Secret Pizza Party

by Daniel Salmieri

Paperback, 2013



Call number




Scholastic (2013)


While Raccoon is eating pizza at his secret pizza party, he sees a masquerade party going on in the house next door to him and joins the fun.

User reviews

LibraryThing member capiam1234
We liked Dragons Love Tacos and thought what's not to like about a Secret Pizza Party? Great illustrations and a lovable raccoon, but in the end when the raccoon ends up stealing the pizza as a means to an end what kind of message does this condone?
LibraryThing member Sullywriter
A pizza-loving raccoon goes to great lengths to get his paws on a pie.
LibraryThing member acahil3
Secret Pizza Party is a book about a very hungry raccoon that would love to have a big cheesy pizza pie. The story starts by showing all the delicious qualities about pizza in order to get the reader's mouth watering. The raccoon spends his time planning and dreaming about how great his
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secret pizza party is going to be. After his is able to bring home a pizza, he becomes very nervous that he will be caught and hides at home. He then realizes that people are not always very good at keeping secrets, and that there is a huge "secret" pizza party outside. The people allow him to come to their not so secretive party and he goes crazy for the pizza, and gets chased out of their secret party.

This book draws the attention of young readers because who can really turn down a book about pizza. Throughout the entire book the author incorporates the literature strategy of comparison. We see this strategy used when the author compares "regular pizza parties" to "secret pizza parties." By adding humor in with this strategy, children should be quick to respond with their own comparison of two of more events or parties. Reading skill is at a low level with few "challenging" words for young readers. The author does introduce a couple higher skill vocabulary words to the reader, such as the word barricade.
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LibraryThing member lmcswe1
I had a mostly negative opinion about this book. This was another book that I picked out because the title and cover seemed intriguing, and it wasn't until later that I realized it was by the same author as “Dragons Love Tacos.” The main reason I didn't like this book was because it was really
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random and didn't seem to have any identifiable plot. The author was trying too hard to be funny, and as a result the book came off as immature and awkward. Despite the obvious plot setbacks, I did enjoy the illustrations. They were interesting because there were a lot of details that were unnecessary but cool to look at. For example, all the jars in the background of the pizza kitchen were labeled. This information was not important to the story,but added an essence of realism to an otherwise unrealistic story. I have to say that I could not find a big idea present in the book, as there didn’t seem to be any message. The whole purpose of the book was to entertain and attempt to be humorous, so any sort of moral or lesson got lost in translation.
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LibraryThing member csteve13
Summary: This book explains the benefits of having a secret pizza party instead of having a regular pizza party. The book starts off talking about how the raccoon wants to join the pizza party but he just steals the pizza. Pizza is convenient because of how you can take it anywhere. The raccoon
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plans to have a secret pizza party since no one will let him join. The thoughts behind keeping it secret are that when something is a secret it is special and not as boring. The raccoon dressed up in a disguise to get the pizza but the pizza man figured out it was a raccoon and chased him down. Then he takes the pizza and has his own party but from running away from the pizza man his pizza got destroyed. He hears noise and realizes that people are having their own secret pizza party. He put on a mask and decided to join the party, thinking no one would recognize him. The people realized he was a raccoon and were not happy. They chased him out with brooms as the raccoon grabbed all the pizza that was left.

Argument: This book was really cute with great illustrations. Again, it didn't really have a main message. I think this book was more designed to entertain children with a raccoon who loves pizza. The raccoon sneaking around and getting caught and chased around is something that children do find entertaining. The only thing similar to a message from this book is to ask permission before taking something. At one point in the book, the people say "if only the raccoon asked." This isn't the main point of the book but I think that if children could grab that concept it would help them learn the lesson to ask for things that they want!
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LibraryThing member bigkristin
Adam Rubin is a hilarious author. Instead of narrating stories from the main characters point of view, the readers basically get to narrate the story by Rubin’s writings. I liked this story a lot because it is not like a typical book. I have read many funny stories but this one has its own
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humorous plot. The plot of the story is hysterical and entertaining. The main character is a raccoon who loves pizza. Right away, this would catch the attention of young readers because of its literature character’s traits. Everyone knows that raccoons' do not eat pizza. However, Rubin wanted to add something different to this story. The message of the book is no matter how much you want something, stealing is not the answer because in the end, all thieves get caught!
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LibraryThing member TeresaCruz
This book was so much fun to read with great illustrations. Everyone loves pizza!
LibraryThing member LexaGoldbeck
I really loved this book. I think that it is very entertaining for children because, for one, children love pizza. The author is very humorous with his writing. For example, when he says, "Ah, pizza......So beautiful, you could hang it on the wall of a museum" and the illustration has the piece of
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pizza hung between two paintings with two individuals staring at it. Also, when he is talking about why they're keeping the pizza party a secret he explains that making something secret, makes it special. He says "Regular handshake: boring. Secret handshake: Booyah!" The illustrations below each of the sentences make them very amusing.

This story has no real plot, and no real message. Something I thought could be a message, however, was the importance of asking for things. The raccoon isn't liked because he always just takes the pizza. However, if he would just ask for a piece of pizza, they would probably have given it to him.
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LibraryThing member srogel1
I enjoyed reading this book for many reasons! First, I think the topic/concept is super cute and creative! Although the position/role of the raccoon is in a slightly negative light, the students may like his sneakiness and cleverness! Also, everyone (or almost everyone) can relate to how much they
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love pizza, which can conjure up discussion about a favorite type of pizza, a favorite topping, or a favorite pizza place! Even though this book/concept is silly and not very educational/informative, the students can still have discussions with one another and the teacher about certain things within the book such as the characters, the plot, the setting, and the voice/narrator of the story. That being said, the second thing I like about this book is the narrative voice that tells the story to the reader. Usually, students are used to reading books where a certain character (that is evident in the story) is telling the plot and giving their own opinions on what is happening. But this book, having the omniscient narrator, may confuse some younger students. But, if this book was used in an older elementary classroom, the teacher could introduce the term ‘omniscient narrator’ and read this book aloud as an example for the students. Overall, I enjoyed this book very much and I definitely will consider it for a read aloud for my future students!
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LibraryThing member aloupe
This book is about a raccoon who loves pizza but everyone is always chasing him away, so he plans to have a secret pizza party. This books is so funny and will make kids laugh a lot. The illustrations were even more funny and every page was filled with details that had me looking at every
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characters expression.
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LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Raccoon tries to get in on some pizza action. Funny illustrations.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Raccoon tries to get in on some pizza action. Funny illustrations.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Raccoon tries to get in on some pizza action. Funny illustrations.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Raccoon tries to get in on some pizza action. Funny illustrations.
LibraryThing member mirikayla
It's hard to say, but I'm pretty sure this is even better than Dragons Love Tacos. Can't you just tell by the cover? I was laughing on almost every page.
LibraryThing member aratiel
Did anyone else notice that the pizza man is missing his mustache in one scene in the middle of the book?
LibraryThing member sweetiegherkin
A raccoon loves pizza but is shooed away from ever getting any. So he embarks on a plan for a secret pizza party, which mostly consists of him going in disguise to steal a pizza and eat it on the sly before anyone catches on.

This is a very humorous book that elementary-age children are sure to get
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a kick out of reading. My minor hesitation in recommending it would be that raccoon is committing theft, so some adults may not want to encourage that. However, on the whole, this book is silly enough for that not to be seen in such a serious light. The illustrations complement the text nicely.
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LibraryThing member Linyarai
A really cute story of a raccoon and his love of pizza
LibraryThing member jennybeast
Raccoon and the paean to Pizza. Hilarious.
LibraryThing member sloth852
Pizza is my favorite dinner, so I'm biased, but I really enjoyed this playful romp where a raccoon schemes to eat pizza in peace without having brooms swung at him.

Physical description

8.8 inches


0545801060 / 9780545801065
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