My soul to take

by Rachel Vincent

Paper Book, 2009



Call number



Don Mills, Ontario : Harlequin Teen, c2009.


Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML: She doesn't see dead people, but... She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally. Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next...

Media reviews

YA Author of Fey Court Series
Great book. Refreshing new concept in paranormal YA!

User reviews

LibraryThing member Jenson_AKA_DL
High school junior, Kaylee Cavanaugh, is being raised by her aunt and uncle after a car accident that caused her mother’s death and her father to desert her. When she sneaks into a dance club with her best friend the last thing Kaylee expects is to be wooed by the popular and gorgeous senior,
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Nash Hudson, or to freak out over a death shrouded girl she doesn’t know. The problem is that as more girls die of unknown causes Kaylee is sure she is going insane, until Nash reveals a secret about herself she could never have imagined and one that will change her world forever.

Going into this story I wasn’t really sure if I would like it as I had just read one of this author’s adult urban fantasies and hadn’t really been impressed. However, this just goes to show that you should always give an author more than one shot because I found this young adult urban fantasy to be very creative and interesting and, most importantly, I liked the main character. Nash and Tod were also very enjoyable characters. I really liked the heavy romance theme to the book although I don’t feel that it overwhelmed the plot. Although this aspect of the story may be enough to turn some people off from it, since it is put out by Harlequin I would say that this aspect of the story is a given. My only complaint is that towards the end of the book there were some pretty unbelievable inconsistencies and the conclusion didn’t make much sense based upon the world building that came before. But, since I enjoyed the preceding story and the characters so much I was willing to overlook the disparity and simply go along with what was presented.

This book had a satisfying enough conclusion there is definitely enough loose ends left for the sequel coming out in 2010 and I will certainly be looking forward to it.
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LibraryThing member Cats57
My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent

In July’s surprise freebie from Amazon and Ms Vincent for Kindle owners (My Soul To Lose, Kindle edition), we were lucky enough to get a look into the world of Kaylee Cavanaugh and what we might expect from the next installment in this series. With “My Soul To
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Take” we finally and very, very happily get the answers to the questions that were left hanging with that little evil teaser freebie!!! I so do love how Ms Vincent’s evil little mind works and if I can’t have another of her adult speculative fiction books to read, then I’ll just have to admit that with “My Soul To Take” I am firmly and eternally in love with her young adult fiction! Brava Ms Vincent! This book was fantastic and so well written that adults are going to find this a pleasure to read. One part romance, one part mystery and one part paranormal and 100% entertaining and satisfying.

Kaylee finally finds out that she is NOT going crazy and she finds out from a very unlikely source - Nash Hudson, the hottest guy in school. Oh the humility of having one of her “attacks” in front of him, in seeing an aura of death around a young woman in the night club they were visiting, and imagine her surprise when he is able to calm her horrible urge to scream and he didn’t think she was crazy!

Ms Vincent has found something new and fresh to write about, we’ve read the books both young adult and adult about the Sidhe…but I don’t think that we’ve ever seen a book that chooses this particular Myth. Banshee’s or as we find out they are more properly know as - Bean Sidhe. Wow! Just plain WOW!!!!

As I’ve said this book blends romance, paranormal or speculative fiction and mystery aspects. The characters are very well written and highly believable. The mystery was difficult enough to have surprised me and the romance was just steamy enough to satisfy, but not enough to put this book firmly in the adult category. This is just as satisfying as Ms Vincents "Werecat's" series

I know what I’m getting my 15 year old niece for Christmas this year!
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LibraryThing member TheDreamerReader
The Good: When I started this book, I really had no idea what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised.

This book has got to be one of the most creative books I've read this year. In a sea full of vampires, werewolves, and more, a banshee (also known as a bean sidhe) book is so refreshing (and
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necessary) to read.

My Soul to Take was not one of those books that had great potential but the execution sucked. Thankfully, it was well thought out and kept me wanting more with each passing page. In fact, I still want more!

The Bad: You have to have some patience with this story. Some parts were boring and it's probably because the author was trying to build a back story. Although, it does pay off, you've got to stick with it some chapters before it gets exciting.

Also, the romance between Nash and Kaylee was way too rushed and convenient for me to find it believable. For instance, after talking to him only a couple of times, she tells him practically everything!

Sometimes, I felt that the romance was just a decoy plot trick or something like that because it sure felt that way. I don't really understand why Kaylee likes Nash so much and vice versa! I would've enjoyed it a lot more if the romance was more developed.

Overall: I did not love My Soul to Take. Regardless of that, it is still a wondrously unique story that many readers will appreciate for it's fantastic storyline and interesting characters that will keep the their attention until the very last sentence.

Grade: B
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LibraryThing member BookWhisperer
Rachel Vincent has proven to be able to write almost anything, and remains one of my favorite authors in Young Adult and Paranormal Romance Genre. My Soul To Take was action packed from the first chapter on, and never lacked in intensity throughout the book. My Soul to take is a whole new take on
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Supernatural with Bean Sidhe and Reapers. I found this book to be refreshingly original with a new species that has not been overused. The characters of My Soul To Take will remaining memorable way past the final pages. I find Todd to be a very intriguing character, and I loved the books outcome for this character. Rachel Vincent never stops captivating me with her ability. I look forward to every book this author creates, and I always crave more.
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LibraryThing member Tynga
Kaylee seems to be the girl next door, goes to school, works at the cine to pay her license. The only stand-out fact is that she lives with her aunt, uncle and cousin because her mom died and her dad pretty much abandoned her.
Well not all girls next door are totally normal....

Kaylee sometimes see
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people surrounded by weird shadows and is compelled to scream her lungs out but has no idea why. People say she's having panic attacks, but Kaylee knows she's not crazy!

Nash (cutest guy at school) and Emma (Kaylee's best friends) both believe she can predict people's death after some hard-to-ignore proofs, but question is how? and why?

My Soul To Take is an awesome read with a very original subject. Kaylee is a bean sidhe, also known in lores as Banshee. There is much ground to explore with this fantasy creature and even though we discover some very interesting details in My Soul To Take there is more to come in the second book, My Soul To Save.

Vincent is true to herself with very well written story, real characters and a great plot! I am totally in love with Nash, and there is a lot about him to discover! The end of the novel is like a surprise box, I didn't see anything coming, it was really awesome and I can't wait to read the second book.

Fantastic, mysterious and original, My Soul To Take is definitely a book to buy!
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LibraryThing member Alliebeth927
Kaylee is a normal teen girl in most ways, or so she thinks in the beginning of My Soul to Take. But after strange visions of girls shrouded in shadows and an aching sorrow in her chest, she comes to find out that something very unusual is going on.
This book grabbed my attention from the very
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beginning and held my interest all the way through, so much so that I wish it was longer. While it's pretty typical of the paranormal teen genre (hot popular boy has a secret that unsuspecting teen wallflower is unknowingly a part of, they go on a mission to save lives and/or right wrongs while falling for each other along the way) it read much more smoothly and developed at a faster pace than many others.
The ending has a major twist that I didn't see coming from a mile away, so I'll be eagerly awaiting the sequel because of it! The only issue I had were a few small unresolved points from the beginning of the book that never got wrapped up- hopefully they'll be touched on in the next one.
Overall, I thought this was a great read for fans of romance/supernatural teen books and I'd definitely recommend it.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
Wow. "My Soul To Take" is a big departure from Rachel Vincent's Werecat series. While still dealing with the paranormal, Vincent trades in adults for teens and fur for screams. Werecats? Not one to be found. But "My Sout To Take" has banshees and Reapers. All Kaylee Cavanaugh knows is that
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sometimes she sees someone and has to scream. Then those people die. After seeing this happen a couple times in a row, Kaylee knows she needs answers. What is the point, she wonders, in being able to know someone is going to die, and not being able to say anything, to warn them? This is one of those stories where you don't want to reveal too much because it will give something away. The events unfold at high speed here and there isn't a wasted page of filler to be found. I will say Kaylee does find out more about what she is and what is happening to her. We also get to see her learn more about those closest to her and some of the results aren't pleasant. The urgent plotline in the book is brought to a conclusion here but there are plenty of dangeling threads that make the reader more than anxious for the second book to be released. The plot and characters are unique. The writing is good, as I have come to expect from Rachel Vincent. The only thing close to a complaint I can give is that the story reads way too quickly. The book felt frusteratingly short even though it was close to 300 pages. I recommend this book to teenage readers, readers of Rachel Vincent's previous novels, and those who just like a good supernatural story.
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LibraryThing member CatholicKittie
OHMYFREAKINGGOSH! I mean wowza. I have not read a story this original since uh hmm? I want to say ever, but that is untrue and unfair. So I will say its been awhile. Generally I have a problem with characters harping on how plain jane they are, unremarkably unattractive they are and/or how so
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amazing they are but since this is teenage girls, I find it acceptable. And even if I say I don't remember being as hot under the collar as Kaylee, I would be lying if I said I never was. It's just been so long. That said, the only real problem I had with the book was how fast and uneventful Kaylee and Nash established coupledom. And why? There was no time for us to see What they liked about each other, besides the fizzle business in the parts below. But that can be chalked up to my age. I need the substance that builds lasting love not the tingling neither parts that feeds luurve. But again hello, high schoolers.

Now to everything else which I love. I loove it wasn't the overdone vampires, werewolves, shape shifters ect. Which even when done right and unique is still sort of like old hat. So kudos right off for that.

The characters were believable teens. The loyalty, the cliques, the stereotypes groups. I am a firm believer that cliches are based in facts. Cheer/dance squads are mainly bitchy, girls within the same age range in same family have that competition for attention, girls do try to screw each other over when it comes to a high school hottie. So it was all believable.
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LibraryThing member peaceloveandpat
My Soul to Take is the official start of Rachel k Vincent's YA series. Like I said Kaylee let's out a scream like a banshee, and yes she is exactly one according to the- she is book bean sidhe (banshee), I love mythology and I mentally kicked myself for missing this one. I must have dozed off when
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our english teacher talked about it. No clue on what a banshee is exactly (except that they do this terrible wailing), this book schooled me about their basic element...Moving back to Kaylee's world. The major thing that happened was at the start of the book, when she and her best friend Emma snuck out to go to a club named Taboo where Emma's sister works as a bar tender. That night she saw another symptoms of a pre-departed (someone that is about to die). A grief so powerful, it devastated her, a panic overwhelming it shock her very soul and then shadows surrounding the pre-departed and finally the wail that will make your ear drums shatter, only that night it did not happened. She met a senior named Nash who calmed her down by easing her pains and controlling the screams that threatened to be heard from three blocks away. I knew something wasn't right about Nash either (the good kind) but I couldn't really guess what he is since, I am too ignorant about Kaylee's nature. But like Kaylee, I think I'm going to collect him as my fictional boyfriend. LOL. A world where our protagonist can tell who's going to die. Intriguing plot with interesting characters and mythological / supernatural creatures that has surprises along the way. Romance, suspense and a foreboding mystery. Another good read, definitely adding this on my series to follow up on reading. This is my first Rachel Vincent book and I'm glad I like it.
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LibraryThing member RuthiesBookReviews
This book is the first in the new YA series from Rachel Vincent, as most of you already know her and love her Werecat series. But this book promises great things for YA novels in general. Fascinating!

Ok, Kaylee's life seems to be the norm for a teenager, but it seems that she has a secret family
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heritage that she knows nothing about. And when she finds out the truth, her life is going to change forever. In the beginning, Kaylee and her best friend, Emma sneak out and into a local club for the 18+ crowd. But while she's there it seems that Nash, the hottest guy in her school, seems to have taken an interest in her. What's so wrong with that? Well, during that time at the club, one of her so-called panic attacks started when she noticed one girl at the bar. While she's thinking that Nash is going to run the other way, he takes her outside and helps calm her down. Hmmmm.....interesting. But since he's already seen her freak out, she explains to him that she felt like that girl was going to die.

The next day, her suspision was confirmed, the girl was found dead. Then at work another girl drops. What is going on? And on the third day, a girl falls at school. But instead of Nash running and thinking that she's crazy, he explains to her that she's a banshee and so is he. He explains to her screams aren;t merely just that, she's singing to the soul and with him, he could direct them.

There is a lot going on in this book and I found myself wondering and asking the same questions in my mind right along with Kaylee. I found it very difficult to put the book down, cause I wanted to know what was going to happen next. What were the secrets that everyone was trying to keep from Kaylee? Who's taking the poor girl's souls? Full of mystery and suspense, family turmoil and new friendships. It involved everything that teens face today, well, maybe not

I am so glad that I got my hands on this book and I'm really looking forward to My Soul to Save, due out the end of this month.
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LibraryThing member AverysBookNook
Rachel Vincent is tied as my favourite author of all time, I practically worship her “Shifters” series, however, this series, “The Soul Screamers” series, does not compare to the “Shifters” series whatsoever. That is not to say that this series is bad by any means, I think that it is an
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awesomely unique take on a magical race that few, if any, other authors have written about, but I personally prefer the other series more. I should make note that Rachel is not alone in this, I love to death my other favourite author’s (Cassie Clare’s) one series (“The Mortal Instruments”), but I don’t enjoy her other series near as much ("Infernal Devices” series). I will also make note that sometimes when I am entirely wrapped up in a book genre or a series I do find myself being overly critical of everything else I read (aka because I love the “Shifters” series and because both series are written by the same person I cannot stop myself from constantly comparing them and nitpicking- even though I need to understand that the “Shifters” series is an adult series, whereas this series is a YA series so obviously there are going to be differences due to the audiences).

After reading this book I have come to realize that I am very pro-underdog. Nash, the smooth popular boy does not do anything for me at all (well that is a lie, he does do something for me, just in the wrong way, he makes me dislike him- a lot), whereas Tod, his lonely undead brother (definition of an underdog) very much pulls on my heartstrings. I don’t know what it is about Nash that makes me dislike him so much (well that’s a lie, I don’t like him because he is a player, is too arrogant/ cocky and is just one of those boys who seems to get everything that he wants- mainly in the way of girls), but his character just doesn’t sit right with me- however, as I sit here and write this review, I can slightly (which I hate to admit) understand where he is coming from. Imagine knowing that you are a member of a magical race whose population is few and far between and whose members live for an extremely long period of time, surpassing all of their human friends and families by hundreds of years. It must be difficult for you to know that finding a partner of your race, who you could spend years upon years with, would be extremely difficult, if not darn near impossible. So what do you do? Do everything in your power to forget about this and what does this mean in Nash’s case? Hook up with human girls (and lots of them). But even with that understanding/ acceptance, I do still much prefer Tod over Nash. As for Kaylee? Well, I must applaud her for sticking to her guns and not wanting to be another notch on Nash’s belt for as long as she did, I am sure that most girls would have fallen into his lap as soon as he smiled at them, but she still eventually succumbed to his charms (UGH...)! Furthermore, I must applaud Kaylee for very much being a take charge kinda gal (my favourite), even if her decisions weren’t always the greatest and they sometimes placed her in more trouble, she was always more than willing to own up to them (eventually, kinda like good old Faythe).

The part of the book that I believe to be the most unexcusable/ unforgiveable? The fact that Kaylee’s aunt, uncle, and heck, even father, led her to belief that she was crazy when they knew and had accepted the truth all along- that she was a bean sidhe, like them. I just don’t understand why they didn’t tell her the truth from the beginning- okay, so it is explained in the book why they didn’t tell her, they didn’t want her to feel guilty about her mom’s sacrifice for her yada yada yada... But still! Nash and Tod knew from the beginning that they were bean sidhe and they still turned out fine (well, the jury is still out on those boys) ;) ! Kaylee is extremely strong and I don’t think that hearing the truth from the beginning would have done any irrevocable damage to her.

All in all, I do think that this is a great series for young adults (as it is written for), but I do feel like some adults may have difficulties relating to the teenage characters, their emotions, and whatnot (therefore check out Rachel’s adult series and pray that her new WIP adult series comes out soon!).
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LibraryThing member sweb4us
After sneaking into a nightclub with her best friend, Emma, Kaylee experiences an "episode" that is becoming more and more familiar yet disturbing to her. Attracting the attention of one of the most eligible guys in her high school doesn't help her handle the ordeal, either. When Nash refuses to
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back off and their relationship becomes more and more entangled, Kaylee realizes that Nash knows more about what is happening to her than she does herself. As Kaylee and Nash innocently and dangerously navigate their way in a totally new world, they realize that a supernatural serial killer is on the loose and that they might be the only ones who can prevent more young girls from dying.

After reading the prequel, I had hoped that Book One would be just as riveting, and I was definitely NOT disappointed! Once again I was drawn right into the intricate web of Ms. Vincent's story, and was reluctant to leave Kaylee and Nash behind when I finished the book. So, of course, I did what any good book lover would do, and ordered Book 2!
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LibraryThing member LarissaBookGirl
It was a Friday night and Kaylee and her best friend Emma have decided to go out, but as they are still under age they have snuck into the club through the back door. Emma is blond, curvy and beautiful while Kaylee is not, but she is long used to standing in the shadows. What Kaylee is not used to
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is attention, especially not from a very good looking and popular Nash who has never talked to her before in her life.

What started out as a fun night out soon turns into a nightmare as Kaylee's past comes back to haunt her. She had thought she was over it, that it would never happen again, but suddenly, in a club full of people Kaylee sees doom and panic strikes her. Unfortunately it just happens to occur when the gorgeous Nash is standing right beside her, and she knows after this he will never speak to her again.

But when the panic is over and Nash is still at her side Kaylee is wondering what it is Nash is really after. So much is about to change for Kaylee and as much as she thinks she might be crazy she will not allow others to believe it, not when it could lead her to enforced hospital stays with zombie pills for the crazy. She will not go through that again!

As the truth about Kaylee and her past is revealed so too is a whole new world, one that is far more heartbreaking and frightening then she could ever have imagined. With Nash by her side, although why and for how much longer, Kaylee must make some awful decisions and face horrific situations, and when the dust clears not every one will make it out alive.

It's My Soul To Take as long as no one screams. A swan song unveils a whole new and engrossing world of supernatural and faerie beings that is dark, soulful and utterly unique. Amidst the death and darkness love is blossoming and as this story unfolds so to does the character of Kaylee and her story as it embarks on a new and exciting series. A thoroughly enjoyable read.
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LibraryThing member vampiregirl76
Ms. Vincent has created an exciting new world, with intriguing characters and a mysterious plot. My Soul To Take is enthralling from page one. An emotional read, which I had a hard time putting it down. The romance was charming as well. I'm looking forward to see how that progresses.

I loved the
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story and the characters, I highly recommend this one. While this is a Young Adult book, I believe this book will be enjoyed by all ages.
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LibraryThing member ericajsc
This is a breath of fresh air in what can sometimes seem to be a stuffy, overcrowded room of paranormal/urban fantasy books. Despite the fact that a lot of the book is about Kaylee discovering who she is and what that means to her, it manages to tell a story in which the paranormal is only one
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factor, not the driving force behind it.
For some reason, Kaylee is the only person who notices that there is a pattern of young, beautiful girls in her area dying when they are relatively healthy. Well, she may not be the only person, but she’s actively trying to find the connection between the girls when there doesn’t seem to be one. I love a good mystery, so this is the part of the book I liked the best, and it didn’t disappoint. This is partially because I didn’t have any expectations of what she could and could not do because this is the only book I’ve ever read that features this particular branch of paranormal. But it’s mostly because it was just well written and I was blindsided by the truth – which I love (assuming I’m not blindsided because it makes absolutely no sense with the rest of the story; but this does, so it’s excellent).
I’m a little torn on whether or not I like the Kaylee/Nash relationship. The “Look what we can do together, We’re perfect for each other” storyline is okay, but there’s a part of me that finds it just a little too sappy. I mean, I like the idea of him singing to calm Kaylee down when she starts screaming; that’s definitely swoon-worthy stuff right there. I think I could like it more, but I’m not completely sold on Nash yet. Right now he’s kind of too perfect to be entirely interesting. There’s this whole competitive kind of thing between two of the male characters, and usually I find those to be blah but, like the rest of the book, it surprised me. The best part of it is that there is information revealed near the end of the book kind of made me laugh evilly with glee.
For anyone looking for something fresh and new in the paranormal realm, this book does not disappoint.
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LibraryThing member Malbebe
After all the hype to this series, I had high expectations. Sadly, I didn't think that My Soul to Take was all that. This review is just going to be brief, since almost everyone has read this book. Kaylee is a likable character and the Banshee of the book. We, the readers, struggle along with
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Kaylee and her cute male companion Nash to solve the mystery of what is happening to girls randomly dropping dead. With out any cause of death.

I like Kaylee as a person, but for some reason I did not connect with her character. The only things that pushed me on reading was to find out why girls are dying, who will be next, what can Kaylee do to stop the deaths, and Nash. So for the next book in the series I will only be reading it to see what happens next and for Nash and Tod. Even though Tod was a mischievous character I loved how he flirted with Kaylee. In my opinion he is not such a bad guy. Nash was a great guy and treated Kaylee like she means everything to him. Their chemistry was sweet.

I couldn't really believe that Kaylee's family kept a HUGE secret from her her whole life. I know I'd probably let it slip and the truth would of been revealed sooner. It was nice though when Kaylee finally got the truth and all the secrets and such were known. For the ending of the book, I must say that I saw it coming. Nonetheless I was shocked! I feared with Kaylee. Family does play a big role and I liked that it did. I have faith that this series can only get better.
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LibraryThing member DeeDee10
The first thing that caught my attention with this book was the cover and then the cover. This book was a nice change for me since it wasn't about faries, angels, or vampires. It is still a paranormal/supernatural book, and gives us a new look at banshies. I enjoyed the characters and plan on
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reading the rest of the series when I get a chance.
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LibraryThing member cinnleigh
It’s always fascinating to me when an author decides to write in a genre that he or she is not best known for. My recent experience with this is Rachel Vincent and MY SOUL TO TAKE, the first in the Soul Screamers series. I became acquainted with Vincent when I read her Shifters books, quickly
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falling in love with Faythe and the gang. I was excited and nervous to see what she would come up with in the Young Adult genre, seeing as how her “adult” books are so fabulous.

I was definitely not disappointed!

MY SOUL TO TAKE was a fantastic and very quick read. Kaylee seems like your typical teenage girl on the outside, but something much more complex lies beneath her calm exterior. After the death of her mother and abandonment of her father, Kaylee has grown up living with her aunt, uncle and very bratty cousin. If the difficult family dynamic wasn’t enough, Kaylee has been plagued with panic attacks. Or at least that’s what she thought they were.

Kaylee can sense death. As a bean sidhe (banshee) she has the ability to sense when a person’s imminent death is upon them. Sounds like a great skill; she could warn those about to die and perhaps allow them to spend their last few moments saying goodbye to their family (or more realistically in a massive state of panic). The only problem is that as soon as she senses the death, the only thing she can do is scream. Discovering who she is and what her special abilities really mean will be a journey, but when Kaylee’s classmates start dropping like flies she has to learn to work with her abilities and discover the truth behind a potentially devious scheme.

Vincent has created an incredible new series with MY SOUL TO TAKE. The magic in the story was darker than the normal whimsy we see in many Young Adult books. This led to an additional layer of depth to the story that made it undeniably wonderful. In addition, Kaylee was a very likable character. Her personality was realistic and fortunately she wasn’t overly angsty. It would have been easy to write her as a “woe-is-me” character, but instead, Vincent instilled the same female strength that she gives other kick-butt females in her stories as well as a little softness.

When introducing a new concept to readers, I think some authors tend to go overboard on explaining their justifications for the new world. Instead of bogging us down with the details, Vincent let us explore this new reality as the story progressed. MY SOUL TO TAKE definitely incorporated some new elements that I haven’t seen in other stories, but did so in a natural way.

If you couldn’t tell by now, I absolutely loved MY SOUL TO TAKE. If I already had it at my disposal, I would have begun My Soul to Save immediately after this book. I am excited to bury myself back in the story and see what else Vincent has for us.
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LibraryThing member Krista23
Banshee's are just a great subject for a teeb novel. I love how descriptive this author is. I liked the whole concept, I really enjoyed the characters, especially the grim reaper. Found it entertaining and looking forward to the rest of this series.
LibraryThing member fredamans
I'm so glad I finally read this book. It's been sitting around here for a long while and I finally made the time to sit and read it.
It didn't disappoint. A very edgy and gripping story from start to finish. I enjoyed the little bits of romance too, but especially loved learning about bean sidhes.
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Interesting characters they are.
Add me to the list of people who loved this book!
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LibraryThing member amberic
Kaylee knows there is something different about her but she just thinks typical stuff like she is crazy or has a brain tumor. Her family has kept her in the dark about what she is. But her new boyfriend Nash knows and he is going to let her in on her own secret because he too is one. She then
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discovers exactly what it is she does and can do. And with all these girls dying around her it may be something she can do to help them..This is an awesome book. So original. I never seen what happened coming. If you are into YA paranormal then you are definitely going to want to read this, And once you do I think you will be hooked!!
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LibraryThing member beaniez
…….oh no… Yet Another Teen Paranormal Romance? (YATPAR?)

There are now so many of this type, in this genre, around, that sometimes it gets a bit hard to approach a new one with any enthusiasm, to be honest. You more or less know what you’re going to get – teenage girl (New to
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Town/Doesn’t Quite Fit In/Has Issues) meets teenage boy (who would usually be out of her league) causing both hormones and the paranormal to act like mad. Having said that, “My Soul to Take”, despite ticking all the YATPAR boxes, is a decent enough read. Kaylee, Our Heroine, isn’t perhaps as much of a misfit as in other series, as she has a good friend Emma who she sneaks into nightclubs with etc., and an annoying cousin called Sophie (she lives with her aunt and uncle since the death of her mother). She also behaves just like a teenager, in most situations.

So it turns out that Kaylee isn’t actually human but a banshee (or bean sidhe) which means that she can sense when someone is about to die, and is forced to let out an ear-splitting scream when this happens. But there are suddenly far too many deaths of young teenage girls, so Kaylee and Nash try to find out what’s happening, wiht the help of other non-humans.

The whole book seems to be in quite a rush, but as the action all takes place over a few days this is OK. There isn’t a lot of description of setting and surroundings in this book but I suppose we all know what an American High School looks like by now. I think the book is set in Dallas. However the people aren’t very well described, we know her friend Emma is blonde and beautiful, and Tod is blond and curly-headed, but have no idea what Our Heroine looks like, or her boyfriend Nash, which is a pity as little details can all add to the atmosphere. But instead of sparkling skin we get whirling eyes. To clarify, just the coloured bit of the eyes, not the whole eyeball, which would be alarming. And just how many descriptions of snogging does one book need, actually?

However, despite the fact that these comments might all seem a bit negative, there is actually a fairly decent, well thought-out story in here, with a few surprises along the way to keep you guessing. I like the concept overall, and there are more to come in this series which I think might actually benefit from not requiring all the explanation that inevitably comes when there’s a new fantasy world being set up.

Overall, I was impressed with how the book swerved past the usual barriers of teen paranormal romances. For example, as I mentioned before, both the heroine and her boyfriend weren’t described all that much, and I think this helps to back up my point, as in most YA paranormal romances ‘the boy’ is described in so much detail, you would believe you know this boy, when you don’t, and maybe it shows that this book aims to be different. By being different, it has made a bigger impact on me, and I think that helped me to enjoy this book more. I thought the writing quality was fine, and the action was fast paced and kept you wanting to read it.
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LibraryThing member ReadingWithMartinis
Kaylee is a banshee. When she is in close proximity to someone who is about to try, she is compelled to sing for their souls. Only the song sounds like a great wailing scream to anyone who is not a banshee. I read a ton of Urban Fantasy and I cannot say I have encounter a banshee as a main
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character before.

Also, did I mention that I love, love, love, love, loved this book? Vincent created an amazing world based on ancient fairy lore. The characters were solid, sympathetic, and hard not to fall completely in love with.

This book was an amazing start to the Soul Screamers series and I 100% recommend it!
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LibraryThing member BookAddictDiary
I wasn't very interested in this book. In fact, it kept coming up in my Amazon Vine newsletter week after week and I kept saying no. I thought it was going to be yet another teen Twilight rip-off, possibly with low quality and steamy romance as indicated by the cover, summary, and the Harlequin
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name. But finally, after probably more than a month, I decided to break down and request the book simply because there was nothing else in the newsletter that interested me and I can't say "no" to a free book.

I was completely blown away by My Soul to Take. It was considerably better than some of the other books I've read recently, and really surprised me in a good way. Let's start with the writing style: while not perfect, Vincent has an easy-to-understand and well-paced style that reads very comfortably. The characters have some depth to them and feel more realistic than some of the other teen characters out there (while a few are still a little cliche in the teen genre). The plot, while somewhat cliche, keeps the reader flipping pages and puts the reader through plenty of unexpected twists and turns as Kaylee figures out the truth behind her strange abilities and unknown heritage. I also have to give Vincent some kudos on her world-building skills -it's excellent (okay, I've read better, but I've also read much worse) and spins some interesting lore.

The only issue I had with this book, and it's very minor, is that the overarching plot felt a little cliche. It's your typical girl finds out she's got a special supernatural power and has to learn how to master it -complete with romance subplot. However, the rest of the novel is so enjoyable and has an original enough spin that it was forgivable.

I was so sucked into this book that I finished it in less than 24 hours and was ready for more. You win Harlequin Teen, I have to admit that I like one of your books.
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LibraryThing member BookSpot
While this is the first book in the series, it does take place after the novella, My Soul to Lose so this review will have spoilers for that if you haven't read it yet.

As the book opens, Kaylee and her best friend Emma are sneaking into a club. Everything's going pretty well--even including the
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slight lecture from Emma's older sister who works at the club and is the reason they got in--until Kaylee sees a girl and feels something building in her throat. Something very much like the scream she let out that day in the mall that got her checked into the hospital's psychiatric ward for a stay.

And all of this just when cute boy Nash appeared, too.

If Kaylee's able to keep herself under control--and find out why exactly it is she feels the need to let out ear splitting screams after seeing certain people who just don't look the way they should, maybe she can actually have a normal life.

Yeah, right.

The first book in Rachel Vincent's YA series (her adult series starts with Stray) is a really fast paced, fresh, and great read. Not only is it about a supernatural being that I haven't read any other book, let alone a YA book or a series on (banshess-or bean sidhes as it's spelled in the book), but Rachel Vincent is a really gifted and talented writer.

Her characters are well developed, her plots well laid out and thought through and while My Soul to Take involves high schoolers and is partially set in a high school I think readers of her adult series could enjoy it, too.

The story develops well from start to finish, pulling bits and pieces from earlier in to help later in the story but leaving enough hanging (plot and character-wise) to make you really, really want to rush out and get the next book. (In fact my review of Book Two, My Soul to Save should be posted pretty soon).

If you've already read the Werecats series from Rachel Vincent or heard great things about it but thought it was too adult for you (it's possible), then definitely, definitely pick up My Soul to Take, I doubt you'll be sorry . . . and if you are, look into that regifting thing that all the 'news' shows are talking about ;)

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Original publication date


Physical description

279 p.; 21 cm


0373210035 / 9780373210039
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