Hellboy, Vol. 9: The Wild Hunt

by Mike Mignola

Paperback, 2010



Call number




Dark Horse Books (2010), 192 pages


When ancient giants begin to reawaken in the British Isles, Hellboy is invited to join an ancient band of fellow monster hunters called the Wild Hunt and help bring them down. But an unexpected betrayal sends Hellboy after a quarry far more deadly: the Queen of Blood, first seen in Hellboy: Darkness Calls. This newly reborn evil has her murderous sights set on all of humanity, and the only way Hellboy can stop her is to finally confront the truth about his own dark heritage.

User reviews

LibraryThing member highvoltagegrrl
Hellboy is the mythological hero for our generation. He faces all sorts of evil monsters and dark witches, but he also has fears and doubts which make him more human. Of course he isn’t human. He is a giant red demon with an oversized right arm, which can pretty much smash through anything.
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However he also breaks off his horns in an attempt to be more human. These are the things that make Hellboy so exciting and accessible.

This latest volume of the Hellboy doesn’t disappoint. In fact it really elevates the whole Hellboy mythos. You can see that the writer, Mike Mignolia, is really drawing in on who Hellboy really is or at least who all the factions want him to be. It is fun to read because you want to know if Hellboy will give in, if he will fall victim to the prophecy, or if he can make his own fate.

The art is great, simple, yet effective. The mood is set and the locations pull you in. It lets you lose yourself in the story. The colors are top notch, translating the mood for every scene.

If you haven’t read a Hellboy story, then you need to get them all. If you liked the movie, you will love the books. If you didn’t like the movies, you will still love the books.

Book Rating: 5/5
Book Received By: Personal Purchase
Reviewer: Wally
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LibraryThing member Cynara
As a reader, it feels like this is the first step away from Mignola's sensibilities. Although the most surprising development was apparently part of Hellboy's character concept from the beginning, there are distinct signs of a new point of view. That's not a criticism, exactly; as much as I love
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Mignola's art, his writing operates within a narrow set of interests, and I wouldn't mind seeing Hellboy grow outside of that.

I'm of two minds on the art; on one hand, nothing's going to be as good as Mignola's striking compositions, and I'm glad they chose a successor who style isn't slick. Hellboy is difficult to draw believably, and Fegredo does a decent job. They go to some pains in the backmatter to show that Mignola still has his hand on the series, but his input includes a fair number of old sketches that didn't go anywhere - it's clear that his main focus is, naturally, elsewhere.

As more artists try their hands at the Hellboy series, it strikes me that there's one aspect of Mignola's art that I've taken for granted in the past. He did not become a comic book artist for the purpose of drawing breasts. In fact, Mignola's naked women (few and far between) generally look like they were hewn out of granite with a geologist's hammer: rough, slabby, and chunky.

They aren't delights to look at, but they are totally consonant with his style, and it was always really damn pleasant to read one series where the women weren't relentlessly sexualised. I have nothing against pneumatic comic-babes, but there's no denying they're over-represented, and it was so restful to pick up one comic where women are just people. Now that other artists are taking over the Hellboy line, we're getting a few more rounded heaving bosoms, and they weird me out. Frankly, I don't think Hellboy's ready to become interested in "girls" yet.
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LibraryThing member kivarson
Witches, fairies, elves and demons abound as Mignola and Fegredo weave Arthurian legend into Hellboy's backstory. Good stuff.
LibraryThing member .Monkey.
I'm of two minds about the way things are going. Of course, on the one hand, we knew everything was building up to something big, what with his inevitable destiny and all, but on the other... I don't know, I'm just not crazy about how this is all moving along.
LibraryThing member DougGoodman
Good, but probably would have been better if I hadn't skipped straight to Book Nine.
LibraryThing member KateSherrod
The sheer audacity and mythic scope of this series just keeps getting greater. I still feel sorry for Gruagach, and I'm worried for Alice and I'm very glad I have the next volume to hand!

Original language


Physical description

192 p.; 6.64 inches


1595824316 / 9781595824318


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