paper Book, 2010



Call number



Harmony Books (2010), 267 pages


In engaging anecdotes, Carol discusses her remarkable friendships with stars such at Jimmy Stewart, Lucille Ball, Cary Grant, and Julie Andrews; her television show that won twenty-five Emmys in its remarkable eleven-year run; and the sorrows that she overcame with her irresistible humor.

User reviews

LibraryThing member jovilla
This is such a lovely book! Carol Burnett has always been a favorite of mine. I never missed her shows when they were on. The humor was clean, simple, and side split-tingly funny.
This is a series of anecdotes from her life; memories of people she's met, challenges she's faced, and family. It is
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touching and beautiful. I read this very quickly because her voice and charm come through her writing. Her earlier book "One More Time" was more traditionally autobiographical detailing her struggles from her family situation as a child through her success in show business. This Time Together contains scenes from that life. Very enjoyable reading!
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LibraryThing member mrtall
Carol Burnett’s memoir is a delight. It’s a compendium of anecdotes and reminiscences gleaned from her ongoing stand-up Q&A shows. Each chapter focuses on a single person or event, organized chronologically. This deceptively simple organizational scheme is a big success: so many memoirs are
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messy, repetitive and bloated, and This Time Together is simply the opposite: it’s crisp, fast-moving and well-written.

This book also stands out for Burnett’s consistently positive and classy tone and approach. She tells funny (and sometimes embarrassing) stories, but usually at her own expense; if another person is the butt of the joke, he goes unnamed.

This Time Together is brief enough to be read in one sitting – at 260 pages, it’s already quite short for a memoir, and there are many photos and quite a bit of white space. But I see this as a feature: reading this book is like sitting down for an unhurried chat with one of the funniest ladies you’ll ever meet.

Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member LiterateHousewife
This Time Together is a collection of Carol Burnett's memories from her life. This book sprang from her question and answers tour, similarly to how she used to open The Carol Burnett Show each week. Since she won't be performing this show much any more, she tried to answer some of the questions
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she's answered over time for those who haven't seen her show.

I have loved Carol Burnett for as long as I can remember. Although I was alive when her comedy sketch show was originally taping, I’m quite sure I watched them in reruns because I had a strict 8pm bedtime until I was in junior high. It was her "Went With the Wind" sketch that first brought Gone With the Wind to my radar screen and for that I’ll be forever grateful for that introduction. What I love the most about that show was how Tim Conway could always make the other comedians laugh when they weren’t supposed to. Some of my favorite characters were Ms. Awiggins, Tim Conway’s dentist, and, of course, the main characters in the Mama sketches. I think those sketches highlight just how extremely talented that group was. The dynamics between Mama, Eunice, and Ed were hilarious and priceless.

When Ms. Burnett published her biography in the 1980s, I remember reading it with my mom. I loved the story of her and her beloved grandmother. I wasn’t mature enough to fully understand exactly what delighted me about Carol Burnett then, but isn’t a wonderful to read about a person who makes lemonade out the lemons instead of just being bitter? Remembering how much I enjoyed One More Time, I was excited to hear that she would publishing another book. I meant to pre-order it, but it slipped my mind. It’s all just as well because when I saw it at Barnes & Noble displayed along with the audiobook, I noticed that she did her own narration. I walked out of the store with the audiobook and started listening immediately.

Here are the highlights:

Carol Burnett is the epitome of class and grace. Of all the people she’s ever known and all the things she’s seen, she only shines a spotlight on what is good, fun, and heartfelt. There are a few sections where she had to point out quirks in people’s characters to completely tell a story, but she never names them. She doesn’t have a negative word to say about anyone. What a decent and stand up woman she is. Her lasting legacy will be laughter, love, and friendship. Those who feel the need to tear others down to lift themselves up should look to Carol Burnett before publishing a memoir or autobiography.
The chapter about meeting John Steinbeck cracked me up. If you’ve ever met an author you admired, you will relate to Burnett’s story and see yourself in it.
I love it when people are as obsessed with their soap operas the way I was (was only because it was cancelled)! If you're a fan of soaps or just like a laugh at their expense, Carol Burnett's story about keeping up with All My Children will really tickle you.
There are many touching moments in This Time Together. When she speaks of her late daughter Carrie it is clear how much she loved her daughter and how much she appreciated the moments she had to spend with her. The most touching part of the book for me revolved around her story about Kathy, a sick young girl she met toward the end of her life. Unfortunately I had to stop listening to that story just at the end because I had to get to a meeting. If I’d been able to listen to it all the way through I would have been crying like a baby when it was all done. As it was, it took me a second to stop the tears.
Several years ago Tim Conway and Harvey Korman came to perform at our local Civic Center. Danny and I knew it was something we wouldn’t want to miss. I am glad that we went, but it was apparent how much they’d aged from their heyday. It shouldn’t have been shocking because those shows premiered nearly 30 years ealier, but a shock it was. I am still so thankful to have had that opportunity to see them in person. They are part of what shaped my sense of humor and just thinking about them makes me smile. Carol Burnett did moreso. I suppose you don’t think of your icons as mortal because I got a little of the same sense listening to This Time Together. Carol Burnett sounded just like Carol Burnett, but you can hear the age in her voice. This might be a touch sad, but she has lived her life well and without regrets. Who could ask for anything more.

My Final Thoughts

If you are a fan of Carol Burnett, you must read this book. You'll feel like you were able to attend one of her Question and Answer shows. Listening to her read the book made this feel even more intimate. I enjoyed every minute I spent with Carol listening to her stories. I plan on passing this along to my mother and grandmother. It is sure to be a treat for every Carol Burnett fan in your life.
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LibraryThing member jillstone
Funny woman Burnett reminiscences on her life in show business. Great stories about the classic Carol Burnett show and the behind the scenes laughter and fun. This is a fun filled book that gives you a look behind the curtain.

A must read for Burnett fans!
LibraryThing member booboobad
this book brought back many memories of growning up the Carol Burnett show on Saturday nights. I loved the stories and insights into her life.
LibraryThing member NellieMc
I loved her television show and still enjoy watching the segments on You Tube. This is a little light and a little frothy, but if you remember the show fondly, you will enjoy it.
LibraryThing member glade1
I grew up with Carol Burnett's variety show and always loved it. I read her previous memoir, One More Time, several years ago and found it to be fun and interesting, so I was excited to see this new volume arrive in the library! I enjoyed it as much as the previous one and have a lot of respect for
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Ms. Burnett. She could surely sling some mud if she chose to but she keeps a positive slant on her experiences and shares wonderful little stories about life in show biz. Even though she was a celebrity in her own right, she seemed always to be awed by the other celebrities she met. She is very down to earth and, of course, humorous; someone who knows how to count her blessings. If you remember her show fondly, I highly recommend this book!
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LibraryThing member KHusser
This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection is the latest memoir from the iconic comedienne relating over fifty years of entertaining moments from her personal life, hit TV show, and famous friendships. Ms. Burnett uses a light tone to highlight her start in the business, on The Garry Moore Show,
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and utilizes short, succinct chapters to convey memories from her first meeting with Cary Grant and Lucille Ball to how her show’s famous ensemble was formed. Touching on sad moments, but never lingering long, the reader will get a sense of the hard work and drive this entertainer harnessed to produce and perform a hit variety show for eleven seasons. From surviving a divorce and the untimely death of her daughter, Carrie, the reader still comes away with good feelings and the happiness that Ms. Burnett shares with audiences today.
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LibraryThing member BoundTogetherForGood
I enjoyed this book; but, then, I enjoy memoirs. I am also a child of the 70s whose parents watched the many variety shows that were televized in the evenings. I enjoyed them then and I would enjoy them now (think Netflix).

This book was written as Burnett had been doing a show of remembrances, set
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up with a question and answer format, as the beginning of her variety show had been. She wanted to have the book as something she could share with her daughters and grandchildren.

She speaks about her personal life as well as her professional life. It didn't strike me as "dishy", rather, as someone telling stories of moments in her life; very conversational...and funny.
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LibraryThing member busyreadin
Just like curling up on the couch with a couple of old friends!
LibraryThing member TeenieLee
I love Carol Burnett and wanted to like this book way more than I did. With the exception of one or two tales, I found the book sadly boring.
LibraryThing member TheLoisLevel
As much as I wanted to like this book, Burnett pretty much seemed to go literally on what she can remember. I wish she had remembered more! Anyway, a light, easy read.
LibraryThing member hemlokgang
This audiobook, narrated by the author, was okay. It is comprised of a collection of anecdotes, both personal and professional. Some of the anecdotes were absolutely marvelous, while others dragged. Definitely a mixed review. I would only suggest this to major fans of Carol Burnett.
LibraryThing member ImBookingIt
I'd give the audio book 3.5 stars, but the book itself is solidly 4.The stories were mostly great, ranging from hilarious to touching. They had the unevenness expected of such a collection, but they ranged from good to great.I really loved her ongoing awe of celebrities, in spite of how many she
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knew, and of being one herselfCarol Burnett's writing was quite effective. She told the stories clearly, giving a view into her public life, with pieces of her private life as well.Unfortunately, the audio production isn't up to the standard of the book itself. I was very excited that Ms. Burnett was narrating it, given that these were stories that she was telling. However, it felt like she was penned in by reading the words, rather than having the freedom to tell the story herself.
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LibraryThing member ElliAnn718
Absolutely adorable. It was so fun to read this. "This Time Together" is simply a collection of stories and anecdotes from Carol Burnett's experiences. It's so refreshing and a breath of fresh air. It's hard not to be a fan after reading this book.
LibraryThing member dgmlrhodes
Wonderfully funny! Carol Burnett reminisces about her careervand amazing show. If you have ever been a fan this is worth the quick read.
LibraryThing member Kelslynn
Short warmhearted pieces about Carol Burnett's life - her career and the people she met along the way, her family and their impact they had on her, her insights into what a wonderful life she has had. An engaging book, just like the author.
LibraryThing member sparklegirl
This book was a pleasure to read! Each chapter is its own short story, nicely told and with a good amount of humor. The whole book felt very personal, as if Carol Burnett were sitting with me and telling me some memorable tales of her life.
LibraryThing member bgknighton
Very enjoyable! I want to meet this lady - for that is what she is - she would be a pleasure to know. Not an easy life, but one she has endeavored to live with joy and purpose. This is a light retelling of how she got where she is and the people she knew along the way.
LibraryThing member satyridae
Warm, sweet and exactly what you'd expect from Miss Burnett. There are some delightful vignettes from her time on television. She doesn't say anything mean or catty about anyone, it's a love letter to her fans, her friends and her family. Nicely narrated by Burnett herself.
LibraryThing member luvlylibrarian
Listened to the NLS Talking Book version for book club. Typical memoir. A few funny stories, a few poignant ones. I liked it, but not much was memorable. The author was fortunate enough to meet a lot of the right people at the right time. My favorite story was when her dog was injured and whisky
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may have cured him. The saddest was near the end, when she spoke of losing her daughter to cancer.
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LibraryThing member sriemann
One of the five people alive/dead I would want to come to a dinner party (you've all played that game, right?) if I could, Carol Burnett writes this collection of (mostly) chronological anecdotes and vignettes starting from where her memoir of early life left off - when she got to New York and
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began getting into show business. Although the book went quickly, it wasn't trite or superficial. It felt like eating a bunch of really tasty homemade Christmas cookies that you and your favorite relative made together - they taste so good you just keep eating them, and as you do so you think about the people involved in making the cookies.
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LibraryThing member hredwards
Once again a star writes a biography that is touching, funny, and interesting without being sick, perverted and embarrassing to read.
Loved it and loved Carol.
LibraryThing member CRMJones
Lovely memories from a much-loved celebrity

The only fault in this book is that it should go on forever! Carol Burnett provides many wonderful memories and stories of her life in this compendium.

The essays are small and easily enjoyed. There are stories of her younger years and family, of her early
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career and the years on TV, and life after the Carol Burnett Show. Some even bring a tear to the eye, but most leave you with a grin. For those of us old enough to have seen her show or specials on TV, there are happy recollections of days gone by.

Now off to read her first book...
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LibraryThing member MerryMeerkat
Awesome book. Funny and sweet and touching.


Audie Award (Finalist — Biography/Memoir — 2011)


Original language


Physical description

267 p.; 6.28 inches


0307461181 / 9780307461186
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