Avoiding Archaeological Disasters: Risk Management for Heritage Professionals (Techniques & Issues Cult Resources Mgmt) (2009)

by Darby C. Stapp

Other authorsJulia Longnecker (Author)
Paperback, 2009


CC135 S73 2009


You think it can't happen to you, but it can. One day, months into your construction project, your front end load operator runs into bones and wooden slats. Your county coroner says it is not a crime scene, and refers you to the local archaeology department. The archaeologist tells you that it is a very important discovery. Work stops. Archaeological discoveries happen all the time in the course of projects. Most are manageable, some are less so, and some are mismanaged, wasting time and money. If you are not prepared, the consequences can be disastrous. This book is for project engin


Left Coast Press (2009), Paperback, 160 pages
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