Jovah's Angel (Samaria, Book 2)

by Sharon Shinn

Paperback, 1998



Call number




Ace (1998), Paperback, 368 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:National bestselling author Sharon Shinn returns to the compelling world of Samaria in an extraordinary novel of angels and mortals, music and mystery, science and faith... More than a hundred years after the time of Rachel and Gabriel, Samaria is in deep turmoil. Charismatic Archangel Delilah has been injured and forced to give up her position, and she has been replaced by shy, uncertain Alleluia. What�s worse, ungovernable storms are sweeping across the country, and the god never seems to hear the angels� pleas to abate the bad weather. Unless those prayers are offered by the new Archangel...

User reviews

LibraryThing member Unreachableshelf
The second in the Samaria series turns more directly toward the SF aspect, as Sharon Shinn continues building this fascinating world. Her characters are as well drawn as ever, and are in fact easier people to like than in Archangel. A great next entry in the series.
LibraryThing member bookishjoxer
I loved "Archangel" and I loved this one too. It had a bit of a slow start in my opinion, but as I got along through it I found it enjoyable.
LibraryThing member amf0001
Book 2 in the series. The description of the world and the backstory deepens.
LibraryThing member jayble
This is one of my favorite books. Second in the original Samaria trilogy, this novel is set 100 years in the future.

Jovah doesn't hear all of the prayers of the angels. Alleluia is one of the few angels that Jovah still hears and she is named the new Archangel when Delilah, the old archangel, has
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an accident impairing her ability to fly.

This books has many characters, all of them likable. It also shows the burgeoning of technology in Samaria, and the conflict that arises because of this. Much of the mystery of Jovah is discovered.

I have multiple copies of this series of books so I can always loan them out without having to worry about not having a copy on hand.
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LibraryThing member EowynA
I picked up the book and simply had to keep reading. The characters are interesting, the plot fun (and no anger = love with misunderstandings this time), and we learn more of the origin of the culture. Lovely, light read.
LibraryThing member janemarieprice
This is a wonderful second book in the world of Samaria. The world building is great here as you get some insight into the technical and scientific advancements that appear in the first book.
LibraryThing member ursa_diana
Yet another trilogy in which I like the second book better than the first. This one touches on what was only hinted at in the first book- that of technology as God- and how man's perception of God forms the world. I'm usually more of a "fallen" angel fan!- but I love the angels of this world!
LibraryThing member amf0001
I realize that I had made the same mistake before - reading 3 books back to back and getting tired mid way through the third. So I put this one down and read a couple of books in between and then came back to it. I love this world that Sharon Shinn has created, and I love the arguments about faith
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and reality, and what people/society is ready for or not. I thought Alleya, the reluctant Arch Angel was a great character, I really liked her. The men, both Caleb and Noah were a bit more non descript, but the womem were complex and interesting. As for the world and the further ramifications of Jovah, I don't want to give any spoilers, but it was genuinely gripping as well.
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LibraryThing member crazybatcow
I am rereading this book 10 years after I first read it, mainly because the 3rd in the series didn't exist back then and I wanted to refresh my memory.

This book is better written than Archangel - the characters feel more real - like the author actually spent time writing them, rather than pulling
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them out of some romance novel outline.

This novel is a great fantasy story with a very nice/surprising twist to it; the romance is more subtle than in Archangel and, as such, the story line is a bit more engaging for those who aren't so interested in romantic adventures.

On a personal level, the twist disappointed me because I always hope for better things to be out there, but it's completely agreeable from the story point of view.
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LibraryThing member Isamoor

Now that was a solid book.

Plot: Very solid. It was more about the characters, but the deep motivation was simple and to the point. It was a matter of faith and science and a blending of the two.

Characters: Just great. The fallen Archangel was probably my favorite part. She was so dynamic and
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wonderful. The lead couple were above average as well.

Style: Purely romantasized. A nice bit of faith exploration. Good world building. Really grabs me and makes me want to read it :)
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LibraryThing member love2laf
Not a series where one book picks up right after the next, which is a bit disconcerting at first. However, as different as the story is from the first, it's just as well told, and just as hard to put down. Shinn is one of my favourite authors.
LibraryThing member Curiosity64
Excellent second outing. I'm glad that several questions raised in the first book were answered. The continuing chronicles of this world are an intriguing lesson in world-building.
LibraryThing member AltheaAnn
Samaria Series

If all romance books were like these, I might consider myself to be a fan of romance novels in general.
The 'Samaria' series is primarily romance - but it's balanced with enough other plot elements that it doesn't get too tedious. They're even frequently... romantic!... in a way that
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doesn't (usually) make me want to strangle the characters! (They're never explicit/erotic, though.)
I did read all five books back-to-back, which meant that some of the elements did get a little repetitive. Obviously, to a certain degree, Shinn found a formula and stuck with it. It wouldn't have bothered me at all if I hadn't been doing a Samaria marathon, though.
They are undeniably wish-fulfillment-based books. These are designed for women who think that having a drop-dead-gorgeous, preternaturally strong, winged lover who can pick you up and fly you through the sky is a super-sexy idea.
In tone and feel, I thought these were actually very similar to Anne McCaffrey's Pern series. They've got the nominally sci-fi setting, the fantasy 'feel,' and the character-based plot elements, with a similar mix of action, politics and personal drama.
All of the books are fully stand-alone stories.

The angel Gabriel is set to become the next Archangel, as decreed by the voice of Jovah. However, before he ascends to his position of leadership, he must find the wife determined for him by his god - a woman named Rachel. Without an Angelica (the female counterpart to the Archangel), the complex acappella musical concert known as the Gloria cannot occur, and Jovah will rain destruction upon the land.
Being named Angelica is an honor that all girls dream of - so what could possibly go wrong? Plenty, if your destined bride belongs to a persecuted ethnic group, and has been sold into slavery - and bears no love toward angels.

Jovah's Angel
Set around 100 years after the first book. In a dramatic beginning, the well-respected Archangel Delilah is crippled in a storm, her consort killed, and Jovah names a most unlikely successor to replace her: a shy, studious angel named Alleluia (or, informally, Alleya). Like in the previous book, Alleya must find her predestined mate - but Jehovah does not know his name, identifying him only as "son of Jeremiah." Things are further complicated by Alleya's growing feelings for the inventor Caleb (who makes a bunch of steampunk-y stuff). But Caleb cannot be her destined mate... can he?
Meanwhile, Delila must deal with her feelings of resentment, and learn to live without flying. But of course, she'll find someone too - a man of the Edori (an ethnic group that resemble Jewish gypsies.)
Meanwhile - a big issue is going on. When the angels sing the songs that control the weather, often nothing happens. Climate change is leading to disaster.
I didn't like this one quite as much as the first in the series, mainly because I wasn't thrilled by the theme of industrialization going on in Samaria. Also, all the technological/sci-fi elements that were alluded to in the first book are made very clear in this story, and some of the mystery is lost. It won me over, after a while, though.

The Alleluia Files
A few hundred years have passed... The Archangel at this time, Bael, is cruel and harsh. He rules with a strong hand, and is secretly committing genocide against the Jacobites, claiming their heresies threaten the land. But - does he secretly know that their heretical stances regarding the god Jovah are true?
Far more than the other books, this one has a clear villain (Bael). However, the clear hero, the upstanding and just Jared, will make things right, if he can ever stop being too lazy to bother. He'll be helped out by the angel Lucinda, who has grown up on an isolated island, far from the politics of the angel's Aerie, and the strong-willed Tamar, a member of the heretic Jacobites.

The Archangel Gaaron has his life mate picked out for him by Jovah. Never before has an Edori woman been picked to be Angelica - but although Susannah has the implant that allows Jovah to track the people of Samaria, unlike the Edori, she has been raised by the Edori and identifies with them. She's also only just broken up with her long term lover. (He was a big jerk though, so the reader is sure she will get over him.) She's not at all sure she wants to be Angelica. (Sound familiar? Yeah.) This one is set far before all the other books. Like in the other books, there's also a social problem to address while the romance is given time to develop: mysterious, disappearing invaders are attacking and burning the caravans of both Edori and Jansai, as well as isolated villages.
The day will be saved, and love will triumph.

After finishing the previous book in the series, I was thinking: "Hey, are we ever going to get to see the point of view of one of the oppressed Jansai women? Pretty much all the other ethnic groups in Samaria have been covcered by POV characters." And, ta-da, here we are. Rebekah's charcter is very well done, actually. She's a rebellious girl in a repressive culture, but even after she falls in love with an angel, her ties to family and tradition hold her in a frighteningly realistic way. She also horribly underestimates her fate, if she's caught...
Meanwhile, the title character, Elizabeth, becomes an angel-seeker - a woman who desires more than anything, to bear an angel child, and will do pretty much anything to further that goal. Again, the motivations here were really well portrayed.
Both women grow as individuals over the course of the book - and, of course, find love.
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LibraryThing member SandyAMcPherson
I originally read the Samaria series in publication order and felt terribly disappointed. I strongly recommend reading this story as the fourth novel ~ i.e., as the one before the last. You will still enjoy the other books since this story stands alone very well.
In this narrative, we see Samaria
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about 150 years after the time of Gabriel and Rachel. The archangel is Delilah, a tempestuous, strong-willed woman who is a charismatic leader and consummate politician in dealing with the various clans and their self-centred interests. More I will not reveal: read and enjoy especially if fantasy is one of your fave genres.
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LibraryThing member devilwrites
The premise: ganked from One hundred and fifty years have passed since the tenure of the Archangel Gabriel and his angelica Rachel, a time of peace and stability. But now, great storms are sweeping the lands, the deserts flood, and the skies rain down death and destruction. Then the proud
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and beautiful Archangel Delilah falls victim to the rage of wind, as she is torn from the sky, her wing broken. She can no longer soar in the heavens, guiding and guarding those below. She can no longer be first among the angels. Never before have the oracles had to choose a new Archangel while one still lived. And though Jovah's anger blows all about them, still they must consult him. His choice - the angel Alleluia, a solitary scholar of undistinguished lineage. Now the fate of the planet rests with the reluctant Archangel Alleluia, who believes in her duty and her god. And her fate in turn, may well depend on the mortal Caleb, a man who believes only in science - and himself.

My Rating: Excellent

I took my time with this book. I really wanted to absorb and admire all of the world-building details, as well as really get a solid sense of the story where where it would go and how it could end. While the book didn't hold any major surprises for me, it was a delight to learn how right my own predictions were, and it was a delight to see how the characters responded to various challenges that faced them. Shinn writes in a way that immediately absorbs you in the world she's created, and I have to laugh, since this was written long before the YA angel-craze took over, and it shows: the angels in this series have more gravitas, something more to say about their world and their god, and they're just so much more interesting that the over-dramatic romances I've seen grace the YA shelves. For those tired of the angel craze, I've said it before and I'll say it again: consider Sharon Shinn's Samaria books an exception to the rule. Jovah's Angel took the transition from science fantasy directly into science fiction by the end, but yet there's a sense of wonder to the story and the world that doesn't go away, even when you know what's behind the curtain. The great thing about this series is that it's one you can relish, and I'll slowly be savoring these books for years to come.

Spoilers, yay or nay?: Yay. If you've not read this book, or if you're not familiar with the series, do not read the full review, which may be found at my blog. If you are caught up, though, or don't care about spoilers, comments and discussion are always welcome. You can access the full review by clicking the link below:


Happy Reading!
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LibraryThing member kmartin802
One hundred and fifty years have passed since the events of ARCHANGEL and Samaria is undergoing something of an industrial revolution. They are also enduring very difficult weather conditions and Jovah seemingly isn't hearing angelic requests for weather interventions.

Worst of all, the current
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Archangel Delilah and her escort are caught in a terrible storm which kills a number of them and damages Delilah's wing so that she can no longer fly. Alleluia, a quiet scholarly angel, is named by Jovah to be the new Archangel. She feels vastly underqualified for her new position.

When the final music player fails, she begins to hunt for an engineer to see if it can be repaired. She finds Caleb Augustus who is a man of science and who has lost his faith in Jovah as the result of an experiment with electricity the killed his father and damaged the Kiss embedded in his right arm at his birth which dedicated him to Jovah.

Meanwhile, Alleluia has to search for the man who will be her angelico and perform at the upcoming Gloria. The only problem is that the oracles are getting very vague answers when they query Jovah about him. All they are told is that he is a son of Jeremiah which isn't nearly enough to locate him in time. It does spur Alleluia's interest in the oracles and the way they communicate with Jovah. She learns the language needed and makes her own queries at Mount Sinai which no longer has an oracle based there.

Her enquiries lead her to being teleported to the ship orbiting Samaria where she learns that the people are being guided, not by a deity, but by a computer programmed to assist the settlers. And that computer is in need of repair which is why the angels aren't being heard when they pray to Jovah. Luckily, Caleb is able to make the repairs and learn even more of the technology that the settlers had abandoned.

But the discovery of the spaceship has thrown Alleluia into a crisis of faith that has dented her view of her world and her purpose on it.

This was an engaging story that neatly blends science and faith into a very compelling book. The characters, especially Alleluia, have many hard decisions to make. This is the second book in a five book series. I can't wait to find out what happens next on Samaria.
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Chesley Award (Nominee — 1998)


Original publication date


Physical description

368 p.; 6.67 inches


0441005195 / 9780441005192
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