The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 10)

by Lemony Snicket

Other authorsMichael Kupperman (Illustrator), Brett Helquist (Illustrator)
Hardcover, 2003



Call number




HarperCollins (2003), Hardcover, 352 pages


In the perilous Mortmain Mountains, Klaus and Violet Baudelaire meet another well-read person, who helps them try to rescue Sunny from the villainous Count Olaf and his henchmen as they all near "the last safe place.".

User reviews

LibraryThing member GBev2009
I was about to give up on this series feeling that it had petered out at Book the Fourth, but after taking an extended break I picked up Book the Fifth and kept going. I'm glad I did as the series spun into a new, deeper, complex, and entertaining direction. The last two books have been the best of
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the series and as I approach the final stretch I only hope the "Denouement" is worthy of the well crafted build up.
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LibraryThing member aethercowboy
When you're leaning against the counter of a juice bar, and a woman steps up behind you and says "If you want to live, order an apple, strawberry and cucumber smoothie," you should probably comply.

This was me but a short while ago. I ordered the beverage, but instead of receiving a cup full of
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revitalizing liquid, I received a piece of paper and a moderately dull pencil. I assume the woman had a knife, or at least something that felt like a knife, for it was poking my spine between two of the lower vertebrae.

"You don't write me poems anymore," she said, giving the knife enough of a jab to sting, or even draw blood, were it not for the fact that I was wearing an extra under shirt for this express purpose.

"Fine," I said, squeaking the dull pencil across the paper.

"In a time of series unfortunate," I wrote, "I find a trend with which I infatuate. I find works of cryptozoology, Medieval France, and rope To be less interesting than, say The Slippery Slope. It tells the tales of Baudelaires three, Though the two eldest have been plucked from Sunny. They toil in vain to reach to top In hopes of commanding vile Olaf to stop. But along the way they meet A boy once considered dead, but alive, and sweet. They discover much disappointment when they find the HQ, For it has been burnt more badly than well done chicken cordon bleu, By two villains, one with a beard, and one with hair, And while each has such respectively, the other is not there. Though the top of the mountain is cold, and would make one shiver, While in their presence, even Olaf will find a quiver. And though the mountain is plagued by Snow Gnat, There too is a pest more foul: Carmelita Spat. And in the end, we are not surprised to find That fate is never surmised to be kind."

And with a final pencil stroke, I managed to emit a noise at such a high frequency that all the glass in the shop shattered, including, as I had suspected, the glass blade of her knife. Leaping through the now open window, I ran into the street until a safe solace I could find, or a benefactor I could meet.
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LibraryThing member readafew
The Slippery Slope, the 10th book in the Series of Unfortunate Events, chronicling the misadventures of the Baudelaire children.

I think this is one of the best books in the series up to this point. The story moves right along at a fairly fast pace. All the Baudelaire's are growing up and becoming
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more responsible for their actions.

Both the ending of the last book and the title of this one suggests an important plot point that will be reached, and hopefully successfully overcome. The book title The Slippery Slope referred both a physical obstacle, and a logical one which had to be surmounted (here meaning both to climb, and to follow ones conscience) in order for Klaus and Violet to try and save their baby sister Sunny. from the clutches of Count Olaf and his troupe.

Once again, another horrible edition to the sorrowful lives of the Baudelaire's.
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LibraryThing member thc_luver6
Oh my gosh! I loved this book! This is probably my top favorite book out of this series. There is a new character in this book who you will love! At least I did. Very good book.
LibraryThing member Othemts
Violet and Klaus escape from near-certain death, and follow Count Olaf into the mountains to rescue Sunny. Along the way they make a new friend, learn more secrets of the VFD, and discover more villains on the other side. They also manage to win a battle without turning to the tricks that bad
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people use, a nice bit of writing for Snicket there. Once again there's a cliffhanger, and now there's only one more book to read and I'll have to wait until volume 12 is published (gasp!).
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LibraryThing member KarenAJeff
I wish I hadn't started reading this series but now I have to find out how it ends.
LibraryThing member lisa211
The Slippery Slope is the 10th installment of the ever so dreadful series called "A Series of Unfortunate Events", featuring the three Baudelaire orphans; Violet (14 year old inventor), Klaus (her well read brother) and the youngest Sunny (the ever talented chomper).

The book began with a really
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bad start, where Violet and Klaus are plummeling down the mountain to their death while Sunny is left in Count Olaf's hands so he could get his filthy hands on the Baudelaire's fortune. After their close call, they meet up with the third missing Quigley Quagmire, who were thought to be dead in the first place! The three of them do whatever it takes to decipher the ever so mysterious VFD, giving Violet and Klaus more important informaton about their parents' past involvement with the VFD.

Meanwhile, Sunny tries her best to keep herself safe, by stalling and doing some chores set by Count Olaf and his evil troupe for her to complete, as cooking, hoping her siblings are safe somewhere and not dead in the feet of the mountains. While she is in Count Olaf's hands, she overheard some things that's useful for her and her siblings to persue in the future.

At first, I wasn't really looking forward to read this one after how that last book ended. I love the cover and the plot really pulls you in like always.
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LibraryThing member Amzzz
The poor Baudelaire orphans! In their 10th adventure, Violet and Klaus are separated from Sunny, and all three encounter a number of surprises, some pleasant, but most unpleasant, of course. Lemony Snickett just writes so well, and appeals to me as an adult reader just as much as he does to many of
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his young readers.
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LibraryThing member bibliophile26
More of the same plot (just a different location and a few new characters)...still enjoyable, but you can't read too many of these in a row.
LibraryThing member sara_k
The Slippery Slope and The Grim Grotto are books 10 and 11 in the Series of Unfortunate events. These are two of the better books in the series (see my other review for details) with more character involvement and plots that rest on the many people and the mysterious VFD rather on just mean things
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that people can do to each other.

I haven't found it necessary to read all the books in order but it is important to read the Slippery Slope before the Grim Grotto because many things are alluded to but not explained from book to book.

Again I note that hardback list price is $11.99 (sometimes Powells and Amazon have them on sale) but I got them for $7.47 each at COSTCO. Scholastic books also sells paperback editions.
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LibraryThing member catz
This book took me to the top of a very slippery slope and caught my attention a lot at the kind of scary parts. This book is very attention catching and I like how Lemony Snicket does that.
LibraryThing member delaney.h4
Summary: The Baudelaires are in hot pursuit of the sugar bowl and did one parent really survive a fire? And will everything really come together at a slippery slope? I think not, but close to it.
ReviewL It was okay.
LibraryThing member EmScape
Sunny comes into her own as "a young girl" and no longer a baby. She also develops an interest in cooking. Oh, and the Beaudelaires escape from Count Olaf again.
Many more answers to series-long mysteries in this one, so that's good.
LibraryThing member orangemonkey
The latest installment of The Series Of Unfortunate Events picks up right where the last one left off - with Sunny Beaudelaire in the villianous clutches of Count Olaf and Esme Squalour, and Sunny's siblings, Violet and Klaus, about to be dropped off a cliff.

In this volume, new characters are met
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up with, much more is learned about the mysterious VFD, and we get to see the characters of the Beaudelaires explored some more. Oddly enough, I used to enjoy this series because of how repetitive and formulaic it was - and yet, with the last few volumes, it's perfectly eschewed the conventions it set up in the first six parts, and I'm still enjoying it greatly.
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LibraryThing member crown10
The three Baudelaires work together to find the secret of V.F.D. in the Mortmain mountains.
LibraryThing member riverwillow
The Baudelaires were separated at the end of book nine, Sunny was captured by Count Olaf. Violet and Klaus were left plummeting down steep mountain roads in a caravan without any brakes or steering. Violet's ingenuity rescues them from a sticky end and they embark on a steep climb up the mountain
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to rescue their sister, who is forced to cook for Count Olaf and his merry band. On the way, with some unexpected help, they discover the headquarters of the VFD. The book ends on an unusually optimistic note, well optimistic for this series anyway.
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LibraryThing member miyurose
Still great! There were a few great surprises in this one. Sunny continues to grow up, and the Baudelaires find a new(ish) friend. I even thought that things were going to be looking up for the orphans, but I should have known better.
LibraryThing member jcarter4
The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket is an adventurous story when three orphans Sunny, Violet, and Klaus all find themselves trapped on the slippery glaciers of the Mortmain Mountains. Violet is the oldest and most resourceful because she can invent all kinds of crazy things from objects as simple
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as a paperclip and a watch. Klaus is the smart, dorky who always wears glasses and loves to read books even the dictionary. Sunny is the baby with two big, strong front teeth, and in this book has learned to talk. They are in search of their parents even though they always end of in the hands of an evil villain named Count Olaf who is in pursuit of stealing their fortune. However, this time the little baby Sunny is trapped with Count Olaf holding her hostage on hidden cliff of Mount Fraught.
Violet and Klaus are stuck in a desperate search of her using all kinds of tricks to make their way through the mountains. In one instance Violet and Klaus are about to fly off the edge of the mountain, but together they stop the caravan by throwing two hammocks out the back on top of sticky foods to stop the rolling. The whole story consists of life filled moments and mystery as Violet and Kalus begin to discover their parents who they thought were dead in the mansion fire may still be alive because of evidence found on a volunteer fire fighter headquarters called the Vertical Flame Diversion(V.F.D), which was really their parents secret society. It is ironic because they heard their parents had stayed in the Valley of Four Drafts, which was also V.F.D and the location of the headquarters. Towards the end they find their sister Sunny with Count Olaf and his villain crew trapped making food and being a servant. they eventually escape his clutches yet again, but the journey never ends because he always follows them to their next destination.
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LibraryThing member hjjugovic
I'm going to review all four of the last books in this series in one review, since I read them all at one go due to the quick plot pacing, and now they've mushed together in my brain. These are wonderful! When I first started, this series, I was underwhelmed, but Snickett grows up his books like he
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grows up the Baudelaires. Unlike many coming-of-age stories, this one manages to avoid the trite and the untrue. Despite Snickett's fantastical style and plot twists, there is deep reality at the core of these books, which manage to show the world in all its nastiness and how difficult it is to be a "volunteer instead of a villain," and yet it conveys the desperate need for each of us to try. It also teaches voculary, is subtley hilarious if you already have a big one, and imparts a love of science, literature, poetry, and even good cooking. Highly recommended for all the young, and old, people in your life!
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LibraryThing member bookworm12
The 10th book in the Series of Unfortunate Events gives readers more of the same. The three orphans are still battling Count Olaf and his crew, but they have been separated from each other. Olaf has kidnapped the youngest, Sunny and the two older siblings, Violet and Klaus, are trying to rescue
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her. The book does a lot of rehashing of the previous books. It felt like the author was just trying stretch it out to cram more books in the series than the story needed. The only major plot advancement was the introduction of Quigley Quagmire, the third triplet who is believed dead before this book. I know I'll finish the series, because my curiosity must be satisfied, but I think the series' plot could easily have fit into 10 books.
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LibraryThing member nmhale
The sad saga presses on. This installment of unfortunate events starts with a bang, or several bangs, as Klaus and Violet rush down a mountain in a runaway caravan, set off by their nemesis Olaf at the conclusion of the last book. Of course, their ingenuity saves the day, and they escape a death by
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plummeting off the mountain side; unfortunately, Olaf still has Sunny in his clutches, so their troubles are only partly solved.

As they climb the mountain they just rolled down, this time on foot and much slower, they meet the odd characters that are typical of this darkly funny series, and even find a new friend. What's more, this new friend (who is closely related to some old friends who disappeared) takes them to a building in the heart of the mountains, one that answers a lot of questions the children have had about their parents, their parents' friends, and the VFD.

While the children spent a lot of time lamenting that they had more questions than answers, the astute reader knows that this book actually answers quite a lot of questions that have been raised throughout the series. You might have to do a bit of inferring and piecing together, but all the clues are there. We know why Olaf has targeted the Baudelaires and certain others, for instance, and why fire has played such a big role in the story. We learn why both good guys and bad guys are sharing the same symbol, the spooky eye. The overall plot is significantly furthered, and that's a good thing, since we have only three more books in the entire series.

Also, the books have definitely moved away from the typical plot formula they followed before, although other repetitive elements remain. The children are still faced with ridiculous situations that require research and invention and sheer courage to confront, the theme of costume is strong, although it has now switched from Olaf wearing the costumes to the children wearing them (and I do miss seeing what crazy get-up Olaf would don next, I must admit), and the troupe of villains and other supporting characters return. Snicket's quirky style remains charmingly snarky.

The overall tone of the books have changed, though. Whereas before, it was a battle of secrecy and deception, it feels more like outright warfare. In early books, the children were placed in what society considered "normal" positions - although we and the children clearly saw that they were anything but normal, which was a good source of ironic humor - and Olaf would sneak in, under a new disguise, and try to steal the children away through treachery. None of the adults, whether they were well meaning or otherwise, realized the terrible truth until it was too late. Now, though, the children are on their own. They have been branded as criminals, and since they are outsiders from society, Olaf has no worries about trying to fool others. If he sees them, he will keep one and kill the others, and so it is the children who are in hiding, trying to figure out the mystery behind their parents and how to stop Olaf for good. In other words, all the action has escalated, and you clearly get a sense that events are unfolding towards a climax. I hope that the foreseeable conclusion justifiably wraps up the series and the characters to my satisfaction.
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LibraryThing member amerynth
Book 10 in Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" picks up where the prior book left off -- with Violet and Klaus Baudelaire hurtling down a mountainside in a caravan car and Sunny Baudelaire trapped in her enemy's grasp. However, "The Slippery Slope" moves away from the somewhat
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repetitive formula used in the past books (Kids go to a guardian, Olaf wears a disguise and tricks them, they escape...) and becomes much more interesting and entertaining this time around. Snicket's humor and crisp writing style remains, so even when the plot twists are somewhat obvious I remained interested and entertained as I read. I hope the remaining books in the series continue in this vein.
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LibraryThing member ababe92
This is a book that has alot of adventures in it and it is a very suspensful book. You never know what is going to happen next. I recommend this book to teachers who have students who like adventure or that just had a death in their family.
LibraryThing member heidilove
i love this series. how could you not?
LibraryThing member Ruhai.L
This is the tenth book in the series. This serie is fun, humorous and clever. It's about 3 kids who are running away from a evil man named Count Olaf. He is trying to get their fortune, but the kids always mange to escape. from him. This book will make you laugh, think and it'll make you want to
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keep reading.
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Soaring Eagle Book Award (Nominee — 2006)
Audie Award (Finalist — 2004)


Original publication date


Physical description

352 p.; 7.1 inches


0064410137 / 9780064410137

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