
by John Grisham

Hardcover, 2011



Call number




Hodder & Stoughton (2011), 400 pages


Law firm partners Oscar Finley and Wally Figg see a chance for huge financial gain when they learn of a pending class action lawsuit against the makers of Krayoxx, a popular cholesterol-reducing drug suspected of causing heart attacks.

User reviews

LibraryThing member PilgrimJess
I feel that it is only fair to admit upfront that I am a huge fan of Grisham's books and have read the vast majority of his books, legal or otherwise.

Now I have got to admit that when I initially started this book I honestly felt that it was going to be a disappointment, it just seemed like a
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rehash from some of his earlier novels. Overworked but well paid, under-sexed lawyer= The Firm, chasing ambulances, personal injury and divorce cases = Street Lawyer, mass liability case = King of Torts. However right from the start there was a sense of humour that was missing from all the above and this became more and more apparant as the book progressed.

The book showed the seedier side of the American legal profession as the little guy battled the giant corporation but I actually felt rather sorry for all the participants other than the Tort lawyers. Wally and Oscar had their problems but were basically pretty nice guys, the drugs company were protecting a safe product for seriously over-weight people, the toy company were trying to do the right thing and even Nadine Karros was only doing the job that she was handsomely paid to do but eventually stopped short of doing a real hatchet job.

Now while the general plot was pretty unbelievable, not in your wildest dreams, and the ending was fairly predictable, if you are, like me, a fan of Grisham's work then this is one of his better ones. If you are a novice to his works, then this book is not a bad place to start
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LibraryThing member bohemiangirl35
David Zinc, an 80-hour a week associate at a top law firm, just can't survive one more day of billing every hour of his life with no breaks. He literally can't make himself go to his desk, so he dives back into the elevator, runs from the building and spends the day in a nearby bar getting drunk
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and reveling in his rebellion. When the bar tender puts him in a cab, he ends up on the doorstep of seedy "boutique" law firm, Figg and Finley, and announces that he wants to work there. Wally Figg is a hustler always on the lookout his get-rich-quick case and dreaming of being in his own blaring t.v. ads. Oscar Finley is trapped in horrendous marriage and trying to keep Wally from embarrassing him with blatant law violating ads on bingo cards as he literally chases ambulances for cases.

This unlikely trio goes on a wild ride as they cut their trial teeth on a high profile case. The book is a fun, easy listen and Dennis Boutsikaris does a great job with narration.
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LibraryThing member vintagebeckie
The last Grisham I read/listened to (The Associate) left me feeling eh. I have always loved Grisham and was really let down. So when faced with a long solo car trip last week, I had mixed feelings about listening to the audiobook version of The Litigators. What I got was a very enjoyable
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experience! Boy am I glad I picked it up. The Litigators is page-turner or in this case a disc flipper! I became immersed in the firm of Finley and Figg and their new associate, the former 80 hour work horse from a big firm downtown, David Zinc. David is a good guy and good lawyer who literally stumbles into his new firm. Wally Figg is always looking for that one big personal injury case to break into the big time. Senior partner Oscar Finley is beaten down by his marriage and the 40 years he has spent on the fringes of good lawyering. None of the lawyers have any litigation experience, but that doesn’t keep them from going after the surefire case that will bring them riches untold. Grisham displays an irreverent humor in The Litigators that had me laughing out loud. It also gave this reader something to think about in its portrayal of the tort Bar. The audiobook is read by Dennis Boutsikaris who did a great job portraying all the voices in the book. I was thoroughly entertained and the miles and time flew by. I think this would be a great book to read as well.

So if you are looking for a great audiobook to pass the time on your commute, trip, or treadmill, pick up The Litigators.

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LibraryThing member FerneMysteryReader
From the very first pages, I knew I'd enjoy this Grisham novel and found myself routing for David Zinc from the moment that he climbed back on the elevator and decided there had to be a better way than the long, grueling, thankless, billable hours in a prestigious downtown Chicago megafirm. He was
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on the "fast track" but at age 31, there comes a morning when he decides he’s done with being a part of the corporate law firm way of life.

I loved the character of Rochelle, the office secretary at Finley & Figg. Her morning routine at the office made me smile every time it was described.

This is definitely one of the Grisham novels I've enjoyed the most - not as a legal thriller - just due to the characters of David and Rochelle.
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LibraryThing member LivelyLady
When burnt out attorney, David Zinc, joins the firm of Finley & Finn, he is in for a surprise. This was not how he was taught law should be practiced, nor had his previous five years at a large, corporate prepared him for this little fly-by-night firm. However, he does stay in the game. While
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assisting his law associates with a case in which they are in over there head, he stumbles across something that forever chances his life.

I had heard this was not his best, but I thought Grisham did an excellent job. I could see this as a movie, both funny and dramatic! Would recommend this for any Grisham fan.
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LibraryThing member lamour
My first Grisham and I found it to be a quick, entertaining read. I think I may have learned a bit about the law as well.
LibraryThing member KatKealy
Perhaps I've gotten to the point where I've read too many John Grisham books again, but this really felt like a couple of his other books I've read tossed in a blender.
LibraryThing member shazjhb
Grishman not at his best but still a good read
LibraryThing member ashmolean1
Loved this book. It was very entertaining. Grisham added humour to his usual courtroom dramas.
LibraryThing member blockbuster1994
The Litigators reads like a fairy tale to me. No greater story then a street lawyer doing good deeds for deserving people, then being rewarded handsomely for it with a good life and financial success. Its pure entertainment.

John Grisham is a master at character creation. Most of these guys are
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stereotypical and even predictable. Usually, I eschew such a thing, but not in this book. I really liked how the story unfolded and what happened to the involved people.

The Litigators is an easy, fun read.
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LibraryThing member cmeilink
I've been a fan of John Grisham's since The Firm, so I was very eager to read The Litigators.

Although this book followed Grisham's quick, easy-to-read writing style, for me, it fell a little short. Everything tied up so quickly and easily at the end that it left me feeling a little cheated.

The main
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character, David Zinc, leaves his big, reputable firm and his hefty paycheck for the simpler life. And what does that "simpler life" mean? David stumbles into the office of Finley & Figg, two lawyers at the bottom of the food chain, and decides that this is where he wants to work. Ambulance chasing, advertising on bingo cards--there is nothing that Wally Figg won't do. When he hears about a drug that could be causing death in patients, Wally skips over little things like actually discussing these allegations with professionals--perish the thought--but proceeds to file against a megagiant pharmaceutical company.

The resulting trial is definitely one for the books.

I still recommend this book to all legal-genre addicts although on numerous occasions throughout the story, you'll find yourself thinking "Are there really lawyers like Figg in practice?" Scary thought...
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LibraryThing member everfresh1
Usual Grisham - easy, quick, entertaining read. I didn't find the main character realistic though. Do such 'saint' litigation lawyers exist?
LibraryThing member Clara53
For me, "The Litigators" was quite an improvement on John Grisham's previous two novels. There was his usual cynicism, of course - he is a master of that - but this time there was also a streak of "goodness" and "fairness", which was refreshing. His characters (especially the negative ones) are
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always rather colorful. A nice read.
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LibraryThing member suetu
John Grisham isn’t taking things too seriously

There may be no literary cachet to this admission, but I’ve always enjoyed John Grisham novels. They’re fun, they’re entertaining, and Grisham rarely lets me down. A lot of his novels come packaged with a message, but his latest, The Litigators
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is really just a romp. It opens with successful bond lawyer David Zinc “snapping” on the way to his 80-hour-a-week job. Instead of the office, he spends the day in a bar getting absolutely blotto and reevaluating his life. Clearly changes have to be made. Still enormously inebriated, David staggers into the offices of Finley & Figg. If you were being charitable, you might call them “ambulance chasers.” Senior partner Oscar Finley and junior partner Wally Figg are a couple of hustlers scraping by in their street practice. They aren’t too picky about their cases, and don’t loose any sleep over legal ethics. What other law firm would actually hire a drunken lunatic with no relevant experience?

Finley and Figg would because Wally insists that their ship is finally going to come in in the form of a huge mass torte case against a drug manufacturer. This case may indeed be their ticket to the big time, but all meal tickets come with unexpected complications. I’ve made the premise of this novel sound light, and it is, but things do get heavier as the story goes along. It’s a good yarn, but the real strength of this novel is the characters. It’s hard not to root for David to find his way as he swims with the sharks in treacherous legal waters. Wally is a larger than life and deeply flawed character, but it’s hard not to root for him, too—for the entire firm of underdogs. Even a bar patron with a walk-on role held me captivated. The story moves quickly and the end is satisfying.

I was looking for a light vacation read and The Litigators was exactly what the doctor ordered. I shall look forward to seeing the film (that is surely in the works) some day.
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LibraryThing member Twink
Well, I had great plans to jot down some notes and quotes to share with you about John Grisham's newest book - The Litigators. Yeah, that didn't happen.... because it ended up being a non stop read for me - I picked it up on a Sunday morning and turned the last page late (late) that night.

I was
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hooked from the opening pages. David Zinc has toiled away at a prestigious law firm in relative obscurity for the last five years. Until the morning he realizes he can't do it anymore and walks away. And lands at the firm of Finley & Figg - ambulance chasers, divorce court specialists and anything else they can make a buck at. Although Wally and Oscar refer to the office as a 'boutique firm', they are anything but - Wally has just placed an ad for the firm on local bingo hall cards.

When Wally gets wind of a potentially big case involving a big name cholesterol drug. It seems folks taking it are suffering heart damage and even death. If they can find a few cases of their own and ride on the coat tails of the big players in a mass claim action suit, they could all be rich. It seems simple enough......and that's enough of the plot given away.

What made The Litigators a non stop read? The characters for sure. Wally and Oscar's tactics are cringe worthy, their actions walk a fine line between working for the law and breaking it, but you just can't help rooting for them in this David and Goliath fight. David is eminently likable as well. He is sense and reason, but with a new found freedom since escaping the big firm drudgery.The personal storyline involving his wife Helen also added much to the book.

It seems like Grisham has a lot of fun writing The Litigators - there is a sly sense of humour underlying the entire book. I laughed out loud many times at the situations and dialogue. It was eye opening to see the legal maneuvering - much of the machinations involving the drug companies and lawyers gave me pause and made me wonder how much of it is fact. Quite frightening actually.

The Litigators is by far one of Grisham's best in my opinion (and I've read them all) An absolutely entertaining page turner that will be a well deserved best seller!
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LibraryThing member Beamis12
If not for the mistakes with Chicago locations, and I expected better research from Grisham, this book would have been a solid 4. That said I did enjoy the story and the fantastic characters
LibraryThing member bdouglas97
typical Grisham. I found it a bit boring.
LibraryThing member ChelleBearss
Not Grisham's best novel, but an entertaining read none the less.

David is a lawyer in a big corporate firm with 600 employees. His boss treats him badly, he works 100 hours a week and he can't get his wife pregnant as he is always too tired for sex.
On his way into work one morning he starts to have
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sweats and freaks out and literally dives back into the elevator to escape work. After spending an entire day in a bar and meeting some interesting people he attempts to take a taxi home, but instead ends up at a "boutique law firm" and drunkenly asks for a job.
Surprisingly the two partners actually take to David and allow him to join their firm. David quickly realizes this firm is the furthest possible from what he is used to and he quickly finds himself in over his head.

Grisham is usually good for a quick fun read and stays true to form with this one.
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LibraryThing member Doondeck
Another good Grisham tale. He has improved his storytelling with each book, but Time to Kill is still his best.
LibraryThing member Laura_Corbett
How did I like it? I loved it! It was so nice to read a legal novel that had humorous characters. I found myself laughing out loud often throughout the book. I also so enjoyed the ending. Yes - it pays to be a nice guy! What a refreshing thought! Even if you aren't a legal eagle Grisham fan, I
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think you would enjoy this book. To me this reminds me more of Grisham's "Skipping Christmas" than it does of most of his other legal novels. A big thumbs up from me!
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LibraryThing member Suzieqkc
I really like John Grisham's stories. I wish that this book had been a little faster-paced throughout. The end really picked up but I took a long time to read the book because I just couldn't stay interested.
LibraryThing member ATechwreck
Harvard educated lawyer breaks down at his high powered law firm and ends up drunk at a ambulance chasing firm. He decides to try his hand at working with the people, and gets involved in a particularly sleezy lawsuit.

The writing is great, the story moves quickly, and the depiction of the employees
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of the Finley and Figg is great but the view of our legal system is so ugly that I found the book irritating. Can't help but wonder how much money is wasted in frivolous lawsuits in reality!?!?
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LibraryThing member Nirmala-books
A great story as always from John Grisham, with an interesting inside view of many corrupt processes within the legal system and on huge pharmaceutical companies that would make profit by selling poorly tested drugs to the poor and make massive profits for themselves. One main character in the
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story, the lawyer David Zinc who ran away from the highly-paid law firm in Chicago to get established in a small law office that was merely struggling to exist, is a person with a big heart filled with compassion for the victim/little-fry. He begins working in a new direction from this small office, going after malpractice in big companies that deceive the public for profit, to come to settlements that could help the victims. I love Grisham books because in addition to an absorbing, absolutely wonderful story, one can meet so many varied and interesting everyday characters through his narrations..
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LibraryThing member sharlene_w
Thoroughly enjoyed this rollicking adventure about a worst-case-scenario liability lawsuit. The characters were flawed, yet endearing, the plot was fast-paced and interesting. The hero (and heroine, his wife) were very like-able and I found myself reading quickly and constantly to get to the
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hoped-for happy ending.
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LibraryThing member christine8232
Great start, good ending. The pages in between so-so.

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Physical description

385 p.; 6.42 inches


1444729705 / 9781444729702
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