Navajo Taboos 1991

by Ernie Bulow

Magazine (paper), 1991


E99 N3 1991


Navajo Taboos is not some scholarly work by an anthropologist, but an insider's look at a body of folk beliefs shared by many Navajos, illuminating their cultural priorities. The taboos were collected by Navajo students for their own information and previously published in pamphlet form by the Navajo Tribe as the first volume in their Cultural Series of publications. The taboos have been organized and interpreted by Ernie Bulow, who has spent his entire life around Navajos and other tribes of the Southwest as a teacher, writer and Indian trader. The book is a respectful compilation of Navajo beliefs that set them apart from all other groups while at the same time illustrating the universal fears and concerns found in all cultures.


[Gallup, N.M. : Buffalo Medicine Books, 1991.]

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