The Human Division #1: The B-Team

by John Scalzi

Ebook, 2013



Call number




Tor Books (2013), 93 pages


Colonial Union Ambassador Ode Abumwe and her team are used to life on the lower end of the diplomatic ladder. But, when a high-profile diplomat goes missing, Abumwe and her team are last minute replacements on a mission critical to the Colonial Union's future. As the team works to pull off their task, CDF Lieutenant Harry Wilson discovers there's more to the story of the missing diplomats than anyone expected...a secret that could spell war for humanity.

User reviews

LibraryThing member TiaNevitt
Although this was a quick read, it wasn't really all that engaging. It is about a diplomat team that is sent into an emergency situation mostly because they are convenient, and they proved that they weren't quite such a B team after all.

Although it has only been a few weeks since I read this, I am
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having trouble remembering the names of the characters, which is a bad sign. John Perry from Old Man's War was a wonderful character, who I count among my favorite characters ever. These guys ... well, they all sound alike, and they all act alike. At one point, I had to go back to the beginning of a conversation because I lost track of who was talking. Because they all sounded alike.

One part that made me impatient was this series of scenes where a big deal was made about finding a "black box" in space, which was so hard because ... it was painted black. I almost threw my Kindle across the room. (Good thing they are durable.) The visible spectrum of light is just one of seven. If there is a place in the universe where color hardly matters at all, it is in space. Unless light is shining upon it, it will be black. No light, no color. However, in the infrared spectrum, it might show up quite brightly.

Fortunately, the author did come around to this but only after I lost patience and set it aside for a while.

I finished the book in short order and I did enjoy it, but I'm not sure how compelled I am to pick up the next installment. I probably will in a few weeks, but I am not feeling rushed.
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LibraryThing member srearley
I had a little trouble getting in to this, but once I did, I was hooked. I'm a big fan of Scalzi and his humor, and this was a great start of this new serial. I was just sad that I wasn't near wi-fi and couldn't download the next chapter right away!
LibraryThing member ExLibrisVita
A fun first entry into Scalzi's new episodic novel set in the Old Man's War universe. Reads as a fun, action packed short story with interesting characters and strong voices. Looking forward to reading one of these a week through April.
LibraryThing member anissaannalise
This is the first of thirteen installments (93 pages) & I really liked it. The characters were crisp (Wilson & Schmidt had great banter) & made for an easy read. The mystery of what happens to the Polk unfolds smoothly & I'm really looking forward to the next part.
LibraryThing member halkeye
I enjoyed it. Not as good as old man's war or the rest of them.

Can't wait for the next one.

Will buy when the entire book is out.
LibraryThing member Ben_Harnwell
Great start to the 13 part series. Scalzi drags me in again and these chapter by chapter releases are killing me. I hate waiting! One if those page turners if high science fiction saga.
LibraryThing member Kaethe
Takes place in the Old Man's War universe shortly after events in prior novels, but with a new cast of characters, many diplomats, with a few members of the CDF for derring-do.

All the things I like about Scalzi are here: clever plotting, a diverse cast that feels natural, snappy dialogue,
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interesting tech puzzles. Richly enjoyable, but it never feels condescending or empty. This is going to be good.

I bought a copy.
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LibraryThing member Pepperwings
I'm curious where things will go, unfortunately it took time to understand who was who and I'm not sure I care--but it was a short book, its possible I will enjoy it more, as the series continues.
LibraryThing member LisCarey
This is another short story, the first of thirteen connected shorts set in Scalzi's Old Man's War universe.

The Colonial Union has a major problem. They're no longer on speaking terms with Earth, so they no longer have Earth as a source of new recruits for the Colonial Defense Force, and they're a
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couple of generations away from being able to recruit sufficient numbers from their own colony worlds to meet their needs. And meanwhile, about two thirds of their previously divided and chaotically at odds rivals have joined together into the Conclave. The CU needs all the allies it can get, and a race that hasn't been interested in negotiating a deal before now is. They send off the very best diplomatic talent they have--and that team vanishes, their ship apparently destroyed, before the alien diplomatic team could even arrive.

Suddenly the CU is scrambling to save the situation and the negotiations, not to mention find out what happened to their ship. They have to work with what they have in range, though, and they don't have another "A Team" diplomatic team available. What they have available is Ambassador Ode Abumwe and her workaday "B Team" who normally handle much lower-level, routine diplomatic chores.

This time they're being tossed in at the deep end, on no notice, and need to resolve a major crisis, as well as figure out what caused it and who's behind it.

Classic Scalzi. Recommended.
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LibraryThing member clairefun
Oh, now this was fun. A rip-riding little adventure, like a stand alone short story, set in the universe of the 'Old Man's War' series. Mostly it was introducing the new characters, as this is the first of 13 ebooks of assorted chapters, short stories, or novellas that will make up the 5th book in
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the series. It's an interesting approach and at 64-77p certainly an affordable way to find out if it's for you. As a lover of the series I already knew I would buy the book and I do wonder which way will work out cheaper, but at the moment this is the ONLY way to get them so the cost is immaterial. I couldn't possibly wait!

The story fits wonderfully well and quickly feels like you are back in the universe, and as ever the dialogue is snappy and highly enjoyable, but still realistic (well, it is sci-fi, st in spaceships, etc, but it sounds realistic anyway). I got a little thrill reading the names of the 'original' characters but quite quickly warmed to the new ones. Looks like Wilson will be our quick thinking action hero and Schmidt his trusty brainy sidekick, and I've enjoyed the little quirks of the other personalities we've encountered. The story was a teensy bit slow to start but soon picked up pace with explosions and intrigue and, explained in the background, a threat to the whole human race - which is what you want from your big epic sci-fi.

All in all, although I started off being uncertain of the way it was presented and maybe even thinking I wasn't that interested, by the end I loved it, had a blast, and can't wait for the next installment to arrive!

I have pre-ordered 4 of them and I would imagine I will go back for the others soon...
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LibraryThing member JudyGibson
This one was a quickie, apparently a teaser for the full book The Human Division.
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