Lord Dashwood Missed Out: A Spindle Cove Novella

by Tessa Dare

Ebook, 2015



Call number




Avon Impulse (2015), 144 pages


Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML: A snowstorm hath no fury like a spinster scorned Miss Elinora Browning grew up yearning for the handsome, intelligent lord-next-door...but he left England without a word of farewell. One night, inspired by a bit too much sherry, Nora poured out her heartbreak on paper. Lord Dashwood Missed Out was a love letter to every young lady who'd been overlooked by gentlemen�??and an instant bestseller. Now she's on her way to speak in Spindle Cove when snowy weather delays her coach. She's forced to wait out the storm with the worst possible companion: Lord Dashwood himself. And he finally seems to have noticed her. George Travers, Lord Dashwood, has traveled the globe as a cartographer. He returned to England with the goal of marrying and creating an heir�??only to find his reputation shredded by an audacious, vexingly attractive bluestocking and her poison pen. Lord Dashwood Missed Out, his arse. Since Nora Browning seems to believe he overlooked the passion of a lifetime, Dash challenges her to prove it. She has one night… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member gpangel
Lord Dashwood Misses Out by Tessa Dare is a 2015 Avon publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

I have enjoyed most everything I’ve read by this author, but I haven’t been able to read as many of her books as I would like,
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but when I saw this was a novella length story, I was sure I could squeeze it into my review schedule. I’m so glad I did!

Years ago, Elinora Browning was humiliated by Lord Dashwood, leaving her frustrated, angry and heartbroken. She never recovered, unfortunately, and began to write about her feelings. She never dreamed her essay, entitled “Lord Ashwood Misses Out”, would actually be published and become wildly popular among other women, so much so, she is invited to speaking engagements.

On her way to one of these gatherings, she finds herself stuck on a coach ride with none other than Lord Dashwood himself!! Has he read her pamphlet by chance?

This story has a huge heart and lots of charm, a few laugh out loud moments, and is very romantic. I loved how Dash helps Elinora realize she can be a strong, independent woman, and still have a marriage and children, and continue setting a positive example for her readers.

Naturally, once I started reading this story, I wished it could have been longer and fleshed out more, because it was so much fun! 4 stars
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LibraryThing member bookworm2bookworm
This novella comes between books four and five in Spindle Cove series and if you haven’t read the stories in the previous books, you just might be a bit lost, so I do recommend you read them first before getting to this one.

The series is set in Spindle Cove which is home to many women who’ve
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made this place their refuge from society. They made it their home and are trying to discover ways and means of getting on and accepting themselves for who they are and each one will learn to stand for what she believes in. They are a ‘motley crue’ of women, with one thing in common: freedom from men.

This is Nora's story and out of all the books in this series, this one is my least favorite. I just had a hard time with the plot as well as with the characters. They just didn't click in my mind and when that happens, I just can't enjoy the road to happily ever after.

However, I had a lot of fun reading and catching up with the characters from the previous books, so in the end I do recommend this story to all of you that have invested in this series.

Melanie for b2b

Gift copy provided by the publisher for an honest review
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LibraryThing member PNRList
Nice quick read. I usually don't like it when a heroine is so certain she is "the one" for the hero (I skip over romances where the woman chases the man), but this one wasn't really like that. The plain and spinster aspects are barely referenced but they're there. I liked this installment!
LibraryThing member WhiskeyintheJar
2.5 stars

“Do you know,” he said, “you’re ravishing when you’re trying to hate me forever.”

Was fun to get glimpses of past main couple's from the series. Alas, the novella format alludes me again with rushed romance and a not quite historical feel.
LibraryThing member ladypembroke
I love Dare's writing, especially her novellas. She manages to make your care in so few pages. Some of this book was silly, but the romance was sweet and fun.
LibraryThing member authorjanebnight
Synopsis: Eleanor had a crush on Lord Dashwood who was her and her brother's close childhood friend. Ultimately, Lord Dashwood leaves without pursuing a relationship with Eleanor who writes a pamphlet called Lord Ashwood Missed Out. When she again encounters Dashwood he threatens to sue her for
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libel unless she can prove that he did, in fact, miss out.

My rating:

First off, let me say that I read this novella before reading the Spindle Cove books which it exists around. I felt like that ended up being a distinct disadvantage and if I could go back I would read it after some of the Spindle Cove series. The characters in the series play an important role in this book and not knowing them was a huge disadvantage. Early in the book I felt the scenes with the Spindle Cove characters were a distraction from the Eleanor and Dashwood story I had picked the book up for. By the end, I was more invested in the Spindle Cove characters than in Eleanor and Dashwood.

I didn't connect with Eleanor and Lord Dashwood in the same way I have with other Tessa Dare characters.

I also didn't love the actual plot though I had found the initial premise intriguing. As reveals start to happen I became annoyed with the story set up.

There was less steaminess in this book than I was expecting based on the premise as well as my previous experiences with the author. What was there was well done.

As always, Tessa Dare is an amazing writer and even if this wasn't my favorite of her books it was still above average where romances are concerned. Tessa Dare adds so much humor to her books and I always have a fun time with them. The characters are spirited and often feel as if they could exist in modern romances even though they are written in historical novels. Tessa Dare also has interesting set ups. While I wasn't sold on how some of the things worked in this novel I was intrigued by the idea and the initial set up.

Tessa Dare is an amazing author and even though this novella wasn't my favorite I am looking forward to reading more from her.
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LibraryThing member samnreader
If only....
If only it hadn’t been a novella
If only they hadn’t had to share space with every other couple
And every other character
If only it weren’t for those weirdly paced starts

I enjoyed some of the dialogue, some of the steam, the cute gestures
But in the end, it seems we all missed out
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on the best parts: the developing relationship and characters.
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LibraryThing member JorgeousJotts
I was more interested in the side-story about the characters we already know from previous books, but these two new characters were okay.
LibraryThing member thewestwing
Enjoyed this novella mainly because it was good to catch up with previous characters from the Spindle Cove series. But the story itself is short and fun.

Original publication date


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