
by Sharon Kay Penman

Hardcover, 2011



Call number




A Marian Wood Book/Putnam (2011), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 608 pages


Richard, the second surviving son of Henry Plantagenet and Eleanor of Aquitaine, inherits the throne from his brother, before embarking on the Third Crusade, a conflict that is complicated by the schemes of his usurping brother, John.

User reviews

LibraryThing member LisaMaria_C
This novel has many qualities that define the best of historical fiction. First, Penman has an evident respect for history and well-researched knowledge of the periods she depicts. Her characters don't sound like reality tv stars nor is her history risible such as that of Philippa Gregory. In this
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novel of Richard the Lionhearted and his war in the Holy Land, Penman quotes primary sources such as medieval chroniclers who were witnesses to the Third Crusade from both sides, Frank and Saracen. She has a way with the telling detail, whether sexual practices, medicine, cuisine or details of dress or siege warfare that brings another age and land to life. And as with her other books, I greatly appreciate her afterwards that detail what liberties she took with history.

Most crucially Penman doesn't just write historical characters as modern people in dress up. She takes us on a tour of the foreign land of a long past century, and in that regard I rank her with the best writers of historical fiction such as Mary Renault and Robert Graves. She writes of a mindset alien and alienating to contemporary sensibilities yet manages to still make her characters sympathetic. This is no mean feat given medieval views on warfare, religious tolerance and the status of women.

This is particularly so when it comes to the title character. We see Richard from a multiplicity of views, although rarely his own. There are dozens of point of view characters here in a sprawling book spanning around 600 pages covering from July of 1189 to August 1192, from the time Richard becomes King to when he leaves the Holy Land. We're taken from Normandy to Sicily to Cyprus and then on to Palestine. And the portrait that emerged of Richard was more complex and intriguing than I expected. Penman's is a rounded picture, that neither glosses over his flaws nor paints over his virtues. This is a king who doesn't hesitate to force women into unwanted marriages nor to slaughter men who surrendered to him when required out of military necessity, who has a bad temper, holds grudges and can be ruinously stubborn. But this is also a man who can be generous and has a good sense of humor, who others willingly follow into battle because he shares their hardships, is reckless with his life but careful of the lives of his men, and who displayed an undaunted courage that earned him the sobriquet "lionhearted" even before he became a king, let alone a crusader. Nor as depicted here is he a narrow-minded religious bigot, but someone who respected his adversaries and tried to come to terms with them in ways his fellow crusaders did not.

There are also other fascinating portraits here, from famous figures such as Eleanor of Aquitaine to more obscure figures such as Henri, Count of Champagne. I finished this book better understanding the Third Crusade and why it was a qualified failure, from the point of view of the European crusaders. We get some sense of their foes as well, but primarily from the Eurocentric point of view--we never really get inside the heads of the defending Muslims.

I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in the period, King Richard the Lionhearted of England, or who enjoys Penman's work. As to the reason I don't give this top marks... Well, Sharon Kay Penman has formidable competition--from Sharon Kay Penman. Her biographical novel of Richard III, The Sunne in Splendour, and of King John's daughter Joanna, Here Be Dragons, are two of my favorite novels and would certainly make my top ten list of favorite historical fiction, and Here Be Dragons is high on my list of the most moving love stories I've ever read. I didn't find Lionheart as moving or impressive as those novels. Nor do I find Penman as remarkable a stylist as Hilary Mantel of Wolf Hall or Dorothy Dunnett of Game of Kings. But that is to set a very high bar, and I'm sure few, if any, historical novels published this year will be as good as Lionheart.
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LibraryThing member kraaivrouw
I've been reading Sharon Kaye Penman from the beginning with her very first book, The Sunne in Splendour. My copy of this book has been re-read so many times it's close to needing replacing. She is one of my favorite authors, although she does spoil you for historical fiction. Once you're hooked on
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Penman, most other historical fiction falls far short of the mark she sets. She's smart, she writes well, she does an enormous amount of study of primary sources before she writes, and the stories she tells are so fascinating you'll go back to them again and again.

Lionheart is the penultimate in Ms. Penman's books on Henry II, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and their Devil's Brood. I have a fondness for Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine and no one's written better about them. Given the name it's not hard to figure out that this one is about Richard the Lionheart - considered to be one of England's great kings and one of the greatest war commanders ever.

I've always been less fond of Richard than of the youngest of the brood, John. Richard is always presented as so big and bold - brash, daring, bigger than life, self-righteous, reckless. He's an amazing character, but something about John has also appealed to me (yes, I know, he's generally thought of as a villain). I think I like John because he was a survivor and because he was a pragmatist. He was always more concerned with the administration of his kingdom and of justice. He inherited a rudimentary justice system and spent a great deal of time expanding and formalizing it. He was also selfish, arrogant, sort of spineless, and left his father (who loved him greatly) to die alone.

In any event, Richard is very heroic and Ms. Penman has not forgotten that. This is a novel of the Third Crusade, with all its betrayals and internecine warfare between the various European factions attempting to work together to take Jerusalem. As we all know, this region has never been kind to invaders - has always been a hotbed of religious warfare. Seeing this through 12th century eyes is an interesting experience, particularly since the broad brush strokes of it all seem so very modern in their own way. It is as if the Crusades have never really ended and no one has learned anything from them.

Richard proves himself an almost invincible battle commander, charismatic, and pragmatic - opening discussions between himself and Saladin trying for a long-term peace over the ignominy of capturing Jerusalem only to see it lost again when he and the rest of the Crusaders returned home.

This is a wonderful and entertaining read, illuminating a time in history most of us know little about. As always Ms. Penman's writing and storytelling skills carry the day and will carry you through to end - leaving you craving more.
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LibraryThing member cattriona
This is another great tale from SKP -- well-drawn characters, a believable story and skillful combining of historical fact with credible fictional details join forces for a very engaging trip through Richard the Lionheart and his battles in the Crusades. The only negative is that some parts seemed
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to drag on a bit, but that reinforced the feeling of sheer boredom that the soldiers must have felt while killing time in the desert awaiting combat. Highly recommended for all fans of historical fiction.
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LibraryThing member gwernin
Covering the period July 1189 through September 1192, this is very much Part I of a two volume book. To say that it traces Richard Lionheart's involvement in the Third Crusade and his marriage to Berengaria of Navarre is too simple a description of a narrative which starts with a three page list of
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principal characters and stretches in its field of action from northern England to the Holy Land; to say that it includes a cast of thousands is no exaggeration. Penman paints a vast and minutely detailed picture; indeed the depth of detail (and the extensive and impressive research behind it) is both a strength and a weakness of this book.

The first eighty pages sometimes seem to drag as Penman jumps from location to location, viewpoint to viewpoint, in the process of introducing all her principals and providing the necessary thumbnail sketches of their backgrounds. At last, however, the various parties (fated to converge in Sicily) get on the road, and the pace picks up slightly. By the time we reach Cyprus the action is fairly brisk. The rest of the book, located in the Holy Land, mostly holds this pace, although there are some slow sections now and again which deal mainly with the labyrinthine politics of the Crusade, often seeming to take the principals in slow ponderous circles at an enormous cost in blood, treasure, and general suffering.

The conclusion of the book sees Richard's departure from the Holy Land, sailing back to Western Europe to try and salvage his battered empire. History (and Penman's afterword) tells us the fate of most of the principals, but it's partly the future of two minor but appealing invented characters which will lure me back to read the next volume. Overall, an impressive achievement, highly recommended for Penman's fans and those interested in the Angevins and the Third Crusade.
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LibraryThing member Schmerguls
I read this author's first book, The Sunne in Splendour, an account of Richard III, in 1997 and liked it pretty well. But I have not, till now, read any of the author's subsequent books. This book, being published this year, is a fictionalized account of Richard I and the Third Crusade. It is as
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true to the actual history as it can be except for minor items. Yet the book says any resemblance to actual persons and events is purely coincidntal--an obvious falsehood inserted no doubt for some good reason but the book resembles actual events and persons very closely. There are very exciting events detailed in the book and one cannot help but admire Richard, despite his flaws, and to rejoice over his exploits. But the sufferings which the Crusaders underwent are heart-rending and of course the quarrels which impeded their efforts to reclaim Jerusalem for Christians are dismaying. And the book is long and sometimes not too much fun to read. But it does make history vivid and since it is mostly factual is an easy way to remind oneself of the history which it recounts.
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LibraryThing member TheLostEntwife
When I got my copy of Lionheart in the mail, I screamed with excitement. I knew immediately the package held this book, due to the size of the package (and the notice that it was coming, of course), and I could barely open the package because my hands were shaking so much.

When I settled down to
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lose myself in the story of King Richard, I was immediately reminded of just why I love Sharon Kay Penman’s writing. Intricately detailed, filled with rich characters, human characters – people that make you feel as if you are being introduced to them and they are friends that you can take away with you after you say goodbye. And on top of all of that, I knew that the education I was receiving would be information that was well-researched and presented fairly. One of my favorite parts of this book, actually, was the Authors Note at the end, in which Sharon describes how she felt toward Richard while writing Here be Dragons and how her opinion has been altered in writing this book.

This book is history made fun. While my favorite of her books is, and will always be, Here be Dragons, Lionheart satisfied me and reminded me of just why I love historical fiction. Don’t give me flimsy, romantic stories – give me stories like this, filled with rich meat and potatoes of information and characters that are so alive they leap off the page.

This is a story to read. If you purchase one book for your historical fiction loving friends and family (or yourself!) this holiday season, make this one it. You won’t regret it.
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LibraryThing member Chatterbox
As the title suggests, this hefty tome is a historical novel that follows Richard the Lionheart (aka Richard I of England) from his accession to the throne to the Crusades is "Outremer" (today's Syria/Jordan/Israel/Palestine/Lebanon). While the novel is the fourth in a series following the Angevin
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monarchs over the course of a century or so, this marks a bit of a departure: not only is Penman following the action to the Middle East, but the plot necessarily revolves around a lot of battles pitting the Saracens, led by Saladin, against the Crusader army.

The resulting book didn't quite click for me. I kept getting bogged down in battle scenes that, however faithfully rendered, ended up giving me the feeling that I was reading a military history rather than a novel. Richard and Saladin keep bickering over a possible truce; Richard and his supposed allies keep bickering over military strategy; everyone bickers over who should be king of Jerusalem. Against that kind of backdrop, Penman's typical stylistic habits (most annoying, a habit of gathering a bunch of characters together over dinner or something, so that one of them can tell the others all the news that she, the author, needs to tell us, but can't describe for us directly because it's happening "offstage") become more irritating. (I don't think that historical purists would wilt if one of her characters said don't instead of do not, and had I run across the word "lass" one more time, used in addressing Richard's sister, wife or other noblewomen, I may well have chucked the book across the room.

The book was a 3.8 star novel for me, and I'm being generous. I think Penman's die hard fans will love it, as it's the kind of epic saga in which she specializes. But what is missing from this are some of the more interesting characters, like John and Eleanor of Aquitaine. It's hard to make a character like Berengaria a vivid personality -- although Penman certainly tries hard -- and she does bring some new players into the spotlight, like Richard's nephew, Henri of Champagne, who are very interesting historical figures. I ended up reading the first chunk of the novel rapidly, fascinated by Penman's depiction of Sicily and Cyprus, but after that just got bogged down in too many characters, too much repetition of major themes (such as Richard's recklessness in combat). In contrast to Maude in "Christ and his Saints Slept" or Eleanor in the previous books, no character stood out here to make me care about turning the final pages.

I'm glad I read this; I'll probably read the sequel which will wrap up the series, but I think in this novel Penman is trapped by the historical events, which focus on men at war rather than the complex dynamics of dynastic squabbles. I enjoyed parts of it tremendously, but expect it will be a long time before I even consider re-reading it.
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LibraryThing member ddelmoni
I'm a fan of Penman's having enjoyed Sunne In Splendor and her Justin d'Quicy mysteries, with 2 others in my TBR pile. I was obvoiusly delighted to recieve Lionheart through LT early reviewer program.

Richard is one of my favorite characters in English history and Penman does a good job in telling
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his story. I particularly liked the way Penman begins the story by centering it around his sister Joanna. Penman created a powerful segway for Richard's introduction into the story.

I was impressed with Penman's ability to handle military action and still keep the reader engaged -- for once I wasn't skipping over the gorey/boring scenes. She's also adapt at setting the atmosphere of the 12th century holy land. TBContinued
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LibraryThing member EllenLEkstrom
Bad son, bad king, bad husband, but hey, he was a medieval rockstar! Richard I of England was the epitomy of the crusader and medieval superman. Penman once again brings us a sympathetic (and annoying) hero in her story of Richard, the first of two books. This story begins in the Kingdom of Sicily
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and ends with Richard leaving the Holy Land after the Third Crusade. I would have given this book five stars, but it got repetitious - unusual for one of Peman's books. I still recommend it.
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LibraryThing member Romonko
I love Sharon Kay Penman's historical novels. They are so thoroughly researched and so well-written. The historical characters seem to come right off the page into your own life as you read. I have always loved the legend of Richard I (Richard the Lionheart), and was thrilled when i saw this book
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come out. Ms. Penman does her usual masterful job of depicting this larger-than-life warrior king. This is the first book of his remarkable attempts at the infamous Third Crusade. Ms. Penman is going to do another novel of the rest of his life after he leaves the holy land after the third crusade. This book has a lot medieval warfare in it, and it is depicted so realistically with all its gore and bloodshed. It was a book that I just couldn't put down. It swept me right into the latter years of the 12 century, and it was always difficult to leave that world and come back to this one when I did put the book down. I can't wait now for "The King's Ransom" where we will get to see the later years of Richard's life.
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LibraryThing member klaidlaw
I couldn't believe my good fortune when I was notified that I had "won" this book in the Early Reviewers program. I have been awaiting it since I first heard it was in the writing process.

The place to start reading this book is at the end--in the author's notes. Ms. Penman (who I have to admit
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early on is one of my favorite historical fiction authors) shows why this book is not only interesting as a read, but is important from a historical research perspective. The author had always been dismissive of Richard until she began researching for Lionheart. What she discovered, helped her peel back the myth of Richard and provide a look at the historical figure based on solid research in primary resources. That is one of the things that sets Ms. Penman above so many historical fiction writers. She is true to history and does not rely merely on secondary sources for her facts. To say that I like this book is a serious understatement, and I look forward to the second half. For a person she dismissed as uninteresting, weak, and vain, she has painted a magnificent portrait of a man of his age. There is a reason he earned the name Lionheart, and this book shares his exploits in the Holy Land to show why. He was a consummate military leader, a great negotiator, and a lousy husband. What more could you want for an interesting story. Sharon saved the best for last in her series of novels about the Angevin rulers.
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LibraryThing member 4fish
I waited eagerly for Lionheart to arrive, because Sharon Kay Penman is one of my favorite authors, and she doesn't disappoint. I loved all 600 pages. It only took me so long to finish because I had to finish a book club book and then take a break while I cooked and cleaned for Thanksgiving.

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take on the infighting and convoluted politics of Richard's Crusade is fascinating. He fought some horrific battles with the Saracens, but had even more vicious, if less bloody, fights with his reluctant allies, the French. Richard is generally dismissed as a bad king of England, largely because he rarely spent time there, but Penman makes it clear that in his day, he was considered a hero, and England was only a small part of his empire.

But as usual, it's the secondary characters that really flesh out the story. Richard's sister Joanna, rescued from her husband's successor as King of Sicily and taken along to the Holy Land as a companion to Richard's new wife, Berengaria, a princess of Navarre. Henri of Champagne, son of another sister, and Morgan ap Ranulf, a fictional Welsh cousin, both follow Richard in battle. Their perspectives provide background and narrative to the story of a crusade that was considered unsuccessful because it fell short of recapturing Jerusalem, despite the fact that it enlarged the western sphere of influence in the Holy Land considerably, largely through Richard's mastery of the art of war.
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LibraryThing member PensiveCat
I haven't done much reading about the Crusades, probably because although I like history, I'm not a battle reader. Lionheart does have plenty of battle scenes, but it also tells the story behind the scenes - the intense bickering between Richard I of England and Philippe of France and the French
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that stayed when Philippe left, the revolving door that was the kingship of Jerusalem, Richard's wife who in previous accounts was more of a footnote, and Mr. Lionheart's illnesses. I think this was the first time Richard was mildly appealing to read about - for one his mother's love didn't have to pull the weight. Not that he was warm and fuzzy - but as a man of his times he at least made sense. And that's one of Penman's strengths - to keep the players of their time, which calls on us to put ourselves in their shoes rather than the other way around.

It was a bit of a long book for such a short time period, but it wasn't dull by any means. I hope the next book has more Eleanor of Acquitaine, because it could be the last chance Penman gets to write about her, and she really does a good job with Eleanor.
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LibraryThing member DevourerOfBooks
In her latest work of epic historical fiction, Lionheart, Sharon Kay Penman explores the reign of Richard I, Richard Coeur de Lion. In particular, Penman focuses on Richard as Crusader-King.

Penman is a true master of historical fiction. There is a lot of repetition in the story of the Third
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Crusade, falling back, advancing, gaining cities and losing them again, Richard riding out with seeming disregard for his personal safety. And yet, Lionheart is a book I didn’t want to stop reading, despite its being 600 pages long. Penman’s strength is in bringing her historical characters vividly to life, without changing their stories or personalities for dramatic effect.

Part of what makes Lionheart so compelling is Penman’s narrator, using the third personal intimate voice, switching not only between Richard and some of his men, but also between his sister Joanna and his wife Berengaria. The women and their retinue – unconventionally following the men on the Crusade, as did Joanna and Richard’s mother Eleanor when she was married to the French king – lent some relief what might have otherwise been a bleak and seemingly endless campaign, bringing humanity to the proceedings in Richard’s camp.

Lionheart is another extremely strong showing from Sharon Kay Penman, and a fascinating look at Richard the Lionheart, Crusader King. The only real negative to reading something by Penman is that it reminds you that she has so many other fabulous (but long!) books that you haven’t read it, thereby stalling your entire TBR list. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member BooksCooksLooks
So much is known about Richard the Lionheart. Even people who don't know much about history have at least heard about him. He is a true legend. Yet in this magnificent novel Ms. Penman manages to make him both bigger than life and ordinary man.

Richard ascends to the throne of England upon the
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death of his father, Henry II. His mother is Eleanor of Aquitaine and he had spent most of his life in her domain thinking he would be ruling there. He never expected to be King of England. He had "taken the cross" and found himself on the third crusade right after he was crowned King. He was unmarried and his heir was his youngest brother John whom he really did not trust. Smart man.

Richard was a soldier through and through. He was a brilliant battle commander and strategist. He and Phillipe Capet of France were joining forces to go on the crusade together but neither man liked nor trusted one another.

The book is a history lover's dream, full of detail and life created from the records left by peoples long dead. Fortunately with Richard there are records from both sides - those that hated him and those that revered him so a somewhat true picture of the man can be formulated. So often with historical records only one side is left to tell the tale.

This is not a book for someone looking for a fast, light read. This is a book for someone who wants to truly immerse themselves in time and place. There are a lot of characters from a number of countries to keep straight - this is sometimes a challenge but they are important to the telling. I have never been disappointed in a book from Ms. Penman, in fact I look forward to each one with a passion.

Lionheart tells only half of Richard's story; the rest will be told in the sequel - A King's Ransom. So my waiting begins. I first discovered Ms. Penman's books in the '80ies with The Sunne in Splendour and drove my husband crazy for every time we went to a book store I had to look for the next book and when it wasn't there I was crushed. This was, of course, before the internet became so ever present.

So if you love history and you want a deep, involving book pick up Lionheart. You will not be disappointed.
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LibraryThing member Christiana5
Lionheart tells the story of the Third Crusade, featuring much sniping between the French and English kings, Phillippe and Richard, both of whom have taken the cross, and their lords. A solid story by Penman, with good pacing, although it does take about 2/3 of the book before the characters arrive
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in the Holy Land, and the real battles begin. We get a female perspective from Joanna, Richard's widowed sister, who accompanies his new bride, Berenguela, and their ladies, on crusade. Many amazing battles based in fact, but most amazing of all is Richard's and Saladin's mutual respect for each other in a time when most of Richard's contemporaries would never deign to make treaties with their Muslim enemies. Not my very favorite of Penman's works, but I learned new things about the crusades and Richard, it kept my attention, and left me wanting to read the sequel. A solid 4 stars.
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LibraryThing member ELEkstrom
Bad Son, Bad King, Bad Husband, but Medieval Rockstar...

Sharon Kay Penman continues her saga of the most dysfunctional family of the twelfth century, the Plantagenets, with this first of two books about Richard, Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine’s third son, who later became known by his
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nickname, Lionheart. In fact, he’s the only English monarch not known by his reignal number. If you said “Lionheart” to someone today, they would probably know you were talking about King Richard the First of England, the epitomy of the Crusader and medieval superman.

The story starts out slowly and with a fictional character that sort of, kind of, disappears into the background midway through the first quarter of the very long book, never to be seen or heard again. While I understand the author’s use of the character to introduce us to the kingdom of Sicily and Richard’s youngest sister, Queen Joanna of Sicily, I thought it was unnecessary. Joanna’s story gives a back story to the conflict brewing among the nobility of southern Europe and we see Richard as a loving brother and diplomat – someone you don’t mess with.

I didn’t like the Richard in Penman’s trilogy that preceded “Lionheart.” He was a spoiled, nasty boy and adolescent with nothing but vengeance on his mind. He doesn’t like his brothers and sees them as the competition. Granted, his father Henry didn’t have the best parenting skills, but Richard was as brutal and mean with his brothers as he was with Henry, going to war with them whenever his precious Aquitaine was threatened. He was considered Eleanor’s favorite and that comes out in the story. I was glad to find Richard a more sympathetic character in “Lionheart,” more mature, but just as reckless and daring, courageous on the battlefield leading his army into bloodbath after bloodbath, getting out of one impossible tight spot after another and surviving. Richard takes the cross, the oath to fight for the restoration of Jerusalem after the battle of Hattin and the fall of Jerusalem in 1187. Here, Penman gets repetitious. The massacre known as the Horns of Hattin and the fall of Jerusalem to Salah al-Din is mentioned in almost every chapter, as a lesson to be learned. No one wants to repeat this horrible mistake. Also, the description of Richard’s royal ship, The Sea Cleaver, comes up more than once, as do the affinities of the men closest to Richard.

Tthe political battles between the Kings of England and France were telling and well portrayed – the less than Christian behavior and attitude of the Kings of England and France toward one another made taking Jerusalem even more difficult than the superior forces of Salah al-Din. If anything, the infighting between the monarchs made the Third Crusade a failure, in my opinion. They were too busy fighting each other to concentrate on defeating Salah al-Din.

We see the “Lionheart” in action from battle to battle, whether on the desert sand or in a castle hall. Richard’s prowess as a battle commander and a warrior was legendary in his own day and he was mobbed like today’s rockstar by his admirers. Penman shows us Richard the egomaniac: his entry into the port at Acre is an event to be witnessed. In fact he makes a spectacular entrance everywhere he goes. His men loved him because he walked among them, toiled and fought alongside them, and put his own safety aside to protect them. Above average in height and looks, he was a dashing prince and one to be obeyed. Penman does a fine job showing this.

I appreciated that Penman didn’t fall back on the Victorian supposition that Richard was gay. Few if any chronicles of his time make this claim. He was promiscuous and had one known illegitimate child, a boy, and he was taken to task bishops for neglecting his wife. Penman shows a man who goes about the motions of being married, trying to be a husband. If Berenguela of Navarre had been a trebuchet or arbalest, Richard would have paid more attention. Still, he’s no monster – just a man with a mission – to reclaim the Holy Land from the infidels, and the mission is his mistress. War is what Richard knows and it’s what he does best. He was also well-read, a poet and a musician, but it was the warrior everyone loved and feared.

This is another Penman book that gives you history and entertains while offering a lesson.

I’m looking forward to “The King’s Ransom” – I’m dying to find out what went wrong between Richard and his queen, and how Penman will deal with the Blondel legend.

A good reading experience and a great introduction for those who have never read about Richard I.
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LibraryThing member RockStarNinja
Admittedly, Richard is one of my least favorite characters from Penman's other books, but He is one of the things that made this books bearable. The best parts of this book was the battle scenes, they were in depth and gave you the feeling that you were really there. Unfortunately though,
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everything else in the book was highly political and as a result I felt like I was reading the same scene over and over again. The same people were against everything and the same people were for it, it all got very predictable towards the end, and I found myself wishing I could just be done already.
I am a big fan of Sharon Penman and I have high hopes for her other books and will be eagerly awaiting the second installment A King's Ransom.
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LibraryThing member amanda4242
It’s a slow starter, but once the title character shows up Lionheart turns into a fantastic read. I’m especially fond of the female characters: Penman doesn’t make them doormats or women who seem to have fallen through time from the 21st century, but writes them as actual human beings with
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thoughts and opinions of their own.
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LibraryThing member MichelleCH
This was my first take with the Crusades. There were some amazing threads throughout the book, such as Miriam and Morgan. The passion and danger they experienced was very well done. I have never been a battle and military strategy type of girl but Penman has an amazing ability to not only help you
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understand the tactics and players but also explains it so well in her writing that you not only get it, but also really care. Unfortunately I didnt connect as strongly with Richard and his bride, Berengaria. It might be that this was because there really wasn't a period where the two of them spent any significant time together. Perhaps if I knew more about Richard's earlier life I could have attached myself to him more. Eleanor of Aquitaine will always be my hero, stunning and strong, she was a woman way ahead of her time. How she managed to have such beautiful but destructive children is endlessly fascinating to me.

I want to know more about Phillipe, Henri and Isabella. Penman gives a fantastic introduction to each and really brings them to life. My time will be spent looking for a deeper insight into these major players. I also found the role of the Templars another area I want to know more about. Lots to absorb in an amazing narrative. Looking forward to the sequel.
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LibraryThing member MJWebb
It took me a long while to get into this book. I think it was mainly because the research is so thorough, that the author threw in too many names, places, explanations, etc. for me. In the early stages I felt the story did not move on fast enough (it is a very large novel and the font is so small).
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I really was struggling and had to force myself to keep going.
And then, something changed. More action. More intrigue. More politics, disputes, rivalries, love interest.....
Basically, more of everything. The story took off and I began really enjoying the novel to the extent where I wanted my next fix.
I think, because it was penned by a lady, the characters are explored in more depth. It's not all action through a man's eyes, in a man's world. You see things from the female perspective, and mightily frightening it is too!
If you like accurate yet thought provoking historical fiction, and if you have patience, this book is for you. Well written, engaging, exciting, you can't help but admire, like, hate, despise and empathise with the characters, whilst always keeping in the back of your mind the thought that, 'Holy Cow! This actually happened!'
I gave it 4 stars, but only because in my opinion it took too long to ignite.
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LibraryThing member Pmaurer
Story of Richard the Lionhearted and his crusade to reclaim Jerusalem. Additional historic figures we his sister Joanna, his wife Berengina, Saladin and the French king Phillip. Many, many battles and war scenes described. Different from the other Henry and Eleanor books. Not much discussion about
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what was happening in England or France,just battles.
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LibraryThing member ejj1955
[Lionheart] by Sharon Kay Penman. It took me quite a while to read this book, which, although it's quite long, says more about me than it does the book, which is a very readable fictionalized account of the first part of Richard I's reign as king of England--specifically, his pivotal part in the
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Crusade to retake Jerusalem from the forces of Saladin. Richard emerges as a fearless warrior and cunning military leader, beset by the realities of trying to survive in the hostile environment of the Middle East (Richard and others repeatedly fall ill) and his ongoing disputes with the French under King Phillippe. The book also examines Richard's relationships with his famous mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine; his sister Joanna, and his wife, Berengaria. Although Richard can be ruthless as a military leader, he and Saladin also clearly respected each other, and Richard shows respect for his Saracen foes, even knighting some of them. Despite carelessness for his personal safety and a series of stunning military victories against a numerically superior foe, Richard falls short of his ultimate goal of retaking Jerusalem, settling instead for an extended truce when he reluctantly decides to respond to letters from home warning that his kingdom is in danger--partly from his ambitious younger brother, John, and partly from the French, as Philippe abandoned the Crusade to return home. The book ends with Richard leaving the Holy Land; Penman plans a sequel covering the later part of his reign, including the period in which he was held for ransom on his long journey back to England. Penman's research is clearly meticulous and in an afterword, she makes clear the instances in which she used creative license--generally because some historical details were not known. But for a view of Richard's character, the Crusade, and medieval life, readers may well learn more from Penman's fiction than from many historians' "fact."
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LibraryThing member Helenliz
I admit to being mildly disappointed in this. I was a massive fan of Sharon Penman's Welsh trilogy, but the last few have been a bit patchy. I know it is impossible to write historical fiction and not know what the ending will be - we all do. But this seemed to be written from a more obvious
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posiiton of foreknowledge than usual. Too often a chapter would end with a short section "and chroniclers wrote..." Occasionally it works as a tool, to reinforce that this is a momumentous evemt, but it felt like this was happening too often. I also found the continual battles to be a bit wearing. OK, so Richard and the third Cruade is going to be a bit battle heavy, but it go a bit repetitive and, if I'm honest, a little stereotypically cardboard cut out. To sumarise, French bad; Saladin honourable but going to hell anyway; Richard - well the sun may as well shine out of his arse from this account. He's not maybe as bad a king as reputation may have made him, but this felt a bit too much like trying to repaint his reputation in a single volume - and it therefore felt unbalanced and biased.
As usual, I like the interplay of charcters and the addition of a few minor characters close to the main protagonists to advance the story and provide some colour. But the whole was somewhat unsatisfactory.
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LibraryThing member a1stitcher
What can I say? It's an SKP novel. Wonderfully written and full of historical fact, this is the story of Richard The Lionheart's unbelievable Outremer sojourn. The Third Crusade. Nearly to the walls of Jerusalem, but not quite far enough to win the city from Saladin. There is another novel in the
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works and I will wait patiently for it.
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RUSA CODES Reading List (Shortlist — Historical Fiction — 2012)

Original publication date


Physical description

608 p.; 9.4 inches


0399157859 / 9780399157851
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