The Cowboy &His Elephant, The Story of a Remarkable Friendship - 2001 publication

by Malcolm Macphrson

Paper Book, 2001



Call number




St Martins Press (2001), Edition: 1St Edition, Hardcover, 256 pages


In the late 1980s, a female baby elephant was born into a herd that lived on the plains of southern Africa. Her mother has carried her for two years, and normally she would have nursed her for five more. But, the close-knit family of wild elephants was to face a predator for which it was no match-humans. In a "cull," her family was slaughtered in a few moments. Only the newborn female's life was spared. Terrified and bewildered the young elephant was transported to America to be sold. There she met the person who was to change her life forever. Bob Norris is a cowboy with an enormous empathy for animals that overwhelms his other emotions. He was raised with a pet bear and as a boy decided to become a real cowboy. He saw his dream come true in Colorado on one of the larger horse-and-cattle ranches in America. Handsome as a movie star, he became the Marlboro Man and appeared on TV and on billboards around the world. But, with the passing of years, and with his own family grown up, he felt the need for something that he could not name. When she came into his life by happenstance, the hurt, vulnerable little elephant tapped the fullness of Bob's empathy, and an incredible bond between the most unlikely of friends was forged. Bob adopted the baby orphan elephant-named Amy-and patiently set about helping her recover from the trauma of her ordeal. He had never seen a real African elephant up close, except in zoos. He was a horseman and breeder of champion quarter horses. But, through close observation, gentle training, humor, and endless perseverance, Bob gradually coaxed Amy into overcoming her mistrust of humans, and indeed, her fear of the world. The little elephant became a "hand" on Bob's ranch, tending to simple chores, riding the fences, and shadowing Bob on his horse. She developed a winning personality, and a strong character, and became a beloved member of the Norris family and partner to the ranch hands. But, Bob knew from the start that the ultimate goal was for Amy to regain her confidence and her independence- even, if it were possible, to go back to the savannahs of Africa. This is the true story of how Amy and Bob came together. No one who reads The Cowboy and His Elephant can fail to be moved by such a simple tale of unlikely love.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member presto
She was born in Zimbabwe in the late 1980s, she was sole survivor of a cull and subsequently shipped to the US to be sold either to a circus or zoo. While waiting for a buyer she was held on a ranch in Colorado owned by a cowboy, and when no buyer materialised, already besotted by her, the cowboy
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bought her.

The cowboy, a wealthy rancher, is Bob Norris, for twelve years the original real cowboy Marlborough Man of billboards and press ads, an animal lover as much at ease with horses and other animals as with people, his new charge a baby African elephant now named Amy. Having helped Amy overcome her recent traumas Bob developed a deep empathy for this enchanting yet confused creature, soon he was devoting all his time to her care and she was to come to dominate his and his family's life for the next several years.

This is the story of Amy, intelligent and strong willed, and of Bob Norris, a man of principles and high standards, and their remarkable relationship. The account begins with Amy's probable beginnings, the facts of the cull, and follows her journey to the US, and her eventual repatriation to her African home.

But it is more than just Amy's story, it is an enlightening account that dispels many myths about African elephants and questions the prissy and misguided PC attitudes which today seem to prevail today concerning the care of animals. Amy proves that African elephants are capable of being trained, more importantly appear to benefit from and enjoy being trained, and that they can be animals of great character and strong loyalties.

The Cowboy and His Elephant is a well written and researched account, it is often amusing and funny, on more than a couple of occasions I found it extremely moving - on one occasion because of its deep sadness, on another due to great happiness. The book surprised me, It gave far more than I expected, and has changed my mind on or caused me to rethink a number of issues
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LibraryThing member FerneMysteryReader
Book mail is the best, and when it is an unexpected gift from a bookish friend, it is a treasure. I am so grateful that she shared one of her favorite books of all time with me. I don’t know that I would have ever discovered it independently, and it is a beautiful story. A beautiful story because
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it is a true story. What a treasure to read the bond, the understanding, the kindness, the thoughtful care, and the love shared between a man named Bob and an elephant named Amy. I didn’t know him as Robert Norris or Bob to his family, friends, and community. He is the cowboy we of a certain age knew from commercials and billboards as the "Marlboro Man." The cowboy smoking Marlboro cigarettes.

In the 1980s, a little elephant in Africa was given the name Amy before she began a journey across the ocean. Little did she know that this frightening time would give her an extraordinary life—an extraordinary life because of humans that love animals and dedicate their lives to them. The primary story is Amy’s life on the ranch with Bob Norris. It is heartwarming in every way. It shares a man’s patience, a man’s kindness, a man’s compassion, and how it led to a friendship beyond imagination. A friendship for an elephant far from the only home she knew, an elephant on her own, and what happened when she began to respond to kindness, trust she was safe from harm, and enjoy her daily life.

Malcolm MacPherson brings the story to life with atmospheric writing, interspersing background information and facts about African elephants to help readers understand the depth of the "remarkable friendship" and to give an appreciation of the species.

A bibliography of resources to read “More About Elephants” is provided at the end of the book. To all who want to learn about elephants and/or study elephants, the bibliography must include this book. For animal lovers, it is the gift and treasured delight experienced by unconditional love.
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Physical description

256 p.; 8.5 inches


0312252099 / 9780312252090

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