
by Jane Austen

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


Anne Elliot lives at Kellynch Hall with her two sisters and vain father Sir Walter. When financial struggles begin to affect the Elliot family, they decide to move to Bath. Anne decides to visit before the move, and runs into many old friends. Most surprisingly she is reunited with Fredrick Wentworth, a past fiancé who under advice from her father and friend Lady Russell never married. Wentworth's lack of wealth and rank in the community were their main concerns and therefore eight years later Anne is still unmarried with little romantic prospects. However, through her journey and move Anne may find that what she has been looking for was right in front of her the whole tim

Media reviews

L'occasion de s'attacher aux amours empêchées d'une héroïne tout sauf résignée.

User reviews

LibraryThing member atheist_goat
I first read this when I was about fifteen. "How boring!" I thought. "I want Lizzie Bennets, and Elinor Dashwoods! What is up with this homebound quietly-suffering Anne Elliot? I'm supposed to be interested in her? Pshaw."

I re-read it when I was twenty-seven, Anne Elliot's age. To say I got it is
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putting it mildly. It is, in my opinion, the greatest novel Austen wrote, and one of the greatest novels ever written. I re-read it whenever I need to believe in love or hope or patience, and every time I cry hysterically for the last twenty pages or so.

The age at which most reader girls are tearing through Jane Austen is far, far too young for this book. I just wish I could mail every woman a copy in her twenty-seventh year.
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LibraryThing member lauralkeet
I often find it difficult to review great classic literature -- what can I say that hasn't already been said? And so it is with Persuasion, one of Jane Austen's later works. This novel tells the story of Anne Elliot, an unmarried woman in her late 20s. Several years before, she was persuaded to
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break off a relationship with Captain Wentworth, and they went their separate ways. She now plays second fiddle to her sisters: Elizabeth, the eldest, has assumed the "lady of the house" role opposite their widowed father. Mary, the youngest, is happily married with young children. Anne moves between both worlds -- navigating the simple country pleasures of Mary's life, and tolerating her father's insufferable vanity and social climbing. Although it seems Anne is often taken advantage of, Austen makes it clear that she is the stronger character in all of her relationships.

The story progresses, in typical Austen fashion, on a course that eventually brings Captain Wentworth back into Anne's life. Yet the couple are constrained by the conventions of the day, which make it nearly impossible for two people to express feelings to one another. Much time is spent watching, and second-guessing, the actions and motives of others. How frustrating this must have been! Austen is masterful in describing the tiny movements and expressions that carry so much meaning. As Anne and the Captain slowly dance around each other, Austen uses Anne's family to serve up some delightful satire of society and vanity.

To date I have read all but one of Austen's six published novels, and consider Persuasion my favorite.
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LibraryThing member brenzi
Love lost and love renewed, but oh so much more complicated when it occurs in upper English society. And who better to lay it out for us than Jane Austen. The plot is fairly uncomplicated: Anne Elliot is the overlooked middle daughter of the arrogant baronet Walter Elliot, who spends flagrantly
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beyond his means and feels that it’s his right to do so. More than seven years prior, Anne turned down a suitor, Capt. Frederick Wentworth, on the advice of her good friend and mentor, Lady Russell. He was completely unsuitable for someone of Anne’s fine breeding and station in life. After all, he had no fortune. Now, Capt. Wentworth has returned, in a much improved position, financially, and Anne sees in him what might have been. All these intervening years had found no match for him in Anne’s eyes. Austen throws in a couple of other romantic possibilities for her but they are rather unacceptable because Anne is not only beautiful but very, well, intelligent.

That Austen is a master of characterization goes without saying, but I especially enjoy her skewering the upper class know-it-alls who love their position on high, looking down their noses at the rest of the insignificant populace. Although not quite as pompous and lacking in common sense as the infamous Mr. Collins of Pride and Prejudice, (because let’s face it, no one does obsequious quite as well as Jane Austen)Austen’s depiction of Anne Elliot’s sister Mary is priceless. She seems never to be given her full due and is often ill, which becomes suspect to those around here as Austen describes her illnesses so deliciously. Anne goes to Mary’s for a lengthy visit:

”Here Anne had often been staying. She knew the ways of Uppercross as well as those of Kellynch. The two families were so continually meeting, so much in the habit of running in and out of each other’s houses at all hours, that it was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course. Though better endowed than the elder sister, Mary had not Anne’s understanding nor temper. While well and happy, and properly attended to, she had great good humor and excellent spirits; but any indisposition sunk her completely. She had no resources for solitude; and inheriting a considerable share of the Elliot self-importance, was very prone to add to every other distress that of fancying herself neglected and ill-used. In person, she was inferior to both sisters, and had, even in her bloom, only reached the dignity of being ‘a fine girl.’ She was now lying on the faded sofa of the pretty little drawing room, the once elegant furniture of which had been gradually growing shabby under the influence of four summers and two children.” (Page 27)

Austen is the master of satire and wit, which is what I find so surprising about her writing and so unexpected. And of course, so good. And her characterizations are unparalleled. And she can take a very simple, uncomplicated plot and turn it into as mesmerizing a read as any thriller. Up onto the reread shelf with this one. Very highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member bookworm12
I've been a Jane Austen fan for a long time. I've read her six completed novels and have loved all of them, but in very different ways. Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility introduced me to the brilliant author. They are beautiful odes to love conquering all and the huge blessing it is to
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have a sister you love, no matter how different you are. Their main characters are shaken by misunderstandings and steered by naïveté.

Northanger Abbey and Emma feature somewhat silly girls that let their imaginations run away with them. You somehow still love them, because though they may be simple or selfish, they really do have good hearts. Mansfield Park is Austen's picture of perfecting one's character. Fanny is just so damn good that it's a bit frustrating.

Of course all of these books are much more complicated than my quick sentences allow me to explain. So you should read all of them!

But Persuasion, this book is different from all the rest. Maybe it's because it was the last full novel she wrote. Maybe it's because she had experienced a bit of love in her life by that point. Whatever it is, it gives this book a depth and soul-shaking intensity that makes it my favorite.

The premise is simple. Anne falls in love with Wentworth, but her family says he's too poor and persuades her not to marry him. All of this happens before the book begins and in the opening chapter we are 8 years in the future. Anne is still single and Wentworth returns to her town. Now they are both older. Any feelings they share or don't share aren't based on infatuation or young love. They are both mature and have had years to decide what they really want out of life. This slow burn is intoxicating.

If you've never read Persuasion you're missing out. I love Austen's more celebrated novels (P&P and Emma), which have been made popular by movies and modern remakes (aka Clueless), but it's Persuasion that won my heart.
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LibraryThing member elliepotten

Oh, how I loved this book. I have just officially found my new favourite Austen novel. And the ridiculous thing? Once again, I was guilty of repeatedly skipping over this one on my shelves because it might be, well, a bit boring... Since I started getting stuck
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into Mount TBR I'm learning that some of my favourite books of the year/ever turn out to be ones I had repeatedly rejected, underestimated and shoved to the back of the queue.

Anyway. Anne Elliott. What a girl. Although the style of this novel was a little archaic, and sometimes I had to go back and reread a particularly convoluted sentence or two, Anne Elliott captured my heart completely. She has all the virtue of Fanny Price and none of the weakness. She's loyal and loving and perceptive - but she has a much deeper inner strength, and doesn't have to sit down in a rose garden every time she ventures out of doors for two minutes.

Yet again Austen's world has translated into a story this modern girl adored and understood completely. Within a chapter or two I was swept up in the heartache of Anne's separation from her beloved Captain Wentworth seven years ago, and her horror at having to meet him again, knowing that she was still in love with him. Her humiliation was heartbreaking, her dignity enviable. I watched their slow reconciliation with bated breath, tried to figure out the good guys from the bad guys... and I must admit, the Captain's heartfelt, desperate letter to Anne as he clutched at his chance to marry the woman he loved made me cry. I have never cried reading Austen before - only watching it!

I also recommend the Sally Hawkins/Rupert Penry-Jones adaptation, which against my better judgement I watched immediately after finishing the novel. I wasn't disappointed at all - although a few details had been switched around or made a little more concise, much of it was quite faithful, particularly the dialogue. Anne's misery is perhaps even more heartbreaking as a visual representation than it is in Austen's polished prose, and I cried all over again...
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LibraryThing member readingwithtea
This was the novel I found most unlike that which I expected from Austen. An unhappy love story, a woman unconscionably ill-used by her family, lack of sisterly affection among a family of girls, feelings of obligation to marry after having dallied (usually the men have to be harried into marrying
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the object of their attentions)… and a sensible mother. Admittedly one who dies young, but still leaves the care of her daughters to her almost equally sensible friend. It also contained the first mention of girls at school (or perhaps I missed references in other novels) in Austen’s work, and unusually for Austen, the heroine dislikes Bath and its “white glare”, professing a “very determined, but very silent, disinclination” (which I think is my favourite Austen quote?).

I have to say, I like Anne Elliot. She reminds me of a few friends! She’s not perfect and knows it, she can be self-indulgent about her broken heart, but notices the irony of her situation. She shows pride and jealousy and the whole range of emotions one would expect – so many of Austen’s characters are unbalanced in one particular direction (Elinor is too sensible, Marianne too emotional, Elizabeth is too feisty, Jane too beautiful, Catherine too inexperienced, Emma too meddling) – Fanny and Anne alone are characters I might expect to meet.

I recently read that Persuasion was named in a Top 10 list of books about jealousy – and I can now understand why. Usually in Austen books there are x couples, y of whom are either in or out of love at any one point. In this one, there are x men and x women and the permutations are endless – I imagine it to be like one of those circular dances where every round each dancer ends up with the partner one along from their previous partner. At least in the end everyone ends up with the right person, and some pairings were completely unexpected.

On the whole, the plot was both more complex and made more sense than most of the rest, possibly excepting P&P and Mansfield Park – but in MP no one moves very far. There were also some interesting discourses on the differences between women and men when it comes to emotions, a bit of social justice and lots about pride and class (not focussing so much on money as in other novels, but purely on social hierarchy).

I would rate this second among Austen’s books – having not read Pride & Prejudice since high school, it might have to come equal second with that, but certainly no lower.
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LibraryThing member LisaMaria_C
This is my favorite of all of Austen's books. Not the wittiest or with the most appealing heroine--that would be Pride and Prejudice. I do find Wentworth the most appealing of the Austen heroes though. He's a self-made man and the theme of merit versus aristocratic privilege and pride runs through
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the book. Which is not to say I don't feel for Anne. She's a quieter heroine than you usually see in Austen. Someone that seemingly was too easily persuaded years ago and seems destined to end her life alone.

I think if for nothing else, this book would have earned a place among my favorites because of one scene. My inner feminist cheered at Anne's defense of women, and their faithfulness in love. And truly, if you aren't melted by the letter Wentworth writes to Anne, you have no beating heart.

As always with Austen, there are winning touches of humor throughout that leaven the drama. Persuasion isn't as comedic as Emma or Pride and Prejudice but it's still a welcome element.

Austen has had an upsurge of popularity because of several adaptations in the 90s. I do love the Pride and Prejudice miniseries and the films of Emma and Sense and Sensibility but I don't feel there's any film adaptation of Persuasion that does it justice. So if you're impression of it comes from those films, all I can say is the book is much, much better!
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LibraryThing member Girl_Detective
The slim, sometimes grim tale is filled with jewel-bright and razor-sharp prose as it carries the reader to the typically happy Austen ending. I often stopped to re-read and marvel at sentences and passages along the way.
LibraryThing member Eurydice
My favorite among Austen's novels, Persuasion beautifully and resonatingly explores issues of persuasion and influence, through Anne Elliot's relationships with her family and the returning Captain Wentworth.

The naval families have an unusual and beguiling warmth. It's in stark contrast to Anne
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Elliot's family members and Bath 'society,' and seems to incorporate the affection Austen felt for her sea-faring brothers. The seacoast is memorable, as are scenes alive with vivid reality, and 'supporting players' including the once-famous Louisa Musgrave. Quiet as she is, a sense of Anne's personality and fortitude is pervasive.

There's a sense of intimacy, maturity, and tempered warmth to Persuasion that surpasses - for me - any of the novels that precede it. It's marvelously crafted.
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LibraryThing member gbsallery
Beautiful, perceptive, delicately written and offering genuine insight into the human condition. In short, a novel, and a damned good one. The subtly-limned implications scattered throughout the work make reading this book enormously rewarding, and the layers of interpretation allow the book to be
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read in so many ways; at one level it is a simple romance (in the modern sense), in another way it is a series of observations about fixity of purpose and the importance of cleaving to your own opinions. To work so well at either of these two extremes of interpretation (and many layers in between) is the mark of a great writer. I think I may have become a Janeite.
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LibraryThing member kristykay22
Jane Austen never disappoints but Persuasion, her last novel, published six months after her death, could be my favorite of all.

Anne Elliot is the middle daughter of the vain and silly widowed baronet, Sir Walter Elliot. She is steady, smart, and observant, and while her strengths are noticed by
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others, she is pretty much ignored and dismissed by everyone in her family. Her biggest supporter is Lady Russell, her late mother's best friend, who has taken the role of a second mother to Anne. When the novel begins, Anne is in her late 20s. We learn that eight years ago she had a brief engagement to a young naval officer, Frederick Wentworth, that was quickly ended by her family and Lady Russell, who persuaded Anne to break off the engagement to the poor and unproven young man. Fast forward to the present and Anne's silly father and snobby oldest sister have wasted the family fortune and need to rent out the estate and move to smaller quarters in Bath in order to make ends meet. Anne spends the autumn before joining them with her needy youngest sister and her family and, while there, meets again with the dashing Captain Wentworth, who is now quite wealthy and in the prime of a distinguished naval career. And to further complicate things, William Elliot, the sisters handsome, estranged, cousin (and heir to Sir Walter), is back on the scene, in the good graces of Sir William, and making eyes at Anne.

Austen masterfully weaves together the story of 18th century manners, enduring love, and the desires and regrets of past persuasions through the eyes of Anne Elliot. This is a complicated story told simply, and a page turner that also has real depth. I can't believe it was written over 200 years ago and if you haven't dipped into Jane Austen yet, this is a marvelous place to start.
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LibraryThing member kjuliff
Those people in the upper echelons of society had too much time on their hands.

With no screens, cars and in a time of peace, novels were full of talk of the minutiae of daily life, and the weather.

I remember my own first love tearing to small pieces his copy of Pride and Prejudice, in utter
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disgust, and though I rank Jan5e Austen novel amongst my favorites, I can now, all those years later, see his point.

Like Anne Elliot, I left my young lover, only to spend much of the rest of my life regretting it. But at least I had the good sense, and lack of talent not to write about it.

Persuasion is much ado about nothing. Every facial nuance, every step, every jaunt into town is described in such meandering detail. I do not want to offend lovers of Ms Austen, but really….

It has been decades since my Mr Wentworth tore up Persuasion in fury at what he saw at a Mills and Boon romance. He was. Wrong, and so was I.

Not your normal review. But neither was Mr Wentworth’s letter. Mr Wentworth would have been better off had Snapchat been available. And I? Well it took me decades to get around to reading Persuasion, and I have to think I’d have been better off not reading it.

Apologies to Austen fans.
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LibraryThing member BeeQuiet
Having enjoyed Mansfield Park about as much as eating grass, I will admit I had no great hope for enjoying Persuasion much more. Still, I was advised that many people who don't like the former still like her other books - how lucky I was that this was indeed the case. Persuasion being the last book
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that Austen wrote before her death, I found that her writing style seemed to have developed, her characters attaining a little more depth, moving away from the incredibly simplistic moral stances of those held by the characters of Mansfield Park to.

Miss Anne Elliot is the ignored and undervalued middle daughter of the baronet Sir Walter Elliot. Sir Walter and his other daughters provide the most obvious caricature of nineteenth century upper class society, being vain, self-obsessed, status-obsessed and oblivious to those matters which should really affect the heart of one morally grounded. This morally grounded influence comes naturally enough in the form of Anne, who is torn between the influence of various characters throughout the book, whilst remaining a great deal more self-confident, mindful of her own opinions, and strongly minded than the dreadfully limp Fanny Price of Austen's former work. Of course the book would not be complete without its love interest (which of course I will not spoil) and I found this too a great deal more satisfying than that of Mansfield. Persuasion finds Austen a more mature writer, more capable of exploring the ideas of morality, status and love that she is so dearly attached to. Nowhere is this more starkly apparent than in a small section of conversation between the protagonist and another character, in which Anne makes plain the enormous influence of male authors of the time in dictating the accepted differences between the sexes. I was delighted by the natural feel of this section of conversation and mindful of Austen being before her time in making such clear observations.

Unfortunately, in spite of me enjoying this book so much more than Mansfield Park, I did find eerie similarities between many of the characters. Austen seemed to have become fixated upon certain archetypal essences of character and simply lifted them from one story to one not entirely dissimilar. I will refrain from explaining further whom I thought could represent whom for fear of spoiling the plot for those yet to read. However I would suggest that Persuasion seemed to be a fresh attempt at a previous story as opposed to something entirely distinct, simply due to the incredible similarity of theme and character disposition. As mentioned before, the substantive differences were enough to allow me to thoroughly enjoy this book where I had not the former, yet unfortunately not enough to entirely repair my opinion of Austen.
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LibraryThing member Calavari
My favorite of the Jane Austen books! While Pride and Prejudice is perfectly wonderful, this one is just so much better for me. I love Anne and I love that she does get torn about a bit and is determined to not let people continue to get in her way.

Society can be cruel and wrong about what is good
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for people. This is Anne's lesson in that very thing. Very relate-able, even now.
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LibraryThing member StoutHearted
While "Pride and Prejudice" is my sentimental favorite, I prefer this novel for its mature writing and its powerful romanticism that refrains from being over-the-top. As Austen's last novel, the theme of regret and love lost and reclaimed seem especially bittersweet and beautiful.

Our heroine Anne,
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is the black sheep of her family, which consists of a vain, spendthrift father and selfish sisters. Anne, on the other hand, is good, sensitive of the feelings of others, patient, and kind. Yet her good qualities made her quite impressionable as a young woman, and she allowed herself to be influenced by a close family friend to give up her true love, Wentworth, because he was not a person of consequence. It is a decision she regrets, but she believes too late to fix... until her love returns as Captain Wentworth: rich, with some power, and seriously bitter about being dumped years earlier.

The novel follows Anne as she endeavors to maintain her composure throughout Wentworth's return, watching him flirt with her sisters-in-law, believing him completely over her. She could not be farther from the truth, and Wentworth's last-ditch effort to ascertain Anne's feelings is a romantic scene that will have you saying "Darcy who?" Indeed, Wentworth's outburst of feeling is the most aggressively romantic effort that any of Austen's heros have made; few exposed their feelings in such a sentimental manner as Wentworth.

The novel is also perhaps Austen's shortest, making it ideal for those not devoted to longer texts. Austen's wit is sharp as ever in this her last novel, rendering it a shame that she could not have blessed readers with more works; we can at least be consoled that she passed at the top of her game.
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LibraryThing member PensiveCat
Probably the most sober of all of Jane Austen's novels, Anne Elliot is on the road to being an old maid when the man she came close to marrying years back returns to her life. It can be painful at times as he is flirted with right in front of her, and she can't say anything as she was the one who
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rejected him in the first place. Of course, she was persuaded to do so, hence the title. Of all of Jane Austen's books, this was the one I stayed up all night to finish.
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LibraryThing member lbowman
All Jane Austen novels are 5 star books, but Persuasion has always been my personal favourite. Anne so deserves better than she has, and so deserves a second chance. She is at the same time so humble, so self-effacing, and yet so quick-moving when she realises she still has a chance. I was
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astonished to see how quickly and decisively she moves, in the film, and then go back to the novel and discover that they had altered nothing - all those scenes are exactly as they are written in Austen. Ciaran Hinds was wonderful in the film, too.
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LibraryThing member koeniel
I found number two! After reading 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Sense and Sensibility', 'Emma' and this book, I decided that 'Pride and Prejudice' still holds the title of Jane Austen's best book, but 'Persuasion' took 'Sense and Sensibility''s previous number two place.

Excessively romantic, Persuasion
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tells the story of Anne Elliot, the daughter of a nobleman, who was forced to refuse her sweetheart's love when she was nineteen, because of the young man's lowly birth and lack of money. Eight years later Captain Wentworth came back successful, with money and handsomer than ever, and Anne found that she was still in love with him. But it didn't seem that he returned the feelings.
If one's a helpless romantic like me, one can't help to fall in love with this book, it has all the perfect ingredients of the perfect recipe - beautiful and elegant girl with high moral and good manner, handsome and perfect gentleman, denied but staunch love. What else could one ask for?

As usual Jane's book provides a portrait of life in 18th century British society. Rank matters a lot and people's place in society is often controlled more by their birth than by money, education or personality. But of course Jane shows that it's not always the case.
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LibraryThing member amandaking
Many people dislike Persuasion because Anne is not her typical protagonist. But thats why I like it better. Persuasion is one of my favorite Austen novels. It's a quieter, more subtle plot. And you can see here the refined, delicate touch of Austen, and the very accurate portrayal of social
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claustrophobia that we all experience. It's a wonder to see where Austen would have gone from here, had she finished Sandition and then kept writing. A shame, I think, because there is so much promise in this last fully complete novel.
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LibraryThing member fyrefly98
Summary: When Anne Elliot was nineteen, she was in love with a young naval officer named Frederick Wentworth, but was talked out of it as being an imprudent match by friends and family. Now, eight years later, she is still unmarried, and still in love with Frederick - who is now Captain Wentworth,
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recently returned to shore with the large fortune he made in the war, and looking to settle down. When they are forced back into each other's company, things are strained between them, and she fears that by her earlier weakness, she has lost him forever. For how can they overcome eight years of heartbreak and regret to be together once more?

Review: I always feel like a bit of a fraud reviewing Austen, or any classic, since so much has been written about it already - who cares about my opinion when many generations of masters theses have been written on the book by people better educated than me?

Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed Persuasion, perhaps not quite so much as Pride and Prejudice, but certainly more than Emma. (I read Sense and Sensibility so long ago that I really can't compare it.) Persuasion's a more mature, sober book, less sparkly and quick-witted, but still an effective send-up of class, vanity, social climbing, and the strictures of society... plus it's one heck of a compelling romance.

Anne Elliot, while not a particularly lively heroine, was immensely sympathetic. First, being a unmarried lady of eight-and-twenty myself, I was rather predisposed to identify with her (although I got somewhat tired of hearing about how her - and by extension, my - bloom of youthful attractiveness was in danger of disappearing at any second and therefore she'd never get married and her life would have no meaning.) I also think that most people have, if not a long-lost love that they look upon with regret, at least someone in their past that they look on with nostalgia, and a hint of "what if...", and that makes Anne's plight recognizable and relatable. Finally, I've long acknowledged my inordinate fondness for boys on boats ("Sometimes you're just in the mood for the British Navy."), so Captain Wentworth is an eminently swoon-worthy leading man.

There are two things that I did wish were a little different. First, there's no secondary romance involving sympathetic characters. Anne's story is enough to fill the pages, but in the other Austen I've read, there is a secondary couple who deserves (and of course gets) their happy ending. In Persuasion, Anne's not surrounded by any other particularly sympathetic young people, and so there's no other couple to root for. (Certainly no one to equal, say, Jane and Bingham from Pride and Prejudice.) My only other quibble with the book is that the pivotal scene at the end of the book is mostly lacking in dialogue, choosing instead to have the narrator explain to us how Anne and Frederick made up without actually letting us hear it. That's a shame, because Austen can certainly write wonderful dialogue, and by not including it at the end, it felt like we were being kept at a distance from the most important part of the story. Still, overall I thought this was a wonderful book, and most definitely one I will return to. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Recommendation: Oh, c'mon. It's Austen, it's a classic, it's not as intimidating as you might think, and it's a wonderful story of love and faithfulness and hope in the face of all seeming lost. Read it, if you haven't already.
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LibraryThing member MickyFine
Eight years ago, Anne Elliot met, fell in love with, and was engaged to the bright young naval officer, Commander Wentworth. However, due to the persuasion of her father and her surrogate mother, Lady Russell, Anne was convinced to break off the engagement due to Wentworth's lack of position and
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wealth. In the intervening years, Anne's affections for Wentworth have not diminished, and when she is again brought back into contact with the now well-off Captain Wentworth, she struggles with her romantic self while pragmatically knowing that Wentworth is highly unlikely to ever renew his addresses to her after the nature of their parting so many years before.

Persuasion is rightly deemed the most romantic of Austen's novels. While her satire and sharp wit are still in evidence in her depictions of Anne's excessively vain father, her superficial older sister, and her attention-hog younger sister, among other characters and situations, it is the yearning of Anne for a romance that she realistically recognizes as impossible that is the heart of the novel. As the oldest of Austen's heroines at 28, Anne is sweet and a little naive, but ultimately sympathetic as she longs for the man she let go for all the right reasons. Notable for the most beautiful letter included in any of Austen's novels, this tale of a love thought lost is a thoroughly enjoyable read every time.
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LibraryThing member yesterdays_blue_sky
This is my favourite Austen book. Quiet, poignant and perfectly written, it has some of the best drawn characters I have ever read. Sir Walter, Elizabeth Elliot and Mary Musgrove are all deliciously aggravating, and Anne Elliot is a compelling heroine.

It is perhaps more serious than Pride and
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Prejudice, and doesn't have the same kick as Emma, but don't let that put you off. It's had me laughing at Austen's seemingly flawless perception of human foibles and aching with sympathy for her heroine. It's also the most romantic of Austen's six novels, without ever becoming sappy.

Am I gushing? Yes. But go read the book.
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LibraryThing member Lynne_M
This is probably my favourite Jane Austen. Its been quite awhile since I read it but something about poor Anne Elliots plight touched me in a way that, while I enjoyed them, none of Austens other novels did. Annoyingly whenever I atempt to describe it to anyone I become disgustingly girly and start
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talking about unrequited love, and longing and will they/won't they...this doesn't do it any justice whatsoever!
A great love story.
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LibraryThing member Elphaba71
This is a beautiful love story, may be not one of Austens more well known novels. It has a sadness and delicacy of tone that takes it to a different level. Anne Elliott is a great character, with an intelligence steeped in experience coupled with a good and true heart, and is at the centre of a
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novel that offers absolutely everything that you could wish for in a novel. Just perfect.
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LibraryThing member pgchuis
Re-read for my OU course. Short and relatively light, despite being seen as her most "mature" work. I like Admiral Croft and his happy marriage - a picture of what Anne and Wentworth can aspire to. Mr Elliot's character is not entirely convincing, I don't think - if he is so concerned to keep an
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eye on Sir Walter, why doesn't he just marry Elizabeth at the end? I also find it hard to warm to Mrs Smith, who is by turns uncomplaining, happy to exploit Anne's influence when she becomes Mrs Elliot, and then very keen to expose Mr Elliot's wickedness and complain a lot. Mary's character is very entertaining and I think Lady Russell a little underwritten.

I'm glad Wentworth and Anne get together again obviously, but their only real one on one conversation prior to this is the one they have at the concert in Bath - obviously a lot of meaningful glances and telepathy involved as well.
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