Wisdom of the Elders: Sacred Native Stories of Nature

by David Suzuki

Other authorsPeter Knudtson (Author)
Magazine (paper), 1993


GF80 S88 1993


An in-depth, meticulously documented exploration of the ecological wisdom of Native Peoples from around the world Arranged thematically, Wisdom of the Elders contains sacred stories and traditions on the interrelationships between humans and the environment as well as perspectives from modern science, which more often than not validate the sacred, ancient Wisdom of the Elders. Native peoples and environments discussed range from the Inuit Arctic and the Native Americans of the Northwest coast, the Sioux of the Plains, and the Pueblo, Hopi, and Navajo of the Southwest to the Australian Outback, to the rich, fecund tropics of Africa, Malaysia, and the Amazon. "Our technological civilization is speeding toward a violent collision with nature, and we are threatening the ability of the Earth--our home--to support life as we know it. Suzuki and Knudtson's extraordinary work powerfully reminds us that we are indeed one with the Earth. We are truly indebted to them for charting for us the course toward a healthy and sustaining relationship with our planet."--Vice President Al Gore… (more)


New York: Bantam Books c.1992


A meticulous gathering of both scientific insight and Native knowledge, Wisdom of the Elders offers a way to reconcile our place in nature, by listening to our elders. From the foundations of time, the big bang, and the creation of the cosmos, to the fate of the earth as predicted by leading scientists and the sacred stories and traditions of Native peoples, this acclaimed collection of the world's wisdom shows that the future of the planet lies in listening to both these worldviews.--Publisher's description.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

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