Oh, The Places You'll Go!

by Dr. Seuss

Hardcover, 1990



Call number



Random House (1990), 56 pages


Advice in rhyme for proceeding in life; weathering fear, loneliness, and confusion; and being in charge of your actions.

Media reviews

e auteur heeft ook hier weer een stevig absurd verhaal gecreëerd dat je meesleept doorheen zijn wondere wereld, waarin je van de ene verbazing in de andere valt. Het vertelstandpunt vanuit het jongetje dwingt je tot kiezen en meeleven. Zo leidt dit boek ook tot reflecteren en vertalen naar je
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eigen, herkenbare wereld. De tekst op rijm is doordacht geconstrueerd en leest vlot. De fantasierijke woordenschat wekt verwondering op en dwingt respect af. En doordat het hoogst absurde, quasi-nonsens-gehalte gelinkt blijft aan de herkenbare realiteit, verlies je nergens het spoor. De fantasierijke prenten in ouderwets aandoende kleuren versterken de tekst en vice versa. Te gekke figuren met een grote beweeglijkheid en overduidelijke expressies loodsen je doorheen de absurde, eigengereide wereld van Dr. Seuss, waarin het goed vertoeven is.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member MeditationesMartini
OH FUUUCKK NOOOOO. I thought this would be all "And then, my friend, we'll visit Shneen / the silliest place you've ever been!" and all the things that make the places silly. But instead it was telling the poor kids how they were all gonna be big fucking successes and world beaters: "You're going
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places, you're no one's chump / You might grow up to be Donald Trump!" And that, my friend, doesn't even scan properly.
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LibraryThing member sadaniels
I enjoyed reading this book. It is a great book to read to children because of its reapeativeness as well as its full page illustrations. It is a very motivational book. It talks about a variety of life events that can bring you down but its up to you to overcome and proceed with life.
LibraryThing member Mihalevich
Author Dr. Seuss
Title Oh, the Places you'll Go
Publisher Random House
Date 1990
Pages 56

Short Summary This book is about all the places you can go in an imaginative world. It is a journey of a boy who is referred to as you who embarks on the way to find his place in the world.
in the book
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the line where it says “you” will come to a place where “you” will have two paths to take, which one will “you” take? Then “you” comes to a waiting place, here everyone is waiting either for a bus or a phone call. The waiting will end and “you” will get that bus or that call.The book goes on to end on a happy note.

Tags or headings. A tag in this book would be making decisions and finding yourself. Making decisions because you have to decide which path to take in the book and finding yourself because the book takes you on a journey.

My Response. I liked this book once I re read it at my age now I get the understanding of the book. When I read it as a child I think all I cared about were the pictures because at that age I didn't know the whole meaning to the book.
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LibraryThing member akg118
My favorite Dr. Suess book ever written! I think this book can be used for young children as well as adults. For example, I know multiple friends who received this book as a graduation present (high school and college). It's a fun way to teach children about dreams and rhyme and rhythm all at the
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same time! They quickly pick up on the rhythm of the book and the fun words that Dr. Suess always adds. I highly recommend this book to teachers and students of all ages- definitely a classic!
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LibraryThing member klc400
This book has always been one of my favorites! I just love how it is so fun and the pictures are so colorful! Also the overall message of the book is so good. There are many places you go in your life and this book just talks about the choices you make and how you can succeed!
LibraryThing member Charlee526
Such a wonderful book! it can be read to the youngest readers up to the oldest adult! I loved it!
LibraryThing member sweetiegherkin
Oh, The Places You’ll Go! is the go-to gift for graduates, whether the recipient is graduating from preschool or college. I received my copy for as a high school graduation gift and hadn’t looked it for years. When babysitting this weekend, I pulled it out and read it to my young cousin and
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nephew. After so many years of not looking at the book, I was delightfully surprised to find that Dr. Seuss not only extols the reader’s would-be successes in his usual bombastic flair, but he also addresses failures in some detail. It makes for a balanced read for children and adults, reminding readers that life comes with ups and downs. The text is accompanied by Dr. Seuss’s signature illustrations, which help portray the highs and lows of the journey of life.
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LibraryThing member kelasater
Wonderful book that can be applied to all ages. There are many places you will go in life, and sometimes it won't be easy, but you will get through. You are in charge of the decisions you make which can affect your future and what happens to you. Makes for great discussion.
LibraryThing member jrjohnson1
One of my favorite books. Good for any level of students. This is a good book to tell kids that they can do anything they put their mind too. Very colorful, the kids would love the pictures and being able to say oh, the places You'll Go!
LibraryThing member blue8444
I've had this book since I was in college, and I look forward to reading it to my kids as they get older. It's typical Suess, fun to read, fun to look at, and interesting lessons about the future and life.
LibraryThing member readingrebecca
Although I understand this is a book for high school or college graduates, this was given to me as a present for our upcoming cross-country trip. It is so fitting for that and just a wonderfully written story. You can't beat Dr. Seuss!
LibraryThing member Amzzz
Dr. Seuss tackles the triumphs and low points of the journey that is life. A really cute read!
LibraryThing member awriterspen
I originally purchased this book for my then 5 year old as he was preparing to start Kindergarten. At the time, I really thought it was for kids starting school. It was a wonderful conversation starter to talk to him about all the wonderful things and new experiences he was about to encounter in
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I then did the same thing with my next child and every now and then when they get low and wonder about their future, I pull this book out and read it with them. This book is great at sparking imagination and letting children know that from time to time they will be left behind or disappointed, but that around the corner something new and unexpected will happen.

This book is also wonderful for a graduation gift, whether from high school or college as the message in simple rhymes can do nothing but lift spirits. I highly recommend this book as a keeper!
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LibraryThing member Joles
A must for anyone graduation or moving on with their life. This Dr. Seuss book is truly inspiring and a tear jerker.
LibraryThing member Sonnenblume84
I love Dr. Seuss books. And I used to read them to my host children when I worked as an Au Pair. Consequently my host parents gave me this book when I left after 2 years. The book is great and makes saying goodbye at least a little easier. I would recommend this as a gift for everyone going away to
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College, foreign countries or wherever else life might take one.
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LibraryThing member kmtheodorou
This book is good for a little older grade (maybe 2 or 3) It is good for letting children know that the possibilities are endless but it's not always an easy road.
LibraryThing member sarah_walker
The long poem tells the story of a nameless protagonist as he endures a wild and crazy journey. The plot describes the ups and downs the protagonist must go through as he makes choices in the crazy world he is trapped in.

"Oh the Place You'll Go" is an extended allegory

on a child's level. In a world
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where weird creatures Seuss juxtaposes fanciful illustrations with truthful text that explain life. The book gives an honest yet simple approach. The poem could be read as either to_______a young child's fantasy or a word of encouragement.

Teachers could assign parts of the poem to different groups of students who must illustrate the part using their own imaginations. Also the entire class could act out the entire story with a few students s narrarator.
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LibraryThing member tamilarson
A classic Dr. Suess ryhming book with super fun illustrations! A must read for any young reader.
LibraryThing member cgammerman
This book is a educational and fun book to read for all ages. It teaches a lesson about life and motivates children to keep going and trying new things. I love this Dr. Seuss book and I truly believe that most students will love this story and want to learn how to read it themselves. The pictures
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are creative and funny and children will be entertained throughout reading this great story.
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LibraryThing member RyaneClayton
This is an inspirational rhyming book about a person and the places he goes. Its all about going to new places and new heights. A wonderful poem about life experiences.
LibraryThing member mbberg
This is one of my favorites books. My mom gave this to me when I graduated high school. This book is great for any age and really teaches children that they can do anything if they put their mind to it. It really motivates children to make the most of their lives and if they do then they can do
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anything. I love the illistrations and message of this book!
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LibraryThing member rjmcwhorter1
This is a wonderful little story. It is so encouraging of young students, and I would always recommend reading it to any age student... even a high schooler can benefit.
LibraryThing member beckyhill
The choices you make in life affect where you go, and any obstacles you come to should be faced to make you stronger. The one character that the book follows is never named, but that helps in making the book apply to anyone without having a memorable character. Throughout the book, this character
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faces many difficulties and accomplishments, which could happen anywhere, in any order. The style is rhyming lines that describe the different situations, and the illustrations show these events unfolding in Dr. Seuss' usual world of color and crazy shapes. It is a very good book for children facing hardships, and I would include it in my collection.
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LibraryThing member PigOfHappiness
This quintessential graduation story explores the possibilities that lay ahead. Both touching and classical Seuss. Appropriate for all ages...
LibraryThing member kalonzo
Oh the places you'll go takes you to different places to see different things. This informational book tells you that you may become confused along your way and become frightened but you will soon escape and find bright places. Some day you will find your way and move mountains.

A great book to
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read to someone who may have lost their way. The kids liked this book and said it made them inspirational and makes them believe that they will succeed in anything they do.

This would be a great book to hide the cover and have the children while you read it to them. They can make their own story of the places they see themselves going.
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Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

48 p.; 8.37 inches


0679805273 / 9780679805274


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