Das magische Baumhaus, Das Geheimnis der Mumie

by Mary Pope Osborne

Hardcover, 2000



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Loewe Vlg., Bindlach (2000), 89 pages


Jack and his younger sister take a trip in their tree house back to ancient Egypt, where they help a queen's mummy continue her voyage to the Next Life.

User reviews

LibraryThing member ChelseaGriffin
Mummies in the Morning is a small chapter book for young children that is full of adventure and pictures that add to a reader's imagination. This is a good chapter book to introduce to children who are just beginning to read "big kid" books.
LibraryThing member annajamieson
Mummies in the Morning by Mary Pope Osborne is an exciting fictional story. In this Magic Tree House series book Jack and Annie are taken back in time to ancient Egypt and investigate mummies from that time. The book is one that children will be interested in and will love to read. It is a
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transition book for young readers who are not quite ready for a whole chapter book. This could be used in a classroom library and could be used in a classroom study about ancient Egyptians.
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LibraryThing member ToxicMasquerade
This time they are going to Egypt. They get to explore a pyramid. The ghost of a queen comes to them for help on reading the hieroglyphs on the wall. They end up helping her find her Book of the Dead and move on to the next life.
LibraryThing member hem143
Another exciting adventure for Annie and Jack as their book filed treehouse transports them back in time to ancient Egypt. Illustrated with frequent black and white drawings this makes for the perfect transition novel. Encourage a child's imagination and interest for history at the same time.
LibraryThing member kryoung1
The third in a series of stories of two kids that have a magic treehouse that can take them anywhere they read about if they only wish it. It was very exciting with some suspense and mystery mixed into it. It also did a great job if mixing in educational information about Egypt, pyramids, and
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LibraryThing member skeeterbo
I liked it because it was weird. It was a little scary because there was a dead person, and she looked weird.
LibraryThing member djmeyers
Mary Pope Osborne is one of my favorite authors as she integrates historical information into a fictional setting with children. Her mode of transportation to great new worlds is thru books, which I just love! Ancient Egypt is one of my all time favorite topics, so this book was very enjoyable to
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me. I do not know why, but cats keep creeping into my reading this term, and this book is no different! The cat saves the day-- imagine that! This book sparks an interest for me to research topics such as 'The Book of the Dead' and burial rituals of the ancient Egyptians. I am somewhat familiar with mummification, so was kind of surprised they did not discuss this at some level. Perhaps she has a more informational book on this topic, as Mary Pope Osborne provides a number of supplemental books for many of her books. I especially appreciate ' The Magic Treehouse' series as it was the means that a wonderful teacher used to engage my son in reading for enjoyment.
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LibraryThing member hellab01
Mummies in the Morning
The book that I decided to use for an example of the contributions of non-western or ancient cultures to science, technology, or engineering is Mummies in the Morning, written by Mary Pope Osborne and illustrated by Sal Murdocca. This book is part of the Magic Tree House
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series. The books included in this series are interesting because each story involves a set of two books; one fiction and one non-fiction. The fiction book tells a story that briefly touches on the key elements that the author wants to focus on, while the non-fiction book includes many more details, and relates the story back to actual facts. The correlating book in this particular set is called Mummies and Pyramids. There are three main characters in this book: Jack, Annie, and Queen Hutepi. Jack and Annie are siblings who stumble upon a tree house near their home that they feel is magic. This tree house helps them to allow their imagination to take them on all kinds of wild adventures. The siblings reveal that already this week they had visited with knights and dinosaurs thanks to this tree house and its contents. The other main character is an ancient mummy queen by the name of Hutepi. The Queen reveals that she needs the help of the siblings in order to find The Book of the Dead, which she needs to be able to pass through the Underworld.
This book has two main settings: the tree house, which is located in Pennsylvania, and the tomb of Queen Hutepi, which is located in ancient Egypt. There is not much physical description of the tree house other than the fact that it is abandoned and full of books. The contents of the books are actually what inspire all of the different adventures. The cover of the book that inspired this particular adventure consisted of a picture of a pyramid with a parade of Egyptians going toward it. Among the parade were four huge cows that were carrying a sled that was holding a box. The siblings did not know it at the time, but they were actually looking at a picture of a funeral parade, which was part of the customs of ancient Egyptians. The description of the tomb is very similar to what one might traditionally think a tomb would be like. It was described as being very dark, cool, musty, and scary.
As I have sort of already alluded to, the plot of this story follows Jack and Annie along their Egyptian adventure in which they help Queen Hutepi find the book of the dead so that she can pass through the Underworld. After the siblings meet the Queen, they find out that her brothers hid the book so that grave robbers could not find it, but that luckily they wrote clues as to where it was on the wall in hieroglyphics. Since neither Jack nor Annie is familiar with this method of writing, they describe the symbols to the Queen so that she can translate them. They determine that the four symbols represent stairs, a boat, a jug, and a folded cloth. The Queen then leads the siblings to her burial chambers where they follow the clues to find the book. However, once they have finished their task and are attempting to leave, they encounter a few wrong turns so-to-speak, but eventually they make it safely back to the tree house. This book is probably appropriate for a third grade level and up, and I would definitely recommend it for any lesson dealing with ancient Egypt. The thing that I really like about it is the fact that this book comes with a factual guide that directly correlates to it.
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LibraryThing member akonow
"Mummies in the Morning" written by Mary Pope Osborne is a book about mummies and pyramids in ancient Egypt. Jack and Annie, who are siblings, travel back in time via a magic tree house. This adventure leads them on their way to pyramids, which are also referred to as the House of the Dead. Jack
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and Annie witness a funeral parade, a sled carrying a coffin led by four oxen. At least, they think they do. They carefully decide to enter the pyramid. Once inside, they are sure there are ghosts among them. The haunting idea becomes a ghastly reality when standing before them is a ghost-queen. She is in desperate need of their help to get through the Underworld, and the children are willing to try their best. And so the real adventure begins. As the story unfolds, readers will learn a few interesting facts about the way Egyptians preserved and honored their dead. Osborne incorporates a factual book at the hands of Jack, who does refer to it throughout the story and offer some truths. The author writes the story in a suspenseful tone, with quick and simple dialogue. This kind of story makes it hard for the reader to put it down. I would suggest anyone read this book and see what becomes of the dynamic duo and the queen.
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LibraryThing member Miss.Barbara
Jack and Annie find themselves whisked away to ancient Egypt, where they come face to face with a dead queen — and her 1,000-year-old mummy. Mary Pope Osborne continues to delight time-travel fantasy fans with her latest fast-paced adventure.
LibraryThing member yankeegal
Mummies in the Morning is a Magic Tree House book written by Mary Pope Osborne. Two children, Jack and Annie, travel back to Ancient Egypt in the Magic Tree House and learn of the burial rituals of the mummy. They are lead though the parade and into the pyramid by a sleek black cat. The children
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learn about the mummy's sarcophagus and what a mirage really is. This was a wonderfully educational book for young children. It introduces children to ancient history in a manner that will intrigue them.
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LibraryThing member Ms.Penniman
Retelling: Jack and Annie ride their magic tree-house to ancient Egypt where they meet a ghost Queen named Hutepi. They decoded Egyptian hieroglyphs to help them return the book of the dead to the queen's mummy so she could make a safe passage through the underworld.

Thoughts and Feelings: Jack was
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much more willing to explore his surroundings in this book than he was in the other book. It helped that he already knew something about Ancient Egypt. His knowledge made him feel safer.
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LibraryThing member Mluke04
This book is a fantasy because the characters are able to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt. They even have a chance to help the ghost a one of the Egyptian Queens.
The plot in this book is effective for the children who are beginning to read chapter books. It is easy to follow and simple, but
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it is still able to draw the reader into the story.
Media: Watercolor and pen
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LibraryThing member debnance
I finally got around to reading the first five books of the Magic Tree House series, and I have to say that these are perfect for my early chapter book readers. We’ve got a boy and a girl main character...check. We’ve got adventure and action...check. We’ve got readable text...check. What
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more could I ask for?
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LibraryThing member lstec2
I did not read this books as a child, so I appreciated having the opportunity to see why everyone likes them so much, and I was not disappointed! My favorite thing about the book is how it takes you on an engaging journey through history. I love history, so I think these books are a great way to
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introduce children to things they may want to learn more about, but a text book just will not keep them interested. I also like that there is an underlying plot to the series, which is figuring out who "M" is and why the treehouse transports them into the books they read. The main characters, Jack and Annie, are two great kids who are very curious about the things around them. They learned a lot in their journey into the pyramid, and were even the help out a ghost. I found the overlapping of real topics and fantasy story lines to be very well done. I would definitely read more of these books! One of the big ideas in the book is to always be prepared when going on an adventure, which Jack and Annie made sure to be when they brought the book of their hometown with them to make sure they could get home safely: "'Okay,' he said. 'But hold the Pennsylvania book. In case we want to come right back here.'"
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LibraryThing member t1bclasslibrary
Jack and Annie take a more active part in this book as they help a ghost find her book of the dead so she can go on to the next life. They find their way in, follow the clues to find the scroll, get trapped, and find their way out following a mysterious black cat.
LibraryThing member christa15
The magic tree house takes the characters Jack and Annie back to ancient Egypt for a Egyptian adventure. On this adventure they learn so many things, are helped by a black cat, and help a dead queen get to the next life.
Personal Reaction
This was a great book because it was a fun way to teach
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children great information.
Idea Extension
This book was a history lesson its self.
It could teach children about ancient Egypt. Their burial rituals, hieroglyphics, pyramids, and mummies
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LibraryThing member cameron.m.b1
it is a good book it is when jack and annie go to egypt. They go into a tumb and go to the bairal room. then they look at te map a girl goast comes. Jack says look she droped a golden stick with a dog like head. the girl did not know how to read the pictures on the wall. jack gave her his glasses
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and the girl went on her boat and left.
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LibraryThing member Rsantoyo13
Historical Fiction: Jack and Annie are on another adventure but this time they are off to ancient Egypt. They make their way into a pyramid where they spot a tomb robber running around. They hide and continue to run until they run into Hutepi the queen of the Nile. It turned out the queen needed
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help by finding her book of he dead so she could pass on to the other life. They work together in search of the book.
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LibraryThing member Othemts
Another Magic Tree House classic. Annie and Jack travel to Ancient Egypt and help a ghost-queen by solving the riddle of hieroglyphics and finding their way through the false passages of a pyramid. This book also demonstrates their different talents very well, Annie the adventurer, and Jack the
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LibraryThing member jhunt6
In this adventure, Jack and Annie discover the tombs of ancient Egypt. I liked this book for three reasons. First, the author incorporates the previous books in the series into this one. For example, “Maybe M wanted the gold medallion back. The one Jack had found on their dinosaur adventure.
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Maybe M wanted the leather bookmark back. The one from the castle.” Having this connection makes it feel like I am more involved in the book because I too went on these adventures (if you read them). I did not feel like she was telling me the story, but as if I lived them too. This is a great aspect to have when looking at books for children because it will keep them more engaged. Another reason I liked this book is because the language the author used was descriptive but direct. When reading a chapter book having the descriptive language is essential to the plot, but sometimes the author can get carried away. When this happens I often lose interest. But Osbourne does a good job of adding descriptive details, but not to an extent that it becomes boring. For example, “The wind started to blow. The leaves began to shake…it spun faster and faster. And faster! Suddenly everything was still. Absolutely still. Not a sound. Not a whisper.” These few sentences are short and direct, but are very descriptive. This is also all the description given on the page. Therefore, it is not overbearing where it becomes boring. Lastly, the book pushes readers to learn about different parts of the world. This book especially focuses on ancient Egypt and their way of life. The book does this by providing insight onto how ancient Egyptians dealt with death, which has now become apart of Egypt culture. For example, this excerpt from the book talks about what happens when someone dies:
When a royal person died, a grand funeral procession took place. Family, servants, and mourners followed the coffin. The coffin was called sarcophagus. It was pulled on a sled by four oxen.
We the audience gets to learn these little facts about ancient Egypt alongside the characters in the book. This makes us feel like we are not only in the story, but as if we are learning these facts first hand.
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LibraryThing member wichitafriendsschool
Jack and Annie are ready for their next fantasy adventure in the bestselling middle-grade series—the Magic Tree House! Jack and Annie don't need another mummy.But that's what they get when the Magic Tree House whisks them back to ancient Egypt. There they meet a long-dead queen who needs their
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help. Will Jack and Annie be able to solve the puzzle, or will they end up as mummies themselves? Visit the Magic Tree House website! MagicTreeHouse.com
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LibraryThing member BrettMartin
This book is a short yet intriguing story about Jack and Annie, who travel to Ancient Egypt via their Magic Tree House. They end up in the middle of an ancient Egyptian funeral procession and journey into one of the infamous pyramids. I think the story could be longer and have more happen in it,
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but I do like how the story includes tidbits of information about Ancient Egypt and the print is very easy to read. This book would be a great compliment or addition to an elementary school lesson about Ancient Egypt, although being a 24 year old book it is possible some of the information could be outdated or updated.
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LibraryThing member weisser4
Book three down. Fun with information about Egypt.
LibraryThing member amillion
I want more of La Reina Fantasma! Un libro fantastico!


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Physical description

89 p.; 7.87 inches


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