Microfilm Reels/Frames : Water - 1917-1981 [consisting of: American Indian Defense Association; Records of the Irrigation Engineer; United Pueblos Agency Irrigation Records; Rio Grande Compact; United States Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, Water Resources Branch] (2015)

by Archives and Library. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (Compiler)

Unbound paper, 2015


Ref HD1739 N6 M53 2015



Archives and Library. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM, 2015.


Contents: American Indian Defense Association (1923-1933) [missing]; Records of the [New Mexico] Irrigation Engineer (1910-1963); United Pueblo Agency Irrigation Records (1928-1946); Rio Grande Compact/Texas v. New Mexico (1945-1953); U.S. Geological Survey : Water Resources Branch (Northern Pueblos) (1936-1941).
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