Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science (College Edition) (9th Edition)

by Richard Saferstein

Paper Book, 2006



Call number



Prentice Hall (2006), Edition: 9, Hardcover, 672 pages


For Introduction to Forensic Science courses, this text introduces the non-scientific student to the field of forensic science through an exploration of its applications to criminal investigations, and clear explanations of the techniques, abilities and limitations of the modern crime laboratory.

User reviews

LibraryThing member elbakerone
I used this textbook for an Introduction to Forensic Science class. It was well written and easy to understand with helpful review sections for each chapter. The case study portions are also very interesting for those looking for supplemental material to forensic science studies.
LibraryThing member kaelirenee
The textbook we used for an introduction to forensic science class. The information is clearly and simply described. It includes crime scene analysis, fiber analysis, serology, forensic genetics, arson analysis, and tool mark analysis. Nothing is looked at deeply-this is an introductory book, after
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all. But it is a good overview. The case studies provide a chance for students to consider the field and some of the difficulties or famous cases.
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LibraryThing member
This textbook offers a great overview for an introductory forensic science course; every major segment of forensic science is covered to some degree - entomology, fire examination, firearms, bloodstain analysis, etc. The case studies are really interesting, too, and there are a lot of websites
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recommended that you can check out.

For people wanting to know just the general basics of what forensic scientists do, Saferstein has written a good jumping-off point. You'll want to read other books and take courses, though, if you want a proper in-depth look at the subject matter, because with some things he merely scratches the surface, and with others he suggests somewhat questionable methods.

For example, in discussing the collection of bullets at a crime scene, he suggests that the investigator put their initials either at the base of the bullet or on the nose of the bullet. While it's really not the best idea to mark such small evidence as a bullet directly, you should never - I repeat, NEVER - make any kind of mark to the nose or sides of bullets recovered at a crime scene. In doing so, you are completely destroying or at least contaminating any trace evidence that could have been recovered and analyzed microscopically. And with a bullet that has been fired, there will ALWAYS be something on the nose for the microscopist. So while Saferstein suggests initialling these items, do the trace evidence and firearms examiners back at the lab a favor and just bag it up and fill out the form.
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Physical description

672 p.; 10.9 inches


0132216558 / 9780132216555
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