Prophet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints

by Sam Brower

Paper Book, 2011



Call number



Bloomsbury USA (2011), Edition: 1, 336 pages


Religion & Spirituality. True Crime. Nonfiction. Despite considerable press coverage and a lengthy trial, the full story of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints has remained largely untold. Only one man can reveal the whole, astounding truth: Sam Brower, the private investigator who devoted years of his life to breaking open the secret practices of the FLDS and bringing Warren Jeffs and his inner circle to justice. In Prophet's Prey, Brower implicates Jeff in his own words, bringing to light the contents of Jeffs's personal priesthood journal, discovered in a hidden underground vault, and revealing to readers the shocking inside world of FLDS members, whose trust he earned and who showed him the staggering truth of their lives.Prophet's Prey offers the gripping, behind-the-scenes account of a bizarre world from the only man who knows the full story.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member mkboylan
Prophet's Prey is the story of Sam Brower's seven year investigation into the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints and its leader, Warren Jeffs. Brower, a private detective, was raised in the mainstream
Mormon church.

As an author, Brower is skilled at presenting the detailed factual
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information he discovered in his investigation, while illustrating these facts with the human stories. This skill keeps the reader deeply involved, and demonstrates the human cost, indeed the waste of human life, caused by this organization. I was aware of the child abuse, sexual abuse and rape, perpetrated on females, which has been highly covered by other media. Brower additionally addresses the ongoing, repeated rape of young males.

I had not been aware of the extent of corruption in government officials, as is well covered by Brower. The most disheartening fact to me is that despite the convictions of several members, this group continues its abuse of children and women. Jeffs was in the news again this month, January 2012, for having his telephone privileges suspended. Yes, that's right, he was using telephone and other methods of communication to continue his role as head of this organization. I believe that calls for a "WTF?!"

This is a very readable and interesting book, not easy to put down. However, I recommend that you have something uplifting to read after you DO put this one down.
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LibraryThing member Beamis12
I found this book very disturbing, not just because of the subject matter, but because this happened here in America. How one man and a church could be so perverted and have so much power over people is astonishing. The fact that our government and authorities let it go on so long, when so many
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laws were broken. My heart goes out to all those young girls and boys that were caught up in this perversion. Thank good ness for Sam Brower and the other who took on this supposed church, definitely glad Warren Jeffs is in jail, but I seriously believe that every one of those parents should also be jailed.
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LibraryThing member lfoster82
I don't quite know why, but I am fascinated with the whole FLDS/ Polygamy world. I think it's because it's so far from reality to me that it boggles my mind and I can't resist but to learn about it!

I was a little apprehensive about this book being too laden with facts and figures to be interesting
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but I couldn't be more wrong. The book read more like a story than an account of an investigation. It shed light into the secretive and devious world of Warren Jeffs and his followers. It was a real page turner. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in this secluded sub-culture of our world!
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LibraryThing member Rob.Larson
This book was published at just the right time, from my point of view. Warren Jeffs' trial in Texas ended in the late summer of 2011 with a very, very long prison term for "the prophet." [State prosecutor] Eric Nichols ended [his closing remarks] by reminding the jury of Jeffs’ layout for a
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“Big House” at the YFZ Ranch. “Mr. Jeffs” he said, “the state of Texas also has a big house and this is where you belong for the rest of your days.” Having followed this case for some time, I was among a lot of other people who were happy to know that this individual will no longer be hurting young girls or others weaker than himself. His absolute power within this group is astonishing, at least to those of us outside the FLDS.

I really had no idea of the background history about this sect, the FLDS (considered apostate by mainstream Mormanism). Sam Brower writes an interesting, albeit chilling account of this pseudo-religious leader and those who follow his every command. I found myself shaking my head in disbelief many times as I read this book; parts of it sickened me, especially the photos of Jeffs with his 12-year-old bride (having turned 12 only 24 days before this "spiritual" marriage).

How is something like this possible in our country at this point in history? It's possible because lots of people looked the other way, or were afraid, or maybe some just didn't want to get involved, or wanted to have numerous under age wives, or did not want their family split up and their wives and/or children re-assigned to a different family, or any number of things, that I will never understand. But then, I was not subjected to the kind of upbringing that the people involved with Warren Jeffs' brand of religion were exposed to; if they displeased Jeffs in any way, or if he felt challenged, or just because he felt like it, they could and would be shunned by the entire community, kicked out of their homes, driven out of town, treated like pariahs, as well as many young men getting kicked out of their own community for no apparent reason other than getting old enough to rival the old goats for wives, into a world that was foreign to them, and on and on. Where does it stop?

The sad answer is, it most likely never stops completely. Once in awhile someone like Warren Jeffs gets caught in his scheming manipulation, once in awhile someone like Sam Brower comes along who cares enough to doggedly pursue it, however a lot of these crimes are still being commited, in a twisted attempt to make the world believe they are practicing a ligitimate religious cause.

This is an excellent book, the author worked very hard to publish it, and hopefully it will help shed some light into the darkest corners of a misbegotten "faith."
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LibraryThing member arelenriel
This book was simultaneously interesting and disgusting and terrifying at the same time. While I do support the idea of freedom of religion, religion no matter what it's form should not be taken as an excuse to harm children, violate and abuse the laws of the United States of America, (or whatever
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nation you live in) or to lie scam cheat and steal.
There are to many ways to list how Browers depiction of FLDS (at least the denomination led by Jeffs) is terrifying. Their treatment of women is abominable and violates all major women's rights legislation that has been put into place in the last 150 years. This is sickening since the states of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico were amongst the first states (well really still territories at the time but still part of the U.S) to allow women the vote.

The abuses of children illustrated by Brower makes me physically ill especially since in many cases state employees affiliated with this religious cult (cult-definition any group which splits off from the practices of the main religion due to outre or unusual practices or dogma) ignored complaints of abuse or tried to sweep abuses under the carpet.

Despite the fact that it was disturbing this book was well written, well thought out and interesting. Brower's understanding of the thinking behind FLDS and the people involved in the case is excellent. I can't say this book was enjoyable since the topic is such as serious and controversial issue but it was good
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LibraryThing member sparemethecensor
I grew up in a Mormon-majority area in Arizona, and I have always been fascinated by many elements of that religion. Perhaps more fascinating to me, though, has been their estranged cousin, FLDS, a cult borne out of a change in mainstream Mormon doctrine to disallow polygamy more than one hundred
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years ago.

I have read Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven and Irene Spencer's Shattered Dreams, so I came into Prophet's Prey knowing quite a bit about FLDS already. This book differs from those, however, in that it is written in a decidedly modern tone, all facts rather than narrative or flowery language. Sam Brower, the author, has worked as a PI investigating FLDS for many years, and his book is full of stories and information that were new to me. In particular, he focuses on Warren Jeffs, the "prophet" who is now in jail.

I can't say that I "enjoyed" the book — every story was more horrific than the last — but this is a well-written book that brings to light all the horrifying things that have taken place in the cult, and perhaps even worse, all the law enforcement and social service agencies that have repeatedly turned blind eyes to the suffering of women and young adults in this community.

My only complaint about the book might be that we don't see much of Sam Brower in it. Occasionally, he will comment on how instances of child abuse and sexual slavery hit him hard, as he is a father, but rarely do his personal feelings show. This makes sense given his no-nonsense attitude as a PI. However, since Brower is a Mormon himself, I was curious to know how his faith informed his views of the cult. For instance, much of the language and prophecy used by Jeffs and the FLDS comes from the Book of Mormon. The idea, mentioned in the book, that people should grow their gardens and store food in case of the apocalypse, is a belief held by mainstream LDS members. How did it affect him to see his own beliefs twisted this way? It could have added something very interesting to the book.

Overall, I give this 4.5/5.0 stars. Definitely a read for those interested in the FLDS or modern cults in general.
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LibraryThing member khiemstra631
Sam Brower worked for seven years go help bring about the arrest of FLDS prophet Warren Jeffs. This book offers many insights into FLDS culture and startling examples of the child and wife abuse that are a standard aspect of this religion. It's an eye-opening reading experience to learn that this
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kind of thing goes on in the U.S. and is regularly tolerated by law enforcement officers who turn their heads. While the book tends to repeat itself in a few places, it remains a gripping read that is as good as any novel. It's a shame that it couldn't be fiction instead of the nonfiction that it actually is.
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LibraryThing member JanaRose1
Sam Brower is a private investigator, one who has dealt extensively with the FLDS, a polygamous cult. He clearly distinguishes the FLDS from the LDS, a distinction that not many understand or make. Throughout the book he outlines his investigations while providing a history of the FLDS, Jeffs rise
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to power and his myriad of abuses. Overall, I found this book to be a powerful, yet startling account of this little known sect and the impact it has had on many individuals.
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LibraryThing member amhamilt
Prophet's Prey is Sam Brower's account and insight into the life and crimes of Warren Jeffs, the leader of the polygamous FLDS cult. I've long been interested in the FLDS and have read several other accounts of life in the Colorado City, AZ area, known to residents simply as 'Short Creek.' Brower's
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account matches other material that I've read and seems to be well-researched. The book is engaging, interesting, and quick to read; he gives a snapshot into what life must be like for members of this notorious cult, and it is both fascinating and disturbing.
One facet that Brower reports on that I have yet to read in other accounts is the detailed account of the circumstances surrounding Jeff's arrest and incarceration. I found this part of the book to be darkly interesting, Brower really gives the reader an understanding of just how depraved and unstable Warren Jeffs can be.
My only criticism is that the author sometimes writes in cliches and is fond of overusing dramatic statements. The events portrayed in this book are exciting enough, no need to use short, dramatic statements to add excitement.
Overall, I think the book was excellent and would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in the FLDS.
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LibraryThing member silenceiseverything
I've read a few books about polygamy and I've always felt that it's reprehensible the way these cults treat their women and children, demeaning them, abusing them, by taking the word of the Bible and skewing those ideas to excuse their perverseness. It's just one subject that pisses me off to no
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end. So, I liked that Sam Brower didn't shy away from the cruelty that the FLDS inflicts on its members and didn't sugarcoat it. It is what it is. That being said, I found the Prophet's Prey, while an okay insight to the FLDS, just isn't as well-written and informative as Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven.

I found that the writing in Prophet's Prey was a bit clunky. It tended to shift around around a lot and while this is common in most non-fiction books, other authors tend to alternate it between chapters. However, Brower shifted around a lot within the actual chapters. When he wasn't shifting around within the chapters, he was repeating what was said in the previous chapters. It was particularly annoying when he kept plugging in other authors' works. One, maybe two times, I can deal with it. But he mentioned that Jon Krakauer was the author of Under the Banner of Heaven and that Carolyn Jessop wrote Escape about her time in the FLDS, 3 or 4 times. It was grating.

I also found that Prophet's Prey dragged a fair bit. It was much more noticeable since the book is relatively short. Again, it could have been because a fair lot of the book was repeated, but I thought that for a book that short, it should have been a breeze to get through, yet it wasn't. In fact, while I sort of liked Prophet's Prey while I was reading it, I would still put it down for days at a time and just not bother to pick it up for a while.

So, in the end, I found Prophet's Prey to be merely okay. Sam Brower's accomplishments with trying to bring Warren Jeffs to justice are awe-inspiring. However, the way that Prophet's Prey was written left a bit to be desired for me. I don't think it can hold a candle to Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven and I found that book to be more comprehensive when it came to talking about the history of the FLDS.
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LibraryThing member Darcia
Prophet's Prey is not about bigamy. Yes, bigamy is a part of the story but, bigamy in itself is far from the main issue. This is about a cult hiding under the sanctions of religion. This is about one man's journey to ultimate power, the corruption of an entire town, horrendous child abuse, the
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total absence of women's rights, ingrained fear, warped beliefs, and helplessness. This is also the story of a handful of people who stood up and, no matter the obstacles, did the right thing.

Before reading this, I was aware of the headline stuff relating to Warren Jeffs and his FDLS religious group. After reading this, I realize the little I knew was twisted or ignored by the media. This book is an incredible read. I had to keep reminding myself that this is real, not fiction. Sam Brower takes us on an unbelievable journey into the heart of the FDLS, a warped offshoot of the Mormon religion. This is a powerful book written by a man I have immense respect for.
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LibraryThing member mymia
Even if you have kept reasonably informed of the activities of Warren Jeffs and the FLDS, you will find new information in this book. After reading this, I realized how much the FLDS is manipulating the popular press to rehabilitate their reputation. This author does not condemn their religion or
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polygamy, but he is clear about the abuse and repression of women and children in this cult. It is fascinating to wonder why the adults in this group will willingly submit to the dictatorship of their leaders.

The other thing that I realized while reading this book is how much of the fictional story Big Love was based in reality. I had always thought most of the Juniper Creek story line was the imagination of the writers. Time after time, I recognized characters and situations that paralleled the TV show. Fans of Big Love will enjoy connecting the dots.

Whether or not you have read information on this group in the past, this is a worthwhile read. Becoming informed may help to stop the abusive ways of this group.
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LibraryThing member PaperbackPirate
When someone says "organized crime" I picture fedora hats, Italian food, and Tommy Guns. What I don't picture is pedophilia, rape, polygamy, and religious cults. Sam Brower opened my eyes to the story of Warren Jeffs, cult leader and organized crime boss.

This book holds so many repulsive tales of
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what Jeffs did to the members of his Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints cult, centered in the Utah/Arizona border town, Colorado City. One thing he did to test their faith was tell them he had a vision that dogs were evil, and everyone had to get rid of their dogs by a certain date. After that date he had church members begin by killing all the strays in town. Then they proceeded to go door to door, demanding anyone who still had a dog to hand it over. After that they took the dogs out of town and started shooting them. Deciding that shooting them was too loud, they electrocuted the rest to death with a car battery.

The horrifying thing is that Warren Jeffs treated the dogs better than the members of his cult. At least the dogs had a chance to get away.
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LibraryThing member JBD1
A truly frightening look at the FLDS cult and its deranged (and now thankfully incarcerated) leader, Warren Jeffs. Brower, a private investigator who's been working on FLDS cases for almost a decade, offers as in-depth a look at the inner workings of this group as we're likely to get for the
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forseeable future. Tough to read, but well worth it.
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LibraryThing member schatzi
DISCLAIMER: I received this book free from the publisher through the Early Reviewer's program.

After having read Elissa Wall's memoir about the abuse she suffered in Warren Jeffs' FLDS, I was interested in reading more about the group and its leader. I think that Sam Brower does a good job of
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sketching the group's history, from how it started to how Warren Jeffs rose to power within the group. And he does an excellent job of describing what exactly was going on in Short Creek and how he tried to bring the men responsible for the abuse to justice.

Sometimes there are just too many names to keep up with, and sometimes the book felt like it dragged some (especially towards the end, at least for me), but I think this book is a worthwhile read. It's just amazing to me to think that there is actually a group like this in America, the land of the free, where young girls are married off to older men, young boys are cast away to keep them from "stealing" away those young girls from the older men, and the "law enforcement" within the town completely disregards the law of the land when it goes against Jeffs' desires and decrees. It's just sickening to think about, especially since I don't live far away from one of Jeffs' "safe houses."
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LibraryThing member susiesharp
I always knew Warren Jeffs was a bad guy, I’ve seen the news reports and read Carolyn Jessop’s book but I didn’t realize he ranked right up there with Jim Jones & David Koresh in getting people to believe everything he says and to do things no matter how bad. I think it’s a good thing he
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was investigated and put in the spotlight because with his personality it could have ended the way Jonestown and Waco did. I also knew that he was a pedophile marrying young girls but what I didn’t know was that he was also a pedophile abusing young boys.

This was a very eye opening book, I learned much more about the FLDS than I knew before. It did bog down a bit in the middle but I just reminded myself that this was a 7 year investigation and that Sam Brower was extremely thorough. It is sad to see how CPS dropped the ball on the majority of these children and sent them back to their abusers, which is what they are no matter how brainwashed willing these girls may have been. This FLDS sect is not a religion that should be left alone for their beliefs this one is a full out Cult with the maniacal mad man at the helm, sexual abuse, kidnapping and quite possibly murder and attempted murder.

Sam Brower’s account of his investigation is one everyone should read as it doesn’t gloss over anything , in this straight-forward account Sam reveals not only what the FLDS did to its own but how they threatened and stalked him. He also reveals who helped and who hurt the cases against this cult, which was also very interesting.

The investigation into this FLDS cult did put some awful men in jail and brought national attention to what was going on inside the “walls” of this cult but, I think the worst part is, through it all not much has changed in their little world, the men who went to jail are seen as martyrs and are still in power from their jail cells. I just hope as Sam does that one day the hierarchy will admit it was wrong and the abuse will stop but for now who knows what is still going on there.

4 Stars
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LibraryThing member ellasmeme
Having read Jon Krakauer's "Under the Banner of Heaven" and Carolyn Jessop's "Escape," I was familiar with some of the disturbingly egregious behavior of Warren Jeffs and his minions, but Sam Brower's account goes deeper than either of these into the background of the FLDS as a religious and even
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financial and political organization. It is well worth the read just to know that such evil exists right here in the United States and will make you wonder why the states involved and even the federal government seem to resist putting an end to the debauchery of these men. A lot of questions are left unanswered, not by the author but just by the chain of events to date. Mr. Brower deserves more than a thank you for exposing the abuse suffered by everyone in Jeffs' path, not the least of which are women and children who are routinely sexually and psychologically abused and used, and for his courage in putting the truth on paper. Mr. Brower further proves the scripture "the love of money is the root of all evil."
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LibraryThing member kphillip9
I was familiar with Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, Into Thin Air, and Under the Banner of Heaven, so I was thrilled to see that he wrote the introduction. However, I was confused as to why he was even included in this book. He has nothing to do the LDS, he does not have any experience about the
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case, and I thought that his introduction was completely unnecessary. I started the book with a bad taste in my mouth. The book does a good job of explaining the tracking of Warren Jeffs, as well as how far his supporters would go to protect him. However, I really wanted to know why he had such a strong hold on the group of people that chose to follow his every word. I have yet to find a book that can tell me why a seemingly feeble, unattractive, non-authoritarian-type person had such a grip on so many people.
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LibraryThing member knightlight777
A well written account of Sam Browers' relentless effort to expose and hunt down the child predators who you the guise of religion for their devious purposes. Another example of religious zealotry run a muck not far from the mainstream. Two frightening things amongst many that struck me was how
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people are continuously brain washed my religious dogma and nothing will change that, also how our court system can blindly support such horrendous conduct in protecting the rights of religious freedom over child abuse. Though some of these culprits have been brought to justice there will be a never ending cadre to replace them and conduct the same crimes in secrecy to no end. Evil incarnate under the guise of religion.
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LibraryThing member Lanetz
Jaw dropping!!! I love polygamy books and memoir. This started a bit slow the first chapter but picks up fast and takes off. Great Read!!
LibraryThing member myownwoman
Bail bonds man, private investigator and journalist Sam Brower writes of his seven years spent battling the FLDS while attempting to expose the corruption of the cult-like religion to the justice system. Rape, child abandonment, child-brides forced into polygamous relationships across state and
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international lines with men thirty and forty years their senior... these are just a few of the crimes for which the FLDS is guilty. Pairing with author Jon Krauker [Under the Banner of Heaven], Brower seeks to expose the maniacal despotism of Prophet (and now convicted Felon] Warren Jeffs.

To read the book is to be transported to a frightening place where American law is purposefully ignored and abandoned.
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LibraryThing member ashiepoo84
Such a great look into the FLDS church and the horrible crimes Jeff's committed. I found it very hard to put down but also didnt think I could continue reading it at parts. I thought I had known most of what he had done to the members of the church but was so wrong! This bookm truly opened my eyes
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to the horror of what he put them through. Such an eye opening read and will def be referring it to friends!
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LibraryThing member juliechabon
Sam Brower knows the law, and how to use the judicial system to help bring down not just Warren Jeffs, but the whole FLDS organization.
Unfortunately, many in the legal system are not afraid to take the money and defend child rape in the name of religious freedom. Twelve years old , raped on a
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ceremonial temple bed, and not the first or last.
The cruelty that defines this society, and the insane power of Warren Jeffs and his fellow criminals, no longer surprises me. Sam Brower makes it real.
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Physical description

336 p.; 6.43 inches


160819275X / 9781608192755
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