90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life

by Don Piper

Paper Book, 2004



Call number



Revell (2004), 208 pages


Biography & Autobiography. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. After colliding with a semi-truck, Don Piper died and went to heaven. Ninety minutes later he returned to life on earth. After years of silence, he is now sharing his life-changing story.

User reviews

LibraryThing member sbrush
Biblical reference is the only detailed account we have that describes the way heaven looks. 90 Minutes in Heaven is a miraculous journey of the senses - depicting the sights, sounds, and feelings found within a mysterious place so unknown to the living. The book means hope and consolation for the
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terminally ill, the suffering, those who have lost loved ones, and the rest of us who only hope to one day experience the utter peace and pure happiness found on the other side of life.

Piper's experience in heaven naturally changed his entire existence - from dealing with his own excruciating recovery, returning to his family, work, and life in general. His perspectives had been changed forever.
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LibraryThing member jamesfallen
Author was sincere and believed all that he wrote. He is a Baptist pastor and interpreted his experiences in the light of his beliefs. It stuck out for me that he has never critically examined anything.
LibraryThing member deadgirl
A powerful book. Though I have my doubts, I am comforted by the events told in this book, especially when I think of my mother who died a year ago. I believe Heaven is real, and God is up there waiting for us to enter His kingdom.
LibraryThing member edawmik22
This book was more about his recovery process and dealing with his depression during his recovery than it was about heaven. He does describe his heaven experience, and then tells how sharing it has affected people.
LibraryThing member jrillamas
205/205 quarter 1
This book is about a man,Don Piper,who was driving on his way home from a conference,got into a horrible accident and was pronounced dead. 90 minutes later they found a pulse. His story is about his strife and trials of recovering in a hospital for 13+ months and still incapable
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of the everyday actions he used to do before his accident. His suffering was one of physical and spiritual.One day a visitor came to him and Don revealed that he had gone into heaven during the 90 minutes he was dead. Don Piper is a strong man.He is the all around family man,very loving, very caring, and wants to help everyone.He is strong in his faith and relationship with God. He is almost stubborn in that he doesn't like people doing the littlest things for him. He doesn't like people to think about him as a hopeless being who needs people to help him going to the bathroom.But throughout the book he realizes he has physical limits and needs people to do things for him. I can relate to this by Don Piper is like my dad. My father doesn't let anyone help him he is headstrong in everything he does. But he is also a very family oriented guy. Since this is a non-fiction book I don't think I would change anything.I would recommend this book to any Christian who is going through a physical suffering or has a family going through a physical suffering.
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LibraryThing member cranmergirl
Too much about the accident and recovery, not enough about the experience of heaven. I was expecting more. I don't think the writing did justice to this man's experience. It's a compelling story but there was something lost in the telling.
LibraryThing member cemar
The early chapters draw you in the true life experience of passing from this earth to what's next. However, it lost its story after that and I found it a bit boaring. I did find the descriptions of the injury and the medical technology applied to heal interesting. This was an OK read but something
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I will pass along through Book Mooch.
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LibraryThing member Moniica
Don Piper was not even forty years old when he died in an auto accident. While the accident scene was being cleaned and others were being helped, Don remained under a tarpaulin until someone would come and prise him free as much as possible from the car. Although he was dead, a minister was allowed
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to sit in the car and pray for him, and amazingly, Don came back to life. This book is told from Don's point of view: what he remembers of heaven and his journey of recovery.
While Don's description and experience in heaven was great to read, it only last about two chapters (out of a total of eighteen). Also, he went on about his recovery far too much and repeated himself many times.
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LibraryThing member CoraJoanBurgett
"90 Minutes in Heaven" offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of God's reality. It encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. The experience dramatically changed Don Piper's life and it can change yours, too.
LibraryThing member stpaulslibrary
As he is driving home from a minister's conference, Baptist minister Don Piper collides with a semi-truck that crosses into his lane. He is pronounced dead at the scene. For the next 90 minutes, Piper experiences heaven where he is greeted by those who had influenced him spiritually. He hears
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beautiful music and feels true peace. Back on earth, a passing minister who had also been at the conference is led to pray for Don even though he knows the man is dead. Piper miraculously comes back to life and the bliss of heaven is replaced by a long and painful recovery. For years Piper kept his heavenly experience to himself. Finally, however, friends and family convinced him to share his remarkable story.
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LibraryThing member macro78
This was a great book! Read it if you can find the time. It is a very fast read. I wasn't able to put it down until I was done. It gives you an awful lot to think about.
LibraryThing member caseygirl1107
Good read with powerful message of hope.
LibraryThing member reneecomer
This book does not include much in the way of descriptions of heaven as the title might indicate. The story line has to do more with Don's purpose on earth and his accident recovery, but it is an intruiging story is enjoyable from beginning to end.
LibraryThing member allenkeith
This is a story of overcoming extreme odds to have physical, emotional and spiritual life with the punch line that the previewed live in heaven is worth the struggle we have on earth. The author exemplifies winning in this struggle and witnesses the truth not just the struggle but that it's worth
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it for the prize of heaven.
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LibraryThing member Whisper1
On my tbr list from the 2008 75 book challenge group, this one was recommended by streamsong.

Don Piper, a young Baptist minster is a victim of a horrible traffic accident wherein a truck crashed head on into his car and he is violently crushed within.

Pronounced dead at the scene, he is transported
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to heaven where he is embraced by those who died before him. After his out of body experience, he awakens to horrific pain.

Reluctant to discuss his experience, Piper is consumed with constant, unbearable pain as gradually his body and spirit are rebuilt. In telling the story of his miracle and new life, Don is able to assist others.

I rate this book 2.5 stars.
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LibraryThing member daddy-dude
90 minutes is a short time for many things. Compared to years of recovery, it barely makes a blip. Unless that 90 minutes is spent declared dead by fully qualified and equipped paramedics. Then it is important, but not much happening in it to write about. Spent in Heaven, there is plenty to write
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about. However, the spiritual, emotional and physical recovery after that is still the bulk of an autobiography like this.

Many people find it (and Mr. Piper's speaking engagements) a consolation about loved ones that have gone on to Heaven. I find his descriptions of Heaven very interesting and engaging. However, I'll get to fully experience those myself one day. Recovery like his I hope to learn from without personal experience.
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LibraryThing member ague
A really gripping true life story. Interesting near death experience and many instances of helping others. A book that promotes prayer. Don Piper was a minister before the accident and still is today. Don Piper is now sure that he is going to heaven when he dies. A friend lent me this book.
LibraryThing member fit4life
Thought it was great, although the end ran on a bit long
LibraryThing member kristinfox
A thought provoking true story about a man who died in a car crash. He claims to have spent 90 minutes in heaven before returning to face recovery from his critical injuries. The content of this book actually spends more time discussing the many challenges he faces as he struggles to recover. It
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also touches many times on the powerful relationships that strengthened him through his recovery. Not much time is spent discussing his 90 minutes in heaven as the title seems to imply he will. A quick, enjoyable read for those who like a biographical read every now and then.
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LibraryThing member dele2451
To begin, I must confess that this is the first book I've ever read from somebody who was pronounced dead and it is not normally subject matter that I would gravitate towards. That being said, Pastor Don Piper's account of his personal struggles dealing with the emotional and physical trauma he
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experienced in the aftermath of a horrific collision with an 18-wheeler is inspiring to anybody who has had to deal with a life-changing injury. Only a relatively small portion of the book is dedicated to his actual recollections of Heaven which I found a little disappointing given the title of the book, but it is an interesting read nonetheless. The hook of this book might be the account of an almost-realized salvation, but the real miracle in these pages is how so many people bound together and sacrificed for so long to help this man and his family recover after the accident.
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LibraryThing member DaleVanWyhe
Very good reading, and makes one thing of the importance of knowing Jesus Christ and therefore knowing where I'm going when I die.
LibraryThing member ladycato
I've heard a lot about this New York Times bestseller on the Knight Agency blog, so I picked it up out of curiosity. I admit, my faith is frail at this point and I approached it as a skeptic. I can't say it convinced me of anything, but it's an intriguing read and a book I'll pass along to my mom
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to read.

The title tells the basics of the tale: Don Piper died. One instant he was driving down a narrow bridge in Texas, and in the next he was in heaven. It was a place of boundless joy. He felt no regrets, and didn't have a thought of who he had left behind on Earth. Long-dead friends and family welcomed him as they praised together. The music he heard as beyond description. Meanwhile, on Earth, he was declared dead for ninety minutes. Multiple EMTs verified it. No one rushed to extract him from his car as they waited for the coroner. Then a bystander asked to go pray over the dead man, and to shock the dead man was not dead. Don Piper had returned to Earth, to a wrecked and ruined body. No one could explain his survival. Other the next days and months, he almost died again and again. He knew deep, dark depression, and raged at his constant pain and helplessness. However, he survived, and as he opened up about his experience of seeing heaven, that became part of his ministry.

What Don Piper dealt with is a miracle. There's no question of that. I marvel at how he has endured so much pain and struggle, and now uses that to tend to others, especially those using the Ilizarov fixator to lengthen bones. He does not come across as a quack. He has faith in his experience, and uses that to comfort others as they confront death or debilitating pain.
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LibraryThing member SABC
Don Piper has an accident on way home and medical personelle said he died instantly. Piper experienced the glories of heaven while his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car.
LibraryThing member GaylDasherSmith
A lot to think about. Whether or not your belief system allows you to see this as non-fiction, it was an interesting view into life after a catastrophic accident.
LibraryThing member Glenajo
On Don Piper’s way home from a Baptist Convention in San Antonio, Tex, a semi-truck hit him head on. The graphic pictures show where the tires decimated the driver’s side of the small car. Don remembers recognizing family and friends greeting him at the gates of Heaven. He did not wish to
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90 Minutes in Heaven makes you look at your world differently, including what you believe and God has planned for you.

This is a life changing work, and I highly recommend it to everyone, both Christian and those who question.
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Original publication date


Physical description

208 p.; 5.5 inches


0800759494 / 9780800759490
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