The Egyptologist

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


Just as Howard Carter unveils the tomb of Tutankhamun, making the most dazzling find in the history of archaeology, Oxford-educated Egyptologist Ralph Trilipush is digging himself into trouble, having staked his professional reputation and his fianc©�?ee's fortune on a scrap of hieroglyphic pornography. Meanwhile, a relentless Australian detective sets off on the case of his career, spanning the globe in search of a murderer. And another murderer. And possibly another murderer. The confluence of these seemingly separate stories results in an explosive ending, at once inevitable and utterly unpredicta

Media reviews

The cast of Arthur Phillips's comic novel "The Egyptologist" could have come from one of those deliciously campy old Hollywood mummy movies.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Meredy
In addition to numerous conventional virtues, what makes this book extraordinary is its use of not one but two unreliable narrators. Each of them misapprehends events in a different way, and yet through their misguided narratives the author allows the reader to glimpse the truth.

It's almost as if
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we were looking through two panes of glass, each with an amorphous shape painted on it, and discerning a figure only in the area where the two overlap--imperceptible if you see just one of them (and also if you fail to look at the reflections in the shiny surfaces). A remarkable achievement.
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LibraryThing member auntmarge64
Totally unexpected and one of the most memorable books I've read. The story is written like a spiral, bringing the reader closer and closer to the truth about the main character, who believes he has found a pharaoh's tomb to rival Tut's (being excavated nearby by his rival Howard Carter). Wild,
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horrifying, vivid. How I wish I could find something this wonderful to read even once a year!
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LibraryThing member LukeS
In "The Egyptologist" Arthur Phillips gives us a murder mystery that features an Australian con man (named Caldwell, posing as Trilibush), a foppish Brit who "read the Pharoahs" at Oxford, and a dim Aussie detective who'd like to sell his idea of this story to Hollywood. All this is set in the
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exciting backdrop of Egypt in the '20s, with the world agog with the King Tut discoveries.

Principal among Caldwell/Trilipush's ambitions is the hand of Margaret Finneran, daughter of mobster money, but he believes he has to find a real Egyptian treasure to make himself worthy. His belief in this treasure is the driving energy behind the narrative. Too bad the belief is based on poor information, incomplete evidence, and outright falsehoods. In the end our protaganist's belief becomes maniacal: he comes to equate himself with his apocryphal Egyptian king, and kills himself. He leaves in his wake, confusion, uncertainty, murder, blackmail, and a dead gangster.

Phillips is very generous with his readers. We learn in plenty of time of Caldwell/Trilibush's delusion; there is wonderful dialogue - witty, and spot-on with the vernacular of the times. We have a complete understanding of story when the two men die at the end - the dream of discovery, the mystery of the Egyptian king who never existed, and the mayhem our would-be social climber caused.

This book has a wondeful cast of characters, an exciting climax, and takes us on a trip to a far-away land and time. I recommend it - take and enjoy.
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LibraryThing member Oregonreader
This is an epistolary novel, told in a series of letters from several of the main characters. Those from Ralph Trilipush, Oxford grad, Harvard lecturer, archeologist, date from 1922 during a trip to Egypt to hunt for the tomb of Atum-hadu, whose existence most experts doubt. The letters reveal a
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man so confident that he is always right and destined for greatness that he filters everything through that belief and you quickly get the sense that there is only a grain of truth in his letters. His constant posturing and self-justification are very funny and cleverly written. The remaining bulk of the letters are from an Australian private detective who stumbles across Trilipush's trail and sets out to find him. Phillips is very clever to use this format to tell his story as the letters reveal the characters so clearly. It quickly becomes obvious that the letters are all self-serving and the truth somewhere in between. As the story progresses, you get a sense that it is headed for disaster. The ending does not disappoint. This is a very clever, beautifully written book.
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LibraryThing member shanarra
I absolutely hated this book .. I felt like I needed to wash my brain after I'd finished reading it (hoping against hope that the ending would make the torture of reading it worthwhile).
LibraryThing member jburlinson
This book started like a house afire. Unfortunately, the house was made of straw, so it burned out after the first 50-70 pages and all that was left were some smoldering embers and and .loose pieces of gold & silver left over from incinerated costume jewelry.
LibraryThing member lectrix
I'm still surprised that not only did I start this novel, but I could scarcely put it down until I'd finished it. With its unreliable narrators, epistolary format and absence of sympathetic characters, it seemed to be precisely the kind of too-clever-by-half literary novel that I can't
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Ralph Trilipush is a British archaeologist obsessed with a little-known pharaoh whose erotic writings he has translated. He's excavating in Egypt at the same time as Howard Carter, of whom he's madly jealous. Trilipush's background and credentials are obscure, his financial backing unreliable and possibly unsavoury. There are murders, conspiracy and shady dealings, sometimes comically inept; nothing and no one are what they appear to be. Suspicions are aroused and someone sends a private detective to put a tail on Trilipush, who has by now discovered the location of his shadowy pharaoh's tomb near to (but just out of sight of) where Carter is about to unearth the treasure of Tutankhamun.

The story is told entirely in extracts from Trilipush's journals, contemporary letters and telegrams, interspersed with much later correspondence that the now-aged detective sends to a young relation of the aforesaid fiancee. These elements are so skilfully spliced together and allow the characters to unwittingly reveal so much about themselves that this reader, at any rate, was immediately hooked and unable to let go until the shocking denouement. And not even then, if truth be told.

If had to say what The Egyptologist is about, I'd go for ambition, greed, self-delusion and the quest for immortality at any cost. It's a black comedy laced with subtle jokes (some of which I suspect I may have missed on a first reading), and like the best comedy, it has tragedy and pathos at its heart.

Murder-mystery fans might be disappointed to guess whodunnit quite early on (it's the how and why that are truly intriguing and unexpected), and Egyptophiles might regret that the novel doesn't time-travel, but for me this was a hugely enjoyable and satisfying read.
Sarah Cuthbertson
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LibraryThing member Wilhelminawren
A rather original twist on a murder mystery set in the 1920s; the heyday of archaeology in Middle East. The narrative is told from different point of views, from the british gentleman turned archaeologist, to his rich American spoiled fiancee, to an Australian private eye investigating a missing
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person from his native home of down under. Things are not what they appear to be either. The Author has done his homework so a thread of authentic history and archaeological methods reinforce the story, so you are not asked to suspend belief for the sake of this zany but plausible surprise ending. Good reading for 4 seasons!
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LibraryThing member bcquinnsmom
I can't believe all of the naysayers who've reviewed & totally panned this book. I've seen this book called "boring," "tedious," "stuffy," but I have to say that I disagree with the best of them. I genuinely loved every second of this book and rather than devouring it all at once like I normally
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do, I read this over several days, slowly, so I wouldn't miss a thing.

I don't even know how to begin with my thoughts on this book. So I'll start with the basics. Would I recommend this book? Yes. There is a mystery, but it is quite easy to figure out pretty much at the beginning, so if you're looking for this book to get a mystery reading appetite whetted, this probably wouldn't be your first choice. If you are looking for something unique in the literature realm, then definitely I would recommend this book to you.

Told in an epistolary format, Phillips writes from the points of view of the "unreliable narrator". Set in the early 1920s, chief is the voice of Ralph Trilipush, Egyptian explorer in the early 1920s, in Egypt at the same time as Howard Carter when he makes his discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb. Very early on the reader comes to realize Trilipush's self-aggrandizement (is that a word?), from little hints from his journal entries, especially when he addresses "Reader," in his journal. So right away you can figure that anything coming from Trilipush must be suspect. Trilipush works at Harvard as an associate adjunct professor, and has found backing for an excavation to try to locate the tomb of King Atum-hadu. He meets Margaret Finneran, who just happens to be an heiress to the Finneran's Finery fortune; her father decides to get together a group of investors for the project and send Trilipush on his way to Egypt after he assures them of wealth and riches beyond their wildest dreams. Things go well for young Trilipush, until an Australian detective, Ferrell, comes to Boston as part of his travels to track down information regarding one Paul Caldwell, an illegimate heir of the Davies Ale fortune. It turns out that Caldwell was a soldier in Turkey at Gallipoli, and wandered off after WWI to Egypt and along with Hugo Marlowe another WWI soldier, was never heard from again. Ferrell's travels have led him to friends of Marlowe, notably, one Ralph Trilipush. Ferrell's perceptions are mediated mainly through the passage of time and memory; he is looking back at his investigations some thirty years later, and is also writing them down in letters, so what he has to say must also be looked at closely. Also, Ferrell tends to gain clients at every turn through information he offers to various people involved in his search -- adding another level of scrutiny to how he goes about his work and what conclusions he comes to.

You really should go and read a synopsis of this work; I can't really begin to do it justice. The book is probably one of the best I've read this year, suffused with irony and dark humor. A VERY intelligent piece of writing and I absolutely cannot wait to see what this author does next. I loved his Prague, and this one was even better.

side note: if you pair this one with Nabokov's Pale Fire, you'll do yourself a favor.
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LibraryThing member boltgirl
This mystery centers on the disappearance of a bumbling archaeologist from 1920s Egypt while on the trail of a lost king who may or may not have existed. Told from the viewpoints of several different characters via their correspondence, it follows the Egyptologist, his fiancee, his financiers, the
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private eye hired to find him, and the long-lost bastard son of an eccentric Englishman between Australia and Africa.

The story starts a bit slowly but picks up after what only feels like several hundred pages--holy cow, but they used tiny fonts on this book--as the letters from the hapless Ralph Trilipush reveal him as inexorably as his sketch maps reveal the nature of his king Atum-hadu, by turns haughty, self-absorbed, amusing, absurd, pitiable, and, finally, tragic.

It drew me in. I'm glad I stuck it out.
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LibraryThing member podperson
Kind of weird novel set in Egypt at the time of Howard Carter. A man commits an odd sort of fraud only t oend it very badly indeed.
LibraryThing member KatieLovett
I only read literary fiction on occasion, but I love all things Egyptian, so I decided to pick this up. And from the moment I read the first line to the moment I read the last, the story held me captive. Even days later I couldn't shake it from my head. I confess that I saw the end coming, but far
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from ruining the story for me, it only enhanced its effect. The Egyptologist is a thought-provoking picture of obssession and the need for recognition, the need to know that yes, your life has been valuable. I highly recommend it.
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LibraryThing member stevenj
one narrator is dishonest, the other is foolish--put them together and you get a lot of fun deciding what really happened.
LibraryThing member carolcarter
With the exception of J. K. Rowling, I cannot think of another occasion when I have read two books in a row by the same author and been blown away by both of them. Until now. I finished Arthur Phillips' The Egyptologist last night. There is very little similarity between Angelica and The
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Egyptologist, the main one being in the excellence of the writing. Arthur Phillips needs to stay off Jeopardy and concentrate on his writing. I haven't been excited about an American novelist since Alice Sebold published The Lovely Bones.

The Egyptologist takes place predominantly in the nineteen-twenties in Egypt (duh). It follows the circuituous, not to say murderous, path of a young man obsessed with ancient Egypt. The story is told through the journals and correspondence of said young man, along with the later (1954) memories of a detective who was on his trail almost from the beginning. So the book is a murder mystery, an adventure tale and a dark descent into the madness of one mind. In the latter case it is quite sad. Mr. Phillips seems to be able to get into the mindset of past eras with uncanny believability. In Angelica he gave a brilliant portrait of the sexual difficulties of the Victorian era and in The Egyptologist we are allowed to feel the class inequalities of the period, not to mention the problems of being gay back in the early Twentieth Century.

Phillips allows the mystery to solve itself with the telling of the tale and it only slowly dawns on the reader what is happening. You can feel like a detective yourself, depending on how quickly you catch on to what is occurring. It is quite a clever and unique way to tell a story and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I am saving Prague for some future time when I need another really good read.
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LibraryThing member verbafacio
The Egyptologist is a remarkable piece of literature, carefully crafted and very engrossing. The story revolves around Ralph Trilipush, an eccentric Harvard professor who is in search of the tomb of Atum-Hadu, a lascivious king who remains unknown to the scholarly world. But Trilipush is not all he
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seems, as the reader discovers from his own journals and recollections from an elderly private detective, Mr. Ferrell.

This book is so detailed; it is completely engrossing. The hints of unreality here and there seem to be intentional, to keep the reader in the same hazy state as Trilipush himself.

About 2/3 of the way through the book, I figured out what was really going on with Trilipush and his find. Knowing the truth doesn't make the unraveling of the plot any less enthralling. This is just an excellent read.
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LibraryThing member bastet
A very ambitious, but ultimately unfulfilling look at a madman who imagines himself to be an Egyptologist. The way the author creates the fantasy is interesting, but I found the ending disturbing--and not in a good way.
LibraryThing member atheist_goat
Pretentious like whoa, overlong, and did I mention pretentious - and I couldn't put it down. I don't even know how to describe this book, but it was quite an experience. At first I thought the ending was hugely lame - spelling out for the reader what had already been successfully brought across,
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and the author must believe his readers to be incredibly stupid if they haven't gotten it yet - and then I thought about it and realized that was totally not what the ending was about, and in fact it was to illustrate something crucial to the story and kind of heart-breaking. Very well done.
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LibraryThing member craso
In 1922 while Howard Carter is uncovering King Tut’s tomb, Ralph Trilipush, also an Egyptologist, is obsessed with finding the tomb of Atum-hadu, supposed Egyptian king and erotic poet. Trilipush is engaged to marry Margaret Finneran, a Boston socialite, whose father is bank rolling the
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expedition. Australian detective, Harold Ferrell, sticks his nose into their business while investigating the death of Paul Caldwell, an Australian soldier stationed in Egypt at the same time as Trilipush. He finds inconsistencies in Trilipush’s background and starts to believe he killed Caldwell.

The story is told through journal entries, letters and cables. Most of the narrative comes from Trilipush’s journal from 1922. The other half of the narrative comes from Ferrell’s letters to Margaret’s nephew written in 1955. Both narrators are unreliable. Trilipush’s narrative can not be relied upon because he is so focused and sure of Atum-hadu’s existence that he can’t accept when the expedition starts to fall apart. Ferrell’s letters are also unreliable because he is writing from a rest home and piecing the story together from thirty-three year old notes and his own memories.

The theme of the story is immortality. Egyptian kings thought they would achieve immortality through the Egyptian burial rituals; being buried in tombs with objects that would help them in the afterlife and mummification. Trilipush believes his immortality lies in finding Atum-hadu’s tomb. As Ferrell writes to Macy, he talks about how they can team up to publish Ferrell’s cases as a series of detective stories.

There are no heroes in this novel. All of the characters are flawed; Margaret is a drug addict and her father hopes Trilipush’s find will pay off his underworld debts. Ferrell falls for Margaret and tries to sabotage her engagement to Trilipush.

Some of Trilipush’s journal entries are tedious. I found myself looking ahead to see when Margaret or Ferrell would add one of their letters to the narrative. Near the end though, Trilipush’s entries became so interesting I couldn’t put the book down. I highly recommend this novel to anyone interested in the psychology of obsession.
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LibraryThing member Bookmarque
The first time I read this book, it was as an audio (and I can still hear the narrator in my head – Simon Prebble did a fantastic job). Not exactly the best format for this since keeping track of names, dates, cryptic clues etc, is best done with a physical book. Thus at the end of my first run
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through, I had more questions than answers. It plagued me for days and I actually did listen to the end part several times. Did I hear and absorb what I think I heard and absorbed? Was the layered irony really that thick? Were the hidden in plain sight deceptions really that pervasive?

Having got through it again in trade paperback, the answer is yes. It is that densely ironic and subversive. Here we find the poster children for unreliable narrators. Second reading as good as the first, but I'm not sure how it will hold up for future reads.
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LibraryThing member Storeetllr
I listened to this on audio a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it, and I've been meaning to read it in hard copy but just hadn't gotten around to it. So, in April 2008, when I had a chance to buy it in book form (trade paperback) at the L.A. Times Festival of Books and have the author sign
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it, I jumped at the chance. Mr. Phillips is a delightful man, very polite and soft-spoken, with the most beautiful azure blue eyes I've ever seen. I told him how much I enjoyed The Egyptologist, and he admitted with a shy smile that it is probably his secret favorite too. :) Anyway, The Egyptologist is a darkly funny novel mostly told by utterly unreliable narrators about the way the truth can be twisted to make reality unrecognizable. All of the characters ~ from the brilliant and ambitious but ultimately pathetic Ralph Trilipush & the wily but slimy detective to Egypt of the early 1900s ~ are well-drawn and spot-on. The Egyptologist reminded me of The Great Gatsby in some ways ~ the writing is fabulous, the narrators unreliable, their quests for immortality and their reinventions of themselves very reminiscent of Fitzgerald's masterpiece, yet it's also great adventure with undertones of horror a la H. Rider Haggard.
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LibraryThing member Kasthu
With just the right kind of ironic humor, Arthur Phillps tries to capture the life of a fictional Egyptologist, Ralph M. Trlipush, in the latter part of the year 1922.

An eccentric old man named Barnabas Davies dies, with the intent to find, and compensate, illegitimate children he has scattered all
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over the world. The investigation leads to one Paul Caldwell of Sydney, Australia, born in the early 1890s and vanished mysteriously in the Egyptian dessert in the First World War. Who was Paul Caldwell? And who is (or was) Ralph Trilipush, the supposed English professor of Egyptology at Harvard University and engaged to the American heiress, Margaret Finneran? Through diary entries and letters, the author follows two stories: Trilipush's, as he prepares to uncover the tomb of an ancient Egyptian pharoah named Atum-hadu; and that of an Australian detective, Harold Ferrell as he recounts his story from a retiring home in the 1950s. The various perspectives each of these two narrators have on the events contained herein are fascinating. Personal bias really and truly does have an effect on the way we view the world.

"Just how secret is secret enough?" is a question Trilipush poses on the matter of Atum-hadu and his buried tomb; but that same question might easily be asked of Trilipush's own life. Ralph gives us marvelous, self-centered accounts of growing up in Trilipush Hall in Kent, which, as the reader will find, are untrue; might also his account of discovering the tomb prove to be a fabrication? There are also mixed accounts of Trilipush's education, as well as his sexuality. The more one plunges into the story line, the more one finds that the stories of Ralph Trilipush and his Egyptian king are remarkably similar. Both seek to achieve immortality through a "third birth." This book is filled with Egyptian lore and trivia, as well as the fictional account of the life of Atum-hadu.

On the flip side is the story of Trilipush's fiancée, Margaret Finneran, and her father, who owns a department store chain in Boston. Both of these characters keep secrets from Trilipush which threaten to destroy the relationship between the Egyptologist and the American girl.
What I thought was marvelous was the deprecating way in which Trilipush describes Howard Carter, who at the moment this narrative takes place uncovers the tomb of Tutankhamen. Lord Carnarvon is secretly called "Lord Cashbags." I also loved the comments Trilipush makes about American tourists and the Egyptian natives. There is, of course, the highly-touted "mystery," which can easily be solved. But the mystery is NOT the point of this novel. This excellent book is a detailed account of a man struggling with his own identity.
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LibraryThing member picardyrose
Everyone, including me, called it brilliant. Can't say more.
LibraryThing member madamejeanie
Just who is Ralph M. Trilipush? He appears to be a highly educated, super intelligent Egyptologist, author of "Desire and Deceit in Ancient Egypt," a questionable translation of papyri found in the Egypt desert with pornographic quatrains supposedly written by King Atum-hadu, the last true king of
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Egypt. But none of the other archaeologists and historians think Atum-hadu ever existed. When Trilipush approaches Chester C. Finneran (wealthy owner of Finneran's Finer Finery of Boston) for funding of his latest dig (to find the golden tomb of Atum-hadu), he becomes engaged to Mr. F's lovely daughter, Margaret, and accepts funding from a group of partners including Mr. F and at least two unsavory men who have made their fortunes in the Boston underground economy. The year is 1922.

Enter Mr. Harold Ferrell, a private detective from Sydney, Australia. Ferrell has been hired by one Barnabas Davies, a dying brewery magnate of London, who spent his youth as a hugely prolific philanderer and member of the Merchant Navy, to help track down one of his many bastard children scattered across the globe (he reckons there are at least 42, possibly 44 of them) before he dies. Ferrell's job is to locate one Eulalie Caldwell in the Sydney slums and track down her oldest son, Paul, one of the likely heirs to the Davies fortune. But the trail he finds is complex and serpentine and brings him hot onto the trail of Trilipush for information.
> From Sydney to London, Boston to Luxor, Ferrell finds and interviews
everybody who has ever met or spoke with Paul Caldwell. He discovers that, regardless of his claims, Trilipush never attended Oxford, was never in the British military at Gallipolli, and indeed, doesn't seem to have existed at all before his appearance in Boston. So, just who is he? Ferrell's infatuation with Margaret only fuels his desire to prove Trilipush is a fraud and a phony.

This book has more twists and turns than a snake's trail. It's told solely through correspondence and "journals" that spans 30 years. It's written with such a razor sharp wit and such subtlety that it was a sheer delight to read, and forced me to actually take notes so I wouldn't lose the clues! LOL Full of dark humor and irony, this is a tale to savor and enjoy. I cannot say this book is humorous because it is a dark and complex tale, but it's written with such flair and talent and wit that I was smiling through the whole thing. Arthur Phillips is a new writer, this being only his second novel, but his talent is huge. The correspondence is from at least five different people, and each one is written in a distinctly different voice. I really cannot say enough good things about this novel of deception, intrigue, adventure and ambition. This is easily the best book I've read this year.

Can I give it a 10? LOL
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LibraryThing member arthos
None of the characters are really admirable. Told by two narrators, neither of whom tells the truth - you have to interpolate from what both say. Clever and well-written, but rather bleak.
LibraryThing member drudmann
Might be the best book I have ever read. Stunning.

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