It's Obvious You Won't Survive by Your Wits Alone

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


A collection of cartoons featuring Dilbert, who delivers deadpan observations on office life, accompanied by Dogbert, his sarcastic and power-hungry dog, who feels infinitely superior to human morons.

User reviews

LibraryThing member StormRaven
Dilbert is the cubicle dwelling everyman engineer who stands in for everyone who ever had to deal with a boss who doesn't understand what they actually do, had to sit through endless meetings about teamwork and quality, or screwed up a date by wearing a short-sleeved polyester dress shirt and
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talking about computer code. As usual, Scott Adams' sharp, biting satirical look at the life of the nerdy and their working environment is funny and frequently bitterly sad because it is often true.

(On a side note, I just watched the Babylon 5 episode "Moments in Transition", in which Adams appears in a bit role as, well essentially himself, and wants to hire Garibaldi to find his cat and his dog who are trying to take over the universe. Dilbert says that becoming one with his computer is Nerdvana. I disagree. Watching Adams on Babylon 5 is).

As usual, Adams manages to mix bizarre material, such as Bob the dinosaur, Ratbert the lab rat, and Dogbert, the dog who wants to rule the world, with even more bizarre material such as pointy-haired bosses and the inanity of the corporate world. Only a strip like Dilbert could demonstrate the idiocy of things like "Rivers and Trees" Management courses and "Quality" office slogans by juxtaposing them with a megalomanaical dog giving common sense lessons and starting a clues for the clueless newsletter. (One of my favorites is a strip when Dogbert makes people apply for a license to have children, and finds them woefully unqualified; almost as funny are the strips where Dogbert offers his own unique brand of marriage counseling). It is a truly sad commentary on modern life that the material involving bizarre animals such as a lazy beaver, or robots with attitude issues (constructed by the garbage-man no less) seem less surreal than the realistic depictions of the working world.

As always, Adams hits the ball out the park with almost every strip. From Dilbert musing on the meaning of life while Dogbert insults him, to Dilbert's adventures in being rejected on dates, to the almost random insanity that flows from Dilbert's alternatively clueless and evil boss, every strip is brutally funny, and painfully honest. This is yet another excellent installment in the Dilbert lexicon, and one that anyone who has ever worked in a cubicle will almost certainly enjoy. Those of you born to lives of silver-spoon wealth and the fast track to upper management (for example, the very tall with executive hair) can safely skip this book. The rest of us should consider it required reading.
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LibraryThing member iayork
Its Obvious That Adams Can Survive By His Wits Alone!: Most comic books, to me, are funny. But I can't really tell any difference from book to book. For some reason, this book strikes me as the funniest in my collection of about 5 Dilbert books. While Dilbert isn't my most favorite cartoon
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(probably because I'm not an adult), but its the one that I can laugh the most at particular outrageous strips. Want 476 good laughs for twelve bucks??? Buy it Now!!!
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LibraryThing member IllanoyGal
Another funny book about corporate life.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
Just as funny as I remember it to be.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
Just as funny as I remember it to be.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
Just as funny as I remember it to be.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
Just as funny as I remember it to be.
LibraryThing member BenKline
Typical fun entertaining Dilbert comic strips. Despite not being an office-worker I've always enjoyed Scott Adams/Dilbert's humor.

Original publication date

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