The girl who kicked the hornet's nest

by Stieg Larsson

Other authorsReg Keeland
Paper Book, 2010



Call number

Fiction Larsson




New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.


If and when Lisbeth Salander recovers, she'll be taken back to Stockholm to stand trial for three murders. With the help of her friend, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, she will not only have to prove her innocence, but also identify and denounce those in authority who have allowed the vulnerable, like herself, to suffer abuse and violence. And, on her own, she will plot revenge--against the man who tried to kill her, and the corrupt government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life.

Media reviews

The tension builds relentlessly as backstories morph into intriguing subplots, threats to the very core of Swedish democracy are uncovered, men in positions of authority continue to abuse their power, and Salander and Blomkvist continue to fight for justice in their different, inimitable styles
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Larsson was a cerebral, high-minded activist and self-proclaimed feminist who happened to have a God-given gift for pulse-racing narrative. It’s this offbeat combination of attributes — imagine if John Grisham had prefaced his writing career not by practicing law in Mississippi but by heading
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up the Stockholm office of Amnesty International — that has made the series such a sui generis smash.
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Still—bad writing is hardly a barrier to success in this genre. A good plot can run right over pages and pages of bad writing. And if there is a bad plot, or an incomprehensible one, great writing can always go around it. By these standards, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest is a failure. No
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one should read this book for its plot or its prose.
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The best features of Larsson's books are lively, intricately improbable plots. These, however, are set forth in a banal style that demonstrates no more than minimal skills when it comes to most of his characterizations and descriptive writing. It sometimes seems that Larsson's interest in
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novelistic detail begins and ends with the contents of a sandwich that one of his characters makes before dashing out on some potentially dangerous errand.
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Cutting nimbly from one story line to another, Larsson does an expert job of pumping up suspense while credibly evoking the disparate worlds his characters inhabit, from the coldblooded bureaucracy of the Security Police to the underground slacker-hacker world of Salander and her friends, from the
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financially stressed newsroom Erika inherits to the intensive care unit of the hospital where Salander and Zalachenko are recuperating.
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Patented Larsson, meaning fast-paced enough to make those Jason Bourne films seem like Regency dramas.
Salander planea su venganza contra el hombre que trató de matarla y contra las instituciones gubernamentales que casi destruyeron su vida. Pero no va a ser una campaña directa. Tras recibir una bala en la cabeza, Salander está bajo una férrea supervisión en Cuidados Intensivos, y se enfrenta a
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un juicio por tres asesinatos en el momento que le le den el alta. Con la ayuda del periodista Mikael Blomkvist y sus investigadores de la revista Millenium, Salander tendrá no sólo que probar su inocencia, también deberá identificar y denunciar a los políticos corruptos que permitieron a los vulnerables convertirse víctimas de abusos y violencia. Antes una víctima, Salander está lista para devolver los golpes.
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Ein beeindruckendes Vermächtnis und eine Trilogie, der sich kein Krimifan entziehen kann.
Mit brisanten Themen und einem schrillen Ermittlerduo wird der Schwede Stieg Larsson postum zum Star der Krimiszene. (...) Beißende Gesellschaftskritik, (...) unerhörte Spannung, (...) ein gewaltiges Werk.
Hamburger Abendblatt
Selten hat es in skandinavischer Krimiliteratur eine so originelle, widersprüchliche und packende Hauptfigur gegen wie die gegen den Strich lebende Lisbeth Salander.
Der Tagesspiegel
Ein ungewöhnlich spannender Thriller, mehr noch: Dieser Roman zeigt an, was im Thriller derzeit überhaupt möglich ist.


Original language


Original publication date

2007 (original Swedish)
2010 (English: Keeland)


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