Drawing with Pen & Ink

by Arthur L. Guptill

Ebook, 1961


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Arthur L. Guptill's Drawing With Pen and Ink has been a landmark in the literature of ink technique for many years. The volume has gone through many printings and reached many thousands of students. It has been out of print for a number of years because the plates had become worn and a sharp reprint was no longer possible. A new edition would have entailed not only a complete new set of plates but the addi�tion of new material. Fads, fashions and styles constantly affect the world of art and ink tech�niques have shown response to the times. Many ink drawings of today wear a different look from those of thirty years ago. A whole new company of artists has grown up with its own way of saying things. In addition the cost of manufacturing has in?creased enormously during the last thirty years. A new book, the size of the original volume, would now have to be sold at a prohibitive price. So revision and condensation were necessities. Thinking of my long friendship with Arthur L. Guptill and remembering the way he thought and wrote has helped, I trust, in my revision of his text. A number of chapters have been com?bined; several, covered in other books, have been dropped; two, The Pen Combined With Other Mediums and Pen and Ink in Illustration, have been entirely re-written; and a short concluding chapter has been added. The greater part of Arthur Guptill's explanatory drawings as well as a good many examples of work by other artists have been retained. To this has been added almost a hundred examples of newer work. I am happy to have had a hand in again making this useful book available to students and lovers of the ink technique.… (more)



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