The Great Texas hamster drive

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


When Pecos Bill's daughter gets two pet hamsters, they soon multiply into the hundreds, so Bill decides to take them all to Chicago where lots of boys and girls want pet hamsters.

User reviews

LibraryThing member eurbanowicz
When the family hamsters start multiplying uncontrollably, the only thing to do is to saddle up and go on a hamster drive! The book follows two children as they drive their hamsters towards the train station to be packed up and shipped off to Chicago so city children can have pets.

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book is so charming. I loved the spreads that had hamsters running along the bottom, and especially loved the part where the hamsters hid in the prairie dogs tunnels. This book would be wonderful in a unit on cowboys and tall tales, as an example of a modern tall tale.

THEMES/CONCEPTS: Tall tales, American west, cowboys, adventure, parody
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LibraryThing member Cheryl_in_CC_NV
Pecos Bill was always one of my favorite tall tales, so I was looking forward to a creation starring his daughter. Well, turns out this story might be better appreciated if read as a stand-alone. Whatley's illustrations gave it an additional star as they're so good.


Nebraska Golden Sower Award (Nominee — 2010)
Oregon Spirit Book Award (Winner — Picture Books — 2007)

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