Curses, Broiled Again!

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


Did your cousin's wife's dentist's daughter go to the tanning parlor once too often and had her insides cooked? Has your husband's brother's nephew teacher try to make a dead rabbit look alive? If so, you've heard--or you yourself may have told--two of the seventy-plus legends in this collection.Urban legends are "those bizarre but believable stories about batter-fried rats, spiders in hairdos, Cabbage Patch dolls that get funerals, and the like that pass by word of mouth as being the gospel truth." But of course, though often told as having happened to a FOAF (friend of a friend), they aren't true. Included in this collection are legends about sex, horror, cars, business, and academia. Among them are "The Bible Student's Exam," "The Pregnant Shoplifter," "The Ice Cream Cone Caper," "Don't Mess with Texas," and "Mrs. Fields' Cookie Recipe."… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member iayork
Curses! Broiled Again!: Curses! Broiled Again!
By Jan Harold Brunvard
Myth and Legend
Curses! Broiled Again! is a book of a lot of urban legends. The legends are about horrors, Cars, animals, accidents and mishaps, sex and scandal, business and government and academics. The book is about a woman
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who writes legends in a newspaper. She hears legends from people and people write to her about legends they've heard.

My favorite one is called The Unstealable Car. It's about this guy who has a classic sports car and every night he keeps it parked in a garage, has cardboard sheets under the wheels, has thick steel staples sunk into the concrete of his garage, and attaches the car using heavy chains around the car and staples, which are secured with several locks. He parks the car facing the garage wall, with a tarp on top. When he takes off the tarp to reveal the car, it's all locked up but is facing the garage door and there's a letter under the wiper blade is a note that says, "If we want the car, we'll take it."

The author wrote a bunch of short stories. I liked the book because it was a lot of stories so it flowed very well. I would recommend this book to people who like legends and short stories.
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