Officer Buckle & Gloria (Caldecott Medal Book)

by Peggy Rathmann

Hardcover, 1995



Call number




Putnam Juvenile (1995), Hardcover, 40 pages


The children at Napville Elementary School always ignore Officer Buckle's safety tips, until a police dog named Gloria accompanies him when he gives his safety speeches.

User reviews

LibraryThing member KarriesKorner
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah" is what it sounds like to children when we're trying to teach them the simple rules of life. They are important lessons to live by, but how do we convey them to our kids without sounding like the voice on the phone in all Peanuts movies? We could wait until they knock
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themselves almost unconscious to remind them not to lean back in their chairs, or we could read them Peggy Rathmann's book, Officer Buckle and Gloria. Giving them simple reminders like "Never stand on a swivel chair," and "Always wipe up spills BEFORE someone SLIPS and FALLS!" are absolutely hilarious in this brightly colored, visually funny book!

The opening bright yellow pages with stars showing Gloria acting out her simple messages for staying safe are incredibly funny. The title page shows a sad little police officer sitting at his desk, alone, writing down safety tips. Some of his safety tips are inspired by his own recklessness, and that makes the reader more aware of them. Throughout the book there are safety tip violations that children can seek and point out as they are reading the book. Officer Buckle bores his audiences to sleep and the children listing to his safety tip assemblies, are not paying attention to him.

One day Office Buckle gets a new partner -- a dog named Gloria. At first Gloria looks like any other dog, but she quickly proves herself to be quite an entertainer. As she is acting out -- behind Officer Buckle's back -- the safety tips he is reciting, the audience of children sit up to listen and soon are laughing uproariously. Every time Officer Buckle turns to look at his partner, she is sitting obediently behind him. Soon Officer Buckle and Gloria are in high demand, and a television crew comes to film them. It is at that point that Officer Buckle sees his act and is convinced that the audiences prefer Gloria to him, so he quits. Their act flounders when Gloria goes to schools by herself and can't entertain the children on her own.

Interwoven into all the safety tips is a beautiful story about friendship, and what it means to work together. Rathmann is very creative in her drawings, using every inch of her pictures to convey a message. I especially love the bright colors and the drawings of the characters. Children will love this story and will most likely hear and remember at least some of the safety tips. What could be better than that?
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LibraryThing member stharp
What an excellent realistic fiction! This book was so much fun to read. Since dogs are easily trained it most certainly is plausible for Gloria to have pulled the tricks that she did while Officer Buckle gave his talks. The characterization in this book is exceptional. The way that the children
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write the letters is adorable and makes it all the better to read the rest of the story to see how it all turns out.
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LibraryThing member kidlit9
"The children at Napville Elementary School always ignore Officer Buckle's safety tips, until a police dog named Gloria accompanies him when he gives his safety speeches."
LibraryThing member elander
This is a fun story and would be a good addition to a classroom library. It not only discusses safety tips, but shows the importance of teamwork and friendship.
LibraryThing member r13
Officer Buckle enjoys giving safty tips to students. After reading this book, it is fun to allow students to cut out paper stars and write down their own school safty tips.
LibraryThing member EricaD
I loved this book and I think kids would enjoy it too. The illustrations were excellent and went well with the story.
LibraryThing member LyndaHuntley
Officer Buckle teaches safety tips to an uninterested audience until a dog named Gloria goes with him to give a speech. This is when the fun begins. Gloria is hysterical. She performs what happens when students do not follow safety rules. The children are mesmerized and laugh. At the end of the
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performance the children cheer wildly. Officer Buckle thinks that the students are actually begin to listen to him because the student are not having accidents. When he sees what Gloria is doing on television he realizes that the children are laughing at Gloria's stunts. He is so disappointed that the students are actually watching Gloria. He doesn't feel needed any more until she performs without him. He is shocked when students send Officer Buckle notes showing what happened after Gloria went by herself. He decides it is best if he performs with her.
This is a very entertaining and fun book. I would use this book in Kindergarten through second grade. There are so many possible themes that can be used such as safety, friendship and performing. The pictures are very funny. This is a great way to introduce students about safety rules.
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LibraryThing member CTieyah
This is a picture book that won the Caldecott Medal Award in 1996. It is about a police officer who specializes in safety tips and gives speeches to children at school. The children never listen however, until Officer Buckle gets a partner. Gloria, the new police dog starts accompanying Officer
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Buckle to his speeches and captures the attention of the students. When Officer Buckle finds out what Gloria is doing by watching one of his speeches on television, he is not happy and refuses to give any more safety tips. Gloria goes by herself to the school, but falls asleep on stage. That is when the school has the biggest accident ever and Officer Buckle realizes that always sticking with your buddy is the best safety tip yet.

This was a cute story, not to mention the pictures! The illustrations were great, I like how big and colorful they were. My daughter loves this story (which means I have to go buy it now). Kids that have dogs at home can relate to this story because they see their dogs behave and listen when told to do something, but who knows what they are doing when you are not looking at them! They can also see the importance of listening and paying attention to police officers and safety tips.

While reading the story, I would ask the children about the different safety tips mentioned and why they might be important to follow. After the story, the class could list all the different safety tips they know. They could cut out stars and write their tips on them, like the book.
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LibraryThing member MaggieLizz
This book is about Officer Buckle who goes to a school all the time and explains all kinds of safety rules, he already knows or makes some up. His office is full of post its and papers everywhere with rules on them. One day the police department decides to get a dog named Gloria and Gloria begins
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going with Officer Buckle when he gives his safety speeches. As he is going through all his rules the students become interested, not in Officer Buckle but Gloria because she is mocking him. He thinks they are actually listening to him for once, until he watches himself on the news one day and sees what Gloria has been doing. Officer Buckle decides not to do speeches anymore and he let Gloria do them by herself but the students arent watching her now. So he decides to go back and do the speeches even if Gloria does mock him the background.
For an extension, I would go around the classroom and see if any of the students pets mock them or if they do something cool like Gloria did. Another extension would be have the students make up 5 rules of their own for safety around the classroom and they are to watch each student and make sure they abide by those rules.
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LibraryThing member smyers
A Caldecott award winner from 1996, Officer Buckle and Gloria is a great addition to a library. With vibrant pictures, and easy to follow story line, this book will become a favorite of many children. A chubby, friendly police officer whose top concern is safety finds that his routine speeches at
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elementary schools are putting the students to sleep. Officer Buckle joins forces with his new friend, "Gloria". Gloria is a tiny dog that imitates whatever safety tip is being given, with her antics the audience at the schools comes alive with laughter and excitement; unknown to Officer Buckley who thinks he is the reason for the cheers. Once Officer Buckley realizes just what is happening, he decides it is best for Gloria to do the show alone, which turns into a failure. Officer Buckley receives many notes from the students asking him to join Gloria again which he does and learns that the best safety tip is to always stick with your buddy!
My personal reaction is the book is one I want to add to my personal collection. I enjoyed the illustrations and the storyline. After sharing the book with my 5 year old, she informed me I shouldn't take it back to the library because she wants it in her bookcase.
As a classroom extension, this book can be incorporated with our community helpers, safety concerns, and the importance of listening to adults and police. During reading time, questions could be asked in regards to why the safety tip the Officer gave is important, and follow up with what would happen if one didn't obey that safety rule.
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LibraryThing member ENeal
“Officer Buckle and Gloria” by Peggy Rathmann is a Caldecott Medal Winner. It is about Officer Buckle who knows everything about safety and is always making up safety rules/tips. He teaches at schools but none of the students really pay attention to him until he get a do named Gloria. Suddenly
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all the student love when he comes because Officer Buckle brings Gloria.
This is a cute book. It is not my favorite because there are some parts of the book that is a little slow. It is a good book to show children that even if the attention of everyone else is not on you there is no need to get upset. The person/thing that is getting all the attention could be their best friend and it is not worth loosing a friend over.
Extension could be used the first day of school or any other time when children/students are struggling with jealousy.
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LibraryThing member cry6546
This exceptional book shows the value of friendship. Officer Buckle gives boring speeches about safety until he gets a dog named Gloria, comes to save the day. Officer Buckle does not realize that Gloria does tricks during his speeches. His speech was then televised and he saw the audience loved
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Gloria. Officer Buckle was then upset and had Gloria do the shows on her own. The shows were a mess and Officer Buckle realized that they needed each other.

The illustrations helped tell the story. I thought this book was very funny and would capture the children's attention.

A great activity would be to cut out and color a dog using origami. Another idea would be to write a letter to Officer Buckle and Gloria to tell them why they are a great team.
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LibraryThing member GWES.Second
An officer and his police dog spread safety tips in their community and learn the importance of teamwork.
LibraryThing member tracyslaybaugh
Officer Buckle and Gloria is about a police officer who is very interested in teaching children about safety rules, however the children don't find Officer Buckle very interesting. Later the children listen and pay attention to Officer Buckle when he gets a partner named Gloria who adds excitement
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to Officer Buckle's safety program.

I like this book mainly because of the illustrations, which help make the story so hilarious. This book also has a wonderful plot that will keep the reader involved until the last page.

This book would be helpful in talking to children about safety rules, making the rules more interesting. Also you could point out what happened in the book when you don't follow the safety rules. This would also be a good book to reinforce teamwork within the classroom, that having a partner can be helpful and fun.
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LibraryThing member queenaddie
I love this book, but the video added another layer to it. It was fun to see Gloria do all of her tricks, and somehow, when a book is read aloud, it's just more fun. The makers of the short film did a good job translating Rathmann's award winning pictures into animation, and john Lithogw reads the
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story with a lot of heart. Of course the story itself, which is about safety yes, but also the power of friendship and teamwork, is where all the magic takes place.
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LibraryThing member wturnbull06
This book is a good example of fantasy because it has a dog acting out what officer buckle is saying which seems like it could be real but isnt.
characterization: Officer Buckle is a dynamic charater because he changes from being boring to being liked with Gloria and realizing they are a team.
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Media: Water colo
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LibraryThing member perihan
Officer Buckle gives safety tips at school, but no one is paying attention to his tips and accidents happen everywhere. One day, officer Buckle takes Gloria, the police dog with him to his safety speeches. Everyone likes Gloria, and they receive letters and invitations from all over. Officer Buckle
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feels that the only reason for people to pay attention to his safety rules is Gloria. Officer Buckle decides not to go with Gloria, instead another policeman goes with her. Gloria does not get the same attention from his audience and Officer Buckle and Gloria understand that together they make a great team.
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LibraryThing member lauraklandoll
This book is about a policeman, Officer Buckle, who wants to share his many safety tips with the local school. Unfortunatly, no one wants to hear them. Until, a very resourceful police dog becomes Officer Buckle's partner. Gloria performs many athletic feats on stage, behind Officer Buckle's back
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to gain the students attention.

Officer Buckle and Gloria was a fun read. The out come was very expected. It taugh a lesson for the students as well as for Officer Buckle.

This book would be very good to help students understand paying attention when someone is speaking to them, even if they are not particularly interested in what is being said. I also like this book for helping students see the many ways policemen help us out.
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LibraryThing member tshrum06
I would say this is the offspring of realistic fiction and fantasy. It's realistic in that they are people and there is an officer who is very concerned about safety, but it is unrealistic in that the dog just does tricks and he never trains her and he never notices.
LibraryThing member nmhale
I love, love, love this picture book! I bought it before I had children, and now I can read it to my daughter. If you haven't seen this picture book, you really need to check it out. I mean, it only takes about five minutes to read, right?

The story is about the well-meaning Officer Buckle, who is
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serious about safety. He loves to give talks at schools about his many safety rules. Unfortunately, Buckle is boring. Then one day, he buys a police dog named Gloria, and everything changes ...

The illustrations are cute and a crucial part of the story (it did win the Caldecott, after all), and Rathmann delivers her message of life without being preachy. The whole book is just so sweet and cleverly constructed, you're missing out if you haven't experienced it yet
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LibraryThing member mcprice
This is an enjoyable fun picture book that children will enjoy. It is a story about an officer who goes around giving safety tips, no one listens till a dog is brought in. There are a few safety tips that students will learn and be entertained at the same time.
LibraryThing member ldominguez
We studied this story last week. It is a great tool for teaching children about friendship, teamwork, feelings. It can also be used to teach quotation marks, and figurative language. There is also a video online of the story. It is awesome!
LibraryThing member bekahhynes
This book is a fantasy because the partner, which is a dog, acts as a human would, which we know in real life he cannot. Officer Buckle's job is to make safety presentations at schools. He found little success as no one listened to him because his partner, the dog was being silly in the background.
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He was sad and angry, but realized soon that the children loved the presentation and Gloria helped them remember the important rules. The Media used in this book is ink and water color.
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LibraryThing member mel2209
In the begginning Officer Buckle is a boring old safety cop who goes to schools and gives briefings that put everyone to sleep. However, when the department gets a police dog everything changes and the briefings are requested by many schools and get standing ovations. In the end, after many
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misguided decisions safety tip 101 is developed, "always stick with your buddy!"

I enjoyed this book a great deal, and I believe children from Pre-K through about 3rd grade would love it as well. The parts appreciated the most are the natural flow of the story, and the pictures that accompany the text to tell a hilarious story.

This book would be an excellent addition to a safety lesson. It shows what can happen if spills are not cleaned up and Gloria does an excellent job of illustrating what can happen if simple safety measures are not followed. Also, it would be a great story to illustrate the importance of friendship. I would read the story, and have the students illustrate a time when they had to do something and they wished their friend could have been there, or needed them there.
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LibraryThing member aprilbrittain
Officer Buckle and Gloria tell the story of a safety officer who went around giving safety meetings that nobody listened to. When a very active little dog became part of the show things changed and everyone loved the meetings that Officer Buckle and Gloria gave. Office Buckle received fan mail and
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realized that the people were listening after all.

I enjoyed reading this book. Almost every child can relate a dog and I think that the author did a great job of using Gloria to help with the lessons on safety. Kids and adults alike will pay more attention when they can relate to the lesson being taught.

This would be an excellent introduction book during a lesson on safety tips. Also, during the annual DARE week at school this could be read to show how police dogs assist the policemen and women in their duties.
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Original publication date


Physical description

40 p.; 11.1 inches


0399226168 / 9780399226168
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