Bone, Vol. 2: The Great Cow Race

by Jeff Smith

Paperback, 2005



Call number




GRAPHIX (2005), 144 pages


The adventure starts when cousins Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone are run out of Boneville and later get separated and lost in the wilderness, meeting monsters and making friends as they attempt to return home.

User reviews

LibraryThing member paradoxosalpha
This second collection of Bone comics advances the overall plot with the same leisurely pace of the first volume. I think I'm very glad to be reading these as anthologies, rather than following them as a monthly comic. This volume has more and better slapstick than the first, and Fone Bone's
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romantic affection for Thorn is elevated into a proper dilemma. For sheer comedy, the best moment is probably the unravelling of Phoney Bone's scheme on page 73.

In "Lonesome Road" (the fifth chapter of this book, #11 of the original series?), a three-page dialoge between Rose and Lucius provides a very full synopsis of the state of the intrigue--from the human perspective. I can certainly see how such a review would have been important in the original serial, but it's helpful even in the current format. There are four intersecting worlds here: the Boneville Bones in exile (Fone, Phoney, and Smiley), the humans (Thorn, Gran'ma Ben, Lucius, villagers and fairgoers), the animals (possums, Ted the bug), and the monsters (red dragon, rat creatures).

In any event, this book solidifies the promise of the first volume and settles into what I'm now confident will be a series worth the continuing read.
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LibraryThing member nmhale
The second volume in the graphic book collection of the Bone series, this continues the story immediately after the events in the first volume. The chapters have a heavy focus on the Cow Race, as the title indicates, and the heavier plot elements in the series become linked with this silly
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escapade. Phony Bone is still trying to rig the race by having Smiley Bone masquerade as the mystery cow, give Granma Ben a run for her money, and then let her win. One of the most hilarious sequences from this book was when Smiley revealed his rather ugly hand-made cow costume, and constantly mooed to show he was a real cow. Fone Bone realizes his cousin is up to something, but is unable to stop him; plus, he is trying to work through his love troubles, since Thorn would rather walk through the fair with a cute boy than him.

While Phoney manages to hook most of the Barrelhaven residents to bet on the mystery cow, Fone retreats to the woods to write a love letter to Thorn. And then things fall apart: Lucius, the owner of the tavern, bets everything he has on Rose (Granma Ben), completely disrupting Phoney's plans to skew the betting; Phoney tries to get in the costume with Smiley to help him win; and Fone is discovered by two rat creatures. As Fone dashes off to escape he accidentally falls in a pile of sleeping rat creatures, who wake up and chase him right into the cow race. Now there are cows, bones, rat creatures, and Granma Ben all running together. Granma still manages to win, and discover the true identity of the mystery cow, but she doesn't need to punish the underhanded bones - the town does it for her. Granma Ben, Thorn, and Lucius rescue Phoney from yet another raging mob that wants to destroy him, and they head back to Granma's demolished farm.

The story continues to entertain, and while we don't see the creepy hooded figure, several references are made to the ominous future that is awaiting our characters. I am really starting to care for these characters, who are funny and clever and so real. I didn't expect that the author would invest so much personality into simple white drawings. Even the rat creatures have endeared themselves to me, particularly the squabbling of the two most featured in the story. I love that one of them always wants quiche - hilarious. I have a strong feeling that the series is heading in an excellent direction, and I am excited to keep reading and find out.
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LibraryThing member sholt2001
More great Bone adventures and more hints at the REALLY good stuff to come...
LibraryThing member KrysReads
This was a nice graphic novel as I was pretty skeptic that it reading a teen graphic novel would be like having your teeth pulled. But the light humor and characters made the novel easy to read and personally took me less then an hour to finish. One of the secondary characters, Gramma Ben, is
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preparing for a big annual cow racing event; she's being unknowingly exploited by one of the Bone characters and the main character has a major crush on a girl whom he knows probably doesn't feel the same way about him.
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LibraryThing member LogannPennington
The Cave- Very cute story alittle hard to stay with but from what I have been told children love it! There are many different comics written by him with a very long series. Fun read for kids!
LibraryThing member btivis
I am not a fan of graphic novels, but this particular book was not that bad. It had several different scenes and the character development was much better than I thought it would be. In the story, we see that Bone is in love with the girl and is trying to impress her. Only she is following around a
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boy at the fair that she learns is into any girl that walks by. Grandma is preparing for and ends up winning the Great Cow Race. And there is discussion about a dragon coming back that I'm sure will be addressed in the next book.
I think this book could have been a little better by adding color to the pictures. It would definitely attract more readers that way.
This would be a good book to use as a reference for writing and art for middle and upper grade students. They could be given a story to rewrite in graphic novel form. They would have to learn to pull out only the most important details from the story that were needed to tell the story. The illustrating could be a bonus .
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LibraryThing member ecugary
I can honestly say graphic novels aren't my style. However, I can really see where this genre has a place in the world. Children will love the story.

The main character is with his grandmother as she prepares for the great cow race. As she prepares for the race, the reader learns that the main
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character has great taste, he must have! He has a crush on a girl (the same girl everyone else is interested in).

The story's illustrations add to the story but would be more inviting if they had more color.

This would be a great way to get a struggling reader in an upper grade reading. The graphics will help the student with any wording they struggle with and all children love stories in this format.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second Bone graphic novel out of nine. This was a great addition to the story and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Fone Bone and his buddies are getting ready for the Great Cow Race. Grandma is hoping to win, but Phoney Bone is creating some money mischief in the betting pool that is bound to
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get the Bones in trouble again. In addition to this the broader more mysterious storyline is also added to: Thorne is having strange dreams that she confesses to Fone Bone and Fone Bone is again attacked by the Rat-like creatures whose purpose is yet unknown. Even our friendly cigar smoking red dragon makes a brief appearance.

This was a fun installment in the Bone comics series. Not quite as adventurous and mysterious as the first one, this one was funnier and dealt mainly with the cow races. Interwoven with that are some more serious story elements such as what the deal is with Thorne's strange dreams and why their house was attacked and destroyed by the rat creatures.

The drawing is well done, just like in the first book. There is a lot of humor here mixed up with the more serious stuff. This is a graphic novel appropriate for all ages.

Overall a great addition to this series. I have really been enjoying it a lot. Eventually I think I am going to have to buy keeper copies of these (I've been getting them from the library). I look forward to reading the third book, Eyes of the Storm, soon.
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LibraryThing member lithicbee
In this volume, we get more of Fone Bone's crush on Thorn (priceless), more of Thorn's memories of Deren Gard (intriguing), and Phoney Bone's and Smiley Bone's fixing of the Great Cow Race (hilarious). I really try to slow down and enjoy Smith's illustrations, especially facial expressions on the
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Bones and the rat creatures. When the rat creatures are chasing Fone Bone ("Stupid stupid rat creatures!") each panel is a joke in and of itself. This is great stuff.
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LibraryThing member fkozar
The Great Cow Race takes place at the local fair. There is a lot of hype for the upcoming cow race. Gran'ma Ben is preparing to race while one of the Bone cousins is developing a get rich scam. He enters a fake cow to the race and collects bets from people attending the fair on the "mystery cow".
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When the plan fails, the Bone cousins must find a way to pay back their debts.
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LibraryThing member eafranklin
A graphic novel that is great for capturing children's attention.
LibraryThing member Crowyhead
A very fun installment in the Bone series.
LibraryThing member aleykk11
This is funny if you like comics
LibraryThing member AprilSDavis
Summary: Phoney bone is up to his old tricks with the get rich quick schemes and there seems to be a war brewing. Fone Bone helps friends defeat an enemy.

Personal Reaction: I found myself drawn to another one because of the awsome illustrations.

Classroom Extension: These books can be used as an
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escape from reality for children just for fun.
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LibraryThing member missbrandysue
I enjoyed the second book in the series. Bone is still in love with Thorn and is sad that she'd rather spend time at the fair with the cute, shirtless honey seller boy. Phoney and Smiley are trying to scan the town into betting on a "mystery cow" in the great race. They know Grandma will win but
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their scam comes into light...but not before the rat creatures interrupt the corrupt race. And, of course, it leaves you craving the third book...

This was my third book in the Bone series to read. I really appreciate the quick pace of the novel and the lack of romance/violence. I didn't notice any inappropriate language in this one so I think it'd be great for a classroom (once this series isn't quite so expensive!). [Book don't last very long in my classroom without being destroyed, ripped, or stolen.] My only complaint behind this book is that not much action happens to follow the overall plot. You don't really see the dragon or severe villian (thought you meet the rat creatures again).
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LibraryThing member FINNIAN11
In this book Phoney Bone plans something so devious I could not stop reading.
LibraryThing member elizabeth2001
Bone- The Great Cow Race is a great book. It is about Bone and his cousins trying to get away from the rat creatures. Bone, Foney, Smiley, Thorn, and grandma are surprised when the rat creatures break into grandmas farm.And there is a cow race, Foney and smiley are entering the cow race but the are
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in a cow suit and they make bets so they make it look like that the mystery cow is going to beat grandma ben. It is a really good book, So if you like adventure book you will love bone.
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LibraryThing member JenJ.
The mystery slowly continues to unfold and I'm loving every minute of it. Thorn and Bone are both such appealing characters and it's easy to sympathize with others as they become infuriated by Smiley and Phoney. Gran'ma Ben's who intrigues me the most though - I'm looking forward to finding out
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what her story is. And of course I love the humor provided by the stupid, stupid rat creatures. Looking forward to the rest!
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LibraryThing member broccolima
Characters-interesting, lovable, and funny.
Storyline- well paced, with a couple sub-plots. Humorous and engaging.
Design/art- I don't much about art, but I really liked it. The rat-creatures were oddly adorable.
LibraryThing member ajohnson2371
Once again, Jeff Smith has another winner on his hands. Can't wait to start book #3 with Marcus!
LibraryThing member SoulFlower1981
This second scholastic edition of this series was just as good as the first volume. This edition maintains the child-like and simplistic nature that draws the reader into the series. The mystery also starts peeling away slightly as we begin to understand who the real players are and what may be
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happening, but it is still only slightly. This collection is great because it is really about a cow race. I don't want to give away plot points, but it shows strongly the character of Grandma Ben in my opinion and helps build her up as an important character of the entire series. I also like several of the interactions and dialogue here because it adds humerous repetitive jokes, but also helps to create layers to the characters. I again must applaud Smith for his work because he has created something truly unique in this series and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the Bone series.
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LibraryThing member Boutilier
This book is asome
LibraryThing member MrJPenguin
Summary: This sequel picks up right where the first volume left off, with the three Bone cousins preparing to go back home to Boneville, and the citizens of the Valley preparing for their annual Great Cow Race. However, as usual Phoney Bone is plotting a get-rich-quick scheme to interfere with the
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race, dragging his hapless cousin Smiley along to do the dirty work. Unsurprisingly, this causes trouble for Fone Bone, and their allies Thorn and Grandma Ben. Even with all this comedy going on, there are a few strange circumstances happening. This adventure is far from over.

Personal Reaction: Like with the first book, I greatly enjoyed the second. The art style is as awesome as the story's plot. Both the mystical elements and the comedic keep me intrigued.

Classroom Extension Ideas:

1. Have everyone gather together to talk about the kind of weird dreams they might have had like Thorn's.

2. Take all the students outside and let them run their own Great Cow Race, just without the Cow part.
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LibraryThing member jennyo
I'm not a big graphic novel fan, but the Bone books are pretty funny (especially the quiche-loving monster), and my son loves them.
LibraryThing member bobbybslax
This one was more interesting for me since the setup is out of the way. The characters get more time to interact with one another while curious things develop at the story's edge. And the cow race itself makes for a fun plot/setting.

Original language


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Physical description

133 p.; 6 x 0.5 inches


0439706394 / 9780439706391
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