Buy, Buy Baby: How Consumer Culture Manipulates Parents and Harms Young Minds

by Susan Gregory Thomas

Hardcover, 2007



Call number




Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2007), 288 pages


An investigative journalist examines how marketers exploit infants and toddlers and the broad, often shocking impact of that exploitation on our society. It's no secret that toy and media corporations manipulate the insecurities of parents to move their products, but this book unveils the chilling fact that these corporations are using--and often funding--the latest research in child development to sell directly to babies and toddlers. Author Thomas also reveals the lack of evidence that "educational" shows and toys provide any educational benefit at all for young children, and the growing evidence that some of these products actually impair early development and could harm our kids socially and cognitively for life. Underlying is a dangerous economic and cultural shift: our kids are becoming consumers at alarmingly young ages and suffering all the ills that rampant materialism used to visit only on adults--from anxiety to hypercompetitiveness to depression.--From publisher description.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member SelimaCat
You must read this book. Right now.

This book looks at how "spokescharacters" are directly marketed to babies and toddlers, at how "educational" toys and videos are marketed to parents, and how Generation X's quirks influence their parenting (and susceptibility to marketers). This book hit me hard.
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I was amazed to see my own parenting style so neatly described in her discussions of Gen X parents. This book is packed with studies and insider information that add some muscle to her discussion, rather than relying on rhetoric alone. As I read it, I kept reading snippets aloud to my husband (so many that he now feels he doesn't have to read it). Husband finally said "so what does she want us to DO?" She does give a clear outline of action at the end, actions on the personal, community, and governmental levels, which help keep the book from being a tirade.
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LibraryThing member Terzah
A great book that underscores yet again why children shouldn't be exposed to too much TV and other "media" influences at too young an age. I liked the author's clear summaries of the scientific research (as well as the unscientific assumptions) in this area, as well as her characterization of
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Generation X parents. I recognized myself in her depictions, and will leave my TV *off* until my twins are at least three.
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Original language


Physical description

288 p.; 6 inches


0618463518 / 9780618463510


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