Absolute friends

by Le Carr John

Paper Book, 2004



Call number

Fiction LeCarré




London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2004.


Fiction. Thriller. Historical Fiction. A ferocious new novel from the master: when a man's good heart is his worst enemy ... By chance and not by choice, Ted Mundy, eternal striver, failed writer, and expatriate son of a British Army officer, used to be a spy. But that was in the good old Cold War days, when a cinder-block wall divided Berlin and the enemy was easy to recognize. Today, Mundy is a down-at-the-heels tour guide in southern Germany, dodging creditors, supporting a new family, and keeping an eye out for trouble while in spare moments vigorously questioning the actions of the country he once bravely served. And trouble finds him, as it has before, in the shape of an old German student friend, radical, and onetime fellow spy, the crippled Sasha, seeker after absolutes, dreamer, and chaos addict. After years of trawling the Middle East and Asia as an itinerant university lecturer, Sasha has yet again discovered the true, the only, answer to life-this time in the form of a mysterious billionaire philanthropist named Dimitri. Thanks to Dimitri, both Mundy and Sasha will find a path out of poverty, and with it their chance to change a world that both believe is going to the devil. Or will they? Who is Dimitri? Why does Dimitri's gold pour in from mysterious Middle Eastern bank accounts? And why does his apparently noble venture reek less of starry idealism than of treachery and fear? Some gifts are too expensive to accept. Could this be one of them? With a cooler head than Sasha's, Mundy is inclined to think it could. In Absolute Friends, John le Carre delivers the masterpiece he has been building to since the fall of communism: an epic tale of loyalty and betrayal that spans the lives of two friends from the riot-torn West Berlin of the 1960s to the grimy looking-glass of Cold War Europe to the present day of terrorism and new alliances. This is the novel le Carre fans have been waiting for, a brilliant, ferocious, heartbreaking work for the ages.… (more)

Media reviews

In this book John le Carré, the pro's pro, seems determined to resume his own apprenticeship as a writer, to shuck off the last stubborn vestiges of public-school cleverness. The rant at the end of the book is the proof. He does the most un-English thing imaginable: he loses his head while all
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about him are keeping theirs.
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Una nueva muestra del mejor le Carré, en forma de salvaje fábula sobre la hipocresía de la política, aunque no exenta de ternura, y a la vez un canto a la amistad que sobrevive en un mundo despersonalizado y sin rumbo. Con su habitual maestría, le Carré relata la historia de dos amigos a lo
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largo de cincuenta y seis años: Ted Mundy, hijo de un militar británico, y Sasha, hijo de un pastor luterano proveniente de la Alemania del Este. Ambos estudian en Berlín Oeste y se reencontrarán primero en la guerra fría y años más tarde en un mundo amenazado por el terrorismo y sojuzgado por la política americana de la guerra global.
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Original publication date


Physical description

383 p.; 24 cm


0340832878 / 9780340832875
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