Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail: Why Evangelicals Are Attracted to the Liturgical Church

by Robert Webber

Ebook, 2013



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Why do so many evangelicals flock to liturgical traditions today? Robert Webber first explored the question in this thoughtful and engaging classic in 1989; now evangelical scholar and pastor Lester Ruth updates the conversation. Much remains of Webber s beloved original text, including his discussion of Anglicanism s six great gifts: mystery and awe, Christ-centered worship, sacramental reality, historical identity, participation in catholic traditions and holistic spirituality. Ruth adds fresh stories from evangelicals who have followed Webber s footsteps on the Canterbury trail, along with new essays that highlight the diversity of Anglican expressions today."

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LibraryThing member PKXFXNINJA
This slim volume is terrific and I only wish that I had discovered it 20 years ago. It gives an interesting perspective on US evangelicals approaching and embracing Anglicanism. Its only weakness is that it fails to acknowledge the strong strain of evangelicalism in the English Anglican church.
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Having said that, it covers a number of key issues and identifies how Anglican worship is christologically centred and essentially evangelical. It also notes how lack-lustre much worship is in the American evangelical scene. It covers a number of other key theological themes. I found it refreshing as someone who grew up in Australian evangelical Angilcan churches and who finds Anglican worship a tad tired. It re-inforced the importance of good liturgy as against the passing fads of self centred worship. I look forward to reading webber's later work.
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LibraryThing member MarkPlunkett
For some reason I never read the original edition of this book though I did have the opportunity to meet Bob Webber before he died. I read other, similar books of evangelicals who tired of the narrow rational Western protestantism and longed for a fuller, deeper connection to the ancient faith
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(such as Thomas Howard's Evangelical is not Good Enough). This revision of Dr. Webber's book adds material from others who caught his vision and took their own journey to an ancient-future style of worship.

I found the material still very relevant, though the post-modern evangelical church is somewhat different than the one Dr. Webber critiqued. And the various faith journey's shared are helpful perspective on our desire to discover all that worship of God can mean in our lives. Whether the desire is for a more mysterious ancient connection to God or simply a "wider" space in which to work out our faith, many find themselves on a similar journey at some point in their lives and this book helps frame the search and give it context.
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