We Are a People in This World: The Lakota Sioux and the Massacre at Wounded Knee

by Conger Beasley Jr.

Book, 1995


E83.89 B43 1995


In this compelling book, the author alternately recounts the events and details of the 1890 massacre of the Lakota Sioux at Wounded Knee and his participation, one hundred years later, in the commemorative Big Foot Memorial Ride. The counterpoint and contrast between the two events produces a powerful effect; the oral accounts of the survivors of the slaughter are sometimes so brutal that the reader needs to be taken away, if only into the cold and wind of a century later.


Fayetteville : University of Arkansas Press (1995)


Conger Beasley Jr. alternately recounts the events and details of the 1890 massacre of the Lakota Sioux at Wounded Knee and his participation, one hundred years later, in the commemorative Big Foot Memorial Ride. The counterpoint and contrast between the two events produce a powerful effect; the history, including oral accounts from survivors of the slaughter, is sometimes so brutal that the reader needs to be taken away, if only into the cold and wind of a century later. The contemporary ride in 1990 included Indians, Asians, Europeans, and white Americans. In the face of bitterly cold weather and other hardships, the journey became a pilgrimage to lay to rest the chronic turmoil that has haunted generations of Lakota.

Includes bibliographical references.


Spur Award (Winner — 1995)
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