Jane Austen Household Book

by Peggy Hickman

Book, 1977



Call number



David & Charles Inc, Great Britain, Hardcover,128 pages

User reviews

LibraryThing member Tytania
Some food-related quotes from Jane Austen's correspondence and novels, interspersed with commentary about the housekeeping of the period, and copious recipes copied down by Jane's close friend Martha Lloyd.

Were I ever transported to Jane Austen's time and seated at her table, I am afraid I'd have
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to ask for a cup of weak tea and make do with that, as I might have a hard time finding among the many removes anything not stomach-turning. Between the calf-feet jelly, fricasee of turnips, mutton, cabbage pudding, and hashed calves' head, I would not know what to make of the "brown soup" or "duck ragoo" or "walnut catchup." Just the tea, please.
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