They All Fall Down

by Roxanne St. Claire

Ebook, 2014



Call number



Delacorte Press (2014), 354 pages


Kenzie's life is transformed when she is voted one of the prettiest girls at Vienna High, but when the girls on the list start to die, Kenzie is determined to uncover the deadly secrets of the list before her number is up.

User reviews

LibraryThing member One_Curvy_Blogger
I picked up They All Fall Down after spotting it on the young adult shelves in my public library. This is a book I have read many book reviews on around the book blogging community and finally decided to give it a whirl. While I didn’t find it completely different, it did have some surprising
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twists that probably would have been more surprising if 95% of them hadn’t been left to the end of the book. A couple blogging friends and I had just commented on the surprising amount of authors who think it is acceptable to cram all the plot twists into the last few chapters, and then try to explain them away with an epilogue (or not).

This is not okay and honestly, it made me lower my overall rating of the book. So while I did have a fun time reading They All Fall Down, it wasn’t as memorable as I had hoped it would be. In fact, I completely forgot I read it until I looked on my What I Read This Week excel sheet. (You name it – I probably have an excel sheet for it. I freaking love Excel.) I do still hope to read more by this author, but I probably won’t have such high expectations the next go ‘round.
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LibraryThing member allyofthedawn
This is one of the most hilarious books that I have read in a long time.

It's not a comedy.
LibraryThing member seasonsoflove
Similar to the book I reviewed above, this is another book that suffers from trying to do too much, and overstretching an interesting premise. When the narrator, a self-described Latin nerd, finds herself number five on the legendary "Hottie List" at her school, her whole world changes--including
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finding herself narrowly escaping a series of almost-lethal accidents.

It turns out she is not the only girl on the list who keeps finding herself in danger. As girls around her fall victim to their own mysterious accidents, in the order they are found on the list, our narrator must find a way to solve the mystery and save herself.

Where the book lost me was towards the end. It's such an intriguing concept-ten people on a list, mysteriously dying one by one in ways that could never be proven as murder-but the end of the book gets, to put it bluntly, ridiculous. The way St. Claire chooses to resolve the mystery just doesn't work for me at all.
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LibraryThing member VavaViolet
This is one of those books I wasn't sure I would enjoy but ended up reading in one sitting. Yes, there are some unanswered questions. Sure there are some absurdities. However, the story is written in such a way that it grips you from the start and never lets go until you turn that last page. So
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even though there are points in the story that made me shake my head because of its improbability, overall I still enjoyed it.
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LibraryThing member Sarah220
If pressed, Kenzie Summerall would probably describe herself as "Latin Nerd" or the little sister of the widely beloved and mourned Conner Summerall with a way-overprotective mother. So she is completely surprised when she turns up as 5th on the "Hottie List" which is supposedly voted on by the
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entire male population of her high school. Suddenly, she is getting tons of attention from girls and boys and is instantly popular. But there is a dark side to being on "the List." Several nearly fatal "accidents" befall her and then #1 on the list dies in an accident, as does #2. Kenzie will have to use her brains and her knowledge of Latin to survive, figure out what is going on, and decide whom to trust. This was a fast-paced mystery / thriller that kept me reading with believable and flawed characters.
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