Foreign Affairs

Book, 1969






Publisher Unknown (1969)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Jenniferforjoy
Well, my goodness. I think the most important thing that I can say about this book is that it very much caught me off guard. The characters, the relationships both primary and secondary, and above all, the ending: none were what I expected when I decided the title sounded interesting.

So why two
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stars? Because though it had a strange grip on me despite not having a lot of actual action or active draw, it's not one I've thought much about since I finished it. Even while reading it, I had several other books during that I would flip to instead when I wasn't feeling interested in this one so much (which is why it took three weeks to read).

What I liked best about this book was how unexpected many of the traits of the characters were for me. Unfortunately, the characters were also what felt the most lacking. It was a somewhat strange contrast, since they had these little moments of being dynamic and surprising, but overall felt kind of flat and cliche. There's the handsome man who's never had to try for anything, the spinster academic, the waify moody actress, the straight-up Texan with a secret... eh. Really, probably the main reason I finished this is because it was as an ebook which made it easy to read on the train.

By the end of the story, it felt like the characters had gone through personally changing experiences, but then continued to act and live the same as they had at the beginning. It was odd. I love an ending that doesn't answer all questions or does something that might make some readers unhappy, but this just felt like a strange cutoff after everything throughout.
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