Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

by Bryan Lee O'Malley

Paperback, 2005



Call number




Oni Press (2005), Paperback, 200 pages


Presented in full color for the first time, this gorgeous package includes new bonus materials, as well as remastered artwork and lettering! The second volume in Bryan Lee O'Malley's epic, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, sees Mr. Pilgrim face off against another of Ramona's exes-Hollywood icon and skateboard enthusiast Lucas Lee!

Media reviews

In short, it’s more of the same as book one, only better.

User reviews

LibraryThing member raschneid
Had fewer incidents paralleling movie, which helped me enjoy it without comparing the two. This series is just deeply adorable. I love how the video game world concept shows up in small as well as big ways, like characters trying to figure out whether other characters are "evil." Also yes they did
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quote Monkey Island.

Very sad that the epic fight in the Toronto Reference Library wasn't in the movie!
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LibraryThing member melrailey
n this volume, Scott has to continue his battle with his new girlfriend's seven evil ex-boyfriends. But in this edition, Scott's ex-girlfriends get thrown into the pot. And, his most recent ex-girlfriend, Knives Chau, isn't going down without a fight.

I enjoyed this volume more than I did the first
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volume. I'm still not sure that I find Scott Pilgrim sympathetic at all but I do like Knives.
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LibraryThing member pokylittlepuppy
These books are SO FREAKING FUNNY it almost makes me ANGRY! Man, to write dialogue this way!! How is it so funny!!! I love it!!!! !!!x4!

Probably my favorite is the massive volume of tiny freakouts Scott is constantly having. So funny, and also, so good a way to make him an understandable character.
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My understanding of him is a lot different now than it was at the start of the first book. I like him this way lots better. Slightly pathetic. Super anxious. Not really a winner. But somehow winning sometimes, by default.

I hope next we learn what's driving Ramona, because I'm still not 100% sure she's worth it. Will probably add another star, once she is.
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LibraryThing member jenniferthomp75
Still a fun series but this volume needed more Wallace!
LibraryThing member ms.awesome
amazing book. i didn't expect it to be like this! i watched the movie, too!
LibraryThing member mahallett
a little disjointed like scott and hard to follow but quite good.
LibraryThing member dk_phoenix
I read this one while sitting in the bookstore (like I did with volume one), but no strange encounter with a stranger prompted it this time. Hah. It wasn't as fun or funny as the first book, but I still enjoyed it and have since ordered the whole series for the hubby (yeah, "for him") as a
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Christmas gift.

There were a few too many flashbacks in this volume for my taste, but the story is still intriguing and I'm looking forward to the next one!
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
I love this series, I might have to go buy them when I finish reading them all (and the movie). Seriously, the books are hilarious and fun. I can't wait to read more of them.
LibraryThing member BenjaminHahn
Another short, fun, trip through Bryan Lee O'Malley's Toronto with the slacker Scott Pilgrim and his pleasantly pathetic life. Again, lot's of fun youth culture puns, video game references, obscure hipster band references, and awesome action packed duels. I really enjoy the occasional footnote
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about Canadian culture and history, which sometimes serve as backdrops to the plot lines.
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LibraryThing member lizzybeans11
I LOVED the movie and couldn't wait to read the graphic novels. BLM is a great artist. His dialogue is sometimes strained or awkward but it's quickly forgiven. I loved a lot of the back-story for the secondary characters that you didn't get to see much of in the film. I have to admit I was at times
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impatient to complete each installment and felt the plot dragged occasionally, but I know that was mostly my own feeling because I knew the film better - a sort of parallel universe version, if you will.

I wish I could write a better review about the books themselves but in my mind I can't separate the cannon story from the film because I hearted it so much! I highly recommend these to anyone who feels the same.
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LibraryThing member flouncyninja
This one gets an extra star because I like the evil ex-boyfriend more than the first book. He's so incredibly stupid. And we get the Kim Pines/Scott Pilgrim back story, which was entertaining. More Kim Pines is always a good thing!
LibraryThing member timothyl33
I know that this is a story that's more about the moment and less than anything else that deals with a beginning, middle, and end. I get that. I even dig the art, the characters, the zaniness of the things that happen. Still, there's a massive roadblock that prevents me from totally enjoying this
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series, and unfortunately, it's the main character, Scott Pilgrim.

There's something about him that sets my teeth on edge where he acts stupid that in some way is expected to be hilarious. But I just can't get it. Maybe he reminds me too much of Ctrl+Alt+Del's Ethan, who also shares the same trait of being stupidly clueless and yet acts he's the center of the universe, expecting applause.

Oh well, maybe the next volume will have something more interesting.
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LibraryThing member Stevil2001
The thing I enjoy about Scott Pilgrim (other than the excellently-chosen captions) is that is takes place in a videogame world.  Fighting other people is a perfectly normal activity, as is them turning into piles of coins when defeated.  I enjoyed the flashback about Scott's high school battles--
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everyone acts like a student being kidnapped by a rival school is a completely plausible occurrence.

Poor Knives Chau.
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LibraryThing member stipe168
Maybe not as good and fresh as the first one, but still addicting and
great. Scott is such a bonehead. Favorite chapter name - ramona come closer.
LibraryThing member MeganAngela
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is the second volume in the Scott Pilgrim series and the namesake for the 2010 movie. This volume gives us more backstory on Scott himself, including his high school relationship with Kim Pine, and contains the fight against Lucas Lee, Ramona's second evil ex! Plus, we
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get a bonus fight between Ramona Flowers and Scott's ex-girlfriend, Knives Chau (who is a personal favorite character of mine)! I found this volume to not be quite as quick or compelling as the first one, but you still can't go wrong with Brian Lee O'Malley's humor and video game/nerd references!

I'd recommend this to graphic novel and video game fans, and, really, to anyone who enjoys humor and absurdity! Four stars!
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LibraryThing member Jellyn
Well, it's okay. Not any better or worse than the first one, I guess. I do wish the high school girlfriend had gone away. Scott is bad at dumping people. He's generally pathetic about everything. But she's also seeing him through extremely rose-colored glasses. Not that I can say that's out of
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character for a teenager. But she is 17.. she should get a clue sometime.And I guess I don't have anything more to say about it. Are we building to an interesting character arc? A really cool over-all 6-volume plan? Or is it just going to be Scott fighting the evil ex-boyfriends and then, the end?
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LibraryThing member arsmith
Scott Pilgrim is awesome. But start with the first one, it’s definitely the best.
LibraryThing member Alfonso809
Ok, when I got to B&N today I showed Mr. Greg a piece of paper with the name of this book on it… he checked on the computer and told me that they didn’t have the first volume… and I said that I don’t give a fuck is freaking manga those thingies ain’t books… so anyway he got me this, now
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I’ve been wanting to read this since ‘Tambito told me there was this huge fight scene with one of the chick’s super evil ex boyfriends… who happened to be a vegan! AND I FUCKING HATE VEGANS! So there was reading this… I don’t know why tambo finds this so funny… I mean I laughed a few times at the FF jokes… and I can understand why when the gay dude founded the other dude in a catatonic state hi asked if somebody deleted his save game in FF… (last time that happen to me I almost killed my best friend) but I don’t know the jokes feel like cookie cutter jokes… like if the writer asked his nerd friend what would trouble a gamer or what would a gamer say in x situation… the other thing is that I kept getting confuse with who was who… the girl looks like the boy and the boy looks like the girl… it was weird… but since they were Emo… there was nothing I could do. also I personally didn’t like the characters… I mean the dude is a dumb fuck, and the chick is a dumb bitch… knife was cool tho… kind of emoish but cool =) also the thing that annoyed me the most was the fact that this takes place in Canada… and I fucking hate Canada!
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LibraryThing member littlesparrow
Still very confusing and filled with too much non-plot related, not interesting information, also, characters are so confusing, since they tend to look the same in black and white...
LibraryThing member charlottejones952
I didn't enjoy this as much as the first but I read the first a while ago so that might be why I found this a bit confusing. Still love the story and the characters but just not as much action as the first.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
The "Scott Pilgrim" keeps right on distinguishing itself from the movie the movie incarnation....usually for the better too. I really wish that the director had kept in the script the scene from this book where Knives attacks Ramona in the library.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
The "Scott Pilgrim" keeps right on distinguishing itself from the movie the movie incarnation....usually for the better too. I really wish that the director had kept in the script the scene from this book where Knives attacks Ramona in the library.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
The "Scott Pilgrim" keeps right on distinguishing itself from the movie the movie incarnation....usually for the better too. I really wish that the director had kept in the script the scene from this book where Knives attacks Ramona in the library.
LibraryThing member ThothJ
The "Scott Pilgrim" keeps right on distinguishing itself from the movie the movie incarnation....usually for the better too. I really wish that the director had kept in the script the scene from this book where Knives attacks Ramona in the library.
LibraryThing member regularguy5mb
The second volume, just as fantastic as the first, goes more into depth on Scott's past, especially his past with Kim. In fact, the book opens with the story of how they met and became involved. The main focus on this volume seems to be Scott's love life.

One of the great things about this story is
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how O'Malley seamlessly integrates video game logic into this world. Evil Exes, once defeated, evaporate and leave coins behind (and sometimes the occasional bonus item). Also, his fourth wall breaks are great! (Scott telling another character they should "read the book some time" when asked about something explained in the last volume).

Again, this whole series is just such a fun read and I highly recommend it to anyone.
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Doug Wright Awards for Canadian Cartooning (Shortlist — Best Book — 2006)

Original publication date


Physical description

200 p.; 7.4 inches


1932664122 / 9781932664126

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