Hi! Fly Guy

by Tedd Arnold

Hardcover, 2005



Call number



New York : Scholastic, c2005.


When Buzz captures a fly to enter in The Amazing Pet Show, his parents and the judges tell him that a fly cannot be a pet, but Fly Guy proves them wrong.

Media reviews

Kindergarten-Grade 2–A boy goes out searching for a smart animal to take to The Amazing Pet Show and bumps into a fly that is intelligent enough to say the childs name, Buzz. Although his parents and the judges feel at first that a fly is only a pest, not a pet, the insect puts on a performance
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that astounds them all and wins an award. The cartoon illustrations showing characters with exaggerated wide eyes are delightful, but the text is somewhat weak and disjointed.–Anne Knickerbocker, formerly at Cedar Brook Elementary School, Houston, TX
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User reviews

LibraryThing member katrinafroelich
A vibrant and fast paced silly text is illustrated with wonderfully comical and expressive illustrations. The language incorporates high frequency words and uses repitition without redundancy. A delightful reader that holds audience interest.
LibraryThing member ccelmer
*Fiction* *CCSS Exemplar Text* This story is about a boy named Buzz and his “pet” fly named Fly Guy. The main point of this story was to show that it is okay to be different a go against the grain. Sometimes, like in Buzz and Fly Guy’s case, it can even lead to success and accolades. I
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enjoyed this story because it had a positive message. I also liked that it was a chapter book even though it was very short. This is a great way to introduce young readers to chapter books.
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LibraryThing member jessicacl
Fly flying and boy looking for something to catch for the pet show. Book shows Fly Guy is up to any challenge and is very confident. Great for young readers ages 5 or 6 years old. Illustrated with humor. Characters have exaggrated eyes.
LibraryThing member claseliteratura
Funny story about this boy (buzz) and his little pet FLY GUY. Simple words and short sentences. It can be use by beginning readers. comic illustrations punctuate the story and provide plenty of laughs.
LibraryThing member ilovezeppe
Cute story about a boy and his pet fly. Buzz is looking to catch a smart pet for the Amazing Pet Show. Fun, colorful illustrations.
LibraryThing member ktibbs
This is a goofy story about a boy to makes a fly his pet and the pet begins to listen to commands and perform tricks. This could be a great resource for realistic fiction writing. Students could see the twist of a simple pet contest and making the twist of having a fly win the contest.
LibraryThing member eward06
This represents a Modern Fantasy because it uses a setting and characters that are make-believe. A fly can't really win an award, which is the pretend part of the book. This book does however hold a bit of truth in that real people are present.
LibraryThing member afmteacher
This book is destined to be a classic. You can easily imagine kids growing up, becoming parents themselves, and having the fond "I remember this book!" memory with their own kids. The last page, of course sets the stage for further adventures of the Fly Guy.
LibraryThing member awiltenburg
A cute tale of an unexpected friendship between a super smart fly and a boy, Buzz. This book is great for a reluctant reader because of its unique holographic cover and easy to read text. Its a beginning chapter book as well and teaches some good traits like perseverance, diversity, friendship,
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personal best, and accepting the unexpected. I could also use this book to teach illustrating skills, expressive simple language, and story writing. A good read for grades 2+
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LibraryThing member Sarah21123
This book is about a boy named Buzz catches a fly for a pet. He grows fond of the fly and names him Fly Guy. The book is a simple read for beginning readers. A short story about a friendship, and many more adventures to come.
LibraryThing member cvosshans
This simple read aloud is good for younger readers or anyone who has had 'unlikely' friends. Beginning readers can make their way through this picture book that also doubles as a beginning chapter book. The holographic cover is sure to attract even the most reluctant readers, not to mention the
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interesting story line about two unusual friends. This is a quick read but a good read.
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LibraryThing member kaitlinc23
This book is a good example of realistic fiction, because it has events that children relate to in their daily life. A boy finds a pet fly and takes him to his pet show.

Level: Primary
LibraryThing member ChelseaRose
Simple, endearing and funny, this book would entertain children of various ages. It celebrates being different and having confidence in one's self. Flashy cover holds added intrigue!
LibraryThing member sunnyburke
This is a really fun book for kids to read who are at the beginning stages of reading chapter books. This is part picture book and part chapter book and has a cool cover that is real shiney! This is a great book that also teaches children that you can be friends with even the most unlikely
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people/creatures/animals/insects/whatever! I also like how it shows kids that they can't always judge a book by its cover and assume that a fly is an unintelligent thing. The art and illustrations are also bright and engaging, which makes the kids want to turn the page and read more.
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LibraryThing member arielaver
The simple language in this text does is used so well and in such funny ways that young readers will quickly become engaged and invested in reading this book. Fly Guy is adorable and the idea of keeping a fly as a pet is quite funny.
LibraryThing member btivis
Hi Fly Guy tells of a fly who was out looking for something to eat. At the same time, a boy was out searching for a pet for The Amazing Pet Show. All of a sudden, they collided! The boy was excited because he thought he had found a pet, but the fly was furious and wanted out. Everytime the fly
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would yell BUZZ, the boy would get excited because that was his name! Not only had he found a pet, he had found the smartest pet. When he takes the fly home, his parents try to kill the fly because it is a pest, not a pet. But the boys saves the fly and takes care of him until the pet show. The judges at the pet show laugh at him, saying a fly can't be a pet. The fly gets mad and starts doing tricks. The boy wins the contest and they become best friends.
I thought this was a pretty cute book. I thought the story was silly and the pictures were cute. These two things make a great combination for young readers. I don't know that I would use this in my calssroom for any particular lesson, but I would use it as a quick read for transition time.
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LibraryThing member mhinderlie
Summary: One day Buzz finds a new pet fly that he is so excited to show his family. When his family sees the fly they tell him that flies can not be pets. Buzz convinces them that he is worthy of being a pet because he is so smart that he can say Buzz's name. Buzz decided that he should enter Fly
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Guy into "The Amazing Pet Show". The judges laugh at Buzz, making him believe that flies can not be pets. So he decides to let him leave, but Fly Guy decides to show the judges that they are wrong. He shows them his tricks and the judges reconsider and award him the smartest pet award.
Genre- Fantasy
Fly Guy is a good example of fantasy, the story has a main character who is a fly. Although flies are not able to think, talk, or perform the author makes it believable.
Style: The author uses personification in this story by giving Fly Guy human like characteristics.
Media: watercolo
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LibraryThing member josephm1
Very cute story about a boy who is looking for an interesting large animal to show-off at the Amazing Pet Show and instead ends up with a fly, a smart fly because it can say the boy's name, Buzz. I love the illustrations of Tedd Arnold. A funny boy loved by kids of all ages.
LibraryThing member ymelodie
Great book to read with children! The illustrations are wonderful and so funny!!
LibraryThing member JackieL1
I thought that this story was a fun-loving little tale about friendship. The boy Buzz was only searching for pet to enter into the pet show. Pets usually are in someway mans friend. But it is unusual for a fly to be ones friend. Once Buzz catches the fly he is convinced from the beginning that they
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are meant to be friends even though the fly, Buzz's fathers, and the pet show judges are skeptical. Overall I thought the book was a cute story. Also I thought the way the book was written with the short chapters would make younger child feel accomplished, reading their first chapter book.

The message to gain from this story is that just because a certain object or thing has a reputation (fly as a pest) doesn't mean that every single one follows that same stereotype or reputation. Throughout the book the fly was considered a pest but Buzz believed otherwise and so did Fly guy. Together they proved to show others how even though one reputation maybe to be a pest certain individuals do not follow. Also the story relates how a friend is one that makes you happy no matter who they are.
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LibraryThing member cmesa1
This easy reader book is simple witty and perfect to get the young reader to be confident and comfortable with reading.
It is also a nice story that gets the interest of the student is simplicity makes this book a great selection to have. A lot of my students after reading it want to go and have a
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fly as a pet !!!!
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LibraryThing member anacryan
Fun and quirky easy-reader about a (somehow) endearing fly. Great illustrations and funny text make these books unique and engaging. For beginning readers with a sense of humor. A Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book.
LibraryThing member jlbenson
This Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book is the funny story about a boy and a fly who become friends. This easy reader has chapter breaks, which is a great way to introduce developing readers to chapter books. Overall, the silly illustrations, hyperbole, and catchy wordage make this a fun read! I would
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use this book as a way to reach out to reluctant readers and for those beginning readers wanting to read chapter books. It is a catchy and hilarious book that I think most children would enjoy!
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LibraryThing member shellybjorklund
Genre: Fantasy
Review: Although the book has aspects of realism, like a little boy wanting a fly as a pet and the fly saying 'buzz', it is not realistic that a fly would recognize a specific jar and stay close to Buzz like he does.
Media: Colored Pencil
LibraryThing member mmaher8
This book got the Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor. I would use this book for 1st and 2nd graders because the sentences are very basic and the illustration will keep them focused on the book. This book is about a boy named Buzz who wants to find a cool pet to compete in a The Amazing Pet Show. Then there
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is this fly who is just looking for something to eat. Now the fly collides into the boy and Buzz puts him in a jar and wants to use the fly as his pet. The fly says buzz out of anger and the boy thinks this is the smartest pet in the world because he knew the boy's name. Buzz brings the fly home and his parents say the fly isn't a pet, he is a pest and the dad tries to kill the fly. Then the fly says Buzz and the parents also believe it is a smart pet. the mom tells Buzz to name the fly so they name him Fly Guy. On the day of the competition the judges laugh at Buzz when he shows them the fly, but then the fly does awesome air tricks and says the boy's name and they win the competition. Some central issues in this book is people judging things before they get to know the truth and taking care of pets. The students in can attempt to read this whole book by themselves or to their tables. They can also draw their pets or if they don't have one they can make up an imaginary pet they would like to have. They can also give some dialog to Fly Guy, since all he says is buzz, but I'm sure they can make up things for him to say.
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Original language


Original publication date



0439639034 / 9780439639033


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