Destined for an early grave

by Jeaniene Frost

Paper Book, 2009



Call number




New York : Avon, 2009.


Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML: Her deadly dreams leave her in grave danger Since half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her undead lover Bones met six years ago, they've fought against the rogue undead, battled a vengeful Master vampire, and pledged their devotion with a blood bond. Now it's time for a vacation. But their hopes for a perfect Paris holiday are dashed when Cat awakes one night in terror. She's having visions of a vampire named Gregor who's more powerful than Bones and has ties to her past that even Cat herself didn't know about. Gregor believes Cat is his and he won't stop until he has her. As the battle begins between the vamp who haunts her nightmares and the one who holds her heart, only Cat can break Gregor's hold over her. She'll need all the power she can summon in order to bring down the baddest bloodsucker she's ever faced . . . even if getting that power will result in an early grave..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Irisheyz77
**Caution: this review may contain spoilers as it is part of a series and I really need to rant about it. Proceed at your own risk**

Any regular follow of this blog can tell you that I LOVED the first three books in Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. I devoured them all in as many days and
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enjoyed them so much that I hosted a contest to give the series away to one lucky reader. When people have asked for recommendations of a fun, non-sparkly vampire series to read I've happily offered up the story of Bones and Cat for them. So when Destined for an Early Grave was released in July you can assure yourself that I rushed right out to buy it. And then despite numerous attempts to start it I'd only read a few pages before losing interest and putting it down. This saddened me because I had such high hopes for it.

I recently picked it up again and while I managed to read it to the end a part of me almost wishes that I hadn't. This book had stilted dialogue, poor editing (as in it seems vital transition scenes were axed making some things flow badly), and a plot that was drawn out way to long. One example of the poor transition editing comes on page 212 when Cat is heading up a rescue mission to get Bones out of New Orleans the scene reads as follows:

"On-screen, I saw [Geri] nearing Bones. He was at Pat O'Brien's, in the outside area, drinking what I guessed was his usual whiskey. His arm was slung around a pretty brunette, who was almost glued to him. Even now, her hand ran along his hip. I clenched my fists. B***h, you and I are going to have a long, bloody chat after this. Canelle couldn't hear my mental warning..."

Now I use this scene because now where leading up to Cat naming Canelle does she give any indication that she recognized who the girl with Bones was (Canelle is someone from Cat's past). It just made me pause and go, huh? Where did she come from. It just seemed like there should have been something more. Not a lot, but something.

I also found Destined for an Early Grave to be highly repetitive with a lot of random scenes that had no point. Like in the beginning when Cat and Bones first travel to New Orleans. Cat mentions she has no clean clothes so changes into a robe with nothing underneath and sits an seethes because Bones left her for a meeting. When Bones returns their conversation starts off pleasantly but then out of nowhere the two just start having a knock down drag out fight. It was one of may WTF is going on here moments that populated this read. Anywho during the fight it is mentioned that Cat's robe starts to come undone her naked breasts spilling out for all in the room to see. Things continue a few paragraphs more and then Bones and Cat start to make up and Bones runs his hand up her thigh meeting little resistance as she is wearing nothing under her robe because she hadn't had time to change. Um....yeah....thank you Captain Obvious for making it known that Cat was pretty much naked the entire time. I didn't quite get it so I appreciated the constant reminder to her lack of dress.

I also got so annoyed at the double standards that both Cat and Bones had for the other. Bones would get all upset that Cat was 'trying to protect him and treating him like a weakling' when she'd try and stop Gregor from interfering with their lives. So much so that he got all huffy said they were done and stormed out cutting off all communication. THIS from the man who built an entire panic room/cell in a safe house and tossed Cat into it, locking her in - for her own safety because she could be hurt - when there was a ghoul attack. Cat isn't human, she is half vampire and filled with a whole lot of kick ass. It just didn't make sense. Nor did it ring true since the two had fought side by side in every previous book.

Another example of the poor transitioning also came from the end when all of a sudden it was just a fact that Cat would turn into a vampire. There were a couple of instances in which she'd be chatting to one of the other vampires in the story and then the topic would just switch to something like 'so when are you going to tell Bones that you decided to turn?' They dialogue in those scenes was just so stilted and didn't really ring true. There were so many conversions that occurred throughout the book that I just couldn't imagine taking place. That's just how awkward they were.

I don't know maybe I just expected too much from Destined for an Early Grave but it was just a struggle to get through. I persisted only because of my love for the previous books in the series that I was sure that it would get better. Only it didn't. Now I wonder if I'll even bother to check out the next Cat/Bones tale (because after what Frost did to Cat's mother you know there will be another book) or the spin-off series that Frost has recently started. I also can't in good faith recommend this book to any of my readers. If you like Jeaniene Frost, please, I beg you stop after book 3 - At Grave's End - do not read this book. And if you are new to Frost I do still highly recommend the first three in the series. Just know that you might want to skip this one.

As originally posted on my blog Ticket to Anywhere
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LibraryThing member MsMoonlight
This is my favorite urban fantasy series because of the phenomenal writing, amazing world creation and outstanding character development that leaves you feeling like you actually know the characters in the story. I just love when that happens and Jeanine Frost is a master when it comes to wonderful
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characters that stay with you long after you've finished reading her books.

All that said, this 4th book in the series was a bit of a disappointment. If you haven't read the first three books, stop reading my review because while I am going to be as subtle as I can (which probably isn't very subtle at all!), I will mention some things that happen in this installment that I didn't care for.

In this book, Bones and his "Kitten" Cat go through a very hard time. I didn't mind the fighting or separation between these two even though my heart was breaking for both of them. What I did very much mind was the two huge changes this novel had in it- one for Cat's mother and the other for Cat herself. While I could see the need for it with Cat's mother, Karma and all that. I did not see the need for Cat's change at all. I liked her how she was and since the 3rd book dealt a great deal in why Cat never needed this change, I thought this book basically tossed out about ten chapters of the third book ("At Graves End"). In other words, made it a waste and I really didn't like that since I adored the story in book three very much. I think that one tied everything together perfectly and this book unraveled it all and retold the story.

The other thing I didn't like was the dominate plot of this story - that Cat was previously married and had no memory of it and Bones was clueless about it all too. Reading this I sort of felt like I did years ago watching the TV show "Dallas" when "Bobby" came back to life and one entire year of the show was nothing more than a dream sequence! Where the first wonderful books of the series nothing but a dream with voids punched in them?

The writing was still wonderful, the characters still engaging (I especially adored Vlad, AKA Dracula in this book)...but the main story line was off. It just screamed off the pages that it was all wrong and I kept thinking "PLEASE don't do this to them!"

I give this book 3 stars for the writing & characters, not for the plot. While I fully intend to re-read the first three books in this series many times, sadly I don't believe I will ever re-read this one. The changes were too hard to accept.
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LibraryThing member fiaminggiory
So, I just finished "Destined for an Early Grave" by Jeaniene Frost, and all I can say is.. Oh my gosh! I wish I had more friends who read this series so I would have someone to talk to about this book. Man.. just.. whoa! When I finished the last page, I squeaked. I kid you not, it's that kind of
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story. This would have to be the best book I've read all year, but then Jeaniene Frost hasn't disappointed me yet!

So! In this book - Cat, Bones, and the crew are back, and this time the bad guy is stronger than they could have imagined, with a claim that has Cat and Bones worried. The vampire Gregor, called the Dreamsnatcher, is claiming to be married to Cat under vampire law, since she was sixteen. Mencheres arrives to explain to Cat that the memories of her month spent with Gregor have been blocked, and only if she agrees to go to Gregor and have him bring her memories back will she know the truth of their supposed marriage. Cat and Bones aren't taking the situation well, and tempers are rising. Are Cat and Gregor really married? And if she gets her memories back, will she choose Bones or Gregor?

As I said, I loved this book. Cat is such a great heroine, stubborn but strong. And Bones.. whew, I'd take him any day! And of course I love their friends- Mencheres, Spade, Rodney, Vlad, and the new addition - Fabian. In the beginning, part of me wanted Gregor to be somewhat of a good guy, maybe to make the decision just a little harder, give him some redeeming qualities, maybe. But as the book wore on, no more. I wanted Cat and Bones, and all their people, to survive. I wish I could get into the ending, the amazing twists, the heart wrenching moves.. Oh, dear. All I can do is suggest that everyone read this, and of course the books before it. Frost already has a few books planned out, Cat and Bones will have at least three more, and Spade and Mencheres will each have their own book. I can't wait!

I give this book a five out of five. I couldn't put it down, and I know I will keep going back to it over and over. It has everything I wanted and needed, romance, drama, emotional ties to amazing characters, and the thrill of seeing the characters fight for their lives, and their love. Make sure you all check out "Destined for an Early Grave" by Jeaniene Frost!
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LibraryThing member jjmachshev
Cat and Bones are back in book four of Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. In "Destined for an Early Grave" the two lovers will face their greatest fears and find out just how strong their bond, and their love, can be. This is an action-packed romp with secrets revealed from the past and ends
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with a new twist on the future. If you're a Cat and Bones fan, you will want to drop everything and RUN to get this one.

Cat and Bones are ready to enjoy a leisurely honeymoon filled with sex and well, more sex. And they get that--almost, with the exception of Cat's dreams. Her dreams are of a blond vamp who 'feels' just as powerful as Bones and he keeps saying she's HIS. When they arrive to Paris, Cat and Bones are unhappy to learn that her dreams have more than a passing resemblance to reality. The blond vamp is the one called the Dreamsnatcher and he has the power to literally kidnap people while they dream. He is also adamant that Cat is his wife! Now Cat and Bones and their allies will have to step carefully between minion attacks and vampire politics to straighten out this mess. And with BOTH Cat and Bones trying to protect the other...well, it's gonna be a rocky ride.

I don't want to give too much of the plot away cause this one's a doozy. The previous book was mostly action and there's a lot of action in this book too, but there's also quite a bit revealed of Cat's past and her emotions and how both of these affect her relationship with Bones. Bones too, suffers from things in his past that impact Cat's ability to trust which drives Bones nearly insane. Their story is better than any soap opera (and way hotter too) and I can hardly wait for the next installment to feed my fix.

As usual, Frost's plot and writing are smooth as silk and the interactions between Cat and Bones sizzle the pages. For me, at its heart this book is about trust. Cat and Bones struggle with the balance of power and trust issues throughout this book. I think more of their inner selves are revealed in "Destined for an Early Grave" than any of Jeaniene Frost's earlier books in this series. I can't get enough of these two and I'm ready and willing to follow the fork in their path destined by the book's ending.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
Jeaniene Frost hit a paranormal high note with the fourth book in her Night Huntress series, "Destined For An Early Grave". This story finds Cat and her vampire husband Bones facing a new threat to their relationship. An vampire, older and more powerful than Bones, claims Bones can't possibly be
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married to Cat, because Cat is married to HIM! Gregor can find Cat when she dreams and if she touches him in her dream he can physically "kidnap" her right from her bed! While the action in this story definitely focuses on Gregor and freeing themselves from his and his claims, the heart of the story is about the character's relationship. Cat and Bones have a fight and words that may well be the end of them. Other reviews have complained over Cat and Bone's behaviour. I think that their fight felt real and believeable. This is the hurt, anger, and jelousy born of a real couple. These two characters are special to the genre, no doubt about it. The action scenes were still plentiful and fun. Frost also planted a few tidbits for careful readers which may lead to the next bend in Cat's road. The story was both fresh and refreshing. My only (small_) complaints: Cat was unable to fight as we are used to seeing her and I really missed that. Also I wish that the book would have expanded on Cat's big change. Hopefully we will learn more when book five (finally) hits shelves.
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LibraryThing member BookWhisperer
Jeaniene Frost has done it again. The Night Huntress series has to be one of the best series out at the moment. I anxiously await every book, and it seems each book is better than the last. I am nervous about the spin off to Spade and Denise, but if it progresses with the power of the previous Cat
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and Bones books we are in for another awesome treat. Frost seems to never disappoint and continually writes page turners that keep the readers craving more.

In Destined for an Early Grave Cat and Bones are trying to settle into life without the dramatics that came with Cat's previous job. Although, they find theirselves in a world of trouble when the Dreamcatcher begins haunting Cat dreams; with promises to take Cat away from the life she knows. With the help of many of their friends we have met along the way Bones will go to all ends to keep Cat safe, but the problem may become keeping her safe from herself.
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LibraryThing member PureImagination
I really really really LOVE this series! Jeaniene never disappoints. In this installment Cat deals with some very hard issues but she also overcomes a lot of things that were holding her back. This one might have been my favorite in the series....might. I did really love book two.

I find that
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reading the Night Huntress series is like being on vacation. Cat and Bones are such a refreshing couple. Sure they have their problems but it's nothing like certain other kick ass chicks in books. **cough Anita Blake cough**. Excuse me sorry.

I can't wait for more Cat and Bones! And First Drop of Crimson!
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LibraryThing member Badass_Book_Reviews
I loved this book. I thought Bones was a bit...of a jerk towards Cat and I thought Cat was a bit...Naive. If they had only communicated such is life of a married couple sometimes I like the direction that JF is taking her world and her characters. I like that with each book there is growth and
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development. This book was non-stop action.
I definitely recommend this series and can't wait for future books.

I really enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, I pulled my hair out, I clenched my teeth, I cheered, then it was ove
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LibraryThing member flemmily
These books are pretty trashy, but they're well written trash! And fun. This book is my second favorite in the series, after the previous (One Foot in the Grave).
LibraryThing member nickeemattos
It's hard not to gush when reviewing anything by Jeaniene Frost, especially the Night Huntress series. This is simply because she has an inordinate balance, a grasp on the critical elements that make readers clamor for more. The creation of Bones is right up there with Tom Fenris, Jamie Frasier,
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Jean-Claude, Erik Northman, and Kisten. In fact, I think the series is more Bones' rather than Cats. The dialogue is flawless, illuminating both the mind-set, and emotional framework of the interactions between our two dynamic main characters. One feverishly keeps flipping pages because It's.Just.That.Good.

In Destined For An Early Grave Bones and Cat hit yet again another road bump, but this one surpasses all the other obstacles they have encountered. Another vamp, has laid a prior blood claim to Cat and a fight is on that could flow into a full-scaled war among the factions, particularly that of Menchere's line and Gregor's. Bones' is not ready in this life, or next, to give up Cat to this usurper-but the rocky road their path has been paved upon has been done so with as much love, as distrust, and fear.

Those components play a major part in the evolution of these characters. There is a huge break, (ladies blink back the tears) `tween Cat and Bones and it's so seriously wrought that I was truly, truly, taken in.(Bravo Jeaniene!)And the final hurdle to cross over permanently becomes blazingly obvious for the two. Will Cat take the final step and have Bones turn her fully?

Without a doubt, Destined is the finale to end all finales for this series but Frost wouldn't put us out in the cold. She's created a spin-off series with Spade (slurp) that I am eagerly looking forward to.

I'd say whomever Frost modeled Bones after, please point me in his direction stat!
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LibraryThing member peaceloveandpat
Cat is being haunted in her dreams, a vampire named Gregor claims that he is her husband. Mencheres said Cat was abductd a few weeks when she was 16 before she even met bones and whisked away by this man and tricked her into believing that in the future the man she loved right now, Bones is going
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to turn her into a cold blooded killer, a whore, eventually causing the deaths of her family. Innocent, naive and infatuated Cat said yes to all of Gregor's plan but then Mencheres got to her in time and hide that memory in the depths of her brain where the only soltion on retrieving it is for her to drink from Gregor. The only way to make that happened is to let the Dreamsnatcher get her in her sleep... Will she let that happened? What will be the consequences if she does?

If you are a fan of this series, you know that Bones is over protective of Cat, one wrong move and shit hits the fan. I got mad with everyone in this book. Mencheres, for having an agenda (not that I wasn't expecting that, but stil...), Gregor for being such an old school prick and all around douchebag, Bones for being uber protective and Cat for loosing some of her fire at the beginning, why is she letting this man tell her what and what she can't do? But then Justina got kidnapped and Cat becomes... wow, I can't say, you guys have to find out. Book 3 introduces us to the Queen of the Ghouls / Voodoo Queen - Majestic. A new member of Bone's line the ghost Fabian, who they met in Louisiana, and an interesting new interesting info about their culture. Book 3 is definitely different from the other three books, Cat & Bone's lives are getting complicated by the book, their relationship even deeper and the other characters evolving. The tension is overwhelming, the emotions are intense, the dialogues are witty, comedic and suprising, the plot is perfection. Ms. Frost did it again, it kept me guessing even when I reached the ending. What wonderful surprises will I get on the book book? Can someone give me a clue, now that Cat is what she's always meant to be...
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LibraryThing member OodsAteMyDingo
Okay, after my mild rant about these books begining to be all the same, I read the back of this book, and was like 'Oh gosh, here we go again'. But, of course, I wasn't going to not read it, so I cracked it open.

This book was wonderful, and even though I wanted to murder Bones myself throughout
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most of the book. There is a lot of action, and a lot of tension when there isn't action (like when they are hiding.)

Great book, could be my favorite. Two thumbs up.
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LibraryThing member pawood17
Love this series. Cat is a strong female character with some serious guardian flaws. While she is always trying to save those around her, she often endangers them further. But in this paranormal, there are so many wonderful characters. I'm hoping to see more of Vlad and maybe even Ian. I know Frost
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has started a spin off series, so we'll see if she gives us more of these fascinating characters. I really enjoy looking at all the different views of vamps from different authors.

Note: Definitely an adult series.
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LibraryThing member excitedVamp
The book is very emotional. I was sorry for Cat at a part of the book. With all the stress with Bones. I really could cry.
Gregor, a master vampire, wants Cat back. He's a dreamsnatcher and tries to bring Cat to him. Bones wil do everithing for cat, even a death match.
It's really good to read and I
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couldn't stop. So if you liked the first books, you will like this, too.
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
Cat's prepared to settle down with her vampire husband, but she's reluctant to give up her half-human status to become a full-fledged vampire. And she's been having some really bad dreams.

Could she actually be married to Gregor, a vampire known as the Dreamcatcher for his ability to steal humans
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away while they sleep?

Relationship woes and another deadly enemy... Cat and Bones never seem to have it easy.
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LibraryThing member mary1963
Two Minute Review for “Destined for an Early Grave” by Jeaniene Frost

It is always fun to review a book that you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed this. This is the fourth book in the Cat Crawfield and Bones series. I do recommend you read them in order. The evolution in their relationship is one of
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the most interesting parts of the series. The endless violence is the other. This author knows how to write a fight scene. The secondary characters are also very interesting. Bones’ friends Ian, Spade and Vlad are wonderful complex characters in their own right. True friendship that lasts can look very different after 300 years of life or more. In this installment Cat is pursued by Gregor, a vampire who claims that she is his wife and can snatch her in her dreams. The plot twists keep you guessing.
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LibraryThing member BeguileThySorrow
still entertaining but I wasn't a fan of the Gregor plotline...I felt like I could keep guessing what came next. But it's a great series.
LibraryThing member crazybatcow
Oh... terrific! I really enjoyed books 1 and 2 and was quite disappointed with the ridiculousness of book 3... but this one more than made up for that. It was probably the best of the series!

I thoroughly enjoyed the angst - the heart-wrenching was believable and the plot was not nearly as
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far-fetched as book 3's. The bulk of the book consists of "adult angst" but it is fantastic and believable and... oh that silly Cat and Bones!

I love how Cat and Bones "grew" or, at least, how their storyline grew. I love Cat's new "reality". I love the issues that can now arise regarding her mother. I actually can't wait until book 5 is released (sometime in early 2011, I hear)... I really want to know where they go from here.

Oh, there are also some very funny "one-liners" and a bit of smut. And Vlad rocked. All in all? Wow. (And don't worry about the storyline "belittling" what happened in other books - it was very believably done and I didn't find it had any "Dallas" feel to it at all.)
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LibraryThing member RuthiesBookReviews
If you have not gotten addicted to Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series, than all I've gots to say is - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? LOL Okay, this series had me from book one and this one was quite a surprise!

So now let me tell you, I read this book within a day and a half - that's how good it was.
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But let me see, what can I tell you about the book without giving too much away? HMMMMMM.....

Okay, first off, Cat starts having these, well, nightmares of sorts. But they include some strange blond vampire that she has no idea who he is. Well, come to find out this vamp is telling everyone that she is HIS wife - well, she certainly has no recollection of that. But she finds out some things have been erased from her mind and Gregor is the only one who can release those surpressed memories. Bones is worried that Cat will leave him if she truly is Gregor's wife, but all the while Cat's trying to convince him that she only wants him.

But that's only the beginning, now there are all types of rumors about the Red Reaper and her wanting to become a ghoul and with everything else going on, what is supposed to do? Now her comrads and friends are trying to keep her out the loop as to avoid Gregor from finding her. That had to be a pain in the butt, ya know - being blindfolded, not told anything!

All in all, things happen to Cat which she wants and of course, the battle between this evil vamp and Bones turns out to be quite interesting. Through all the heartache, things seem rather okay at the end. But if you want to know more, than you really should read this book and if you haven't started the series - than you should!

So there ya have it. I applaud Ms. Frost and her characters, Cat and Bones!!!!
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LibraryThing member Slion
“Destined For An Early Grave” is the 4th book in the NIGHT Huntress series and proves to be one of the toughest for our beloved couple, Cat and Bones. Cat has left her job with homeland security and Don’s group and the two of them have decided on some little R & R. Can anything be that
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simple? Cat starts dreaming of another vampire, Gregor, who may be from Cat’s past. Of course this past has been removed from her memories by Mencheres before Bones, and her real relationship with this vampire becomes an issue. Gregor wants Cat back in his life and is willing to challenge Bones for his rights to her as a vampire. It seems that nothing goes right for a couple as we watch them battle more with each other, then with Gregor. Cat cannot seem to help herself and second-guesses every action Bones makes. Her inability to trust in him and lack of faith in his abilities grows throughout the novel and finally reaches a pinnacle when she leaves Bones for Gregor.

This installment in the series was as difficult was as it was refreshing. With each new book in the Cat and Bones saga, we see not only a different adventure, but also a perspective on the characters as they develop. Cat to this point is not a flawless character, and she lacks the experience and maturity that decade of living brings to those around her. We all forget how young Cat is in age and what exactly that means in compared to her past and present. The girl’s trust issues are not just going to dissolve in a book or two, no matter how much we want to floor her. This book demonstrates that as patient as Bones has been, he is also a vampire, and he needs to be seen as one. The character portrayal for our couple shows us what can really break or make them. The supporting roles of the couple’s friends, Vlad and Spade, in particular, also showed this idea of trust that becomes the focus of our 4th installment. Like all the books before it, there was no turning back once I cracked its cover until the last word was read. I enjoyed every word knowing that at the end happiness and love was possible no matter how difficult a road traveled. 4 stars
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LibraryThing member hoosgracie
Cat is having her dreams invaded by someone who claims to be her husband. Needless to say, Bones is not happy about it. Lots of action and adventure. Good addition to the series.
LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the fourth book in the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. The sixth book, One Grave at a Time, will be out on August 30th of 2011. I enjoyed this book a lot more than the third one. A lot happens, a lot of the characters go through some drastic changes. The majority of the book had me
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on the edge of my seat and I can't wait to find out what happens next! I listened to this on audio book, as with the previous books on audio, this audio book is extremely well done. I think listening to these is even more fun than reading them!

This takes place about a year after, At Grave's End. Cat and Bones are finally trying to take a vacation when they find out Cat is being hunted by a vampire called the Dreamsnatcher who says he is her husband; Cat has no idea who he is. Of course this ticks Bones off to no end. Things are very dangerous for Cat because the Dreamsnatcher can kidnap humans in their sleep. Add to this rumors that Cat wants to be turned into some sort of uber-ghoul and it makes the vampire politics in this book very tense.

Cat and Bones are really put through the ringer in this book. The first part of the book is very dark. Bones is angry at Cat, Cat is upset about her lost memories and can't even sleep because of fear of being snatched. Both Cat and Bones do a number of stupid things that could have been avoided had they communicated better.

The good thing that sets off all of the bad in the first half of the book is Vlad. Vlad is present in a big way in this book and proves his steadfast friendship to Cat over and over again. It was fun to learn Vlad's history and to watch him interact with Cat; he is one of my favorite characters in this series.

The other good thing about all the bad that happens in the beginning of the book is that we get to see Cat and Bones work through all these issues and become a stronger couple after it all. Lots of interesting things happen to Cat's powers later in the book, this was fun and exciting to read about. I was a bit confused with how the whole deal about Bones gaining a bunch of power from Mencheres was dropped in this book, but whatever, hopefully it will come up again in the next book.

As with previous books this is more of an urban fantasy than a paranormal romance. The plot moves quickly, there is never a dull moment. Parts of this book will break your heart, but fear not it gets better! The book ends well and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book with Cat and her new abilities.

Overall a very strong addition to this series. I enjoyed this book a lot and have no complaints. I loved that we get our witty Cat and Bones banter back. The beginning of the book is very dark and parts of it will break your heart, but that just makes the second half of the book even more awesome. It was great to spend so much time with Vlad in this book. Some really interesting things happen with Cat and her powers too, so I am very excited to see where Frost goes with all this in the fifth book, This Side of the Grave.
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LibraryThing member bookwormteri
Total escape read. Fun and light, hate what happens to Justina in this one, but still good.
LibraryThing member Deserie.Comfort
Destined For An Early Grave is the fourth novel in Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series. Destined For An Early Grave continues with the crazy life full of threats for the life of Cat and her relationship with Bones. In this book, Cat finds she has had a month of her life erased from her memory
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from when she was 16, prior to killing vampires or meeting Bones. In this month, she learns, she met a vampire named Gregor, also known as the Dreamsnatcher, who apparently she had wed in a fit to protect her family and unknown to just how naive she was. In the start of the book Cat is being chased by Gregor in her dreams giving her clues as to what had occurred with her memory and leading her into his trap to capture her again. The introduction of a previously unknown husband from Cat’s past may sound like the outlandish plot of a soap opera but is actually an inspired piece of plotting that creates a real risk to Bones and Cat’s relationship.
Bones and Cat argue their way across Europe, fighting off a ghoul uprising at the same time as trying to keep Gregor from kidnapping Cat in her sleep. Tempers are frayed, harsh words are spoken and it looks like it could be the end of the road for Cat and Bones…but I wont spoil the surprise, even though I was a bit shocked and appalled, instead I’ll tell you to read the book, it is definitely a page turner and a roller coaster ride of emotions.
I would recommend this book to readers, once again, who are looking for everything they are hoping for in a book (humor, romance, action and mystery). I also give this book 5 stars out of 5 and can’t wait for Jeaniene Frost’s next release to the series.
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LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
Cat and Bones are enjoying a vacation from mayhem when Cat starts having dreams in which another vampire, Gregor, claims that he, not Bones, is Cat's vampire husband. Turns out that Gregor can actually pull someone out of there dreams if he has had their blood before. But since Cat has never seen
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him before how is he contacting her. Well, funny thing, she actually did know him but all her memories of that time have been erased. Could Cat be bonded to two vampires? And if she is, who will win her in the end?

Wow, this was fun. A lot happens in this book. And Cat learns a lot about herself and her impetuous behavior. So we see her grow a bit which is nice. Bones is just as sexy as ever although there were a couple of times I wanted to shake him. Vampire laws are so stupid. Anyway, another fun adventure with Cat and Bones.
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Original publication date


Physical description

viii, 385 p.; 18 cm


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