Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman

by Lindy West

Ebook, 2016



Call number




Hachette Books (2016), 273 pages


NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER NAMED A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR BY: NPR, ESQUIRE, The LA Times, and NEWSWEEK WINNER OF THE STRANGER GENIUS AWARD Shrill is an uproarious memoir, a feminist rallying cry in a world that thinks gender politics are tedious and that women, especially feminists, can't be funny. Coming of age in a culture that demands women be as small, quiet, and compliant as possible--like a porcelain dove that will also have sex with you--writer and humorist Lindy West quickly discovered that she was anything but. From a painfully shy childhood in which she tried, unsuccessfully, to hide her big body and even bigger opinions; to her public war with stand-up comedians over rape jokes; to her struggle to convince herself, and then the world, that fat people have value; to her accidental activism and never-ending battle royale with Internet trolls, Lindy narrates her life with a blend of humor and pathos that manages to make a trip to the abortion clinic funny and wring tears out of a story about diarrhea. With inimitable good humor, vulnerability, and boundless charm, Lindy boldly shares how to survive in a world where not all stories are created equal and not all bodies are treated with equal respect, and how to weather hatred, loneliness, harassment, and loss, and walk away laughing. Shrill provocatively dissects what it means to become self-aware the hard way, to go from wanting to be silent and invisible to earning a living defending the silenced in all caps.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member bragan
I first heard -- and, indeed, first heard of -- Lindy West when she appeared on a couple of This American Life episodes, once in a segment about her calling out her then-boss (and still friend) Dan Savage for his painful and clueless attempts to fat-shame America out of its obesity epidemic, and
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once with an amazing story about getting an actual, sincere apology from an internet troll who had attacked her in a way that seems unbelievably appalling and cruel even by the usual cesspit-y internet standards. And, listening to her o the show, I knew instantly that I really, really wanted to read this woman's writing.

Well, now I have. And, boy, did it not disappoint. In this volume she talks about her life, her family, and her relationships; about feminism; about comedy; about abortion; about online harassment; and about what it's like to be fat and to decide, after a lifetime of being told that your body is disgusting and you are unlovable because of it, that you just aren't going to quietly take that anymore. And it's all just amazing. West is so sharp and so smart, so willing to be loud and bold and firm in declaring her convictions, but also wonderfully thoughtful, reasonable, and deeply, deeply humane. And so funny. Parts of this made me laugh out loud. Like, a lot. Other parts made my heart hurt. Also a lot. Possibly a moment or two kind of made me do both at once. Like I said. Amazing.
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LibraryThing member chavala
I bought this book when it was first published, purchased and signed by Lindy while on her book release tour. I started reading it on election day in November 2016 - assuming it would be part of a victory lap - and then had to stop when I found it too upsetting to read. According to Goodreads, I
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set it aside three days later. (To be fair, I found I could only handle reading fantastical books where women kicked some serious ass, often against vampires, for at least 6 months after the election.)

I picked it up again on May 1, 2018 after seeing Lindy speak live, talking about “Yes, This Is a Witch Hunt. I’m a Witch and I’m Hunting You.” (Hilarious and poignant!)

This book is more memoir than I would expect from a collection of essays. (I say that despite the fact that this book is actually described as a memoir.) She discusses growing up large in a world that isn't okay with that (I can so relate), and when she decided to say fuck you to that nonsense. Her love of comedy, the misogyny rampant in comedy, and when she decided to say fuck you to that too. Losing her father, internet trolls, and the downs and up of her romantic life.

Lots of good stuff here and I'm glad I came back to it.
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LibraryThing member jenspirko
Remarkable -- one of the best books I've read, and I read a LOT. West's voice is honest and fresh. She is thoughtful and forthright, and despite her critics' charges to the contrary, she never shrinks from examining herself or her own motives. The blend of social / political observation and
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personal narrative is powerful. I have read a number of her shorter pieces and heard some interviews, so I already admired West, but after this book, I genuinely love her and her work. She is brave, yes, and uncompromising -- this you know, if you know anything about her. But she is also affectionate, and kind, and sweet lord is she funny. To her many critics, I suggest you may be seeing the billboard (or the tweet?) version of West and her work. This book will help you see more of the whole person, or at least her views and ideas, not just opinions (though she doesn't shrink from conveying those, and rightly so). Three cheers for Lindy West!
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LibraryThing member brakketh
Autobiographical account of Lindy West's experience of online trolling etc. due to opinions on rape jokes, fat-shaming and feminism more generally. Really accessible and enjoyable account of what sounds like some truly brutal experiences.
LibraryThing member triscuit
Bracingly honest, painfull at times, funny and smart and oh I hope she's OK.
LibraryThing member Devil_llama
This could have been a five star book, but unfortunately, I am in that generation that finds some of the phrases and vulgarities used by the author a bit off putting. She does talk, bluntly and openly, about many of the issues that women deal with regularly, and that we are either expected to shut
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up and endure, or that we are only to speak about in whispers. Many women might find it a bit uncomfortable to have such a frank discussion of menstruation, and such an honest approach to abortion. I know I did when I was younger. Still, these discussions need to happen, so that the issues women deal with are no longer the subject for comedian's jokes, bad movies, or hushed whispers that work to shame women for being women. The author has a frank, open style that rings true. The editing was very well done, so there are no sticky places in the book that are convoluted and incomprehensible. Overall, highly recommended, but probably not for the squeamish.
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LibraryThing member Brainannex
Brassy and wonderful, West's essays are a true glimpse into what it is like to be female in the world ,digitally and otherwise.
LibraryThing member Citizenjoyce
Lindy West is one of those admirable people who can identify and articulate a problem that I can only see as a problem but not express why it is so bad. She takes on fat shaming and rape culture in a way that should have everyone nodding their heads in wondrous agreement then takes on the trolls
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who want to see her raped, mutilated and murdered for voicing her opinion. And she has reasonably expressed view of abortion. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member jmchshannon
Not knowing much about Lindy West until her memoir exploded on the book world, I had no idea what to expect when starting Shrill. I did know she was a feminist. I knew she had to close out her Twitter account because she had so many people trolling her. I also knew that friends kept recommending it
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as a must-read memoir. So I took their advice, and I am glad I did.

It is difficult to imagine anyone not finding Ms. West’s history compelling. She finds humor in the most painful of stories, but she does not use it to deflect her pain. Instead, she allows readers to see her pain and uses humor to lessen the blow as well as show her recovery from it. She uses that vulnerability to show others that we as women can survive. Not only that but that we should survive because when we do we win. Her ultimate message is that the bullies win when we stay quiet, when we submit to their expectations of us, when we fail to speak. When we find our voice, we win because we get them talking and talking is learning. It is a powerful message, and one that could not be more timely.

This message does come with a price, and Ms. West has most definitely paid that price. She has experienced pretty much all of the crap this shitty society of ours can throw at her. She had to learn to survive in a world that continues to attempt to shame her for her body size. She had to deal with those who look down their noses at her decision to have an abortion. She has had to fight for recognition in her relationship, in her work, and for her beliefs. She had to learn to shrug off the trolls. The fact that she doesn’t hide who she is, what she believes, or who she supports only serves to rally her opponents, and she had to learn not to care. The fact that she is able to explain all of this with grace is a testament to her inner strength.

I may not have known much about Ms. West when I started the audiobook, but now I do. Ms. West is a remarkable woman who is beautiful, intelligent, funny, and generous. She is a woman who wants to spare others her pain and who fights for those who cannot. She is a woman to watch and a woman to emulate. We could all use more Lindy Wests in our lives.
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LibraryThing member ecataldi
I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book! Literally I heart it soo much. It was very empowering, inspiring, and heartfelt and it made me think differently about myself, my body, and my gender. Lindy (and I'll admit I had no idea who she was until I read this book) does a wonderful job relating to the reader
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different instances in her life and her career that helped her become the feminist she is today. She talks about rape culture in comedy, abortion, body image, obesity, self worth, family, and more. She is a strong humorous writer and can make you laugh as easily as make you cry. Definitely a great book for women and those struggling with body weight, self confidence, and feminism. An all around win that I will definitely read again and recommend!
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LibraryThing member kaelirenee
The recommendations I received for this book had me a bit wary: memoir of a fat, pop-culture writer for Jezebel. I didn't realize she'd written my favorite piece on Jezebel ("How to Make a Rape Joke"). I didn't realize she'd stood up to Dan Savage and his anti-fat rhetoric (though I'd read about
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the entire situation). I read it because, when you recommend books to people all the time, you are obligated to take their recommendations in return on occasion.
And I am so glad I did. Lindy West writes in such an approachable way. She writes about her reactions to misogyny in comedy, and how confronting it has soured her on comedy ("Comedy, you broke my heart" hit me hard, because my life-long love, academia, recently broke mine, too). She wrote about the death of her father and all the recriminations she had for herself and all the false parallels to death she'd made before she confronted it. She writes about growing up fat, with all the fear of being worthless that comes with it. But I grew up thin--thinking I was just as worthless because my body wasn't "right," and trying hard to figure out how to do just that.
The acceptance and love and humor and grace she shows her own body are kindnesses I hope to be able to show my own--and others'. I can say that about all her stories: despite the despicable way she is treated daily, AFK (away from keyboard) and online, she has built a philosophy and persona and heart strong enough to take trolls head on, to confront a beloved institution (comedy) about an insidious problem is has (rape jokes), and even speak up to her boss. I think when many of us try to say we are hoping to find our voice, this is what we are hoping to find.
Also, while this book is hilarious, it is also chock full of potential triggers. Rape, death, disillusionment, abortion, and screwy periods are all covered frankly. They are all considered in a broader context, often through a very clear feminist lens, and with such a matter-of-fact way that seems foreign when talking about "women's issues." But she is helping to normalize them, to help by giving a script to women who are seeking ways of saying "Yes, it is possible to make a joke out of this, but you are making fun of me, not the topic, and you're doing so in a way that hurts me--which I don't think you want to do. Please stop" to so many aspects of their lives.
Lindy West is giving an excellent voice to the youngish feminists (3rd wave? Is that what we are now?) who want to be allowed to be in their bodies without constant threat or ridicule, and who want that for others, too. She recognizes her privilege often, and makes it a point to use that privilege to make changes that can help us all.
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LibraryThing member sraelling
3.5 stars, actually. The first chapter was awful. Why does an author (or comedienne) have to use the f-bomb so frequently? It's obvious that Ms. West has a wonderful grasp on the English language. I would not have continued to read the book, but since it was a book club selection, I did.
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actually bolstered my decision to stay out of comedy clubs. The times I have gone, I haven't found the comics to be funny, just mean. I'll take her advice and "say no" to those things that are not worthy of "world-building."
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LibraryThing member KLmesoftly
Lindy West is hilarious, but she's also got a lot of heart, and it really shows in her longform writing! I wasn't expecting too much from the memoirs of an internet feminist/comedian who isn't that much older than I am, but this wound up being a smart, funny, really emotionally powerful read! The
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chapters about her time working for Dan Savage at The Stranger and her This American Life interview with the troll who impersonated her dead father were highlights, but the whole book was excellent. I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys a memoir now and then!
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LibraryThing member lauralkeet
Women of a certain age (i.e., me) relied on pioneers like Betty Friedan to teach us about feminism. No surprise, there is now a new generation of women feminist writers advocating for a host of new issues. Lindy West is a well known new feminist voice who has written for several media outlets and
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currently has a weekly column in The New York Times. West unabashedly identifies as fat, and body positivity is a central pillar of her writing. So is rape, and specifically the wrongness of rape jokes in comedy. And then there are misogynist internet trolls. West has experienced all of these, and delves into them in this book.

I first heard West on the This American Life radio program, where she presented a segment about meeting her internet troll. My daughter had already mentioned some of West’s work to me, and I began seeing her name more and more. Reading this book was a great way to understand her points of view, and has pointed me in some new directions to further my knowledge of current-day feminist issues.
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LibraryThing member froxgirl
If you are looking for a white and hilarious Roxane Gay, or even if you're not, please grab this book. Lindy West's memoir of sorts deals with her coming to terms with being fat (Lindy's choice of terms), fighting internet trolls, and getting comedians to cease and desist on rape "jokes". Quite a
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list of accomplishments, and the writing here is a winning combination of poignant, sharp, and just pee-your-pants funny.

Quotes: "My first class seat wasn't a plus throne stuffed with Richard Branson's hair."

"You can't fix a problem by targeting its victims."

"You can't tell me there's no gender bias in an industry where "women aren't funny" is widely accepted as conventional wisdom."

To her father, presumably in heaven: "Go play chocolate badminton on a cloud with Jerry Orbach and your childhood cat."

"Trolls still waste my time and tax my mental health on a daily basis, but honestly, I don't wish them any pain. Their pain is what got us here in the first place."
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LibraryThing member Pepperwings
I was impressed how easy this was to read, it's written as memoir, in editorial style.

Ms. West brings up some really awesome points on our culture, and how anonymity is becoming a thing of the past, when it comes to most things in our lives. As a writer, she used to have that option, and it's
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becoming harder to only be seen as words.

This opens us up to bullying based not on opinion or merit, but on superficial aspects.

This book addresses her life as a woman, and an outspoken one. How people will flip to insults, from intellectual discourse on a topic, when they find you're not a man with an opinion. It's weird, and as a culture, we should be examining our own attitudes, and not blaming women for simply being *visible* people.
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LibraryThing member Calavari
West is incredibly entertaining. I listened to this audio book directly after Hunger by Roxane Gay and appreciated that Shrill continued the commentary and critique of being fat in America. The way we treat women of any size is a problem. If we aren't the "right" size, we're ridiculed and abused
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into getting there, if we are the "right" size, we're objectified and sexualized without our consent and treated as if our bodies don't belong to us but the men around us. Its a no-win situation. So how do we win?

Well, West appears to have a few ideas about that and some other things. I love her brand of feminism and her willingness to do the things despite knowing that the trolls will come. Keeping my little safe and supportive zone of feminism is great and all but I know I will need to get out there in front one day. When I'm ready. I've never been an out in front kind of person though. I'm more of work behind the scenes person and there's always work to do there....

Anyway, Mindy West is very much a front lines against patriarchy woman. I love the whole thing about stand up comedy. I always loved stand up too and have gone through periods when its been harder to stomach and had people to avoid. I've never been one for making fun of the unfortunate and totally support West's concepts of how comedy is supposed to talk truth to power. That was how I always felt about it too.

Her talk of her abortion is interesting and I'm not sure if it is because it makes me uncomfortable or despite that it makes me uncomfortable. Personally, I'm pro-choice which sounds like it should be obvious in some circles but there are tons of feminists who are against abortion. I appreciate the women who have written about their abortions in their memoirs. It allows others to see that this is not a thing that happens to only one kind of woman and in only one kind of situation.

The whole thing with her dad and the troll is just crazy. I've thought about it a few times since finishing the book and I just can't get over it. If you follow her articles than you already know about this whole episode, but I had no idea and was just floored by the whole thing. What happened was terrible but her reaction was amazing and rather inspirational.

Altogether, the book inspired my feminism. I want to live more out there life she does but haven't been able to bring myself to do it. Still, people like her inch me out there ever so slightly, one book at a time.
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LibraryThing member larryerick
First, let's get this "shrill" and "loud" out of the way. Shrill this is not. Unless, frankness and honest emotions are just too much for you, there's no "shrill" here. Loud? Yet, another sound-related term. Direct. Candid. Not loud. Okay, now for what could be a very lengthy review, but I will
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spare you. So, just a few comments. (1) Is this a series of essays by a bit of a cultural heroine? Or a memoir? While each chapter can substantially stand on its own, this is really just a single person sharing a lot of thoughts. It's easy to imagine this all just coming out, over time, as she shares this with her friends. She just invited the rest of us into the conversation. (2) I'm clearly not the main target for what she has to discuss, unless of course, my being a man makes me some kind of target inherently for a clear feminist. Also, I doubt very much she expected any baby boomers to join her discussion. No, the author is more focused on the typical shrill, loud, angry, total dick, that infests much of social media. (3) The author is a very skilled, entertaining wordsmith, made even better with a clear passion for what she writes about. Personally, I did not benefit that much from what she wrote. I would like to think that is primarily because we already agree so much on her main points. Also, I feel she is not as alert to her own biases nor as open to seeing new ways of seeing issues as she could be, but I see that as a matter of experience, not intelligence. Regardless, I'm still thinking a great deal about what she wrote about and I strongly suspect all other readers will, too.
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LibraryThing member ASKelmore
Love. I love this book. I read it in under 24 hours

Lindy West is a fantastic writer based in Seattle. Locals first got to know her writing in The Stranger, our funky weekly paper. Most other folks know her as a writer for The Guardian. She uses her wit and intellect to discuss issues like being a
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fat woman existing in the world, the prevalence and support of rape culture in stand-up comedy, and the need for access to reproductive health care, including abortion.

Ms. West has a way with words that I admire. She can take a serious issue and find a way to make it funny without diminishing it at all. For example, in the very first chapter of this book she lists all of the fat female role models she had growing up. They’re basically limited to characters from Disney films, and I think only one is human. It’s a funny chapter that drives home the fucked-up ness of the issue. Sample quote: “A League of Their Own is a classic family comedy that mines the age-old question: What if women … could do things?”

Every chapter is an essay that could stand on its own, although they connect really well to each other. I found myself marking them up with notes even more than usual. I did skim one of the sections of the book. I read it, but REALLY quickly. The chapter involves a discussion about rape jokes, and includes a recounting of Ms. West going on W. Kamau Bell’s show to “debate” the issue with another (male) comedian. She is right, he is not, and it’s just so frustrating to read the willful ignorance that some people employ to not have to make any adjustments to their worldviews. I just couldn’t devote the time to it that I should have. But I will, some day.

I wish I’d had this book when I was younger, and plan to gift it to my nieces when they are older. I also know that I will be re-reading this book regularly in the years to come.
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LibraryThing member asxz
Delicately balanced between humour and seriousness. I could even have done without some of the jokes, even the ones that made me laugh. There's important 21st century stuff happening here about making peace with your body and refusing to make peace with casual misogyny.

But there is also good stuff
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about watching her father die. I may not be the standard audience for this, but I have a mother, a sister, a wife and a daughter and between the gags there was real value here.
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LibraryThing member Daumari
I saw this on a lot of to-read/pick lists last year, and it certainly lives up to the hype. I'm not that familiar with Lindy West, but I've likely read some of her Guardian pieces before and definitely listened to the This American Life episode where she talks with the internet troll who
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impersonated her deceased dad.

Short, brilliant collection of autobiographical essays that are unapologetic about who they are and embracing identity in the face of a world who would tear it down. Different topics will resonate with different readers (obviously), but the one that personally struck a chord was on her abortion- while every woman's experience is different, I also felt that while my actual abortion was pretty mundane, making a specific choice in my life was and is empowering. I'd have to look to old livejournal entries for specifics, but definitely had some "This is my life and my choice; who do you think you are to tell me what I should've done" feels in the aftermath that were like life preservers out of my normal depression pits.
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LibraryThing member sedelia
Andrew and I came across this book at BookCon Chicago this year. We were both already weighed down with dozens of pounds of books, but Andrew insisted that it looked good (and thought he remembered good things being said about it) and we should pick up a copy. It’s really never hard to convince
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me to pick up a book, so we did and I am so glad we did, because this is one of my all-time favorite reads this year. Shrill is Lindy West’s memoir, told in a collection of short essays/stories that are somewhat linked, but are easily taken a piece at a time. She writes about big events in her life, especially focusing on the way she’s been treated because she’s an overweight female. It’s a feminist masterpiece.

What I love about this collection is that Lindy puts herself out there and shares the reality of what she faces as an overweight woman in society, and then goes on to explain how our current societal outlook and culture is to blame for the shitty behavior of people. I feel like we see a lot of theories behind why women are treated so poorly by men (e.g. they are seen as objects rather than people, so they are catcalled more often, etc.), but what we need are brave women to be like: this happened to me, this is how it made me feel, and this is why it needs to change. I think a lot of people reading this book are going to realize that they have experienced similar situations and are going to better understand how we can go about dealing with those situations in order to affect change in our culture. And what’s wonderful about this book is that Lindy calls people out in such a way that left me both angry and ready to take action, yet also amused and laughing at the ridiculous situations life puts us in. I don’t know how she does it, but she does, and it is inspiring.

I devoured this book. I love how it’s written in short chapters that I can very much put down when I need to get to work or help make dinner, but it’s a joy to pick back up again and read more about what Lindy has to say. I’ve already recommended it to pretty much everyone I know (I keep begging Andrew to read it NOW), so I’ll recommend it to anyone who’s reading this right now. It’s intelligent, funny, thought-provoking, and simply wonderful. Read it. Now. And then we can talk about it.

Originally posted on Going on to the Next .
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LibraryThing member strandbooks
I’ve read a couple articles by Lindy West so decided to try her book which is essays, but feels like a memoir. She has good perspective and writes well about women and beauty/weight, what we allow to pass as comedy in the US and what it means to be an outspoken woman.
LibraryThing member readingover50
I have to admit, this book was not what I thought it would be. I was expecting a funny memoir, instead I got a pretty serious book about fat shaming, women shaming, and body acceptance. I did enjoy the book, and thought the message was an important one. I like the way Lindy stands up for herself
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and for women everywhere.
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LibraryThing member ToniFGMAMTC
4.5 stars

A lot of the material in this really hit home for me. She talks about feminism and body image issues in a way that I completely get. I think she gets the point across in a positive and interesting way also. She isn't preachy or attacking. She's honest and humorous. She gives some important
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points so I recommend this to everyone.
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