Death note. Volume 1, Boredom

by Tsugumi Ohba

Other authorsTakeshi Obata (Illustrator), Pookie Rolf, Gia Cam Luc (Illustrator)
Paper Book, 2005



Call number




San Francisco : Viz Media, 2005.


Light tests the boundaries of the Death Note's powers as L and the police begin to close in. Luckily Light's father is the head of the Japanese National Police Agency and leaves vital information about the case lying around the house. With access to his father's files, Light can keep one step ahead of the authorities. But who is the strange man following him, and how can Light guard against enemies whose names he doesn't know?

User reviews

LibraryThing member lindabeekeeper
What happens when a bored honor student finds a notebook where you can write a person's name and he dies? In this graphic novel, Light finds a notebook dropped by a Shinigama--death god. He now has the power of life and death over everyone, he just must know their name. And he decides to use it to
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rid the world of evil. But when he starts killing off criminals before they are convicted, Interpol decides he is a murderer. So the set their secret weapon "L" on the case. And L is closing in.

This is an interesting take on morality and the corruption of power. Will Light be able to stick to only those people who are bad. How far will he go to protect himself? And who really has the moral authority to make decisions like this?

I like the complexity of the ethical themes. And it is pretty good as a police procedureal too.
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LibraryThing member tiamatq
Light Yagami is a serious straight-A student from Japan with great prospects. Ryuk is a shinigami, a death god, with nothing but time on his hands. Both Light and Ryuk are bored with their worlds. Then Light finds Ryuk's Death Note, a notebook with the power to kill anyone who's name is written
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within. Of course, there are rules that must be obeyed when using the Death Note. But Light sees it as a tool that he can use to create a utopia, ridding the world of criminal, and he can rule over it. Ryuk sees a chance to be entertained. When criminals begin to mysteriously die all over the world, the police and the enigmatic detective L begin searching for the killer, dubbed by the media as Kira.

This is the first volume of Death Note, and it gets the ball rolling quickly. Light is a chilling character. He honestly believes that what he's doing will make the world a better place and, though he first struggles with the powers of the Death Note, he quickly becomes corrupted by its power. Light sees the world in terms of black and white. Ryuk provides commentary and reflection on Light's actions (an interesting role for a death god), acting as a sort of chorus. He sometimes fills in the gaps between Light's plots and how they play out in the manga.

If there's anything I don't care for in Death Note, it's Light's incredible intellect. Yes, it's established that he's a genius and has amazing analytical skills. However, nothing seems to catch him off-guard. Even when Ryuk presents him with information he couldn't have possibly guessed about the Death Note, we only see Light briefly sweat it out and then just shrug the shock off. Light is still a teen and, even though he's confident and believe himself to be righteous, I'd think he'd be a little more flustered at times.

However, the story line is very interesting, raising questions about abuse of power and right and wrong. The artwork is incredible. You become more comfortable looking at the shinigami, who are very open about what they are, instead of Light, who goes from sweet and optimistic to manic.
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LibraryThing member imayb1
Death Note is like a mystery story told from the point of view of Sherlock Holmes arch-rival, Moriarty. Interestingly, the "evil" perpetrated by the main character, is in kind of a grey area in the beginning. As the series progresses, he becomes more willing to commit true evil. It's a story full
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of psychological mind games and supernatural, thus, very enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member PhoenixTerran
I'm not entirely certain where I first heard of the Death Note manga series, but I think it first began with a National Public Radio segment. Then I started seeing it everywhere and hear mostly good things about it. Well, at least about the "original" series--a fair number of fans weren't very
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happy with the direction it took after it was extended past its initial ending point. Finally, I discovered that my assistant at work was reading through the series and I was subsequently strongly encouraged to do so myself. So, I did.

The first volume quickly introduces the premise and main players of the story. Ruyk, a Shinigami death-god, "accidentally" drops one of his Death Notes in the human world, mostly just because he's bored. It is found by Light Yagami, the top student at his school in Japan, who quickly discovers what it is and what it can do. Any person who's name is written with intention in the notebook will die--the writer even has the option of choosing the ways and means of the death. Of course, there are rules and limitations to this power which Light must learn as he goes, because he has a plan--to rid the world of criminals and evil-doers.

But when massive numbers of inmates begin to die in prisons around the world, the world's governments launch an investigation turning to the mysterious and brilliant detective known only as "L." L quickly begins to close on Light, but Light, too, is extraordinarily clever. The battle of wits has begun.

I enjoyed this first installment of Death Note. I wasn't blown away by the artwork, but it worked well enough even if it wasn't entirely consistent. I must admit though, the visual design of the Shinigami is quite creative. As a warning, Death Note comes "unflipped" (reading from right to left), which I think is becoming increasingly more common for manga published in the United States. It's not the first unflippedmanga that I've read, but it can be disconcerting for newcomers.

The book also seemed to suffer, albeit slightly, in its translation into English. Some phrases just weren't quite right. I did very much enjoy the storyline though, and will most likely pick up a few more volumes my next trip to the library--I have a feeling they'll make for quick, entertaining reads.

Experiments in Reading
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LibraryThing member ohioyalibrarian
Wow! This is great. I couldn't put it down. A genius teenager find a "death note," the notebook of a Japanese Death God. It allows him to kill instantly anyone whose name and face he knows. He decides to rid the world of evil by killing all criminals. But, in exercising so much power, does he begin
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to slide into evil himself? Mesmerizing.
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LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
Light is an exceptional student and the perfect son. One day he finds the death note, a notebook belonging to the Shinigami (spirit of death), Ryuk, which he dropped in the human world. Both Light and Ryuk suffer from the affliction of boredom, but now in the possession of the death note Light has
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found a new hobby. Basically he wants to make people afraid to commit crimes by killing off all the criminals and ruling over his own worldwide Utopia. Light is determined nothing will get in the way, not the combined law forces of the world's nations or "L", the mysterious, intelligent "sleuth" brought in by Interpol to stop the most elusive and deadly criminals.

Usually this manga is not one that I would pick up, but popular opinion made me extremely curious. I will say that it is interesting although pretty horrifying. To me Light seems absolutely the profile of serial killer. He has no compunction of killing anyone and everyone who might stop him in his quest for world domination, including the police and/or his family. Ryuk is a curious character and is pretty much content hanging around Light to see what he'll do next. Overall, I think L is the most likable character, but then again we haven't really seen much of him yet (except the back of his shaggy head LOL) I'm almost tempted to jump to the last book in the series just to see if the ending is such that I want to invest my time in reading the series. The only agreeable resolution I can see is if Light fails completely in his quest, but I've discovered that manga generally doesn't always follow the kind of storylines I'd like to see.

Insofar as the artwork goes, I think it was very well done. No chibi images or cuteness is around to mar the serious horror component of the volume. Ryuk is rather shocking at first and took a bit of getting used to. I guess probably my main interest in reading the next volume is my curiosity about what "L" will look like :-)
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LibraryThing member kpickett
I was expecting more with all the raves about this book but it wasn't that impressive. Just wildly popular. The story is about Light who finds a notebook left by a god of death. If you write a name in the book the person will die. Light decides to use this book to kill all the "bad" people and make
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the world a better place. I was surprised how quickly a 17 year old decides its a good idea to kill a bunch of people. Pretty bad characterization and translation/writing. Cool idea that was badly executed.
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LibraryThing member pivic
Brilliant manga; terrific read, filled with very dark humor, an intricate, philosophical plot which could be simple but is complicated and yet simple at the same time. I follow Light with a tad of admiration and Ryuk with love.
LibraryThing member CBJames
Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba is not the first manga novel one should read. At least that's what my students told me. They all think it's too intense, too weird, too dark for adults to read. But when I heard a review of the animated series on NPR's Fresh Air I found it's concept just too intriguing to
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pass by. Japan's top high school student, 17-year-old Light, finds a notebook outside his classroom. On the cover are the words Death Note. Inside are the rules: write someone's name inside the note book and in six minutes and forty seconds that person will die.

Light doesn't believe the notebook is real, of course, but he decides to test it by writing the name of a well known murderer in it. When the murderer dies, Light decides to continue testing the notebook, and then to use it to rid the world of evil by killing all evil people. Eventually the police figure out that something is going on and call on the services of the mysterious L, a genius detective whom no one has ever seen. L quickly figures out that the killer is probably a student living in Japan and continues to close in on Light as the story progresses.

Death Note is an entertaining read. The story and its characters are certainly compelling. What would you do with such a notebook? What would you have done if you found it while still in high school? Light's actions are understandable, even if disagreeable, and L makes an interesting opponent. But, in the end, I have to recommend the television version over the book. It treats the book as a script, more or less. Manga is such a visual medium, that the leap from the page to the small screen is basically a natural progression; there's no reason to cut anything out of the book just make it into four episodes. Book one makes up season one, and etc.

While on the page, I found the visuals did not add much to the story at all, not when compared to a book like The Invention of Hugo Cabret where the images are indispensable. The actual writing in Death Note consists almost entirely of dialogue, none of it very good. This may be a problem with translation, but it sounds much better when spoken by voice actors in the animated version; there it sounds almost realistic. The animation matches the artwork in the book exactly. Seeing the artwork move, though often the movement is hard to detect, makes what struck me as repetitive, unimaginative images visually interesting even exciting at times.

In the end I'm giving Death Note the book by Tsugumi Ohba three out of five stars. However, I'm giving Death Note the animated series four. My advice; watch it, don't read it.
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LibraryThing member AlyssaE
i have never really found a manga book that i have really wanted to read. i heard a reviews for this and went and bought it when i saw it at barnes and noble. i thought it was great. light finds a death note book and writes down peoples names to kill them. but there are many rules to using this
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notebook. you also have to be smart to use this note book.
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LibraryThing member poonamsharma
Interesting set-up in Part 1. This seems to be a very long series. There is also a TV show based on this manga.
LibraryThing member darlingtrk
Not being a dedicated fan of Manga, it is hard to judge this book. I can only judge it by the artistic and literary standards I am familiar with. In which case, I thought it was average. I can see how it would be adictive, because the story does leave cliff hangers in every chapter. However, it
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won't take long for me to forget this story line. It is too expensive to be a habit.

All that said, I am glad I read it. Death Note is inventive and not as cryptic as some Manga materials I have seen. The concept is good, though the protagonists mixed motivations of moral cleansing and personal power do not seem to me to be compatible. This mix should make him more of a fascist and less of a hero than the characterization of the book. His personal power trip is underplayed, presumably to keep him palatable. But as a true fascist, his cooperation with a veritable demon seems appropriate. One finds himself wishing that he would succeed with his moral cleansing, but his megalomania holds the reader back from truly wishing him well.
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LibraryThing member mattsya
This review refers to the entire Death Note series.

Easily one of the most entertaining reading experiences of my lifetime--and I say that without reservation. The entire 12 volume series is non-stop fun and intrigue. For those unfamiliar with manga, the pacing is more along the lines of American
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comics. The text is very wordy and the narrative is especially plot-driven. There are some lofty themes here of power and responsibility and the nature of evil, but the true attraction here is the ever-intensifying cat-and-mouse game between Light and L. Often the exchanges of "I knew you would know that I would do that, so I did this" and "Ah-ha! I knew that you would know that I would know that you would do that, so I did this!" flirts with the ridiculous, but never quites go over the edge. Well-crafted and fun, this is a must-read for any comics fan.
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LibraryThing member theforestofbooks
My first attempt at reading manga and from an interest point of view, a successful first effort. Starting from the rear of the book and reading right to left took a little getting used to, but it was surprising how quickly you adapt. The story itself follows Light Yagami as he finds the Death Note
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- a notebook dropped by a death god. The book allows the owner to kill anyone whose name is written within its pages. Light, feeling this is his opportunity to rid the world of criminals and bullies fully embraces the idea of the Death Note. That is until his actions come to the attention of the mysterious figure of L, the legendary and unknown detective. This brief synopsis hardly does the story justice. What you think is a book solely based on horror becomes a subtle complex battle of wills and a debate between right and wrong. Enjoyed this alot more than I thought I would. The opening half a dozen pages I really wasnt sure, but the rather simple plot frays off into new areas which I never imagined at the start. The facets of the Death Note are revealed slowly through the book as opposed to a mass download of information and just enhances the delicate storytelling. Intriguing and enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member Daedalus18
I really liked Death Note, Vol. 1 - and will continue with the series. The surprises were genuinely good (except for those blown by the copy on the back cover, wtf?) and I have a hard time thinking of anything I could compare the book to. Maybe a young John Constantine who is more into his SATs
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than cigarettes.

Light, the protagonist, is a brilliant young guy who has taken upon himself to create a utopian society by picking off the worst of the criminals, thereby putting would-be criminals on notice and edging the culture into one of lawfulness and reason.

That nobody enlisted or entrusted him to do this is the downside of his predicament - and he finds himself pursued as the worst criminal of all. All a pretty brilliant set-up, and it doesn't even address the fun of having a death god following you around and staring ahead with fishy eyes at everything you do.

There are some faults to be found in the premise, namely that there are some 'instructions' in the death note book that allows Light his power to kill - and these instructions are rolled out very slowly and in a not-always-logical-but-always-convenient-for-the-story way. Shouldn't complain, though - because it is quite enjoyable.

The use of monsters, demons and supernatural elements is gratifyingly played down - which wouldn't be my assumption upon seeing the cover art and promotional materials. Most of my Manga experience involves robots and future tech - I'm digging this first venture into a different sub-genre.
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LibraryThing member fuzzydeadthing
A mind blowing psychological thriller. Light is a young honor student about to get into college. One day he finds a notebook which allows him to kill anyone, just by knowing their real name and what they look like, and writing it down. He decides to use it to kill criminals, and make the world a
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better place. L is the brilliant detective trying to ferret him out, a difficult task since he can kill from across the globe. Together, the two engage in a an epic battle of wits, using celebrities, the media, the police, major cooperations and even the government as chess pieces in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Will Light discover L's true identity before L can figure out who Kira (Light's alias) is for sure, or will it be the other way around?

So far, this series is incredible(I'm on volume seven). The strategies involved are complex and impressive. The main characters are both so likable it's hard to say who I'm really rooting for! Everything has a reason and plays a role in this thriller, and the rules become crucial elements in the deadly game. It's not at all as stupid or gimmicky as I imagined. This is one of the most original and impressive titles I've read!

Go out and read it NOW!
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LibraryThing member polarbear123
I am no Manga pro but I can say that of all the Manga I have read this is the best so far. Well drawn with a more adult theme than most, there is real tension in the storyline and I felt compelled to find out more. I will definitely be reading more from this series and it fully deserves to be in
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those top 10 lists on the net.
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LibraryThing member rdwhitenack
I've had a hard time keeping this series on my shelf in the library, so was interested in what they have. Just read the first in this series, and will continue to read as long as it's intriguing. The ideas in this series will really appeal to many teen readers as they search for their identity and
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struggle with their place/position/power in their environment.

"Light" is a 17 year old high school student in Japan with nationally recognized academic performance. One day he discovers a book called the Death Note which affords him to cause the death of anyone he so chooses. There are many rules and stipulations for possessing this book, but one is that a god of death, aka a Shinigami, follows him around everywhere. The art of the Shinigami is where this book excels--freaky looking art. Light begins to use the Death Note to rid the world of its' worst criminals, yet struggles to maintain a secret identity. Light acts out of (as he calls it) righteousness, but the reader can see him potentially taking several routes that are anything but righteous.

A good graphic novel, that took this slow reader about 1.5hrs to read 195 pages, so probably worth the time of exploring if able to tolerate the notion of violence.
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LibraryThing member tapestry100
Light Yagami, ace student and top of national charts with his test scores, is bored with everything, but that changes one day when he discovers the Death Note of the shinigami (death god) Ryuk, who is equally bored with his existence and dropped his Death Note on purpose in the human world, just to
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entertain himself. When Light discovers the purpose of the Death Note, that by writing a person's name, the way they die and the time that they will die in the Death Note and that person will die in that manner, he decides to take it upon himself to rid the world of its criminals and force the world to be a better place. However, he quickly becomes deluded into thinking that he will be able to rule the world as Kira, the Savior; that he will be able to exact judgment on whomever he feels is unworthy of living.

Obviously, the world's police forces take notice of the growing number of deaths of the criminals, both imprisoned and free, and decide that Kira needs to be held responsible for the deaths of so many, even if they are criminals. The mysterious super-sleuth L, who has never shown his face to anyone, decides that he need to team up with the police to help them track down this killer. A fast-paced game of cat and mouse ensues as Kira and L try to discover more about each other, as neither have shown their faces, while Ryuk sits on the sidelines, enjoying his entertainment.

I find the story intriguing and the plot is original. This first installment moves along rather quickly, setting up the key characters and plot points, but given that the series is 13 volumes long, there will still be plenty of story to be told, so I don't feel that it was rushed for no reason; I think Tsugumi Ohba simply didn't want to waste a lot of time introducing the main characters. This is my first real experience with Manga in general, so for all I know all series are started like this.

The art is fresh and crisp, and it is not hard to follow at all, even with the story running backwards to Western eyes (the story reads from right to left). Printed entirely in black and white line art with some shading, Takeshi Obata's style lends itself perfectly to the pacing of the story. I'd be interested to see some more of his work sometime.

An intriguing and unique story told in a nice, clean presentation, I'm really interested to see where the story of Death Note goes from here.
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LibraryThing member Shahnareads
Love this series.
LibraryThing member Cathy_Keaton
Death Note has to be one of the most brilliant stories ever conceived in human history. It's one of those that makes you wonder, 'why didn't I think of that?' I have already had the pleasure of reading this entire manga series, and I've seen the anime adaptation a few times—it just NEVER gets
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old. I'll read this manga till I'm old and gray (which is already happening!). And, yes, it is a comic book, but it could have so easily been a novel series. It is also being adapted into a Hollywood film.

This journey takes you to places you'll never expect to go. In the first volume, the story is very easy to follow, as the pieces need to be set on the board. But, once this thing gets going, it's the mental chess match of a lifetime. As for urban fantasy, you can't get much better than a magical notebook that kills the people whose names are written in it, no matter where they are in the world, and, all happening in modern Tokyo, Japan. Lots of police and detectives and criminals galore.

Light Yagami is a serial killer-in-the-making, and this does take a long time develop throughout the story. He really is the only human being who could run from the greatest detective in the world, L, and not get caught immediately. This story is the battle of the big minds, and it's just getting started. Still, it is riveting, to say the least, even in volume 1. L will do something to ensnare Light, who is dubbed 'Kira,' and then Light will counter with something brilliant of his own. It is cat-and-mouse, Tom and Jerry, but between two geniuses who don't drop anvils on each others heads.

The dynamic between these foes, as I already know, continues to grow in size and scope to proportions you cannot anticipate. Just know this story is a major thrill ride and you won't want to stop it anytime soon. I've already read it before and I can't put it down! It is addictive, so be sure you have easy access to the rest of the volumes because you will not be able to stop after finishing only Volume 1.

Recommended for everyone who loves psychological thrillers, mostly realistic urban fantasy, and cat-and-mouse chases. Even if you don't love any of these things, you still might like Death Note. It is THAT good.
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LibraryThing member kai_yukirin
An over-achieving college-bound student named Light Yagami picks up a supernatural book used by Shinigami to kill people. Plots unfold and as the action begins, a mysterious character going by the alias 'L' pursues Light on his goal to rid the world of criminals. Consider it the extremist objective
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of sociopaths, but whether or not the main character is a psycho, the story has beautiful artwork and a catching storyline.
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LibraryThing member CaliSoleil
4.5 Stars! I bought the complete boxed set of this series after reading Vol.1 from the library.
LibraryThing member jerhogan
Intriguing idea where a teenager finds a note-book. Names written in the notebook die. The teenager starts to make the world a better place by killing off criminals but runs foul of Interpol and the mysterious "L". Its really interesting morally exploring whether you could make the world a better
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place by killing off bad people or would you become bad yourself in so doing.
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LibraryThing member blog_gal
I really enjoyed Volume 1 of this manga. I have seen the anime and I really enjoyed it, but I do think that I enjoy the manga better. This books are filled with action, mystery, and suspense. The characters each have their own personality and the story line is intense and unpredictable. I love the
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complexity of the idea that the author had for this manga. This series seems to translate very well into English. I cannot wait to read more of this manga series.
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Physical description

191 p.; 19 cm


1421501686 / 9781421501680
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