Project Paper Doll: The Rules

by Stacey Kade

Ebook, 2013



Call number



Disney Hyperion (2013), 416 pages


At sixteen, Ariane Tucker has been careful to elude those seeking her since her escape from a genetics lab ten years earlier, but the attention of classmate Zane, both frightening and intoxicating, tempts her to risk violating at least one of her adoptive father's five simple rules.

User reviews

LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Awesome story with romance, action, and it kept me guessing the whole way through.

Opening Sentence: So there are Rules that come along with my being Ariane.

The Review:

Ariane Tucker has followed the rules set by her father her whole life. When she
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was 6 years old the man she calls her father rescued her from GTX, a facility that specializes in many different things. She was one of their experiments, where they mixed human and alien DNA. She was treated like a lab rat and they tried to make her do horrible things with her powers. She was able to move things with her mind, manipulate matter, stop things from moving, and other things that were never fully explored before her escape. About a month before she was rescued they made her hurt an innocent mouse and it somehow put a block on her powers and she still hasn’t been able to use them 10 years later.

She has been living with the man who rescued her, pretending to be his daughter. His real daughter died at the same time he rescued Ariane. Because GTX has never stopped looking for her she has to try to be invisible, but the inevitable happens and someone notices her. Jenna is Ariane’s only friend. Jenna has always wanted to be in the it crowd, but she never seems to be quite accepted by the popular kids. Junior year has just started and Jenna becomes the recipient of a cruel joke by the people she wants to be accepted by most. Ariane can’t stand to do nothing so she stands up to Rachel Jacobs, the most beautiful, popular, meanest girl in school. This causes a scene and Rachel is out for revenge. So Rachel comes up with a plan. One of her long time friends and total hottie Zane Bradshaw is going to ask Ariane out and then publicly humiliate her. Of course things don’t go quite as planned.

Ariane is a great character. She has a great voice and is very interesting to get to know. It is so fun to see her come into her own throughout the book. She gets to experience so many things for the first time, because she has always stayed away from everyone and everything so she would stay safe. She has a pretty feisty personality when she wants to, but she is very caring and tries to stand up for what she believes is right. I really grew attached to her, and can’t wait to read more of her story.

Zane Bradshaw is the all around hot boy. He has popular friends, is very good looking, good at sports but he has a crappy home life. He can never live up to his dads expectations and he has to live in the shadow of his perfect older brother. He was pretty close with his mom but she left a little over a year ago and he hasn’t heard from her since, it really shattered him. He has been friends with Rachel and her crew ever since they were kids but he really hasn’t fit in since his mom left. He doesn’t like the games they play or the way they treat people, but it is really hard to change without a reason. He has always found Ariane interesting so when he hears that Rachel is plotting against her he volunteers to be part of her plan. Of course once he gets to know her he can’t help but like her and possibly find a reason to change his ways. Zane is so sweet and so cute. He is a little broken at first because of his life but you slowly see him get put back together as he develops a friendship with Ariane. I loved that they make each other better people by being together, that’s how real relationships should be.

This was really an amazing read. The plot was so well written with so many twists and turns that literally had my jaw dropping at times. The romance was well developed and not rushed at all. I really enjoyed the characters and can’t wait to see what happens next. There is a mild cliffhanger at the end of this book but it is bearable. I usually am not a big Sci-fi fan but this book changed that. I would highly recommend this to anyone that likes Sci-fi or paranormal books.

Notable Scene:

“It’s all right.” Zane looked around, his gaze following the groups of people heading toward the gym. Then he turned to face me and offered his hand, palm down, with a hint of challenge in his expression.

Ah. He’d picked up on my reluctance to be touched. My fault for reacting so badly when he’d come up to me yester­day. It’s just . . . he’d taken me by surprise.

That was why he’d made such a point about setting boundaries for our “date,” I realized, my face heating up. It was kind of considerate of him. And surprising. If he’d been more like what I’d expected, he wouldn’t have bothered.

And he was right: I wasn’t comfortable with people touching me, especially unexpectedly and without per­mission. But I wasn’t sure if that would hold true for the reverse—me making contact with someone. Honestly, I’d never tried it, spending most of my time and energy avoid­ing even casual grazes.

Zane raised his eyebrows, and hell no, I wasn’t going to let him win. I’d agreed to this, so I’d go through with it.

Sticking my chin out defiantly, I lifted my hand to his, and he closed his fingers around mine securely. His palm was warm and dry, and I could feel rough spots—calluses from lacrosse, probably—rubbing against my skin in a not-unpleasant friction.

He grinned and gently tugged me forward to follow him through the gap between his SUV and the truck, and into the parking lot. Knowing what I did about our arrange­ment, I expected to feel reluctance or distance in his grasp, but he held my hand as if he meant it.

FTC Advisory: Disney-Hyperion provided me with a copy of The Rules. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
I think aliens are the new black! Fierce and very exciting, I LOVED this story.

The plot of the book is what kept me planted in the story. There are several plot twists that I did not expect and it totally blew me away. From the start of the first sentence to the last line of the story, I want MORE!
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I need MORE! The plot moved wonderfully with the reader entrancing them with a powerful plot that I could not take my eyes off of. The ending of the story is the BEST! Seriously once I reach the end of the book, I released a breathe of air that I didn't even realize I was holding. That's how exciting the story was.

The characters of the book have more in common that what the readers sees. The readers are lead to believe that this girl is different, that she is being saved and well, let just say that once you feel Ariane's shock there's not going back. Ariane is an amazing character that is easy to relate to. She conveys her emotions well so that the reader can easily slip into her shoes. When it comes to Zane he is different. You know that this kid is hiding something. I like that Zane role is bigger than what the reader expects. You think you know him but once inside his mind, it's nothing than what you thought.

Of course there is a love interest that is right where I want it with amazing obstacles standing in their way. This love screams to be reader and I can not wait to see their love blossom.

The Rules places a nostalgia factor that leaves you feeling amazing. The portrait of secrecy, a powerful company, and a love taking hold, it's a genuine delight. The Rules is an awesome start to powerful series.
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
I really enjoyed this first book, the pacing was great, and there was character growth as well as a romance that I cheered for.
The Rules sucked me in right away. Even though I was a bit confused on the whys and hows of Ariane's condition, as well as who she replaced and how exactly that worked, I
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still immediately liked what I was reading, and I wanted more. Though I will say that I expected something different from this book based on the synopsis, but I wasn't disappointed in what I got.
Ariane is a mixture of human and alien DNA, and I really like how that gives her strengths, but also weaknesses. Big ones, that she has to deal with. As her back story is revealed little by little, I learn why the Rules are in place, and more about her connection with her "dad" Michael Tucker. Who, for the record, I really admired. I liked how much he cared for her, and his reasoning for taking Ariane in the first place. He is so protective, and their relationship seems so authentic.
I connected with Adriane and her feelings of not belonging. That yearn to fit in. It was so sad how she really couldn't get too close with anyone because she doesn't want to draw attention to herself or else the lab she escaped from could notice her. But even though she has the different DNA, it really begs the question what makes a human. She shows the full range of emotions, from anger, protectiveness, and love in its different forms. She has special abilities, so I know that sets her apart, but at her core, how different is she really?
And I don't know if having someone as a narrator makes me more susceptible to like someone, but being in Zane's head did that for me. I don't think that I would normally fall for someone in the "in crowd" like him. But seeing that he had some deeper emotional value behind the pretty face, and that even though he was friends with people like Rachel, the "it and mean girl" of their high school, he didn't support all that she stood for or did. As I learned more about his home life, and the more I was in his head, the more that I liked him. He had pure a pure heart underneath the tough exterior and the things that he did to fit in.
The romance between the two is sweet, and I really enjoyed those moments. I love how it started out of revenge and then evolved into something else.
The twist near the end really got me. I was expecting one part but DEF not the other. I guess I should have read Rule 1: Don't trust anyone more closely. It makes me want to retract one of the statements above that I wrote while in the middle of the book and had started jotting down my thoughts, but it is true for that part in the story, so I will leave it. I am eager for the next book, and sadly can't find much else about it, but I will certainly be watching Ms. Kade's blog and goodreads for more info.

Bottom Line: Sweet and fast paced story from two characters that I rooted for.
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LibraryThing member AngelaFristoe
I really loved how this story started off. It doesn't try to fool us into thinking the Ariane has a great life among the humans, or that it's easy for her to follow 'the rules' her adoptive father has established for her. She's part alien and there's nothing sexy or glamorous about it. For me that
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is the best thing about this. Other alien books I've read have managed to make the aliens hiding among us to be highly attractive with superpowers galore.

Ariane definitely has some super powers, but there's also a physical downside to being an alien, such as the mention that her bones break easily due to their lower density levels and the grayish tinge to her skin. It was these little differences that made Ariane believable in her role as E.T. and stops this from being just another alien story. Kade manages to keep some of the scary alien stereotypes while mixing it with a more sympathetic alien.

I ended up reading this through in one sitting and enjoyed the story. There were parts were I felt it lagged, but the story would quickly get back on track, and I'm looking forward to reading more of this series.
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LibraryThing member Kewpie83
Actual review to be posted closer to the release date. Needless to say, the four out of five stars should give you a pretty good idea of my thoughts! :)
LibraryThing member MVTheBookBabe
Due to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.

In the beginning, I wasn't sure that I would like The Rules. I didn't know anything about it, and the premise sounded kind of strange. But I was game to give it a shot. And I'm really glad that I did, because it surprised me! Turns out that I kind of
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like alien books. ;)

When I turned the first page, I had this sudden realization (love those!) "I'm going to like this book. Anything that starts out with such a bang deserves to be loved." Glad to see that my first thoughts weren't wrong.

I really liked Ariane as a character. At first she was kind of cold, but she gradually grew to be more human, and I loved her for that. She was vulnerable and strong, powerful yet weak-- this girl was a complete contradiction, but it worked for her!

Zane was also a good character-- but in a totally different way. He was more...I don't know, human? Whatever it was, it made him a great match for Ariane. He kind of balances her out, in his own way.

Dr. Jacobs and Rachel kind of freaked me out, though. They were both so power hungry, and the way that they were was downright scary! Nothing could get in their way, for fear of being bowled over. That's a good kind of villain-- but I have to say that Dr. Jacobs was far superior in that respect to Rachel. She was more of a high school bully.

On another note, I really loved the world building in this one-- it was pretty vividly imagined, right from the start!

All in all, The Rules was a superbly written book-- and I would recommend it to paranormal lovers.
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LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
When Ariane was 6 a security guard who is now known as her father helped her escape from the lab that she was born into. She knows she isn't normal and she knows if she is ever caught she will be used as a weapon and forced to kill. She has a set of rules her 'father' set up for her that she must
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follow at all times, and she is content to do that until Zane takes notice of her and she has no want to follow them anymore.

Ariane was super easy to like. I connected with her character right away and understood her feelings and struggles. She grew a lot as the pages went on. Zack is the popular sports guy with a horrible home life. His mother left and his father treats him like dirt and compares him to his older brother at every turn. Ariane and Zack's relationship starts out hesitant but grows rapidly into a great partnership. They both sacrifice a lot for each other and I cant wait to see what meets them in the next chapter.

There are some great twists in THE RULES that you will never see coming. The action is spaced out nicely. The writing flows nicely and the plot is always moving and entertaining. There is still a lot to find out so I will be reading book 2 when it comes out.
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LibraryThing member yahalomi65
Trough Ariane I had an opportunity to learn that there is so much to the life of a typical teenager when you're not always trying to blend in.
Well this is not a classical sci fi story and tend more to be in the same eye level with the age of its readers - YA. In this age you have a lot of confusing
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question about yourself and your identity, your place in the society, your place among those of same age like you, you and the the adults, your feelings and your romantic feelings.... and also other many issues - In this Kade did a good job.

Now add to all this a fact that you are not a real "full human" that actually you were created in the first place as an scientific experience which its primery goal was to create a weapon - a deadly one. More than this you are kind of hybrid between an alien and human. you don't have a name but a number and no privacy from protruding eyes. All you know about the human race is from the feed you got and about your other inheritance you only know that they are small grey fragile with big black eyes.

So why not to trust the first person who show you compassion and a way out from this situation of a lab rat. This person has a very convincing story about his motives and he turn to be the only parent that you know. This parent is only thing that you can call family... and under his supervision you gain 10 years out of the lab, more or less normal under 5 strict rules.

Now at age 16 , which isn't an easy age, as I mention before, you discovered that your "human side" (remember we don't have a picture of this aliens beside the assuming that a space travel need a lot of resources and in purpose to get this resources this alien had to to overcome their differences) kick in and it is not a wonder after the first bite of life you want more.

This is a fast reading story, with very interesting turn outs, from the kind that give you the shock.
I enjoyed it very much So I can recommend it very easily.
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LibraryThing member pollywannabook
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

Romantic sci-fi YA has been gaining popularity recently thanks to series like Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Lux series (super awesome btw) and even Pittacus Lore’s I AM NUMBER FOUR. THE RULES isn’t as action packed as the later nor as romantic as the
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former, and there are some issues with it, but Stacey Kade does know how to hook readers and in her new Project Paper Doll series, she does exactly that.

The beginning of THE RULES had some problems with pacing and a few unfortunate info dumps. Because of the dual POVs, a lot of early info got rehashed twice as both Ariane and Zane experienced/processed the same event. The actual plot was intriguing and after those first few chapters, the pacing improved. I don’t know how effective Zane’s backstory was, though. His mother’s abandonment and subsequent life the the shadow of his perfect brother felt a little tacked on at times since it didn’t really shape his personality in any significant way. Ditto for Ariane and her issues with her ‘father’ and her years as a lab rat. I wanted to feel more depth from both of them.

On the plus side, the story is good. Both the larger aliens among us storyline and the smaller let’s team up to punish the bully storyline were fun. I especially liked the way the romance unfolded and I’m always a sucker for pretend romance blossoming into the real thing. There were also a few interesting character twists that kept a few of the seemingly cliche characters from being, well, cliche.

On the whole, I thought THE RULES was a step back from the Ghost and the Goth series, but still a solidly fun story. The ending especially ramped up the intrigue and dropped a few rather shocking surprises that have me more than a little anxious to read the next book in the Project Paper Doll series due out in 2014.

Sexual Content:
Kissing. Mild sensuality
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LibraryThing member pussreboots
The Rules by Stacey Kade is the first book in the Project Paper Doll series. Ariane Tucker has been living with five simple rules since she escaped from a top secret genetics lab. She has been living as the daughter of a security guard, but in reality she is a human-alien hybrid.

Kade uses the same
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parallel story telling structure as her Ghost and the Goth series. Here the points of view are Ariane (the alien) and Zane (the boy bullied into being her fake boyfriend).

Ariane's knowledge of the world is spotty at best. For all her attempts to understand popular culture, she's still very naive. She gets some things but doesn't always get the context. She is therefore an understandably unreliable narrator.

Zane, meanwhile, is part of the popular crowd. The girl who commands them, wants to make Ariane's life a living hell. So she decides the best way to do that is to get her publicly dumped at the upcoming high school shindig. Except — Zane's got a conscience.

Ariane and Zane's relationship isn't exactly friendship and it isn't exactly romantic. But it's interesting and believable in the context of high school bullying. Kade allows their relationship to evolve naturally and gives it room to continue to develop in future books.

The Rules like the previous series does end on a cliff hanger. It's nothing too surprising for anyone familiar with the genre but it's still a satisfying ending. I definitely plan to continue reading.
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LibraryThing member jeneaw
3.5 hearts

When I first read the premise for this, I thought this would be interesting learning who Ariane was and what she was too. The rules that she is to follow seem fairly easy enough, that is till you get to the last one. Don’t fall in love. Now, that is one rule that will be hard not to
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break. So, of course I had to know what happens.

Ariane might have human name, look human, but she a alien hybrid and has managed to live under the radar for quite a while now. She attends high school, she does a good job keeping to herself. I would think that would be very lonely, but she handled it well. Her personality was sweet and she was so protective of her father and her self. I couldn’t help but to like her.

This is told from Ariane and Zane’s point of views. With a setting in high school, comes lots of high school drama, the cliques and the mean girls. What would high school be with out those? Rachel is the one that Ariance has to deal with, and she was certainly a royal bitch. But at least there was Zane, who seemed to be just a sweet guy and becomes the love for Ariane. She did everything to not fall for him, and that just made the romance even more endearing.

The concept was just as interesting as I thought it would be. I enjoyed getting to know Ariane, her abilities and what she went through at GTX where she had been created. I am hoping that more about the aliens will be explored in the future though. It didn’t take me long to read this due to the fairly fast pace and with the twists and betrayal thrown in. The ending was fantastic, and I was kinda expecting a few things to happen, but that was not all that happened and I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it. I am looking forward to seeing where Kade takes the story next.

The Rules was an entertaining read, the characters were great and I am looking forward to seeing where Kade takes the story next.
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LibraryThing member TabithaDickerson
I loved this book! I love dystopian YA books, but this was a nice break from them.

Ariane Tucker is half alien, half human. She spent the first six years of her life in confinement being trained to use her brain to destroy in hopes of becoming a weapon to be used by the Department of Defense. For
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the first six years of her life she stays confined to a small room with only the promise of being able to go outside but never really be allowed to. Finally, she is able to escape with the help of a guard who takes her during a fire and then passes her off as his own child. Fast forward ten years and Ariane is in high school. Having been taught by her "father" that she has to keep her head down and never let anyone know who she really is, she blends into her high school environment until her only friend is threatened by the school bully. It is then that Ariane must choose to follow the rules of her "father" or break them to do what she feels is right but expose herself in the process. With the help of an unlikely accomplice Ariane works to right wrongs and figure out who she can really trust.

This book is fast-paced and intriguing. It kept me turning pages and had me sitting on the edge of my seat screaming at the bully and rooting Ariane on. I cannot wait to read the second book!
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LibraryThing member BookishThings

The premise of this book intrigued me. I love me some sci-fi, and this heads right up that alley without feeling too far out there. It's perfect for those that are just getting into sci-fi.

Ariane is a sweet girl. She has to follow the Rules so she won't be noticed. She tries not to care about
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people, but finds it hard when she's not allowed to get close. She's very intelligent, and doesn't know what to say at times. She's constantly thinking situations through so that she doesn't make a mistake with how she words things. She tries to be strong enough not to break those rules, but a certain boy makes that very hard. Zane is a great character. At first he seems like a jerk, but he has many layers beneath him. He has a troubled home life, but doesn't want his friends to know. He is a follower until he reaches a breaking point. He's a good guy, with good intentions. He just has crappy friends. Rachel is the perfect example of the mean girl. She's cruel, and only does things that will make her happy, or bring pain/humiliation to others. She doesn't like to be laughed at, and is a complete B.

The plot moved along quickly. You begin wondering how close the lab is to finding Ariane. You want to cheer for her the whole time, even knowing she's breaking the Rules. This girl deserves a normal life. She doesn't really get to "live" since she's always in hiding. Ariane decides that her little bit of freedom when it comes to Zane is worth it. As much as Ariane tries to avoid confrontation, it seems to follow her. There tends to be many people around when it hits the fan. Each time something happens, brings her former captors closer to finding her. And oh my wow the twist. There's one event that I did not see coming at all. I was heartbroken for Ariane, and wanted to comfort her any way possible.

Overall this is a fast paced read. You aren't bored, and want to know just how far Ariane is going to get without attracting attention. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes from here.
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LibraryThing member thinktink93
The first of a the series, this book was an interesting set up. A girl with powers and secrets trying to blend in with normal society, but of course that doesn't end well.

A good mix of regular teen life, science fiction elements and plenty of plot twists to keep you guessing until the end.
LibraryThing member lexilewords
Creepy cover is creepy. Especially once you read the book, 'cause that makes the creepy eyes stand out more. I greatly enjoyed Kade's first three books (The Ghost and the Goth trilogy) though I was a wee bit hesitant to broach this book at first since it sounded a bit...not my cup of tea. Hybrid
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human/aliens aren't my normal reading preference especially where young adult reading is concerned(blame some of this on the Roswell tv show and the brooding portrayal of teen wangst in the face of certain death, doom and apocalypse). However, or in spite of my reservations, I was intensely curious to see where Kade took it all.

Very happy I did.

Like Ghost and the Goth, Kade took a couple concepts and gave them a face-lift. Small town living, parental legacies (and neglect), popularity and high school social hierarchies all are given a swift punch as Kade explores just what a toll these things can take. Admittedly some of this was tried and true from the G&G books, but we have far less reason to like Rachel than we did Alona and the stakes are far greater for Ariane than ever they were either Alona or Will.

If you don't read the blurb than the first chapter, told from Ariane's POV (the chapters alternate between hers and Zane, her hm 'reason' to break the rules more or less) then things may feel a bit stuck in the middle of something. She just barely hints that something is off about herself, but doesn't quite go into detail until a chapter or so later. Zane meanwhile, who is introduced through Ariane's POV first (and a total jerk), evolves from a guy desperate to do something gain his father's approval to a guy who realizes it not worth losing his soul in the process.

Rachel goes from mean-spirited, to wicked and lands on cruel before making an almost redemptive action (in a ruthless self-serving manner). The party scene near the end cinches it, but I felt a bit bad for her because like Zane she was desperate to gain the attention of people, but unlike Zane she was happily selling her soul to do so. Her last scenes with Zane and Ariane can almost be seen as 'Maybe she finally understands' light, but whether or not we see her again is dubious (given the direction of the end).

This next paragraph is a spoiler:

Mark Tucker, Ariane's 'father' (or more accurately her rescuer/adoptive father), as seen through Ariane's eyes is a hardworking, meticulous man who while restrictive (for her own good) and demanding cares for her. Not as much as his real daughter, but still she senses affection from him. So when it turns out that he was part of the 'new experiment' that the scientists are running for the last ten years it REALLY was a surprise. Until in hindsight you notice things that she noticed in an absent manner. I think Kade did a really good job setting clues in the book towards the eventual reveal, even if that hurt like the dickens. [end spoiler]

This was a fast paced, intriguing start to a new scifi series. Like the G and G series I'm hooked on what seems to be an impossible (or at least really ill-considered, on the part of the characters) romance and I want to see what the truth is for Ariane and how she settles with who (and what) she is.
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