Unclean spirits

by M. L. N. Hanover

Paper Book, 2009



Call number




New York : Pocket Books, 2009, 2008.


When Jayn ?Heller's uncle dies, an apparent murder victim, she travels to Denver to handle his affairs and plunges into a strange world populated by demon-summoning wizards known as the Invisible College. Just as there are rogue wizards, there are also those who hunt them, and Jayn ?soon connects with her uncle's handsome assistant Aubrey, a former Jesuit with his own bloody agenda, and Midian, a 200-year-old man laboring under a curse.

User reviews

LibraryThing member nilchance
Strong female protagonist and interesting side characters, including (finally!) an unsexy vampire. Surprisingly hopeful ending. I loved it.
LibraryThing member soliloquies
Good first book in what I hope is a series. Jayné inherits her uncle's estate, but with vast wealth comes responsibility. She learns of a hidden world of demons who 'ride' unsuspecting humans. She attempts to track down the man who killed her uncle whilst discovering things about herself. A little
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clichéd in places, but easy to read.
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LibraryThing member psychobabble4u
I liked the story line but the characters were very under developed and it felt like I was having potatoes without the meat. Jayne is too shallow for me to take serious as the risk taker, dare devil, jump in sack with a guy I just met and call it love, maybe, the next day.
LibraryThing member leFroo
I really enjoyed this book. I'd like to read the latest one (the 2nd) and, if it's just as good, I'd like to continue it as a series. I really felt this was very "hip" in the way that I like my urban fantasy to be. Google is all over the place without feeling like a selling tool. Hanover regards
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Carrie Vaughn (of the Kitty Norville series) as one of her "auxiliary" supporters for the book and I see it, I really do. For those of us who heart the Kitty series, this is a good one to go to. I'm not so sure about the touchy "rider" stuff...it's not what I'd call traditional as an approach to this kind of mumbo jumbo, but it's got a strong narrative and character behind it. I'd tell you to give it a try, if you liked this kind of stuff (like I do).
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LibraryThing member dulcibelle
I enjoyed it, it was a fun read - dark and gritty without being gruesome. Good characters with room for growth and a story that is worth following up on.
LibraryThing member TerryWeyna
I don’t read urban fantasy – or so I thought. I tried a novel or two when the bookshelves started to fill up with covers depicting women scantily clad in black leather, all with tattoos on their lower backs and weapons of one sort or another in their hands, but they seemed rather generic and
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– at least the ones I read – not all that well-written.

Then I heard about that M.L.N. Hanover was actually Daniel Abraham, the author of the Long Price Quartet. So far I’ve only read the first in that series, A Shadow in Summer, but I admired it greatly, and am looking forward to reading the next three straight in a row when time allows. So much did I like Abraham’s work that I was willing to take another chance on urban fantasy and try out the two novels in the series titled The Black Sun’s Daughter, written by Abraham’s alter ego.

I’m glad I did. The two novels published in the series to date, Unclean Spirits and Darker Angels, are a kick to read, just pure adrenaline-fueled fun. I haven’t had this much pure entertainment since I rode the Screaming Eagle at Six Flags in Gurney, Illinois a million years ago. I wish there were more books in this series available right now, because I’d swallow them whole right this minute.

Unclean Spirits starts when Eric Heller dies and leaves his entire estate to his niece, Jayné Heller (her first name is pronounced zha-nay, but it’s frequently mispronounced as plain old Jane). Jayné is just a few days shy of her twenty-third birthday when she learns that she has suddenly become wealthy – the kind of wealthy that not only doesn’t have to worry about where the next meal is coming from, but doesn’t even have to worry about keeping a roof over her head, because she can always pay cash for a house if she needs one. She meets her uncle’s lawyers and his assistant, Aubrey, all of whom seem normal. Although she’s pretty dazed at her sudden good fortune – especially given that she’s just dropped out of college, has been disowned by her immediate family, and hadn’t figured out what to do with herself when this news came out of the blue – everything seems as normal as it can seem when you’ve essentially won the lottery but lost the only relative you cared about.

That is, it seems normal until Jayné goes to her uncle’s apartment in Denver and finds a corpse in the bedroom. Things quickly get worse when the corpse opens its eyes and speaks to her. But everything’s okay; Midian is simply very, very old. In fact, he was born the year they stormed the Bastille, he explains. And oh, by the way, it was a bunch of evil wizards who killed her uncle. Jayné is dubious until four figures break into the apartment and try to kill her, and she is able to fight with a great deal more ability than she ever imagined. Between the two of them, Midian and Jayné kill the four strangers – and Jayné is now deeply into something about which she knows nothing.

Unclean Spirits tells the tale of how Jayné begins to learn who her uncle was and what magic is, and a very little bit about who she is herself. She does this while attempting to destroy the magician who killed her uncle, working with his allies. There are a number of disasters along the way, including the near death of a young man Jayné finds herself beginning to love. Relationships with others begin for the sake of convenience and turn into strong bonds of friendship and sometimes enmity. As the book ends, Jayné is still alive and has accomplished what she set out to do, but she is still almost completely ignorant about her inheritance – both in terms of what material things are out there, and in terms of what she has gained by learning of the magical world she lives in. Jayné is strong, sexy and smart, but she isn’t too much of any of these; she is far more real and vulnerable than your average heroine.

Darker Angels opens six months later. During the interim, Jayné has had her staff – her uncle’s former assistant and two men who had helped him out from time to time, one an ex-priest known as Ex and one who is – well, Chogyi Jake is hard to describe, but the feeling emanating from the character is peace, even in the context of incredible violence. The group is in Athens, Greece, performing an inventory of Jayné Uncle Eric’s possessions in his house – now Jayné’s house – magical and otherwise. They’ve been skipping from city to city around the world doing the same thing, and they’re all exhausted.

Which means they’re not really in good shape to take on a new case. But when a call comes in to Eric’s cellphone (still programmed to say “Hey, you’ve got a call” in Eric’s voice, freaking out everyone who hears it) from a former client, asking for help in New Orleans, Jayné jumps at the chance to get more information about her uncle. If it means dealing with a supernatural beastie attempting to take over a teenager’s body, well, why not perform a good deed in the meantime?

But Jayné and her group are getting involved with New Orleans voodoo, and they don’t know the territory. Legba gives Jayné a good, strong warning early on that she barely survives; but Jayné is stubborn. The group fractures under the pressure, but still the notion of helping that teenager is so compelling that Jayné can’t help but soldier on.

In this second book, each of the characters becomes more clearly defined. Ex is no longer merely the one who performs exorcisms; he is a whole person, with his own loves and past and issues. Chogyi Jake becomes something more of a mascot to the group, with the way he exudes calm, though he is still more of a cipher than the others. Aubrey and Jayné both develop and retard their relationship, much like relationships usually work.

In the meantime, the reader gets a good look at New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. And the reader gets a lesson in voodoo and the power it gives its practitioners in this alternate universe, especially to women. And it’s all written with such tension that the book nearly vibrates in your hand. I read it in less than 24 hours, barely pausing to work, eat or sleep.

So I guess I read urban fantasy after all. At least, I read it when it’s written by M.L.N. Hanover. This is great stuff, and at mass market paperback prices, you can’t afford to pass it up.
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LibraryThing member mbg0312
Solid work in the "urban fantasy" genre, much better than average for that type of novel.
LibraryThing member samantha.1020
Summary from Goodreads:

"In a world where magic walks and demons ride, you can't always play by the rules.

Jayné Heller thinks of herself as a realist, until she discovers reality isn't quite what she thought it was. When her uncle Eric is murdered, Jayné travels to Denver to settle his estate,
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only to learn that it's all hers -- and vaster than she ever imagined. And along with properties across the world and an inexhaustible fortune, Eric left her a legacy of a different kind: his unfinished business with a cabal of wizards known as the Invisible College."

My Thoughts:

Unclean Spirits was a satisfactory beginning to this urban fantasy series with a unique and entertaining world. And although I thought that this book was a solid read, I did have a few issues with it. Let's start off with the positive first and what I enjoyed. The storyline and world building in this book were very unique which was one of the best things about this book. The author created an unusual world where vampires and demons used human bodies to live and were called "riders". Jayne is kinda thrown into this world which makes it interesting as we get to learn about the world (and all of these supernatural things) right along with her. She gets caught up in the struggle against the riders and their leader after her beloved uncle dies.

Jayne was an interesting main character. She came across as very realistic as she struggled to come to terms with all of the changes in her life. And unfortunately she doesn't really have anyone that can give her all of the answers even though she does develop a group of allies that she works with. I really liked the different characters that made up Jayne's inner group. They were all unique and with their own stories...I hope that we get to continue to learn more about them in future books. And although I liked Jayne's character, I struggled with her indecisiveness at times as well as her lack of confidence in herself. There were times that I just wanted her to be more assertive and ready for whatever was going to thrown at her next. This could just be my preference when it comes to female urban fantasy heroines...I fully admit it. But her character did affect my enjoyment of the book at certain points. That being said, I am eager to continue on with the series. I feel like the ending of the book helped to show a stronger, more confident side to Jayne, and I'm hopeful that it will carry on as the books progress. Plus, I'm curious to see what will happen next!

Overall, this wasn't my favorite beginning to an urban fantasy series but I did enjoy it. I really enjoyed the world that the author created as it was nice and dark while still being original. I will definitely be picking up book two in this series. Recommended.

Bottom Line: An enjoyable read but with a few flaws.

Disclosure: Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book. My thoughts are my own :)
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LibraryThing member Basbleu0
Disappointing. The characters were hard to like or keep one's interest and the plot was formulaic and derivative. Not recommended.
LibraryThing member LeleliaSky
Our main character is thrown into a world she never imagined when her Uncle is murdered and she travels to attend to his affairs. Jayne thought she knew her Uncle, at least as well as she could with her father forbidding her to see or talk to him, but she really had no clue about him. Thrown into a
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world of 'Riders', demons or spirits who possess people, Jayne begins to come into her own. With the help of her Uncle's friends, she begins her journey into learning about this world. I felt the book was a little wordy at times, but overall I enjoyed it and look forward to the second book in the series. I am really curious about Jayne's abilites and 'mojo' and where/when/how it was acquired.
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review Courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: A unique world with interesting and likable characters.

Opening Sentence: It was raining in Denver the night Eric Heller died.

The Review:

Unclean Spirits is the first book in M.L.N. Hanover’s series, The Black Sun’s Daughter. M.L.N. Hanover is
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just one of the pseudonyms for science fiction/fantasy author, Daniel Abraham.

Jayne Heller’s uncle dies and leaves her with a fortune and his unbelievable work as a paranormal hunter. She is thrown into this chaotic life, hunting riders and she takes it all in and keeps on going. We see her struggle and make monumental mistakes and that makes her a more believable and approachable character. She falls in with a rag tag group that band together to complete her uncle’s last quest and to get revenge for his death. We watch her grow into a stronger person as she learns to stand up and take control. I look forward to seeing her and her group come into their own as the series progresses.

I was really excited to read Unclean Spirits, from the description it sounded like it would be a great read. I was disappointed that I had such a hard time becoming invested in the story and I literality had to make myself continue reading in the beginning. Something was just off. There was plenty of action and fighting but it wasn’t believable to me. Hanover didn’t take the time to hash out and explain the magical aspects of the fights, they just happen, leaving me feeling disconnected. There was too much explanation of the mundane tasks such as eating and showering and it seemed that this was being used to create filler space around the repetitious planning the group did (don’t get me wrong it was nice to see some mundane tasks since we usually don’t get this but there is a certain point when you want to say enough already). I think that this time could have been better utilized by explaining more how the characters learned and used these magical powers. I am glad that I kept plugging along because toward the end of the book I was finally drawn in and didn’t want to put the book down.

Hanover created and brought to life a very intriguing and unique world. It is a superb setting for an urban fantasy with a new twist to what most have become used to as common paranormal creatures. It was because of this premise that I stuck with the book. In his world the paranormal creatures are riders, spiritual parasites that cross over from an abstract world that is parallel to the real one, to possess people. There are a variety of different riders, which include vampires, werewolves and demons. All of which have some degree of magical powers.

It is clear that Hanover spent a lot of time planning and developing such an elaborate world but he did not seem to put as much effort into the characters. They all seemed kind of flat. I liked them all well enough, but a connection was just missing. I knew Jayne and Aubrey had chemistry only because I was told that they did, I never actually felt it. I loved Midian with his quick and sarcastic humor. It would have been nice to know more about the characters, to feel more connected to them.

I am happy that I stuck it out and completed Unclean Spirits. The beginning was slow but the ending pulled it together and made it a worthwhile read. I see so much potential with the story line, characters and the unique premise of the world that I am looking forward to reading Darker Angels.

Notable Scene:

What the fuck was he sitting next to?

As casually as he could, he brought a hand to his mouth. He crushed the fresh sage and peppermint leaves in the cuff and breathed in the scent. His mind clicked into trance, the aroma acting as trigger. His eyes felt like they’d been washed clean. Everything around him was intensely real, the edges sharp, the textures vibrant. He could hear the individual raindrops striking the car. He felt each fiber of his shirt pressing against his skin. And the glamour fell away from the others. The ink of their markings seemed to well up from inside them like blood from a cut. The driver was entirely bald, labyrinthine tattoos rising from his collar and crawling up over his ears. The two beside Eric were just as marked, their faces covered with symbols and sigils.

It had been a setup from the start. The contact, the face-down at the bar, the creosote breath. There were no gangbangers. No loupine.

One of them glanced at Eric.

“He knows,” the guard said.

The big sonofabitch in the front was still a big sonofabitch. He turned, looking over his shoulder. His lips were black, his eyes set in a tangle of something half Arabic script, half spiderweb.

“Mr. Heller,” he said, as if they were meeting for the first time. His voice was low as tires against asphalt. With his senses scraped raw by the cantrip, Eric could feel the man’s breath on his skin.

“This isn’t what you boys think it is,” Eric said.

We know what you’ve been doing, Mr. Heller,” the other man said. “It stops tonight. It stops now.”

With a despairing cry, Eric went for his gun.

The Black Sun’s Daughter Series:

1. Unclean Spirits

2. Darker Angels

3. Vicious Grace

4. Killing Rites

FTC Advisory: Pocket Books provided me with a copy of Unclean Spirits. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don’t receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
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LibraryThing member krissa
M.L.N. Hanover is an alias for Daniel Abraham. And I was surprised by that it was a guy, but I'm not sure why. This year (as many years) DH and I gave each other books for Christmas. They all looked good, and covered the wide gambit of my tastes. This one I was really unsure about though, but he
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was so excited about it, I agree to read it first. After all, not so long ago he picked me a book that got me out of a reading funk, so maybe he did know my tastes pretty well. So, I finished the pile of reviews I had to catch-up on from last year, and dove in. It was exciting. Then it was confusing. Then it was intriguing. Then it kept me from sleeping because I was a little scared. Then I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about it. And I just plain just couldn't stop turning pages. Jaynes character is the underdog. And pretty much has the maturity and mentality of a college student. And she takes you from her old life to her new one in a believable manner. The money, and the responsibility. She starts to meet people from her uncle Eric's world. And they are all 'characters' to themselves. Aubrey, Ex, Jake and Midian, all bring something to the table she needs, both emotionally and fighting the Invisible College. There was one moment when I about threw the book across the room, with a scream to wake the dead in rage (and I probably would of if it wasn't 1 am, and I was up way to late reading. Again.). I felt tricked. But, the pull of the book at that point brought me back, and I found that it was justified and explained, even if I still didn't love it. With that said, I was 7 pages from being done when DH came home today. He was handed money and immediately sent out the door for the sequel, so I could start it right away. Will it hold up to the first? Time will tell, but right now, I am REALLY hoping so...
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LibraryThing member amf0001
Jayne's uncle Eric dies unexpectedly and Jayne inherits more than she expected. Turns out here uncle was some sort of shaman/demon killer and he was in the middle of a job when he died. Jayne and a bunch of guys that Eric knew team together to finish the job. Actually, the book was better than that
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cliched description, I liked that Jayne was the daughter of extremely conservative Bible thumpers and how her parents beliefs tripped her occassionally. (though I did think it odd that they would call their daughter, exotically, Jayne. And then call their son Jay? Clearly overlooked in editing!) I liked the unliked crew that forms, esp Midian and Chogyi Jake. I didn't mind the world building, though it wasn't anything especially clever or new. It was familiar but well written enough that it was fun to spend time with these characters and I'll quite likely look for them in the next book that comes out.
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LibraryThing member omnia_mutantur
A fantastically awful example of the "chick with a tattoo on the cover" paranormal novel. Thoroughly unremarkable. I think I shall retire from the genre until I can get my hands on Briggs' newest.
LibraryThing member ufjunkie
Jayne's life turns upside down when her long lost uncle names her as the sole inheritor to his wealth, estates, and supernatural enemies.

The reason I loved this book as much as I did was because of the main character. Jayne was the perfect combination of smart, tough, and vulnerable. I also felt a
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strong kinship because her upbringing and subsequent life choices were so similar to my own (minus the rich uncle who hunted demons, lol). I loved Jayne's progression from deadbeat dropout to woman with a purpose and a strong band of friends to support her. Although I wasn't as impressed with Aubrey, her love interest, the romance touched me.

I also liked that the heroine didn't start the book knowing about the demons or magic. The way Jayne went from disbelief to acceptance felt very natural to me. Also, the plot was interesting, but not overly complex, making the book easy to follow.

If I had any complaints, it was that - at times - the style was overly narrative ("I did this and then I saw this and then I felt this way). But beyond that, this was definitely a five-star read.
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LibraryThing member Capnrandm
The tone of this book was very tactical, Jayne moves through events like a stone skipping across a pond. Sometimes I liked how details were dropped into the story without elaboration (the circumstances of her break up, connecting the dots about her tattoo), other times it made her seem like a
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caricature more than a character. The ultimate plot reminded me of a bounty hunter reality TV show crossed with a paranormal Batman theme. It was touching watch Jayne find relationships with her uncle's old crew, though the romance side of things didn't seem particularly heartfelt (perhaps purposefully). Over all, good enough to have me looking for the next book in the series, but not a favorite in it's own right.

Sexual Content: Kissing, references to sex.
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LibraryThing member jimmaclachlan
have I read too many novels of this sort? Am I just getting bored with them? I asked myself this several times & I don't think so. The writing just wasn't that good & the heroine wasn't very believable or well done. I wouldn't have minded if she or anyone else died.

The basic idea wasn't bad, a
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different take on the whole vampire/werewolf thing. Riders, spirits from another dimension, take over human bodies & make the bad guys. Her uncle fights them. She does now too. She suddenly can fight really well, with no explanation. The magic is pretty poorly done as well.

There could be some hope for the next book, but I'm not in a rush to read it. If it falls into my lap, I'll give it 50 pages. If the writing hasn't improved drastically, I won't finish it, though.
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LibraryThing member amkj
A fascinating book filled with magic and demons with an underlying more serious strain of what it means to do the right thing. Jayne's doubts and internal struggles make her a more compelling heroine.
LibraryThing member Shiinale
This was not at all what I expected. I went in thinking I was going to get a kick ass female and her posse. I expected kick ass fights with evil beings and magic. What I got... was a boring story consistin of hardly any magic and no ass kicking what so ever! I honestly had to force myself to finish
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this book...not a good sign. The main character was far from what I'd expected. She went from a poor girl to one with unsurmountable wealth and what does she do with it? NOTHING! Nothing fun or exciting. She jumps into bed with the first guy she sees and then cries and complains when that backfires. Actually everything she does seems to backfire. And there was hardly ANY real magic! NOthing fun! All in all a poor read.
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LibraryThing member NightHawk777
I'm going to be a little lazy and put my review from Amazon here:

I literally read this book in one day. I don't know much about urban fantasy, but I picked it up on a whim. This book kept my attention as it rolled along at a good adventure style pace. I will definitely buy any future books in this
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The setting is very interesting, as you have a spiritual world interfering with the "normal" world. In this case, the spiritual or demonic possession is being looked at as a parasite attaching to a host.

The characters are fairly well developed, and I find I actually cared about them. There are a lot of loose ends. Jayne is a young woman, and doesn't appear to have a lot of baggage. The supporting cast, on the other hand, have me very curious regarding their background stories. I don't want to give much away here, but I'm wondering how a buddhist, an ex priest, a scientist got mixed up in all of this. Also, what an awesome legal team at Jaynes disposal. Who are those people? Midian was a lot of fun. I expect these will be clarified in the next two books.

One thing that bothered me:

*** SPOILER ***
I'm going to try and not give anything away here, but there is a major part at the end that doesn't seem as if it would work. If you turn off the magic, then why would you expect a magic bullet to still work?
*** SPOILER ***
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LibraryThing member roses7184
What do you do when the world you thought you knew turns out to be a load of proverbial BS? Jayné definitely knows how that feels. Starting with her Uncle Eric's mysterious death, it all spirals down from there. Family secrets anyone? I don't read a lot of Urban Fantasy normally, but I was willing
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to give Unclean Spirits a shot to step out of my box. Thank goodness I did! This book was everything I wanted it to be.

M.L.N. Hanover writes a character that is strong enough to face what comes, but still just flawed enough to be believable. Jayné isn't without her weak points. Love still affects her, as well as concern for her companions. She's just trying to get by the best she can. In fact, Jayné still isn't sure who her uncle was, or for that matter who she really is. I loved that she had the ability to go from normal to kick ass heroine in a matter of seconds when faced with danger. Unbelievable? Maybe a little, but this is fantasy! Jayné is my kind of woman!

There is just enough sizzle and motion to keep things interesting, as Jayné navigates her new upside down world. Her companions are just as well written and fascinating as she is, and that is a fact that I really fell in love with. Aubery, Chogyi Jake, Midian and Ex all have their own quirks and their own flaws. Each one of these characters is completely easy to become involved with. In fact, I read this book through nonstop because I absolutely had to find out what happened to them. Let's just say that this plot isn't just fast moving, it's like lightning. Strap yourself in.

For those of you who do read more of this genre, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what Hanover has offered up in this series. Sure there is your standard fare of vampires, demons and the like, but also a nice twist. These baddies don't just exist on their own. Oh no, they ride. Imagine being trapped inside your own body but unable to do anything at all of your own free will. Imagine if you will, a being that is hundreds of years old, bloodthirsty, and vengeful living inside your head. Anyone could be hosting a rider. Your mom. Your sister. Even your grandma. Welcome to Jayné's world.

As a reader who doesn't often read Urban Fantasy, mostly because I haven't really been introduced to any of it until recently, I have to say that M.L.N. Hanover definitely blew me away! If this is what all UF contains, count me in. Epic battles, a kick ass heroine, smoking scenes and, of course, a rip roaring plot line that keeps you reading well into the night. My hat is off to the author. I'm looking forward to some more Jayné and soon!
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LibraryThing member DabOfDarkness
This is a very fun urban fantasy! I don’t know why it hasn’t been on my radar sooner. Jayné is an engaging character and I love how she (and us readers) are tossed into the middle of things when her uncle Eric passes away. She’s surprised to learn that she was his sole heir and that gives
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her a chance to restart her life. Yet there’s a glitch – Randolph Coin! Let the badass magic and hand-to-hand combat start!

It was great that this story didn’t follow the standard urban fantasy Book 1 formula. Jayné and crew plan, practice, and go forth to battle evil… and things go wrong. We still have half the book to go! What will happen next? I loved it – I couldn’t guess how things were going to fall out. The team is breaking up, no longer acting like a team, and totally disheartened by their failure. Jayné will either rise, bringing them together, or take her inheritance and restart her life in some other city.

The side characters are all very interesting too. There aren’t many female characters, so I would like to see a better balance. The immediate team that worked with Eric are all guys (Ex, Aubrey, Midian, Chogyi Jake). Later on, a wife/husband team joins the group since Jayné did them a solid favor early in the story. For me, Midian and Ex were the most interesting side characters because they obviously have pasts and are conflicted over them.

In this tale, our heroes combat Riders, which are malevolent spirits that hijack human bodies. They come in different flavors and a few are explained in this book. I expect more will be explained later in the series. I like that this sometimes makes their job harder as they will try to save the human by expelling the Rider. This isn’t always possible, which causes some moral indigestion for some of our heroes. I love these complications.

There’s a side romance that was just so-so for me. It added some drama to the story, but I don’t feel the plot needed more drama. After all, we were saving the world! That’s drama enough. All together, 4.5/5 stars.

The Narration: Suzy Jackson was perfect for this story. She nailed Jayné’s voice. Jackson had distinct voices for all the characters. There were a few times I felt her male character voices needed a little more masculinity, like for Chogyi Jake’s soft voice or for Aubrey in quieter moments. Most of the time, her male voices were just fine. There were no technical issues with the recording. 4.5/5 stars.
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LibraryThing member krazykiwi
In which our heroine Jayné discovers her beloved black sheep uncle has left her a fortune, and inadvertently a new family and a mantle to take up if she wishes.

I've had this whole series for a couple of years, but somehow packed book 1 apart from the others, and then couldn't find it! So I never
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read it. Situation now remedied (it was in a box of books stashed in the back of the shoes and winter coats closet in the hall. Of course it was.)

I'm a little non-plussed. I feel like I shouldn't like it quite as much as I did, a "your fave is problematic" kind of feel. But I can't deny the fact it grabbed me, and I polished it off really quickly. Maybe writing a review will help me figure it out.

Plotwise it's very standard, even pedestrian. Imagine Grimm with a much younger girl lead instead of a cop, and 'riders' being spirits that take over bodies and are responsible for pretty much all our myths from vampires to werewolves, and that's about it. Except Jayné also lands on her feet by inheriting a huge fortune, houses all over the world, and a rag-tag bunch of friends and 'co-workers' from her uncle. Oh and a mysterious unexplained set of abilities/powers.

It actually sounds pretty lame: a bit pedestrian, 'seen it before' and with a Mary Sue of a heroine. But it just works. Even if I didn't already have the other four books (I hope I can find *that* box now) I'd probably look at picking them up.

Recommended for: UF fans who like the romance in the back seat, not driving the show.

Longer review @Booklikes
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LibraryThing member devilwrites
The premise: When Jayne Heller's uncle is murdered, she's shocked to learn that not only did he leave her EVERYTHING, but there was more to him than the millions upon millions he bestowed upon his niece. Eric was locked in a battle with the wizards of the Invisible College, and that battle got him
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killed. Jayne thinks it's all crap, and that her uncle's friends and colleagues are insane, but when the Invisible College targets her, she's got to do whatever it takes to survive.

My Rating

Must Have: I must admit, after reading the disappointment that was Hunting Ground, I was worried that my reading tastes were changing to the point that urban fantasy just wasn't going to do it for me any more. NOT SO. This is a solid book that takes the familiar conventions of urban fantasy and just does a great job with them. There's so much of this book that's made of win, but the heroine and her supporting cast just really shine. I can see these characters as real people, because they act as real people do, flaws and all. Most important, they're able to fail and get back up again, and I loved reading an urban fantasy plot that evolved out of the cast's actions rather than the cast reacting to actions completely outside of their control. This book is such a must have that I want to buy it again, and I'm not kidding: for whatever reason, book two, Darker Angels, will be released in mass-market instead of trade, and I want the mass-market copy of Unclean Spirits so my books look the same on the shelf. That's how much this book is worth it: I'm willing to buy it TWICE. So ignore the stereotypical cover, and don't fret over the prologue and seemingly more traditional UF elements in the book, because I promise, by time you're done, you're going to enjoy almost every second of the ride.

Review style: stream-of-conscious style, because there isn't a tangible divide between what I liked and what I didn't. I liked it a lot, and it's easy to explain why. Spoilers? Yes, because the spoilers help distinguish what makes this urban fantasy stand out from the rest. So if spoilers don't bother you, feel free to hop over to my LJ for the full review. As always, comments and discussion are most welcome. :)


Happy Reading!
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LibraryThing member Krystal18
Jayne is an interesting character, but she forms the backbone of this novel. She is a loner, not particularly social and does not have close ties to family. When her uncle dies, she is surprised to learn she inherited a fortune. However, not everything can go right for poor Jayne as she discovers
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that she inherited far more than money from her dearly departed uncle. Jayne will have her hands full with wizards among other paranormals.

The author places a new spin on just what paranormals truly are. The reader will enjoy this latest explanation, complete with details. Although Jayne is certainly the focus of the novel, there are many other secondary characters that take a fairly large part of the book. The reader will enjoy the humor of Midian and the wit of Aaron. This book is fast-paced and action-packed, recommended to young adult/teen readers.
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Original publication date


Physical description

viii, 372 p.; 17 cm


1439143056 / 9781439143056
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