The Wrath of Angels

by John Connolly

Hardcover, 2012



Call number




Hodder & Stoughton (2012), Edition: First Edition


Racing against a serial killer in the depths of the Maine woods, private detective Charlie Parker searches for a secret list of names in the wreckage of a plane that has never been reported missing.

User reviews

LibraryThing member devenish
This is the eleventh book in the Charlie Parker series and a very welcome addition it is too. It begins with a story told by a dying man about a time when he was only a boy who got lost in the woods. He came across a little girl who pursued him,and he fled in great fear because she was long dead
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and she wanted him for her playmate.
We also learn of a light aircraft which has crashed deep in these same woods and which various groups,good and evil badly want to discover. The evil ones are the dark angels which we have met before in earlier novels and include Brightwell and Darina. Rather hard to say which is the worse one of them. The good are only good in parts - Parker himself is flawed of course,and The Collector is clearly insane.
The plot centers on who will reach the aircraft first and discover it's secrets but on the way are many deaths and much torturing of unfortunate victims. In other words all good dark fun by our one and only John Connolly.
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LibraryThing member elizajanecurtis
I didn't make it half way through this book and I think I've given up on it. This is my first John Connolly book, and it's part of a series; maybe I should have started with the first book in the series, but this is the one I had available. I normally like mystery stories and tolerate or like
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fantasy books, but there's something in the writing style that's bugging me. Either the writing is corny and the dialogue feels boring? Or maybe there's something about the narrator's voice that's bothering me. I'm going to set this aside and if I decide to come back, I'll start with the first book in the series.
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LibraryThing member LelandGaunt
By John Connolly

It usually never takes me over two months to read a John Connolly/Charlie Parker thriller but now that there is a almost thirteen pound bundle of emotions most of them smiles creating joy in my life, finding the time to read has taken a back seat.
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ANGELS is due in stores and online close to January 2013. It is always a privilege to acquire an advanced reading copy of a John Connolly novel and usually I have it finished in a total of three days…..
To say that the latest Charlie Parker thriller is Mr. Connolly’s best work of crime fiction to date is an understatement. Not only is Mr. Parker back but also the cast of personal favorites, career hit men Angel and Louis as his personal ‘bodyguards’ but also characters from earlier novels. It takes a true talent to write about hit men who happen to be gay and complete polar opposites, one fastidious, one casual and life partners into credible beings worth caring about.
The plot, a commuter plane crashed and missing for years. The crash site is in the dense, haunted thickets of the Maine woods. The woods rumored haunted by a little lost girl in need of someone to play with.
Aboard, the passengers are missing along with a great deal of cash and a list…along with evidence that someone has escaped? Who escaped and what was the list and why are people dying whose names were written on the list and why has this turn of events caused so many so much unhappiness and reason for killing?
Who is The Collector and what does he want with the list? And most important who is The God of the Wasps? “Know Me”
THE WRATH OF ANGELS is a superior thriller, dark, macabre and with just enough horror elements to compete in two different genres.
I believe it pays homage to one of John Connolly’s great stand alone horror thrillers BAD MEN. Nobody writes crime fiction so eloquently!
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LibraryThing member navyjoe98
I have read everyone of John Connolly's books. Once again, this is a fantastic book that I gave five stars! It's a mystery/horror book with some supernatural twists that make it interesting!
LibraryThing member jan.fleming
In the depths of the Maine woods, the wreckage of an aeroplane is discovered. There are no bodies, and no such plane has ever been reported missing, but men both good and evil have been seeking it for a long, long time. What the wreckage conceals is more important than money: it is power. Hidden in
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the plane is a list of names, a record of those who have struck a deal with the Devil. Now a battle is about to commence between those who want the list to remain secret and those who believe that it represents a crucial weapon in the struggle against the forces of darkness.

The race to secure the prize draws in private detective Charlie Parker, a man who knows more than most about the nature of the terrible evil that seeks to impose itself on the world, and who fears that his own name may be on the list. It lures others too: a beautiful, scarred woman with a taste for killing; a silent child who remembers his own death; and the serial killer known as the Collector, who sees in the list new lambs for his slaughter.

But as the rival forces descend upon this northern state, the woods prepare to meet them, for the forest depths hide other secrets.

Someone has survived the crash.
Some thing has survived the crash.
And it is waiting . .
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LibraryThing member agarcia85257
Title - The Wrath of Angels

Author - John Connolly

Summary -

A plane wreckage is found deep in the woods of Maine, there are no bodies but a satchel of money. More money than the two men who have found it have ever seen. Good men. Honest men. Tempted men. They do something that they would never have
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done before and take the list. Doing this they set in motion a series of events that would end up hurting those they love and bringing forth a malevolence that they had never known. An evil that doesn't care about the money. It cares about the list of names that was concealed in the missing plane as well.
Charlie Parker is a private detective who specializes in malevolence. Charlie has made a career of hunting those things that go bump in the night. The list of names is a record of those who have made deals with the devil. People and spirits that work on the side of evil. Only for some strange reason, Parker's name is on that list as well. Now those who stood with him before, question who Parker serves.

"..But there was one other who had been intimately involved in the matter of Brightwell and the Believers, one who knew more than anyone else about the bodies that decayed but did not die, and migrating spirits, more perhaps than he had even admitted to me. His name was Epstein, and he was a rabbi, and a grieving father, and a hunter of fallen angels..."

Aided only by his closest allies, Louise and Angel, Charlie Parker must find the wreckage and retrieve the list before any one else does. It is his only hope to clear his name.
In his way is a demon and her child, a serial killer known only as the Collector who kills those who are evil and now believes Parker to be among the damned; and a small spirit child who seeks to trap those in the woods and keep them with her.

"..It was to Harlan, and to Harlan alone, that Barney Shore told the tale of the girl in the woods, a girl with sunken eyes, and wearing a black dress, who had come to him with the first touch of snow, inviting him to follow her deeper into the woods, calling on him to play with her in the northern darkness..."

Parker must face an evil greater than any he has faced before. A serial killer that judges his soul and a spirit that wants to keep it. Parker, who after his long journey of redemption, is not sure how much of a fight he wants to put up to save what is left of his soul.

Review -

The Charlie Parker series just won't stop! Each novel adds to the mythos that John Connolly has created around his paranormal detective yet stands solely on its own. There is not one that simply leads to the next. This is the 11th in the series and we can only hope it will go on and on.
To really appreciate the darkness that is the Charlie Parker novels you have to pick up other writing by John Connolly. The Samuel Johnson stories for young adults. The Book of Lost Things. The fairy tale stories laced with humor and wit. Turning the dwarves of Snow White into socialist activists who fight for better working conditions and fairer wages is short of brilliant. I wont tell you what book that is in, you'll just have to look for yourself.
The darkness of the Charlie Parker series would be overwhelming if not for the moments of wit Connolly has infused into the narrative. The scene in the ice cream parlor where Angel and Louis have to control themselves when a group of drunk men get out of hand, only because Parker's young daughter is with them. It doesn't matter, because she tells her mom anyway how Angel cursed and Louis threatened to shoot someone.
There are real characters here that take over sections of the novel that you come to care about greatly. Characters that live and breath in you mind long after the last page is turned and the book put away.
But it is Parker and his struggle that is central to the novel. It is the binding principle throughout the entire series. How far can Parker go before he slips into the evil that is waiting for him. How close is he and is that why his name appears on the list? How much more in cost can Charlie Parker pay? A wife and child tortured and murdered. His career gone. Friends and family disowning him or dying at the hands of those he hunts. Another wife and child lost to him for their own safety. The whispers in the woods from the dead child that was his daughter. The bitterness that only the hunt will salve.
Parker is on the side of the Angels. But which ones. The Better Angels or the Fallen ones.
Another awesome read from John Connolly.
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LibraryThing member jjaylynny
I love me some Charlie Parker. But I'm really worried for him, now.
LibraryThing member Carol420
I have read John Connolly for a very long time. Charlie Parker is a truly interesting character. He always seems to be just a bit"more". This offering was as good as all the others have been. I highly recommend this series to anyone that likes a story that sometimes raises more questions than it
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answers. Thank you John Connolly!
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LibraryThing member Arkrayder
Connolly hits his stride in this book. Bringing together all Parker’s main foes the Collector, Brightwell, and the Backers. Even his supposed allies are given cause to be wary of him. Louis and Angel make a welcome return and add support to Parker’s character by keeping him grounded. The story
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had some elements I felt could have been left out of the story, but they do connect with characters backstories in the book so my editing would have messed up the story. 🙂 I’m certain that Parker hasn’t seen the last of the Collector and the Fallen Angels. One of the things I really liked was the glimpse of the Collectors humanity in this book. Maybe he’s a fallen angel himself.
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LibraryThing member zmagic69
Another excellent book in the Charlie Parker series, wraps up a few lose ends from previous books, the writing as usual is on a level only similarly occupied by Jame Lee Burke.
Good vs evil and a number of people who fall somewhere else, but definitely not in between.
LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
This keeps skating further and further into horror. Two hunters find the wreckage of a plane in the depths of a Maine Wood and it disturbs them enough that they don't talk about it, but they do try to do good with the money they found in that plane. When evil finds out about the plane, they send
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people to find it and they're willing to do a lot to get it, but Charlie Parker has been lured into the story and he feels compelled to get involved.

Charlie does try so hard to do the right thing. But sometimes it's just making a choice of a lesser evil.
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Physical description

480 p.; 6.14 inches


1444756443 / 9781444756449
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