Shift (Shade, Book 2)

by Jeri Smith-Ready

Hardcover, 2011



Call number




Simon Pulse (2011), Hardcover, 384 pages


Logan returns as a ghost, complicating sixteen-year-old Aura's budding relationship with Zachary, especially when they discover that Logan might be able to become solid again.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Reader_Barbara
I was lucky enough to receive an advanced reader's copy of Shift (Shade, Book 2) by Jeri Smith-Ready. I was thrilled because I absolutely loved Shade (Shade, Book 1), as well as her WVMP series, and I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Shift (Shade, Book 2) since I finished Shade (Shade,
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Book 1). If you haven't read Shade (Shade, Book 1), go get it now and read it--it's excellent.

Shift (Shade, Book 2) picks up shortly after Shade (Shade, Book 1). Aura is still reeling from Logan having gone shade and is desperately trying to bring him back. She is also trying to deal with her feelings for Zachary, while they work together to uncover the role of Newgrange in the Shift, as well as their place in it. This second installment, the series will be a trilogy, really focuses on Aura and her feelings. She is trying to reconcile the loss of her first love, while facing her feelings for Zachary--who may be her destiny. Aside from the supernatural aspects, the emotional development of Aura is well-written and very true to life. She is at an age where she is transitioning into a more mature mind-set. Her priorities are changing and her emotions are maturing. Her relationships are maturing as well, not just with Zachary but also with her Aunt Gina and her grandmother. Together, Aura and Zachary begin to unravel the mysteries of the Shift, Newgrange and Aura's parents. They learn about the connection between Zachary's father & Aura's mother and what may have happened to them on that fateful Winter Solstice.

In truth, I started reading Jeri Smith-Ready because she writes about where I am from. I really enjoy reading about familiar places in my fiction. However, her books are great, with or without the local connection. I highly recommend all of her books, but this series is my favorite of hers. The concept is original and fascinating. The relationships are well-developed and, supernatural elements aside, very easy to relate to. Her WVMP series runs a close second--and if you love vampires, you should get started with Wicked Game.
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LibraryThing member pollywannabook
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

There are a few elusive books that leave you with a blissful smile on your face when you finish them. A feeling of pure contentment. Not necessarily because the ending is perfectly happy, or even that the good guys fully defeated the bad guys. But just
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because it’s the exact right way that this book needed it end. Well that’s SHIFT. A beautiful story that is haunting in ways that have nothing to do with the ghosts inside.

SHIFT is a very mature YA novel with none of the superficiality and self absorption that can plague this genre. SHIFT deals literally with life and death and that reality lends itself to very mature characters and themes. The worldbuilding, the character development, the various relationships, and especially the romance. Everything works so well. I especially responded to the character growth of Logan. We saw him both alive and as a ghost in SHADE, and without loosing the volatile, impulsive, charismatic nature of his character, he grew up in SHIFT. It was painful to see him watch everyone around him, especially Aura, move on, but it was the kind of pain that becomes addictive. I couldn’t put this book down.

And it wasn’t just Logan who I loved. Aura and Zachary also burrowed deeper into my heart, but for other reasons. Aura was so believable as she anguished about Logan, felt guilty about her conflicting feelings, and yet acknowledged them completely. She never once hid from her emotions, regardless of how raw they were.

Not just my favorite Paranormal YA ghost story, it’s my favorite ghost story ever. As much as I loved SHADE, SHIFT is even better. The pain cuts deeper, but the pleasure does too. My heart soared and plummeted right along with Aura and Logan and Zachary. Jeri Smith-Ready is clearly steering us towards a very definite conclusion (the final book in the Shade trilogy will be released in Summer 2012). This book doesn’t just set a set up the final book, it reveals a number of shockers, serious jaw droppers about Aura and Zachary, the nature of ghosts, and details about the Shift itself. How will I ever endure the year long wait for the conclusion?

Sexual Content:
Kissing. Scenes of sensuality. References to sex.
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LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
I am going to preface this review by mentioning the first book in this series, Shade because it was so fantastic I was afraid Shift was not going to live up to it. I am happy to be completely wrong, I don’t know how she did it but Jeri made Shift even more addictive than Shade! I was once again
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sucked into this world and could not leave until I read it cover to cover.

So, onto the story. We rejoin Aura a couple months after Logan has turned into a shade. She is desperately trying to bring him to her and turn him back into a ghost. She is not sure what type of relationship she is looking for from him, but she knows she needs to figure it out if she and Zachary are ever going to have a chance at any kind of relationship. Watching Aura sort through her feelings between the two boys made me ache for her. Her heart is torn between them, the boy who holds her past and the one who could be her future. Her struggle is not easy, but she did not just go and pout or sulk in a corner, she does finally confront her feelings and decides where she belongs. I appreciated her indecision in the begining because it is not a simple choice, but I was happy that Jeri did not drag this dilemma out for the entire book. We get to see her choose and be happy in her choice. There are struggles along the way, but they are believable and did not leave me frustrated.

While Aura is searching through her heart for answers, she and Zachary are also searching for their significance in this world. In Shift we get several pieces of the puzzle put into place and delve further into both of their pasts. Some of the revelations definitely took me by surprise, but in a “Omg, did that just happen?” fantastic way. Once the answers are in front of you it makes sense and fits, I just did not see them coming. I love the mystery that shrouds the births of Aura and Zachary and can’t wait for the next book where we will hopefully get the entire truth revealed to us.

And what Jeri Smith-Ready book is complete without sweet music laced into it? I love discovering what bands she was going to mention or what songs the characters are currently listening to. I always bookmark those pages and look up the bands later if I have not heard of them before, because I know they are going to be awesome. Music is vital to many of the characters in this series. Getting to know their likes and dislikes always reveals more about who they are, and therefore the reader has more insight into the characters makeup.

While I am firmly on the team Zachary side of this love triangle, I can appreciate Logan’s struggles. He is just trying to navigate his afterlife and find out where he belongs. His turmoil does start to spill over into the lives of everyone he was close to though and it causes a lot of problems. In Shift we get to explore more of the relationships between many different characters whether they were friendly or romantic. It was interesting to see how much one life really can affects others.

Overall, this series is just amazing! I sat down to start this book and could not get up to do anything else until I finished. I was completely engrossed from start to finish in this captivating world that Jeri has created. I cannot wait for the third installment, Shine, which is due out next year. If you have not read this series, you really are missing out. So do yourself a favor and go see what I am gushing about and read this series!
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
Ms. Ready, you totally rock my world! This book is beyond awesome! The plot, the characters and the way it was written had me gripping my poor kobo hard.

What I liked most about this book is the storyline. If you have not read the first one, I strongly suggest you do. Where the first book left you
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with questions, this one gave you answers and even more questions! The secrets that were exposed were beyond anything I could imagine but also made sense.

The mysterious of the shift is detailed more in this book. I love how Ms. Ready lead the reader clue by clue until it was all revealed. I like it very much when the author can lead you like that. It makes you feel more in the story, like you are the characters searching for answers. Ms. Ready brought all her characters to life straight from words to your mind.

There wasn't so much as a love interest in this book. It was more of a confused girl who had too much on her mind to make up her mind about boys. Aura just couldn't get her head straight and it made her look bad. I was upset at her and how she acted. And I'm sorry, but she did deserve it.

Over all, Shift is a great sequel to Shade! The book had lots of secrets revealed and more answers wanted. Ms. Ready wrote a fantastic book that I could not get enough of. It is very addicting and had you turning the pages faster and faster! I can't wait to read the next book. Plus there is always Zachary, who accent makes my knees melt!

There was some cursing and lots of talk about sex*
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LibraryThing member ilikethesebooks
I thought Shade, the first book in the trilogy, was good, but Shift is at least ten times better. This installment had more secrets, more romance and way more action than the first. In a nutshell, it was awesome.

In Shift Aura finds herself in an even more difficult situation that before. She has
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started pulling away from Zachary out of worry and stress about the current shade state of her dead boyfriend Logan. Will all that is going on, even she can't figure out who it is that she loves, never mind what to do about it. As if that wasn't enough, she finds herself uncovering dangerous secrets about her and Zachary's lives through the hidden clues her mother left behind.

While the first book was more introduction to the world, the characters and their problems, this book was more expansion on the plot, which gave it extra room to explore. Let me tell you, Smith-Ready took advantage of that and created a fast paced adventure in 367 pages of pure awesome. I loved this book! Even more so than the first. I liked how the first book kind of makes you think that events are going to happen a certain way, but then this book comes along and erases all of your preconceived notions. Nothing is quite predictable, and I was really glad for that.

As readers of the first book know, this series has a sort of mystical, or magical feel about it. Even when nothing paranormal or fantastical is happening, the writing has a way of making the reader feel like it is. It is hard to describe or understand without having immersed yourself in the book- but hey! That is one good reason why you should. (Soon.)

Contrary to the ending of the first, this ending almost wrapped everything up. I am really glad that there is going to be a third and final book, since I am not yet ready to part from this lovely world. However, I almost felt like this was the conclusion to the series. There was no big cliffhanger like the first, which disappointed me just a bit, but I'm sure many people will like.

Each little plot point is pretty essential to the story line, even if it doesn't seem so, so I do not want to take the chance of ruining anything for anyone. So I am going to stop myself here from raving uncontrollably. But I will say two things before I leave you. One, Team Zachary! (Honestly, why are you still here Logan?) Two, someone please get me Shine!
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LibraryThing member StaceyMacWrites
For those of you who haven't read Shade, the first in the Shade series, you absolutely must. It is one of my favorite books of all time. I originally purchased it as a e-book but that wasn't enough and ended up lucky enough to snag a hard cover as well.

So what do I think about Shift? Jeri
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Smith-Ready got it right yet again. Shift is one of those books that even through the stressful parts I was still falling in love and reading each word intricately and appreciating it for all it was worth. Wanting more. Needing more.

Aura is the same torn, loyal, and wonky self-proclaimed outcast she was in Shade. Her emotions still waver but she seems more steady despite her stumbles. She has matured as much as a girl can in that amount of time and dealing with what she is. Her grief is still thick, though 'what is right' is easier for her to swallow and accept. Though, in her search for what is right she finds herself in several unlikely and unpredictable situations which end up opening her eyes to her true feelings and what is around her all while entertaining us and having us pulling out our hair.

Zackary has a bigger role in this book and is still at a silent competition with her un-shaded, ghostly (ex?)boyfriend Logan. Both Logan and Zackary have matured if only slightly, despite their guy-ish habits and the fact they both want what they may be withheld. The pressure really falls on these leading guys forcing choices to be made on both of their parts. Logan is still dealing with his death and the fact that his family, including Aura, wants him to move on and try to find the light. Zackary is dealing with the affects The Shift had on him as well as family matters which will tear at your heart as they did at his and Aura's. Aura's relationship with these guys, and even their families, really shines in this installment and it really shows how much the friendship and love that flows between her and these two guys.

The plot that drove Shift, beyond the wavering and ever-growing romance, was just as put together, well thought out and brilliantly painted as it was in Shade. The twists and turns were impeccable and honestly most of them I didn't even foresee which kept the story fresh and kept me turning the pages.

The romance really heated up this go around. Logan and Zackary were still both in the forefront, but the differences between Logan and Zackary really became prominent and really offered a clear path for Aura to start conquering the obstacles which stood between her and her heart. Unfortunately, not everything is as it seems and there are times, depending on which team you are on, you find yourself gritting your teeth and urging Aura to go back the other way or to open her eyes to what is in front of her or maybe behind her. All truly does come full circle in the end with a bearable cliffhanger that keeps you wanting more but at leasts sedates your urges to go insane while waiting another year.

Jeri Smith Ready gave us a fabulous follow up to Shade, with Shift. Shift is an all encompassing book with mystery, romance, and almost realistic fiction which sets it apart from some of its counterparts.

Shift truly is Flippin' Fabulous and Shine, the third installment of the Shade series, can't come fast enough!
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LibraryThing member RtB
reviewer: Bri
Shift is a sequel...a true sequel from what I can tell of Shade. As in, it starts from where the previous book left off. I had not had the opportunity to read Shade prior to Shift and with a short deadline knew I wouldn't. Therefore, for the first time ever I read the sequel first. All
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I can say is it motivated me to go get Shift now too.

Aura is a dynamic but believable character, facing all the normal difficulties a teenage girl faces like Algebra, while also dealing with ghosts. One ghost in particular is Logan, her ex-boyfriend she still loves. Throw in Zachary a young man who she is literally destined for and you have yourself a love triangle of paranormal proportions creating a suspenseful fun read.

Those that read this blog know I am a character-oriented person and Shift delivered. The cast of secondaries were great. However, I think I would have loved them more if I had read Shade first. Therefore, while Shift is amazing, it's even better with Shade.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
"Shade" was a very good book with a strong new concept. Something changed in the world and those under eighteen can now see ghosts and interact with them. Those older can't see them and have to rely on knowledge from those who are younger. What happened to cause this Shift in the world? In the
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first book Aura witnesses her boyfriend Logan die...and then she sees him again as a ghost. That story is mostly about Aura trying to grieve and move on after her boyfriends death, while he is still hovering around as a ghost. Toward the end of the book, the plot starts revealing some teasers about how the Shift came to be and how Aura and her new friend Zach are linked. The second book, "Shift", further delves into this mysteries and it includes an interesting look into Aura's mother's past.

Logan is still around and trying to come to terms with Aura dating other people. Aura still struggles with her feelings for both Logan and Zach. Aura is a very realistic character. She uses her head for the most part and really cares about those she is around. She goes out of her way not to hurt people and she wants desperately to uncover the truth about the shift. She is one of the strongest heroines in YA literature right now. However I had a huge pet peeve with her in this book. Besides going back and forth between Zach and Logan, Aura starts a little fling with a third character (didn't see that one coming) and she is ready to make out with whichever one is around. I know her feelings are messed up and I know she is overwhelmed but I was really disappointed in her. I think her struggles between Zach (new, breathing, patient and kind) and Logan (long term relationship, hot headed, needy and unfortunately deceased) felt genuine and emotionally driven but the third fling just felt desperate and not in a way that helped the story.

There is a lot more action in this book and I really enjoyed that. Aura and Zach are a little too close to figuring this out and so is the government. They are more than a little eager to know what Aura knows. This leads to quite a good 'on the run' sequence. The end of the book also worked well with the story and hopefully a big part of this plot has now been 'laid to rest'. Smith-Ready is an amazing author. Everything she has written so far has been high quality and worth reading. This series is no different and I think most people would enjoy these books. I am going to grab up the conclusion as soon as its released
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LibraryThing member thehistorychic
Received for Review
Overall Rating 3.75
Character Rating 3.50
Story Rating 4.25
Audio Rating 4.00
Teen Angst: There was quite a bit more but by the end a lot of it had been worked out...

Note: I think people who read YA novels regularly will give Shift a 4.5 or 5. As an occasional YA reader the angst was
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a little bit to much for me though it does have it's place. Please keep that mind while reading my review.

What I Loved: The story, plot, and pacing was beyond fantastic. I am really interested in Shine (the next book in the series) and what is going to happen now that so many things have been tied up. This story really did wrap up a lot of plot lines and opened up so many more. The best thing, it was not at all frustrating instead it was much more intriguing and well thought out. The action in the last 1/4 of the story was fast-paced and twisty-turvy. While I was never sure where it was going, I was not disappointed when the story ended.

What I Liked: The characters in Shift/Shade are all very likable and well rounded. I really appreciated the fact that they had varied interests in music, education, and learning more about their world. The parents/guardians were also a major part of the story and something I think is missing in most YA. This brought believability and credibility to the storyline.

Complaints: Just the angst surrounding Prom but that will not bother most readers

Audio Specific Review: Khristine Hvam did a fantastic job on pacing, voices, and emotions. She is a very good reader for this story!

Why I gave it a 3.75: This was a fantastic addition to this series. While I had some minor issues with angst, the story/plot/pacing was very well done. I recommend this series to YA and non-YA Paranormal Readers.
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LibraryThing member AverysBookNook
***May contain spoilers***

While I found some of the characters to be much more tolerable in this book than in the previous book and I found it to be quite a bit more humorous than "Shade", it unfortunately didn't do as much for me as "Shade" did. I found that it was a bit difficult to keep track of
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everything that was going on in this book- I got halfway through it, set it aside for less than 24 hours, and when I came back to it I honestly couldn't remember what had happened in the first half (and by this I mean, I couldn't remember what the status of Aura and Logan's relationship was and what the status of Zachary and Aura's relationship was because they were constantly changing- even within a couple of pages or so- one minute Aura and Zachary (or Logan) were getting all hot and heavy together, the next minute they were screaming at one another or refusing to speak to one another).

Furthermore, I was really turned off by Aura in this book (much like I was with Faythe Saunders in Rachel Vincent's "Shifters" series). I hated how she flipped flopped between the male characters so much- and while I thought that a love triangle was bad enough, the love square in this book was even worse (yes, a love square- and with the most unexpected character in my opinion). What I also hated was how Aura (again, much like Faythe Saunders) attempted dealt with the grief that she experienced in this book, with another character (as silly as this sounds, I almost felt like Aura was a bit sex-crazed in this book, just with the fact that at times it didn't really matter who she was doing it with, as long as she was doing it).

As for the boys? I found myself unable to stomach Zachary for the large part of the middle of the book (because of certain actions), but when his super sweet side that we had become accustomed to in "Shade" came out once again (towards the end of this book), I was obviously once again swept off my feet (but not sweet enough to make me forgive/ forget about his past transgressions). I totally loved Logan in this book, while I was more so on the fence with him in the previous book- It really is a shame that he finally became the person that he was meant to be because of his death.

While I had about more than a couple of complaints about the characters of this book I must say that the new developments of this book were extremely interesting/ intriguing/ totally unexpected in my opinion and I cannot wait to see were they lead to in the next book of the series, "Shine"!

Memorable lines of the book:

The ghost of the naked man raised his arms...
"What's wrong?" Logan asked his brother. "Is there another ghost here?"
"Yeah, and he is hung like a hippo."
"What? Aura, don't look."(pg. 67)

[Logan talking to Aura prior to her date with Zachary] "Don't get laid." (pg.31)

[Logan talking about Zachary] "But a jerk like me can never compete with someone so f*cking pure of heart." (pg. 144)

"What the hell is a vole?" (pg. 256).
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LibraryThing member WMGallaway
This book was great in that I could just start right into it and already know it and its charactors - a nice flow even though it has been a bit since I have read Shade. Some books leave me a bit lost in the beginning. Not this. It makes sense though because the charactors are so charming in their
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own way. What happens? Aura finds out that she can unshade a shade. Namely, Logan. Aura and Zach are both idiots when they are trying to figure out what their relationship should or should not be - but that gets straightened out when they read some diary excerpts. There is quite a lot that happens in this book that is pretty major and I don't want to give it all away. It was a quick read but a good one. I am excited to read the next though of course it doesn't come out until next year!
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second book in the Shade series by Jeri Smith-Ready. The third, and final book, Shine is due out in 2012. This was an excellent continuation of the series. I continue to enjoy the mystery, the creative world, and the engaging characters in these books. You should definitely start with
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the first book in the series, Shade.

Aura calls to Logan every night in hopes of turning him back from a Shade to a Ghost. Aura is also involved with the wonderful Zachery; he is alive while Logan is dead. Also while Zachery was the last person born before the Shift, Aura was the first and they are worried that being together might spell catastrophe for the world. Zachery and Aura are doing their best to solve the mystery of the Shift, they both think it could be more dangerous than either suspected. Aura will also have to choose between her dead boyfriend, who she has no future with, and Zachary.

This book was incredibly well-written. The writing style flows very nicely, the characters sound so natural and it is just a joy to read. Aura and Zachery are characters you really love and are pulling for throughout the book. Even Logan seems like less of a jerk than he was last book and, as a reader, we start to see things more from his perspective in this book.

The mystery surrounding the Shift is incredibly interesting and I really enjoyed following Aura and Zachery as they unravel it. I also thought that the influence that Aura and Zachery have on each others' special powers is intriguing. The plot is well paced and this makes the book very hard to put down; you are always wondering what will happen next. Aura's struggle between choosing Logan or Zachary is also engaging and heart-wrenching.

My only complaint with this book is that is spends too much time following Aura as she whines and moans and complains about Logan and Zachary fighting over her. There is too much of "Oh Aura likes Logan, now she likes Zack, now she hates Zack, now she likes some other guy". At points this drama got a bit eye-rolling and I just wanted to get on with the mystery behind the Shift.

Overall this book was incredibly well written and made for an excellent read. The world is very creative and interesting and I loved following the mystery behind how the Shift was caused. Aura, Logan, and Zachary are wonderful characters that are incredibly engaging. If the teenage drama had been ratcheted down a notch this book would have been absolutely perfect. I think fans of the first book, Shade, will love this book. This is honestly one of the better young adult paranormal series out there. So, if you love paranormal YA make sure to check this series out.
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LibraryThing member jacindahinten
I was initially reluctant to pick up Shift. I had read Shade about a month after it came out last year and I knew I loved it then. Over the course of that year and not discussing and talking about Shade much, I forgot the reasons why I loved it. I took the plunge and decided to just read Shift…I
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now remember why I loved Shade as much as I did! When I think of teenagers today I think of Aura (beside the whole seeing ghosts thing). She’s realistic, she has realistic feelings, and she isn’t perfect. I love myself an imperfect teenager in books, because weren’t we all imperfect at that age and even now?! I sure was. Aura tends to be moved by emotion, which is very typical of a teenager. Shift is just a very interesting read and stands out and possibly is even better than Shade. Many supernatural/fantasy stories can mix together in my mind and I can forgot what goes where, but Shift’s content stays with you…it’s unique!
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LibraryThing member hrose2931
I loved Shade! So naturally, I couldn't wait for Shift to come out! I dove right in when it came and then in the shuffle of moving and all of that Shift got lost among the clutter of books surrounding my bed and packed up with my treasured YA books that I didn't trust the moving company with. So it
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took a while for me to find it again. And it sat here with a couple of dozen other books needing to be read. But then the YA Crush Tourney came about and Zachary and Aura and yes even Logan called to me. So I picked Shift up and started right where I left off and was instantly in the story again.

I love Jeri Smith-Ready's characters. They all have a serious side, but seem to be able to make a joke even at the worst of times. And they show their vulnerability. Aura had the worst of it in the last book, but in this one too, she gets a hard time. And she admits that she was hurt. Zachary still has to fight for Aura against the ghost of Logan. Hard to do when he's still hanging around! And then there is Logan. He's such an enigma. Do ghosts have feelings? Can he still love Aura? Or is it just memories of what they had?

But there is plot and plot drives this one very quickly. Always at their backs, Aura, Logan and Zachary have the DMP. And Aura and Zachary are afraid they will find out their secret. Logan knows and ghosts can't lie. What if he tells them? And something weird happens with Logan while he's with Aura. Something impossible. We get a lot of information about Aura's past in this sequel and the plot, especially the last half, is full of chases, surprise clues to Aura's past, and some very sexy love scenes. Had me blushing! That last half goes by so fast feels like you've only been reading an hour or so. Maybe that was all I was reading. I don't know I'm just glad there's a third book!

The characters were just as full and entertaining as before. I was yelling at some and pulling my hair out at the antics of others. And "as the plot thickened" as they say, I swear I was jumping up and down encouraging my two favorite characters.

If Shade was good, Shift was even better. I've been told that the second book is harder to write, but you couldn't tell it by Shift. It's a terrific sequel and surpasses Shade. Just waiting for Shine....

Anxiously waiting

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LibraryThing member MrsBoswellBooks
The Shade series by JSR is a standout set of novels in a paranormal genre full of vampires, werewolves and angels. This is the first series I've read based solely on ghosts. It is incredibly unique and well-written.

The Shift is such an intriguing event. Not too much information is divulged, but the
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intrigue, mystery and suspense kept me hooked and wanting to find out more.

Aura is a wonderful protagonist. First off, I just love her name and think it suits her perfectly. She is extremely well-developed. I felt like I had a clear shot into Aura's head. Her emotions, thoughts, concerns and struggles felt as though they were my own.

There is a love triangle in this series. With most, I am easily able to pick a team and stick to it. I did not get off so easily this time around. After becoming so familiar with each love interest, I couldn't decide who to cheer for. Logan is a rock star with a big heart. Zachary is a lovely, endearing, charming and incredibly sexy Scotsman. Ok, from those descriptions it seems I have picked Zachary... Whom I do tend to lean towards more. But each fought for a place in Aura's heart (and mine) throughout the story.

Be forewarned, some of the interactions between a certain girl and one of the boys does get a little risque!

Shade ended with a total cliffhanger forcing me to pick up Shift and start it right away. Shift didn't give such a forceful push off of the edge, but it did leave me desiring to know what happens next.

JSR's passion shines through every page. Her writing draws you in and doesn't let you go. A great paranormal series I recommend to all.
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LibraryThing member SupaGurlbooks
Ok as a note I HEART this series! Jeri really has a knack for what she does..making you feel all that you are reading. I am vested in each of these characters and wouldn't want it any other way. This book will blow you away! If you read and liked - loved Shade then this is a MUST!

Personal note:
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( and I don't usually do this) I had someone Very close to me like in the first book die on me at 17, and I am not sure I wouldn't have done exactly what Aura has in these books. Makes me think and that is so cool! It even grips me harder that I have had this experience in my life and I can put myself in her place :) MUCH LOVE..
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
I really enjoyed Shift and can't wait for Shine. This trilogy has thus far blown me out of the water. I'm so glad I won it and read it!!
All the characters I fell in love with are back, and they are still amazing. I do have to say that both Zachary and Logan pulled some things that made me angry
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and want to hit them, but I think that it worked out okay enough in the end.
Some of my questions (and Aura's) were answered, but there is still a lot that I want to know and can't wait to find out how the answers come to her.
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LibraryThing member meags222
As I stated in my previous post I have started listening to audio books on my long drive to school. My first audio book was actually Shade which is the first in the Smith-Ready series. I fell in love with Aura and I am not going to like with Zachary too. Who can resist a Scottish accent or any
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accent really for that matter. I also loved the idea of these books. That there was a shift and at the shift a whole population of people were born who could see ghosts. I can not imagine what life would be like if I could see ghosts walking around all the time. It was an original concept for a story line and I have to admit that I am a bit partial to ghost stories. It broke my heart in the first novel to listen to Aura go through her struggles with letting Logan go and moving on with her life. I do not want to give away too much of the storyline but there is quite the twist in this novel. I love that while many authors seem to go for the multiple book series a la Vampire Academy or Mortal Instruments series, Smith-Ready decided to leave it with 2 books. I like that after reading the first novel I could go right into the second novel and find out everything. I hate reading a series and having to wait and wait and wait through several books to get any answers. That drives me bananas and I eventually end up losing interest. I love that the book concluded and many questions were answered. I am not going to lie but I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of Logan. From the beginning he seemed a bit too egotistical for me. While he does have some redeeming qualities, I am definitely on Team Zachary. I would highly recommend both Shade and Shift. I could not get enough of them and ended up listening to these books even when I was not driving. I think I may have driven my husband crazy but oh well. Anyhow, overall I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member Tommie.C
I absolutly loved this book! It was even better than Shade!

I know some people liked Shade more because it was more emotional, but in Shift everything made sense. We finaly discovered the truth about the Shift, Aura's birth and the identity of her father. Even though we don't see a lot of Logan
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there's plenty of Zach! There was a lot of drama between the two of them,* I want you but we can't because it 's wrong* kind of drama.

I actually missed Logan, he wasn't my favorite character in Shade but with some recent events I expected to see more of him but the book took a different turn. All the characters were well developped especially Dylan who was for me a special favorite. There was more action, a lot of revelations, and some romance. And Aura finally made her choice between Logan and Zach.

This book could have been the end of the series but I'm glad there's a sequel and I'm looking forward to read it!
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LibraryThing member DamarisGCR
I just absolutely LOVE this series! It just keeps getting better and better. I get so nervous reading sequels because I am always afraid I won't like it as much as the first. Shade was really good and a definite page turner, but I found the direction Jeri took the story in Shift was just PERFECT in
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every way. Some parts were predictable and some just left me with my mouth hanging open LOL.In Shift, Aura grows a lot more and knows exactly what she wants. Her character really moves forward and becomes a lot stronger. She discovers who her heart really wants and exactly why her and Zachary are so important, and why they must keep their abilities a secret. Shift lacks absolutely nothing. If you loved Shade, then just wait until you read Shift. It brought a smile to my face, tears to my eyes, and "Oh My God" all out of me in one sitting. I was at the edge of my seat waiting to see how everything would play out and how it would end. The ending was perfect, and now to wait for book three just makes me so sad. Jeri Smith Ready delivered an amazing sequel. Loved it!6 out of 5 Stars!
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LibraryThing member pnh002
There was so much I want to say about this book. Putting the words together for a review is going to be terribly hard. I just loved it to pieces. At some point it ripped me in shreds and other times it made me smile like the events had really happened to me. This book surprised me on so many levels
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because normally I DO NOT LIKE sequels but this was a GREAT follow up. I don't think I ever rated a sequel the same as the first book.... Since like... ever.
I think I liked this book so much because of all the information that was given.... And it was given in the right way. It wasn't an overload and seemed to be given at the right times. And with the information being about Aura, her mother, and someone else important in her life, not being weighted down with the information was a big plus. Because believe me when I tell you.... When you get to it, you will have the same reaction I did... "Mind = BLOWN!" It will seriously make you not want to do ANYTHING else but finish this book.
And you just cannot write a review about this book without talking about the boys. *le swoon* Zach, I am forever in love with you! You are the most perfect fictional man ever! Accent, not afraid to be yourself, seriously romantic, cares greatly about your girl, and uses your pain from the past to help you get through the future. If you don't call that absolutely amazing, I don't know what you would. As for Logan, I was definitely on your team in Shade (see my review HERE) But just like in real life, there came a time that I had to let you go. I found myself wishing you would move on and be happy. And let Aura be happy as well. And last but not least... WTH was with Dylan?! I found myself so mad at him and Aura. So many things that definitely shouldn't have been done. No matter what the cause was.
Finding out just how big a part that both Aura and Zach play in the Shift, I am sitting here DESPERATELY wanting the next book in the series, Shine. But still trying to decide if I want to read it right away... It would make the ending of the series too real... And I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet.
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LibraryThing member lisagibson
I waited for what felt like FOREVER to read this book. I loved Shade! Well, it was worth the wait. Shift was even better than Shade.

So much happens in this book. We find out about the Shift and Aura's parentage. The relationship between she and Zach really develops. Yes, Logan is back and there are
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happenings with him as well.

This comes high on my recommend list to read. I don't want to give away too much, just trust me when I say it's not to missed. I'm giving it 5 violet kisses!!
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LibraryThing member CyndiTefft
I read Shift right after finishing Shade (which was great since Shade ended with quite the cliffhanger). The book started off with a bang and lost a little momentum about 1/3 of the way in, but then took off and really finished strong.

I found myself dreaming about these characters at night, they
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were drawn so beautifully. I can't wait until Shine comes out.

If you haven't read this series yet, DO IT!
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LibraryThing member stephanie.dicesare.7
This book was a great sequel to Shade. I loved all the characters, especially Zach. I am dying to read the last book, and i will read Shine soon. The ending was kind of a cliffhanger. It ends with Zach going back to Ireland. I hope Aura visits Zach in the last book, and I hope they are still
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together. I love Logan too. I'm sad that Logan passes on. The book was written well, and I never got bored with the book. Sometimes for sequels, the second book is very boring. I started Torment by Lauren Kate, but the beginning was boring so I stopped. This book kept my attention throughtout the whole book. If anyone is interested in reading this book, i recommend it, but make sure to read the first book, "Shade" first. I totally recommend this series. Five Stars!
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LibraryThing member stephanie.dicesare.7
This book was a great sequel to Shade. I loved all the characters, especially Zach. I am dying to read the last book, and i will read Shine soon. The ending was kind of a cliffhanger. It ends with Zach going back to Ireland. I hope Aura visits Zach in the last book, and I hope they are still
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together. I love Logan too. I'm sad that Logan passes on. The book was written well, and I never got bored with the book. Sometimes for sequels, the second book is very boring. I started Torment by Lauren Kate, but the beginning was boring so I stopped. This book kept my attention throughtout the whole book. If anyone is interested in reading this book, i recommend it, but make sure to read the first book, "Shade" first. I totally recommend this series. Five Stars!
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Original publication date


Physical description

384 p.; 8.4 inches


1416994084 / 9781416994084
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