After That Night: A Will Trent Thriller

by Karin Slaughter

Ebook, 2023



Call number



William Morrow (2023), 428 pages


Fifteen years ago, Sara Linton's life changed forever when a celebratory night out ended in a violent attack that tore her world apart. Since then, Sara has remade her life. A successful doctor, engaged to a man she loves, she has finally managed to leave the past behind her. Until one evening, on call in the ER, everything changes. Sara battles to save a broken young woman who's been brutally attacked. But as the investigation progresses, led by GBI Special Agent Will Trent, it becomes clear that Dani Cooper's assault is uncannily linked to Sara's. And it seems the past isn't going to stay buried forever.

User reviews

LibraryThing member linda.a.
The opening exchange of text messages between Dani and someone she doesn’t know, but who clearly knows a lot of intimate details about her, feels immediately chilling and disturbing. This very effectively sets the scene for a prologue which reveals that shortly after receiving them she was
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admitted to the hospital emergency department with serious injuries having crashed her car. Sara Linton is the doctor on duty and as she examines Dani the young woman claims that she’d been drugged and raped, and that although she had no recollection of how she’d ended up behind the wheel of the car, what she does know is that she was trying to escape when she had the accident. Dani’s distress triggers visceral memories for Sara of when she was raped fifteen years earlier and, as she fights to save Dani’s life, she makes an unspoken promise to her that she ‘would do everything possible to stop the man who’d raped her’.
The story then fast-forwards three years, when Sara is called as an expert witness in a civil court case in which Dani’s family are trying to bring her alleged rapist to account. However, they find themselves up against a powerful family determined to use their considerable social and financial influence to protect their twenty-two-year-old son from being held accountable. Although Sara has known the parents, Mac & Britt, for more than twenty years, from when they were all medical students together, for reasons which gradually emerge, she hasn’t kept in touch with them and her feelings towards them are, to put it mildly, rather less than positive! However, after giving her evidence she has a chance encounter with Britt who suggests that there is a connection between the assault on Dani and what happened to Sara all those years ago. Although there’s no evidence to trigger an official enquiry, Will and his work-partner, Faith, begin to investigate, gradually uncovering a deeply-disturbing pattern of assaults which have taken place over many years. These have been carried out by a group of privileged white men who are arrogantly confident that their wealth and social position not only entitles them to behave in this way, but also to believe that they will never have to face being held accountable for their actions.
Because of some of the dark places this fast-paced story takes the reader into, I found that there were many moments as I was reading when the highly-evocative descriptions of assaults, and their aftermaths, felt almost unbearable to read. This wasn’t because I felt that the author was exaggerating the horrors faced by victims of rape, rather it was because what she was describing felt all too credible. With her sensitive portrayals what she did was put a ‘human face’ on the shocking statistics about why so few perpetrators are brought to justice, the many reasons why this is the case, and the impact this has on the women involved. Her explorations of misogyny, toxic masculinity, sexual violence, abuse of power and coercive behaviour were central to the story and I imagine that this would be an even more difficult read for anyone who has faced sexual assault.
I thought that the many twists and turns in the team’s complex investigations always felt credible, never requiring the sort of suspension of disbelief that can spoil a ‘seamless’ reading experience … and I loved that my suspicion about one of the characters was confirmed towards the end of the story! Her multi-layered character portrayals (of ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’!) were equally convincing, making it easy to understand the reasons behind their reactions and interactions, as well as what motivated their decision-making.
Although I’ve read, and enjoyed, a few of Karin Slaughter’s stand-alone stories, as I hadn’t read any of the earlier books in her Will Trent series, I did wonder whether my lack of knowledge about the dynamics of the backstories of such well-established characters would be a frustrating distraction, perhaps interfering with my ability to fully-engage with the unfolding story. However, although there were moments when I realised that some prior knowledge would probably have enhanced my reading experience, ultimately I found that there were enough clues to enable me to begin to understand why these main characters had come to forge such strong, supportive relationships.
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LibraryThing member shizz
I understand that Will Trent is the lead character in a 10 previous thrillers by this author! But not having read any of the others has by no means diminished the pleasure I got from reading this book. It’s made me hungry to read some more, in fact!
Assaults on women is a challenging topic and not
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enjoyable to read about, but whilst this issue is central to the story the way it is dealt with and the outcomes, dilute the horror to a degree.

I found it an engrossing and riveting read. As a police procedural, it’s absolutely fascinating. As a tightly plotted thriller, it’s excellent. It’s an intelligent story where the reader has to concentrate fully to keep up and the way it’s written encourages the reader to solve the clues alongside our intrepid investigators. The medical sequences are also extremely realistic, so the research is impeccable on all sides.

I enjoyed all the characters Will, Sarah, Faith, and even Amanda! It’s wetted my appetite to find out if these characters are in the previous books, and what part they play there. There’s lots of tension in the climax the final denouement was mind blowing! I never suspected for a moment. This is consummate storytelling. This is a writer who understands her readers and how to craft an entertaining and thought-provoking novel. The pacing is perfect.

And whilst you can enjoy this simply as a good story, there’s also room for the reader to consider some of the issues contained within it. Quite harrowing at times, and I’m sure I’m not alone at feeling anger towards the perpetrators. But as well as the main story, there are also the stories of the characters, The book has much to say about parenting and relationships and the work life balance. Also about privilege and money and abuse of trusted positions. It’s a substantial work.

My thanks to Readers First for the copy that I won in their prize draw.
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LibraryThing member Ronrose1
I was drawn to this series of books written by Karen Slaughter by watching the television show Will Trent. Generally I read a book and look forward to seeing the character portrayed on screen. This book, After That Night, continues to recount the story of Will Trent , but his second wife, Medical
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Examiner Sara Linton takes center stage. Sara becomes personally involved in trying to solve the vicious rape and death of a young woman. This triggers memories of a similar rape in which Sara was the victim when she was in college. She has been trying to deal with the trauma for years, but the similarities of the assault on this young woman and those of Sara”s attack years earlier, lead her to suspect that they are somehow connected. With the help of an understanding Will Trent and his long time detective partner Faith, an investigation is started, off the books, to try and find if there is truly a connection. Perhaps Sara can get some closure for this young girl and for herself. The book is very detailed, including descriptions of the assaults. The characters are well written and are brought to life by the fine writing. This time a television series has brought me to a great new series of books for me to enjoy. This book was provided for review by the William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers.
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LibraryThing member tottman
The hardest decision when reading a Karin Slaughter book is whether to stay up all night to finish it or to pause after each chapter to absorb and reflect on what you've just read. Her latest Will Trent book, After That Night, certainly presents that dilemma.
Sara Linton is on call in the ER at
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Grady Memorial Hospital when a girl, Dani, comes in after a brutal attack. Sara makes a promise to the girl that she will stop the man who'd done this to her. As Sara's fiance, GBI investigator Will Trent and Will's partner Faith investigate, it appears there is a link between the assault and Sara's rape 15 years earlier. To keep her promise, she's going to have to dredge up memories of the worst thing that's ever happened to her.

It turns out that the car that Dani was driving belongs to the son of one of Sara's med school colleagues from 15 years ago. As both a doctor and the only witness to Dani's dying declaration, Sara is the star witness in the civil trial against him. When the boy's mother, Britt McAllister, confronts Sara in the restroom, Britt tells her that what happened to Dani is linked to a mixer that they all attended on the night of Sara's rape. Now it's up to Sara, Will, and Faith to discover the connection and determine which of Sara's fellow med school colleagues is responsible.

The trio discovers what they describe as a "Rape Club", which is even more horrible and despicable than it sounds. The first emotional impact is reading about the devastating impact that rape has on its victims and the course of their lives. The second impact is realizing that it happens all the time. Slaughter describes these events in unflinching detail and with a great deal of compassion. The characters all feel like real, complicated people. The ability to understand and sometimes relate to them draws your admiration, your sympathy, and your revulsion respectively. The effect on the investigators investigating these crimes is its own sort of devastation.

Will and Faith do a great deal of the leg work without official sanction of the GBI. Since the crimes range back as far as 15 years, hard evidence is in short supply and they know they'll need a strong case before the investigation will be approved. The people being investigated have the resources to make problems go away. Given Sara's relationship with them, she is integral to the investigation. The mystery comes together piece by hard-won piece. When you think you've plumbed the depths of depravity and cruel indifference, Slaughter still has more surprises in store.

After That Night is an intense page-turner and one of the best books of the year. This is a must-read for any fan of thrillers and suspense novels. Slaughter is as good as they come.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.
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LibraryThing member Twink
I have been eagerly awaiting a new book from Karin Slaughter! After That Night is the new Will Trent (#11), and Sara Linton book.

Slaughter continues to move the lives of her characters forward. Will Trent is an Investigator and Sara Linton is a Medical Examiner with the Georgia Bureau of
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Investigation. The supporting characters are all back as well, including Faith and Amanda. All of the players have a personal storyline that always makes the characters feel like actual people.

Faithful readers will know of the brutal attack that happened to Sara fifteen years ago. In After That Night, another young woman is attacked in a manner that appears to have similarities to the attack on Sara.

Slaughter is a master of plotting. The details, the clues, the connections, and the final answers also feel like this is an actual case. The reader can't help but be drawn into the story. And it's impossible to put the book down. And that last bit? Loved it.

Slaughter does such a fantastic job of handling and presenting a hard topic with candor and respect. And reality.

After That Night is another stellar book from Karin Slaughter.
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LibraryThing member phoenixcomet
First time I read a Will Trent novel and I wasn't impressed with the prose; however, I believe these novels will translate well to TV and I look forward to watching Will Trent.

Sara, Will Trent's fiance, was a victim of rape 15 years previously and when a young woman comes into the ER also
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victimized, it triggers off a series of events tying Sara's rape to the current woman's.
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LibraryThing member rmarcin
I have only read one other Will Trent book, and it was OK, but I thought this one was very good. It gives a back story on Sara, the medical examiner, and Will's relationship. It also tells of an incident in Sara's past that changed her life.
When Sara gets a new patient in the ER, she is horrified
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to learn the woman was raped. She promises the woman that she will find justice for her. This sets off an investigation to find out who is raping young women, and what the connection is between them.
A fascinating look at obsession and control and strange power relationships.
I will likely read more Will Trent novels.
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LibraryThing member DebTat2
It is so good to see Sara and Will back again, they have been away for far to long so as soon as I saw this was a Will Trent novel I preordered it asap. And now, to say how lucky and grateful I am to have received a digital advance readers copy would be the understatement of the year!
The book is
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due to be published in the UK on the 22 June 2023 and I cannot stress to you how highly I recommend you to preorder the book, it is one of her best!
When a young woman, Dani, arrives at Grady Memorial Hospital in a bad way and tells Dr Sara Linton that she had been rapped it opens up old wounds for Sara. Sadly, her injury’s were just too much and couldn’t be saved and Sara made a promise to the woman she would do everything in her power to find out who had done this to her.
Fast forward three years and Sara is giving evidence against an extremely wealthy family who’s son is on trail in a lawsuit for the rape and murder of Dani. But when your family has that much money and the best lawyers money can buy, you can buy your way out of anything!
As the trial triggers Sara she beats a retreat into the ladies bathrooms which results in a confrontation with the mother of the accused, Britt McAllister, who was in a very distressed state and all over the place possibly from the Valium that had fallen out her bag, or alcohol, or both. In her state she practically admits to knowing her son’s guilt and is hoping that this trial will be enough to stop him whilst also implicating her husband into the sordid act as well as “the others”.
Realising she has said too much she tries to take it all back, whilst leaving a parting shot at Sara by saying that what happened to Sara years ago is connected to what happened to Dani.
With not enough evidence and no way of knowing how they could be connected, Will, his partner Faith Mitchell and Sara begin their own investigation into the cases.
What they find are other victims with the same circumstances as Dani, but how do they all fit together, all they have to work with is circumstantial evidence that the McAllisters are up to their necks in it some how and who are ‘the others’?
The book is fast paced, full of mystery and intrigue, and flows at a rapid rate that there are no good places to put the book down. I literally read until I fell asleep and then picked it straight back up, devouring the book in two sittings.
I know it says that this is book eleven in the series, but if this is going to be your first delve into the Will Trent books you will still love it. There is enough backstory for new readers to understand what is going on so don’t let that put you off.
Once you’ve read this one you will want to read them all and I can safely say, there’s not a bad book in the entire series!
After That Night will be published in the UK on 22 June 2023 and August 22, 2023 in the US. The book is available to preorder now
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LibraryThing member decaturmamaof2
This is one of my favorite series - not only because of the locations, but because the characters are so flawed and sometimes ugly and real. Great job, Karin Slaughter!
LibraryThing member Enid007
I didn't realize this book was part of a series until I came to add it on Goodreads, but since I was already over 30% in I just kept going with it. What I like about Karin Slaughter's writing style in this book is that she gives the right amount of information that I didn't feel as if I was missing
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anything or that I was confused about anything.
In this thriller we dive into the life of Sara and how what happened to her 15 years ago ties in to some horrible crimes that are currently happening. It is crazy af what goes on and although it was a bit of a slow start it picked up pace quickly as it went on. Although I started figuring it out before the end it was still real messed up as far as for a psychological thriller.

Warning - Sexual assault trigger , I don't have things that trigger me however some of it did make me feel ill only because it's sad that some of this crap actually happens in this messed up world. I will not dwell on that though, it is a book and I do enjoy thrillers. I enjoyed this one despite the trigger parts.
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LibraryThing member TomDonaghey
After That Night (Will Trent #11) (2023) by Karin Slaughter. In this eleventh installment in the Will Trent series, violent crimes from the past and events of a possible future (Jeremy’s career choice) collide in an underground investigation into a possible rape club. To further hike the ante,
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Sara discovers she is possibly an early victim of the club when she was raped more than a decade earlier. Faith, Will and Sara try to uncover information about the possible members of the club but have to keep it hidden from the boss, Amanda, as the case, such as it is, is strictly an Atlanta Police affair.
Again I am amazed by the amount of violence and gore in the books of Slaughter. I don’t mind that as long as it is germane to the story, but I have been feeling that there is an overabundance of graphic representations of brutality and rape in these books.
I know, I don’t have to read them, I can chose to read many other things. But I do like the main characters of Will, Sara, Faith, and even Amanda. The stories narrate the annals of their lives in such a propulsive manner, and the intertwining of their lives fit so well together, that I feel compelled to keep up with the series. I have not been reading Slaughter’s other books and so may have missed plenty, but I think I will stick with the Trent/Linton tales.
Besides, I’m a sucker for a long, long, long love story.
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LibraryThing member EllenH
First Will Trent novel I'd read but I watch the series. I was pulled into this thriller and kept coming back to it. The characters are well done, and the plot was compelling even though it was pretty dark disturbing subject.
It was interesting to compare to the series. The characters although
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different in descriptions, were very similar in personality to the TV ones and the tone and pace were smilar.
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LibraryThing member SheriAWilkinson
After That Night (Will Trent, #11) by Karin Slaughter

Sara tries to safe the life of a patient (Dani Copper) who has been brutally attacked and left for dead. Unable to save her life, Sara is not going to let this rest. Will investigates the case which leads to similarities to a horrific event in
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Sara's life fifteen years prior.

How are the two cases connected, and what will be found as they did deeper into this case. With the Help of Faith and Amanda secrets are slowly revealed leading to the most disturbing outcome of an unimaginable crime spree.

The story moves at an even pace leading up to a slow burn. With attention to details, engaging dialog, edge-of-your seat chills, intense nail-biting moments. I was engrossed from the start, leading up to the shocking conclusion.

After That Night has been one of Karin Slaughter most compelling stories yet. I highly recommend to those who enjoy procedural crime/thriller/suspense.

*Trigger warnings as mentions of rape/sexual assault and suicide
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