F in Exams

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Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML: F' stands for 'funny' in this perfect gift for students or anyone who has ever had to struggle through a test and needs a good laugh. Celebrating the creative side of failure in a way we can all relate to, F in Exams gathers the most hilarious and inventive test answers provided by students who, faced with a question they have no hope of getting right, decide to have a little fun instead. Whether in science (Q: What is the highest frequency noise that a human can register? A: Mariah Carey), the humanities (Q: What did Mahatma Gandhi and Genghis Khan have in common? A: Unusual names), math, or other subjects, these 250 entries prove that while everyone enjoys the spectacle of failure, it's even sweeter to see a FAIL turn into a WIN..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member bragan
A short compilation of humorous, supposedly real test answers given by students. They range from vaguely cute to laugh-out-loud funny. One of my favorites: the first and second laws of thermodynamics being given as "First rule of thermodynamics is you do not talk about thermodynamics. Second rule
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of thermodynamics is you do not talk about thermodynamics." There's not much to it -- the whole thing maybe takes fifteen minutes to read, if you're not hurrying -- but it's a decent little hit of humor if you need some.
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LibraryThing member bell7
Looking for something quick and light before the end-of-semester or other seasonal craziness? This book is sure to put a smile on your face, collecting the "best totally wrong test answers," as the subtitle advertises.

The layout is well thought out. The chapters are organized by subject, such as
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Chemistry, Math, and English. Each page has two questions and answers; the answers are in different handwriting fonts and different colors. Sometimes the humor was more evident if you actually knew the correct answer, but it's not always necessary. The answers are goofy, logical, or smart-alecky, but I was laughing out loud for the 30 minutes or so it took me to page through this book.
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LibraryThing member Devil_llama
This short book will make every teacher roar with laughter, weep with pain, and nod their head with recognition. Every page is a groaner, as the author compiles lists of student's wrong answers on tests. Some of the answers are obviously areas where the student was attempting to be funny, probably
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to laugh past the fact that they don't know the answer. Others are the unintentional howlers that make up so many student answers. Others, such as when older people become intercontinental as they age, are the spelling transpositions we all know and love(?) from our own student papers. I predict this particular genre growing over the next few years, as there is certainly a wealth of material. Overall, a short read for a quick break from the tedium of a world where Karl Marx isn't one of the Marx brothers.
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LibraryThing member ironicqueery
F in Exams is a cute humor book, consisting of crazy answers found on tests. Richard Benson collects a wide variety of smart-aleck, sarcastic, and downright dumb answers students use on tests in a gamut of subjects. The book is a short and quick read; I wish it had been lengthier. Nevertheless,
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it's a fun little read.
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LibraryThing member phoebesmum
You know that "Find 'x'" "Here it is!" joke? This is a collection of those. Two to a page, which doesn't make for much of a wordcount. But hell, I say it's bound and has an ISBN, that makes it a book. Besides, it made me laugh, and that almost never happens.
LibraryThing member jenlunny
This is a light, fast and entertaining book. The students answers, although they often reflect a lack of knowledge, also usually show a great deal of wit and intelligence that I found refreshing. I have noticed this book often ends up left behind on the tables in the library. I think student groups
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notice it on the display, read it together, have a few good laughs and then move on. F in Exams provides snapshots of humour.
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LibraryThing member RajivC
This is great fun book!! I love the answers, as does my son! If you want a laugh, and a chortle when your kids are studying for their exams, then read this.
Only, pray your own kid does not get too inspired by the answers.
On the Kindle, it would have been great if the answers, in all cases, were on
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the same page as the questions. That they were not, was a bit irritating at times.
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LibraryThing member TeamDewey
I laughed a lot throughout this book
LibraryThing member untitled841
Quite hilarious. Some of the answers were convincing attempts at responding to the test questions. This made the ludicrous responses really stick out.
LibraryThing member Samar.Abd-Allah
Nothing special, believe that some of these answers are made up actually and not real, some answers were really funny though but overall it was just okay..
LibraryThing member PamZaragoza
FUNNY AS HELL. HAHAHA. Dunno if these students are just being funny or they just don't know the answers!
LibraryThing member selinalynn69
Cute book. Some parts were laugh out loud funny. Some of the cursive was hard to read
LibraryThing member HopeMiller123
This book is full of very funny wrong answers that students have put on test in the past. Their are examples of all subjects from math to social studies. This is a book that is good for a laugh,...not too serious.
LibraryThing member E.A.Walsh
This made my feels happy!

This is the type of book you need to read when you have that off day and you just need that one good laugh to make everything even just for a second feel better.

If you have kids, ( I don't, but I have many young cousins ) it will have you shaking your head, and maybe at
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times have you going, I can see my kid doing that.

Pick this up when you’re feeling down, or if you just want to laugh. It’s a good in-betweener when you done with a series and need a good pallet cleanser.

Happy Reading and

Don't stop being Awesome!
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LibraryThing member EmergencyRN
The only thing I can say about this book is either the answers written are very funny or just meh. But good for a pick me up if you ever wonder why people are how they are.....those answers.....drop the mic and walk away now.
LibraryThing member Sarah_Buckley
This was ok. It was very fast and over quickly, which is good for this kind of book. Pretty funny, although most, if not all, of the items in this book are around the internet for all to see already.
LibraryThing member laura.w.douglas
My oldest son read this to me while I was organizing my classroom library.

Bless their hearts; students are either seriously lacking or beautifully witty. :)

Hilarious read!
LibraryThing member Razinha
Some of these can't be true, and some of them have to be. Quick. Funny.
LibraryThing member JenniferRobb
Very humorous answers to common test questions. Have you ever stared at an exam question, knowing that you didn't know the answer? Or mixed up similar sounding words? So have these students! Some of the answers recorded seem to be a deliberate attempt to be humorous. In other cases, I think the
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student knew the answer but wrote a word that sounded similar to the one they wanted, or misspelled a word in a way that changed its meaning to something very different.
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LibraryThing member melydia
I'd seen most of these on the internet before, but it was still fun to read these hilariously wrong answers to test questions. My only complaint was that some of the handwriting fonts weren't too legible. But that's a minor quibble - none of them were completely indecipherable. A funny and quick
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LibraryThing member holdenkillfield
Cute. Short and entertaining. A quick blast of humor to pick you up during your day. Not only for teachers to LOL but any of us who can remember taking a test and just writing something down.
LibraryThing member SwitchKnitter
This is goofy as hell, as expected. Also very short.
LibraryThing member walterhistory
Mr Benson produces a very amusing book on the most hilarious answers by students who either didn't bother to study or were just bored to tears. No matter the subject, those who have taught in the classroom know & will laugh at the audacity or just pathetic responses to questions. That is, if one
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has a warped sense of humor.
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LibraryThing member BruceCoulson
A collection of wrong answers from various exams, tests, and quizzes. Some are stupid, some are snarky, some are genuinely funny...and a few are strangely appropriate, even if they weren't what the teacher was looking for. (from the Business and Technology section) "What is a network?" "When you go
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and chat with people you don't like to try and get a job."
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LibraryThing member jcelrod
Laugh-out-loud funny and slightly disturbing at the same time. Still, I wish my own students would be this inventive when it comes to giving incorrect answers on tests!!!

Original publication date


Physical description

6.46 inches


1840247002 / 9781840247008

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