Eeny Meeny (DI Helen Grace Thriller Book 1)

by M. J. Arlidge

Ebook, 2015



Call number



NAL (2015), Edition: Reprint, 422 pages


The "dark, twisted, thought-provoking"* international bestseller--first in the series featuring Detective Helen Grace. Two people are abducted, imprisoned, and left with a gun. As hunger and thirst set in, only one walks away alive. It's a game more twisted than any Detective Helen Grace has ever seen. If she hadn't spoken with the shattered survivors herself, she almost wouldn't believe them. Helen is familiar with the dark sides of human nature, including her own, but this case--with its seemingly random victims--has her baffled. But as more people go missing, nothing will be more terrifying than when it all starts making sense.... *#1 New York Times bestseller Tami Hoag

User reviews

LibraryThing member autumngirl70
Someone is kidnapping two victims at a time and giving them a choice- one of you must die for the other to live. What would you do in that situation? How do you decide? I really enjoyed this debut from M J Arlidge. The combination of short descriptive chapters and the pace of the book meant it was
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easy to read and very enjoyable. The right mix of violence and description. Brilliant, can’t wait for the next one.

Thank you to for the review copy.
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LibraryThing member susan0316
This is book 1 in the new Helen Grace police procedural series and if the rest of the books are as good as the first one, keep them coming. Helen is a Detective Inspector and as the book starts, she is presented with a strange case. Two young people are kidnapped, one of them comes back and the
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other is dead. This happens in case after case and she knows that she has a serial killer to find. The story was very graphic but very realistic. It was a definite page turner mostly because of the main character. She was a flawed person with a lot of secrets of her own. I an definitely looking forward to the upcoming books in the series.
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LibraryThing member jfe16
A serial killer is on the loose, abducting victims two by two and stranding them in some out-of-the-way, inescapable place. It is possible to earn freedom, they are promised via text: just use the gun with its one bullet to kill the other person. An interesting plot premise, to be sure.
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Unfortunately, it doesn’t carry this book. There are far too many improbable moments, too many instances of important details left unexplained, and too many one-dimensional characters populating the pages. Helen Grace has precious little to endear her to the reader and her unprofessional actions grate on the reader’s sensibilities. Astute readers will have figured this one out far ahead of the intrepid Detective Inspector.

On the plus side, readers are pulled into the story by the quick pace, the descriptive writing, and the almost-desperate need to discover what choices each pair of victims will make. Unfortunately, the continued abductions under such similar circumstances tend to create an overly-repetitive narrative.
The gruesome details and the horrific, unnecessary scenes with Jake seem to serve no purpose other than providing shock value; the rushed ending gives new meaning to trite, overused, and predictable.

All in all, this one is a disappointment.
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LibraryThing member Mary.Endersbe
I’ve been hearing about Eeny Meeny and the rest of the DI Helen Grace series from friends in the UK for a while now, but being a US reader, I hadn’t been able to get it for my Kindle until now when I was given a copy (for an unbiased review) by NetGalley. I can finally say that after reading
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the whole book, I see how everyone has gotten hooked on this book.

Starting from the first chapter, a cunning serial killer starts a spree by kidnapping a young couple, imprisoning them and forcing them to make the most horrific decision they could ever be faced with. Soon more groups of two are being kidnapped around the city and held in nightmare situations that destroy their lives forever. DI Helen Grace, a dedicated, hard-nosed young woman who has climbed up the ranks quickly, is faced with the arduous task of finding this maniac before more couples are taken and subjected to the same fate. Can she work quickly enough to find the connection and track down the killer?

I found the book a little difficult to get into at first- maybe it was the strong use of English terms and locations compared to other UK books I’ve read. After a while though I did get caught up in the suspense and mystery as it went along, following the story and clues, trying to figure out the identity of the kidnapper along with DI Helen Grace and her team. Helen was a strong central character to work off from. Helen, Charlie and Mark, the three detectives who were front and center, made a good team and I liked the way they played off each other, the way their relationships changed and developed throughout the book, both business and personal. It seemed as if the others though were just thrown in here and there in the background. Helen’s “friend” Jake is a bit mysterious and is someone I would like to know more about. I can see that happening in subsequent books.

Overall the book was fast paced, filled with lots of action and surprises, not for the squeamish, and has a big twist at the end. I definitely want to follow and see where DI Helen Grace goes from here. When the US Kindle version hits Amazon, I’ll be ready, waiting to upload for my Kindle.
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LibraryThing member bookmuse56
This is a dark eerie chilling story that kept the suspense high throughout the book. I was captivated from the beginning and there was never a point where it was comfortable to put this fast paced novel down; the short chapters just had me saying to myself –“ just one more chapter and I will
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put the book down” but that never happened until the end.
Not only are the crimes dark and puzzling but the main lead in the case D.I. Helen Grace is just as dark and puzzling. I was spending enough time trying to figure out the crimes as I was Helen Grace.
It is most often the lead protagonist in mystery thriller series that keeps me coming back for more and the author has made Helen a refreshing complex new face on the scene. The reader learns early on that Helen is a damaged soul but keeps this part of her hidden from others except for the one in an unusual relationship that is her release. But Helen is one tough independent cookie who lives by the rules which she bends at times to meet her inner moral judgment.
When the string of crimes prove not be coincidences the clues are laid out for the reader to help figure out the puzzle and wait with baited breath for the confrontation between the cunningly devious serial killer and the equally determined Helen.
Fast-paced action, an intriguing plot and compelling characters makes this book an all-nighter. I eagerly am waiting for the next book in the series.
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LibraryThing member ReadingGrrl
As soon as I started reading this book the only thing that came to mind was the Saw movies..I haven't even seen the Saw movies but I remember seeing previews about them where they put people in impossible positions and told them if they did something horrific they would be free.

The people who get
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trapped in these "games" find themselves in no win situations. Yea they may live but killing someone else is bound to change you in very profound ways. So which is the thrill for the unsub? The killing or the aftermath of the survivor?

Twisted up in this is Detective Inspector who seems to have issues of her own. For a woman who was the youngest female to be given the title of Detective Inspector she sure seems to be easily tricked and swayed.

As the story progresses it picks up pace a bit but the story still seems contrived and not quite thought out. The ending jumped the shark for me a bit and wasn't satisfying in the least. There are apparently three books in this series so far, the 2nd Pop Goes the Weasel coming out in the USA in Oct 2015. I'm not sure if I will give it a whirl or not, but here is to hoping that this is just a first book blunder and MJ Arlidge works the kinks out in the next one.
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LibraryThing member vcg610
The title, Eeny Meeny, indicates that some hard choices are going to be made, but this one is incredibly hard. Arlidge begins with two victims in an unknown location. They have been drugged and dumped with no food, no water, no plumbing, no light. Once they awaken and finally give up yelling for
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help, a phone on the floor rings. One picks up the phone and is asked, "Do you want to live? One of you will kill the other and will be set free. The gun is on the floor near the phone." The phone is disabled as far as the victims being able to place a call. The victims go through psychological torture as they go from being revolted by the idea of killing or being killed, but eventually the choice is made.

Helen Grace is the Detective Inspector whose team is charged with resolving the grisly case, and too soon there is another missing pair, and then another. This is a fast moving page turner, with clues gradually unveiled page by page, chapter by chapter. Can this possibly be random? Helen doesn't think so but the link is elusive. The reader learns tidbits about Helen's incredibly sordid and dysfunctional childhood, which explain her tendency to be a loner socially and a tireless detective, but could it possibly provide the link to these random kidnappings with such grisly outcomes? The questions, and the tension, lasts til the very last page of this novel.

There is sure to be more from Helen Grace, a tough and capable professional tormented by a dark side buried deep in her past. She and her team are all likable and capable, but the team definitely looks to Helen for inspiration and leadership.

I received this copy courtesy of Net Galley.
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LibraryThing member 24girl
The creep factor is super high with this one! It really reminds me of how creeped out I was by The Book of Matthew by Thomas White. That one stayed with me for a long time afterwards and I feel like Eeny Meeny will also. I just keep thinking about what I would do if I was in the same situation as
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the victims in this book. Who I imagined myself with definitely made a difference in what I thought the outcome would be. (That's terrible, I know!)

Helen Grace is broken on the inside but not one ounce of it shows on the outside. She's a strong leader that has to make tough choices and the ending just breaks my heart for her. I'm so glad that this is the start of a new series because I would love to see how her character develops with everything that unfolded in Eeny Meeny.

My only frustration with this one was who the serial killer turned out to be and how the case was resolved. It made me say, "Really?" but ultimately didn't take away from how much I loved this book. I just wish it would have ended differently.

I recommend this one for anyone who loves suspense thrillers and intensely creepy books.
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LibraryThing member mhanlon
I got this book as an advance reader copy through NetGalley.

Eeny Meeny is a a pretty great, fast-paced read. The suspense and tension is built really well and the writing is sharp and clear. Helen Grace is a hard-boiled, tough nut, with a lot of complexities written in.

Overall, I really enjoyed
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this book. The final few scenes felt like a little bit of a let-down, including one crucial piece of evidence that I'm not quite sure is actual evidence (I can imagine my former policeman father throwing the book down in disgust), but I think I'd give Helen Grace another shot (this is Helen Grace #1, after all).
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LibraryThing member Virginia51
This was a good story but seemed choppy in places. I don't know if it was the writing or the fault of the ebook editing but there were times when there was one thought and then they went straight to something else. This made for a hard read at times. But aside from that it was a fantastic story. I
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really loved the characters, especially Detective Helen Grace.. She is a very interesting Detective with a lot of secrets. I look forward to the next book in this series. I received this from Firsttoread for a fair and honest opinion.
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LibraryThing member doseofbella
Eeny Meeny (Helen Grace #1)
By: M.J. Arlidge
Published by New American Library
Copy Courtesy of Goodreads First Reads
Reviewed By: doseofbella

When the choice is so hard to make, how do you make the final decision. Let say you add a gun, and dire situations like, no food, cold, and intense fear. Only
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one decision and your feel to live the rest of your life. One lives and one dies. Now choose!

Phenomenal, imaginative, bizarre, and unbelievable intense situations. I have not had a novel scare me in a very long time. Just the idea of losing control of a situation to the point of making the decision to live or die…how do you remain calm, and make that decision with any logic at all.

M.J. Arlidge is a master of the suspense/thriller genre. I was completely at the mercy of the imagination of a superior story teller. You won’t be able to put this down, or move to turn the light back on. It grabs you from the first page and will not let you go even after the last page is read. You have to experience this for yourself. Prepare to be thrilled and begging for more.

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LibraryThing member nubian_princesa
*** Review Copy***

Deliciously bizarre crime/thriller. The characters are solid and so is the plot with excellent execution this book is a must have.
LibraryThing member BrandieC
4.5 stars

Sam and Amy have been kidnapped and awaken to find themselves trapped in an abandoned swimming pool. Their captor has left behind a cell phone; when it rings, and Amy answers it, this is what she hears:

"Do you want to live?"

For a minute, I can't reply. My tongue won't move. But
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"On the floor by the phone you'll find a gun. It has one bullet in it. For Sam or for yourself. That is the price of your freedom. You must kill to live. Do you want to live, Amy?"

I'm only on page 3, and I'm already worried; after all, I've seen this plot device before in the Saw movies:

"Hello, Mr. Hindle. Or as they called you around the hospital: Zepp. I want you to make a choice. There's a slow-acting poison coursing through your system, which only I have the antidote for. Will you murder a mother and her child to save yourself?"

Nevertheless, I persevered and was quickly sucked into the fast-moving plot of Eeny Meeny, the first book in M.J. Arlidge's Detective Inspector Helen Grace series. Unlike Jigsaw, who hoped that his victims would survive to gain a greater appreciation of life, Eeny Meeny's villain has a much more diabolical goal in mind. To solve the mystery, Arlidge has created a fascinating character in Helen Grace. As is the case in most police procedural series, our heroine is damaged, but the nature of that damage, and the way she chooses to deal with it, are as extraordinary as the flaws of Val McDermid's Tony Hill and Carol Jordan and Mo Hayder's Jack Caffery. McDermid and Hayder are masters of the British psychological thriller, and Arlidge has managed to earn a place in their rarified company with his debut novel.

Eeny Meeny was originally released in the UK and, according to Arlidge's UK publisher, "was the UK's bestselling crime debut of 2014." UK readers already have two more Helen Grace thrillers to enjoy, with another on the way in September; I can't wait until New American Library releases the second book, Pop Goes the Weasel, in America in October.

I received a free copy of Eeny Meeny through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member misspider
This is the first volume in a new crime series. Helen Grace is a tough british cop with a dark history, carrying around her own personal demons, but this case is pushing even her to the limit. The killer uses an especially cruel and twisted MO, imprisoning two people without food, but with a
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one-bullet gun, offering one of them a way out by shooting the other. As more and more victims show up, the whole police unit is on the search, even within their own rows.

The presented killer's method was not new, but fascinating nonetheless. The flaws and personal problems of Helen Grace and her team give the characters depth and reality, however some parts seemed too stagy for my taste.

While I liked the short chapters, their meaning was rendered obsolete by the many jumps between POVs, switching characters and places too sudden. This was often confusing and while it may have been meant too support the fast pace of the story, instead it slowed it down on many occasions.

'Eeny Meeny' is a very twisted thriller which offers great suspense and introduces an interesting new cop character readers will surely want to read more about.

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review)
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LibraryThing member Teritree001971
EENY MEENY is a mystery thriller by MJ Arlidge introducing us to detective inspector Helen Grace. Helen has risen quickly through the ranks at the police department and as such is a role model for her colleagues. She is never late, never calls in sick, is always available day or night and has never
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taken time off. The only problem is Helen Grace has demons in her past that cause her to keep every one around her at arms length. Now in addition to battling with these demons, she has a murderer on the loose. He kills people in pairs and gives them one ultimatum- kill the person with you and you live. Refuse and you die.

EENY MEENY is one of the best written mysteries I've read in a while. The characters are interesting, keeping the reader engaged and wondering just what is going to happen next here. Even though there are little side stories with the characters you are interested and they add to the story itself.
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LibraryThing member bnbookgirl
This is a good crime drama. The characters are well written and solid. Helen Grace is a DI and she investigates the bizarre story of a girl found almost dead. This victim was given a choice by her abductor to either kill her fiancé or be killed by him. That is the price for freedom. As the bodies
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start staking up, Grace who is fighting things from her own past, realizes the victims are all somehow linked to her. I enjoyed the darkness of the story, it kept me turning the pages. I also enjoyed the peeks into the main characters lives. I don't enjoy series as I get bogged down with the same character all the time, but I may give DI Grace another go. I can think of many customers who would find this book a good read.
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LibraryThing member LorettaR
This story is very creative and suspenseful. I’ve read many books involving serial killers and this one “stands out in the crowd” due to the originality of how the killer kills. An Intelligent, cunning and extremely sick and disturbing individual who horrified and fascinated me all at the
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same time. Helen Grace, the detective in charge of finding this killer is a very complex character with dark secrets of her own. A character I admired for her strength, determination and no bullshit attitude. The story kept me guessing who the killer is and I did not figure it out therefore the reveal was definitely a surprise. A very good crime thriller with all the elements I seek when I settle into my comfy chair ready to be chilled and thrilled.

Please note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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LibraryThing member KJFarnham
Eeeny Meeny is a page-turning thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat and often made me cringe with disgust and disbelief.

The story starts out with a man and a woman trapped in an empty, abandoned swimming pool. They have no recollection of how they got there. The last thing they remember is
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accepting a ride and hot coffee from a stranger on a cold, rainy night. Soon after realizing they are trapped, they find out that the only way to survive is to kill. One lives. One dies. That’s the game. Eeny Meeny. I was hooked!

Enter Detective Helen Grace, who is tasked with finding the person responsible for the “eeny meeny” kidnappings. She’s tough, intelligent and independent and has a closet full of skeletons (a few that might even have something to do with the case). Oftentimes, detectives in crime/thriller novels do things that make you think: “Hmm. That was kinda dumb.” Not the case with Detective Grace. She’s no-nonsense and now one of my favorite female protagonists.

The only problem I had with this book is that it did not contain section breaks, which hindered the flow of the story. I had to reread several parts where breaks should have been in order to figure out whose thoughts I was reading or where the scene change occurred. Regardless, the premise is so intriguing and the plot points fit so snuggly together like the pieces of a puzzle that the lack of breaks did not affect my overall enjoyment of the story. Since I received my copy from NetGalley, I assume there must be section breaks in purchased copies. If not, then keep reading even if the lack of breaks bothers you. This book is worth finishing!

If you like suspense thrillers with multiple twists and turns, I highly recommend Eeny Meeny. It is simply brilliant, and I look forward to reading the rest of the books in this series.
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LibraryThing member celticlady53
"Sam is asleep, I could kill him now. His face is turned from me-It wouldn't be hard. Would he stir if I moved? Try to stop me? Or would he just be glad that this nightmare was over?"

So, did that grab you? It did me too. These first few lines of Eeny Meeny had me thinking, ok, now why would this
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person say that? Well, as it turns out, this woman and her boyfriend wake up in a covered, empty swimming pool, not sure how they got there. After they wake up, they receive a phone call, on the phone left with them next to a gun. Their instructions are simple, one of you must die. After the deed is done, the person left alive is let go.

Detective Helen Grace is a flawed individual, lots of baggage from her past keeps her from having any relationships, but in spite of that she is a good cop. As a survivor herself, she can sympathize with the people who come in and tell their bizarre story of their abduction. As time goes by, there are more couples abducted and held prisoner without food or water until one of them kills the other.

What is the motive behind this, well that is what Helen has to figure out along with her team. Alongside that there is a reporter who hounds Helen for the story, then someone leaks details to the press, details that only the police know. This , of course, leads Helen to believe that someone on the inside is the one leaking the details. It comes down to Helen being suspicious of a close co-worker. Can she figure out who and why these crimes are being committed, it is a race against the killer, before he or she abducts more innocent people.

I love a good crime novel and this one was no exception, believable characters, an interesting plot all make for an edge of your seat thriller. I am glad to see that this is going to be a series because I am curious to see if Helen can conquer her own demons. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and recommended it for the reader who likes a well-told story.
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LibraryThing member celticlady53
"Sam is asleep, I could kill him now. His face is turned from me-It wouldn't be hard. Would he stir if I moved? Try to stop me? Or would he just be glad that this nightmare was over?"

So, did that grab you? It did me too. These first few lines of Eeny Meeny had me thinking, ok, now why would this
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person say that? Well, as it turns out, this woman and her boyfriend wake up in a covered, empty swimming pool, not sure how they got there. After they wake up, they receive a phone call, on the phone left with them next to a gun. Their instructions are simple, one of you must die. After the deed is done, the person left alive is let go.

Detective Helen Grace is a flawed individual, lots of baggage from her past keeps her from having any relationships, but in spite of that she is a good cop. As a survivor herself, she can sympathize with the people who come in and tell their bizarre story of their abduction. As time goes by, there are more couples abducted and held prisoner without food or water until one of them kills the other.

What is the motive behind this, well that is what Helen has to figure out along with her team. Alongside that there is a reporter who hounds Helen for the story, then someone leaks details to the press, details that only the police know. This , of course, leads Helen to believe that someone on the inside is the one leaking the details. It comes down to Helen being suspicious of a close co-worker. Can she figure out who and why these crimes are being committed, it is a race against the killer, before he or she abducts more innocent people.

I love a good crime novel and this one was no exception, believable characters, an interesting plot all make for an edge of your seat thriller. I am glad to see that this is going to be a series because I am curious to see if Helen can conquer her own demons. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and recommended it for the reader who likes a well-told story.
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LibraryThing member Kris_Anderson
Eeny Meeny by M.J. Arlidge is a British suspense/thriller novel. It is the first book in DI Helen Grace Thriller series. Detective Inspector Helen Grace is devoted to her job as the head of the Major Incident Team at the Southampton Central Police Station. She had a rough childhood and does not let
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anyone get close to her. Helen’s latest case, though, is going to push her to the limits. Amy Anderson and Sam Fisher were kidnapped and held hostage. They were unable to escape. They were given a cell phone and a gun (no food, no water, and no facilities). The only way they could leave was if one of them died. Amy is the only one to come out alive. Helen is not sure if she can believe the story or not until two other people are kidnapped. Helen and her team are going to have to be quick to get ahead of this killer.

Eeny Meeny is a wonderful novel. It keeps you riveted until the very end. It is a well-written book that I could not put down. I give Eeny Meeny 5 out of 5 stars. There is violence, sex, and foul language in this book. Also, it is a British novel so some of the phrases and word spellings are unfamiliar but can be figured out from the context. This book will keep you guessing with all the wonderful twists and turns. I cannot wait until the next book in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of Eeny Meeny from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are my own.
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LibraryThing member Randall.Hansen
A solid murder mystery from another Brit author; the author's debut novel. The story follows the case of a serial killer on the loose and the lead detective's long struggle to uncover the truth and find the killer. Interesting because the lead detective, while lauded, has many flaws -- some of
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which slow the book down a bit too much. Overall, a good read... and I would probably read the next in the series.
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LibraryThing member nicx27
This is a fast-paced thriller. Nice short chapters make for a very easy read.

The premise of the book is that two people are put in a place they can't escape from with a gun with one bullet. Starving, dehydrated and slowly going crazy, one will eventually escape and in so doing will be released. DCI
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Helen Grace is investigating, along with her team, and trying to find out who is orchestrating the abductions.

I thought this was a great crime/thriller. Maybe not the best writing but it kept my interest and it wasn't obvious how the story would turn out. I liked the police characters and can see there is potential for them to be fleshed out in the next book in the series. I think this was a clever story with a cracking plot.
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LibraryThing member atticusfinch1048
Eeny Meeny – stunning and brilliant

M.J. Arlidge has spent a career writing high class drama for our delectations on television as well as producing crime dramas for ITV. He has brought his experience to this novel and really gives us a taste of suspense, thriller that packs a punch not sure where
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or who is next and why. He does pose the reader the question though of what would you do to survive all the way through the book. As you get towards the end of the book the one thing you do not want to do is put it down as the pace and anxiety of why the crimes are happening and who will get damaged in the process really picks up a pace and you want actually need to know.

Eeny Meeny introduces us to DI Helen Grace who is a strong and effective leader of her team, both admired and feared due to her drive and determination. She is a defective detective without the usual hang ups of drink and drugs, but how she deals with those hang ups is different but helps to explain the steel in Grace’s character.

She needs all that steel, drive and determination to solve a number of murders where one has pulled the trigger but is seemingly an innocent player in a very unusual game of life and death. Her first crime that of an emaciated young woman appears from out of the woods at the amusement park and admits to murder but that it was kill or be killed. Then other people disappear and the survivor reappears with the same story but different setting it is just that the survivor is the living calling card from the murderer towards Grace’s team. There is plenty of survivor guilt which does not make things simple for the investigation.

It seems like the murderer is taunting Grace and she needs to find out why if she doesn’t then more people will die and the survivor will be a damaged person. While investigating the murders across Hampshire and especially Southampton it will not be the county where she will solve the murders. For that Grace needs to go in to the dark abyss that was her life so she can save those who are abducted. While Grace even doubts herself and her ability her team are looking to her to give them guidance and leadership.

M.J. Arlidge introduces us to a real defective detective who has the strength and determination to solve the case. Grace is the sort of defective that readers will love and hate but still admire as you know she will get the job done, just grow a pair if you are on her team. As a debut this is a mind blowing stunning crime thriller as it ticks all the boxes the reader has and the one that leaves the reader wanting more at the end. If Eeny Meeny were a drug it would be banned as it is addictive and you need more from Arlidge and Grace. Here’s hoping!
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LibraryThing member runner56
DI Helen Grace is, in my opinion, not mentally fit to hold a senior rank in any police force. Due to a difficult childhood (which unfolds as the story progresses) she needs to punish herself, to feel hurt, to cleanse herself and wipe out painful memories. With this in mind she is a client to Jake
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the local S & M guru, but not only is this a regular past time (not passing judgement here) she wants, needs begs him to really hurt this someone fit to carry the duties of a Detective Inspector?... has some incident in the past created this lonely woman? This is one lady living on the edge and deserves instant suspension....."Helen cried out in pain and looked down to see her fingernails dug into her palm. She had drawn blood in her frustration and anger"...."she fought the urge, digging her nails into her wounded hand. The pain flowed through her calming her"....

The plot in this crime story is frankly absurd. A serial killer is kidnapping two helpless individuals and hiding/locking them in a safe and impossible to find location. A gun is the only other item present and the incarcerated are faced with an impossible conundrum...kill or be killed. The person who remains is permitted to go free, and one such example is the second kidnapping...... Ben and Peter are attending a meeting in Bournemouth and returning home the car apparently develops a mechanical fault somewhere in the New Forest. With no mobile phone reception, and therefore little hope of rescue, they are surprised and but relieved when a van this rescue or something more sinister? So how did the killer know that the car would break down at this particular desolate junction? Apparently he had hammered a large nail into the petrol tank and calculated exactly where the vehicle would come to rest and he could then resume his dastardly deed. Ben had ensured that the car was full of fuel before departing Bournemouth and the author assures us that once the car is fueled the driver or indeed any driver would fail to look at the display directly in front of him and therefore not notice the plummeting fuel gauge. What a ridiculous assumption, indeed if we accept that this could quite easily happen surely the killer must have known that there was a great possibility that Ben would see the plummeting fuel gauge and therefore stop immediately.

There is a point in the story where DI Helen Grace is convinced there is someone within her group who is feeding and leaking information to the press. So without proper evidence she accuses Charlie and Mark, both experience detectives, (although Mark is on the verge of becoming an alcoholic.. another clichéd policeman) of being the source of that leak. This is an atrocious way for a senior officer to treat her staff...accusations based on assumptions. By carrying out such a callous act Grace is splitting the team apart and lowering morale....would a senior boss really do this? I think not....

So with a questionable plot and a dysfunctional cast of characters....are there any redeeming features? The last quarter of the book does contain a few surprises and rather than abandon the story it kept me reading until the end, with a conclusion that leads the reader quite naturally forward to the next story in the series....but I for one shall not partake and can only hope that DI Helen Grace receives the medical help she so obviously needs!
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