Fox in Socks

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


The smart Fox uses difficult tongue twisters to get the confused Mr. Knox in trouble with his tongue.

Media reviews

As we mouth his refusals, we ourselves conform: we, readers of books aloud, have pronounced exactly the tongue-tying utterance that Knox declares himself unable, or unwilling, to say.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Edwardlynn
The Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twisting games with his friend Mr. Knox. But Mr. Fox Socks isn't about to let Knox off so easy, he finds hard tongue twistered. Knox's eventually catches onto the game.
LibraryThing member eay2206
This is a fun book about ryhmes. I love how you could do the reading in socks. This is easy for little ones to read.
LibraryThing member AnneDenney
The girls love it. I don't care for Dr Seuss' illustrations at all, but the language is funny enough.
LibraryThing member C.Mathers
This book is considered as an easy-to-read book. It was written by Dr. Seuss in 1965. This is a rhyming book and Dr. Seuss labels it as a beginner book. This book is about a fox in socks and his friend Knox. Fox starts off by rhyming and then Knox tells fox that he just can’t do it because, “My
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tongue isn’t quick or slick.” Then they go on and play a rhyming game about sewing, and Knox is quickly tired of the game. The story goes on with fox trying to rhyme and Knox getting upset because he cannot rhyme. In the end Knox gets so frustrated that he pushes fox into the bottle with the beetles and makes up his own rhyme.

The illustrations in this book are amazing. In the beginning you can see that fox is happy to come across Knox and that Knox is happy. As you go throughout the story you can see the facial expressions clearly. Knox gets surprised a lot because fox is constantly putting him in weird situations and his eyes are wide and his mouth is opened, as if he was saying, “What just happened.” Toward the end of the story you can see Knox’s confusion. His face is droopy, his hands are mostly together, and there are squiggly lines above his head. At the end of the story Knox gets completely frustrated and it is drawn clearly in his face. Fox’s surprise is also all over his face as Knox shoves him into the bottle with the beetles.
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LibraryThing member ashtonrice
book is kind of tricky and has rhyming words!
LibraryThing member benware
This is such a fun book! It is full of tricky tongue-twisters. It is one of my favorite books to read to my boys.
LibraryThing member seldombites
This is one of my all time favourite kids books. Kids love hearing mum or dad trip over all the tounge twisters. The twisters start out simple, then get harder as you go along. A very fun book to read to your kids.

Page one reads:

LibraryThing member clong
This is without a doubt my all time favorite from Dr. Seuss. The tongue twisters are silly and truly challenging and the illustrations are great. My 21 month old daughter has started pulling this one off the shelf at bedtime, and let me tell you, it is a pleasant break from book after book after
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book of "The New Adventures of Curious George." The tweedle beetle section has to considered one of the all time supreme tongue twisters. I much prefer Fox in Sox to Oh Say Can You Say, which inexplicably seems to be the better known of the two. This one is fun, and funny, and it gives your tongue some serious exercise. What more could you ask for?
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LibraryThing member Menagerie
My daughter and I are big fans of Dr. Seuss and we have most of his books. Fox in Socks is one of our absolute favorites. Seuss pulled out all the stops with this one. The tongue twisting rhymes are challenging every time, but at the same time the story and pictures are just plain fun. We make a
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contest of it to see if we can read the whole book without making any mistakes and we go as fast as we can. This book is fun from start to finish and is one of our all-time favorite children's books, period.
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LibraryThing member hailelib
A terrific tongue-twisting book. A favorite read-aloud for my son many years ago that still goes over well with children as much as six or seven years old when I read it to them.
LibraryThing member conuly
This book is nothing more than a list of tongue twisters.

Each set of tongue twisters gets progressively harder and harder (not to mention more and more disastrous in the illustrations) until Mr. Knox throws his hands up in frustration, and it all starts over again.

Definitely read it before you read
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it aloud! I'd also recommend this book for the late stage of early readers - the words are just simple enough for them to actually be able to read them, while the wordplay is tricky enough to make it a really fun challenge.

There are a few minor concerns. First of all, the fox really is a nasty character, and uses language that I know some parents object to - calling Mr. Knox dumb, that sort of thing. And of course it shows some violence in the tweedle beetle battle.

This sort of thing doesn't concern me, but if it does concern you, as always, read before you buy.
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LibraryThing member Charlee526
It is a great book for young readers. The word rhyme, so it is helpful to teach reading.
LibraryThing member rjmcwhorter1
This is definitely a book for a young crowd of students. I enjoyed it, and it has clever illustrations.
LibraryThing member mjbengtson
A great book to read to beginner readers. It has many rymes and will help students to listen to phenomes in words. I will read this book to my young readers like Kindergarten or 1st grade.
LibraryThing member ejhamilton
This books was a typical Dr. Seuss book with hand drawn illustrations. This book had lots of rhyming in it and it had a fun humors story to it. It had a lot of "tounge twister" phrases in it but that young children find humorous and would love to read aloud. This book uses a poetry to tell a story
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about a fox in socks that goes on many different adventures.
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LibraryThing member dangerlibearian
Seuss is awesome, but this one would be quiet a mouthful for storytime. Lots and lots of tongue twisters, and maybe too long?!
LibraryThing member clhildreth
This is a great Dr. Seuss book. It can be a tongue twister so be careful if you read it as a read aloud. This book can be used to show students different word families.
LibraryThing member dgadkins88
This Fox is a tricky fox. He'll try to get your tongue in trouble." Dr. Seuss gives fair warning to anyone brave enough to read along with the Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twisting games with his friend Mr. Knox.
LibraryThing member incunabulum
Fox in Socks is an absolutely delightful dance through thickets of tongue-twisting English prose - you cannot stop yourself from flying faster and faster through the levels of tongue-twistedness..and yet, you get tripped up on nearly every page! It's best to read this aloud to someone else,
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preferably a post-toddler kid who is him/herself learning the vagaries of English pronunciation. :-)
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LibraryThing member judychadwick
A fox with socks goes through a series of tongue twisters that get more and more complex until Knox finally has enough.
LibraryThing member dbhutch
This book even comes with a disclaimer for you to read this book aloud and see how smart your tongue is. This book is about tongue twisters and they can get tricky for even some adults if they are trying to read it to fast.
LibraryThing member Katie20
This is a book about rhythm. Mr. Fox talks to Mr. Knox. They discuss different items that rhyme. Mr. Knox can not rhyme like Mr. Fox. They talk about how these words are tongue twisters. This book is complicated for children, but fun to say for fluent readers. It is interesting also.
LibraryThing member menaramore
A fox in sox takes a knox on a wild adventure where they meet new animals doing all kinds of silly things. The fox wants the Knox to repeat the tongue twisters as a game. He steadily becomes angry and tells the fox he can not say such things. As they continue, the Knox finally catches the Fox and
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stuffs him in a bottle with his other rhyming friends.
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LibraryThing member awiltenburg
A silly Seuss book full of rhyming, tongue twisting fun....... Its too lengthy for the super young but a silly book too..... grades 1-2
LibraryThing member Aecape
Fox in Socks is a great book to have in the classroom. This is another rhyming story. These books have really fuuny pictures that students love. Aslo, since the words do rhyme, they are easy reads for beginner readers. When i have my own classroom, I will have all the Dr, Suess books. I think they
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are a great collection to have! There are easy reads and students really enjoy reading them. Fox in Socks in one of those books and really helps students learn to read.
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